

Our MC was a veteran that died out of old age. He was about to enter paradise when someone stopped him at the gates of heaven and told him that he still had a different destiny to fulfill. Nothing belongs to me except the OCs that appear in the story. Also it will be quite inconsistent updates since I am writing on other projects.

Deathseeker · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Saving Nawaki

The next day, everyone meets at the gate of Konoha as Yone, Orochimaru, Nawaki, and his two teammates group up when the girl in the group asks, "What is our mission again?"

"We are supposed to secure a position that can be used as an HQ for the command chain that is fighting at the western border against Suna, Iwa, and Ame," says Orochimaru as he leads the group.

"What a building is it?" asks Yone as he hasn't seen any pictures of it.

"It's an old temple that was abandoned a long time ago. We have to see if we can use it and clean it up since the enemy could have been using it as well before us," says Orochimaru informing Yone who only nods.

"It should be easy with Orochimaru and Yone in our team," says Nawaki as he smiled while Yone was quite serious since he knew the outside world a bit more now.

"We should arrive there by midday if we keep this rhythm," says Orochimaru as they arrived there as Orochimaru said.

Yone was scouting the area as saw some footsteps on the ground and says, "Someone was here before."

"It could be one of our scout teams since the enemy wouldn't leave any evidence of being here before," says Orochimaru quite sure of it.

Yone trusts him as he was keeping his eyes open when Nawaki suddenly entered the old temple and says, "It seems everything is alright."

Yone felt that something was off as he looked at the temple when Yone asks, "How long has it been that the temple has been used the last time?"

"At least ten years ago, why?" asks Orochimaru nervous since Yone wouldn't ask that when Nawaki takes one step inside while Yone shoots out immediately from his position towards Nawaki who entered.

"I will scout the inside," says Nawaki when suddenly Yone was over his body as a giant explosion sounded breaking everything that was inside.

Nawaki was looking at his older brother covering his body while flames were covering his body when Yone's eyes turned blood red while he says, "Nawaki, are you alright?"

Nawaki forgot what he wanted to say since it was the first time he saw Yone activate his Sharingan. Those eyes and the flames around Yone made him look quite terrifying in this black environment.

"Nawaki?" asks Yone again as Nawaki got out of the disillusion that he was having.

"Yes, I am alright. Thank you brother," says Nawaki as Yone hits his head softly.

"Don't do this again. You could have died because you didn't check the inside before going in," says Yone as his bad feeling really came true.

"Yes brother," says Nawaki holding his head as both stood back up when Nawaki notices that blood was dripping from Yone's back to the ground.

Once they were out he could see that Yone's back had everywhere little hole with blood gushing out when Orochimaru arrives at his side and asks, "How did that wound you?"

"I couldn't make my body turn into fire or the shrapnels would have hit Nawaki and most likely killed him," says Yone as he sat down when he spit blood to the ground.

"We need to leave and get you treated," says Orochimaru as Yone shakes his head.

"Continue with the mission those are light wounds," says Yone as he began to repulse the shrapnels out of his body one after the other while the others began to screen the temple finding no more explosive tags.

"It can be used but it will need some more work from our side," says Orochimaru as he finished the screening with the three Genins.

"Good, we should report then," says Yone as spits again but this time it was some metal piece.

"You need to get treated right now," says Orochimaru as Yone nods.

"Where is the next camp we could go to get myself treated?" asks Yone as Orochimaru takes a little map out and points at a second cross that was on the map beside the border.

"Right here," says Orochimaru as Yone stands up and the five begin to move towards that location.

They arrive and Yone sees that it was the main camp of Konoha. They enter it as Yone takes his coat and armor off making some scars appear in his upper body while his refined muscle could be seen by everyone.

"What happened to him?" asks the Medical-Nin looking at Yone's back injuries as he tries to pull the shrapnels out that Yone still had in his body.

"Explosion tags enough to kill anyone but flames can't hurt me, not like shrapnels. They hurt like hell," says Yone as he stood still when the Medical Nin finished taking the shrapnels out.

"Now I only need to sew you together and we are done," says the Medical-Nin as he wanted to begin when suddenly burnt meat could be smelled.

"No need my flames will do the rest," says Yone as he stood back up and put his armor and coat back on before they began to fix themselves again.

The Genins were walking around the main camp as they could see many injured people that were treated at the time. Some lost their arms or legs making them see the reality of what could happen if they make a mistake.

Orochimaru was guiding them as they needed to report what was happening to the Commander of the main camp as they enter and Yone sees a familiar face.

"Yone is that you?" asks the man as Yone recognizes him immediately.

"Captain Sakumo," says Yone as Sakumo just smiles.

"So you returned to the village after disappearing two years ago," says Sakumo as Yone nods.

"Yes, I returned two weeks ago after hearing that the skirmishes were getting wilder," says Yone as Sakumo nods.

"Yes, it resembles almost a war already," says Sakumo when he notices Orochimaru and says, "But it seems you are here because of a mission, right?"

"Yes," says Yone as Orochimaru took care of the rest while he left after waving at Sakumo to look after the Genins.

Nawaki and his teammates didn't look good as Yone says, "This is the second face of what it means to be a Shinobi. Keep this in mind the next time when you are on a mission that this is what happens when you make a mistake and only if it was a slight mistake. If it is a grave mistake it could be your life."

All three looked at Yone scared when Yone smiles and pets their heads and says, "But that's why Genins have someone older with them to look after them. So remember not to make the same mistake twice from now on."

"Yes," say all three at the same time with determined faces.

"Good since next time I won't be there to help you guys," says Yone as he looked at them.

"What do you mean?" asks Nawaki confused.

"I will be staying here," says Yone as he thought the people here could use him more right now than the village.

"You are staying?" asks Orochimaru overhearing him.

"Yes, can you tell Tsunade about what happened," says Yone as Orochimaru nods while looking at his three Genins.

"We will be leaving then. Look after yourself," says Orochimaru as Yone nods before hugging his little brother.

"I will return as soon as possible," says Yone as he lets go of Nawaki and the team returned while he entered the tent again.

"So you didn't leave," says Sakumo as Yone nods.

"I think you will need me more than they would," says Yone as Sakumo smiles.

"Then it's time for you to work," says Sakumo as he pointed at Ame to be exact on a village near the border of Iwa.

"I need you there to spy on Iwa for us. I know you can do that and even escape if needed to," says Sakumo as Yone nods and begins to move right away.

He took his forehead protector off since he would need to be incognito as his clothes were quite flashy but his weapons wouldn't make him look like a Ninja but a Mercenary perfect for him to infiltrate Ame.

He moved through the land full of war as he saw corpses lying around beside the streets. He looks at them and thinks, 'That could be me if I fail my mission.'

Yone arrived at the village he was stationed in as some Ame Shinobis saw him and stopped him when one of them asks, "Who are you and what do you want to do here?"

"I'm Yami Fire, a mercenary trying to find some work around here since the Shinobis are occupied with this war," says Yone as one opens his eyes.

"Yami Fire, the person that wandered around the continent walking from one job to the other," says one of them.

"You know me?" asks Yone as the person shakes his head.

"No, but there are rumors about you, you were in Kumo then Shimo and from there you went to Yu and so on only entering one village and complete as many contracts as possible before continuing wandering," says the shinobi as the others looked at Yone.

"You can enter just don't make problems for us or we will kill you," says the shinobi from Ame as Yone entered the village and searched for an inn.

'It was good that I worked as a mercenary under a different name before,' thinks Yone as he put his things down before going into the tavern since there he will get the information he needs after all.

Two more years pass with Yone doing some odd jobs in that village as Yami Fire when he decides to move again since the Shinobis were getting suspicious of him until he left for Kawa before going for Hi again as he went for the HQ to inform them that he returned when Sakumo looks at him sadly.

"Yone, you are back," says Sakumo as he couldn't look Yone in the eyes.

"Did something happen while I was away?" asks Yone having a really bad feeling.

"Your parents died 4 months ago. I wanted to tell you earlier but if I did-," says Sakumo as Yone understood.

"I could have blown my cover," says Yone as Sakumo sighs.

"I should also inform you that you should return to Konoha and get some rest since being a spy for more than two years is quite stressful," says Sakumo as Yone nods before leaving when he stopped.

"What about Tsunade and Nawaki?" asks Yone as Sakumo could understand why Yone asked about them.

"They are fine still mourning but fine. It seems that Tsunade began to push the Hokage to make a Medical-Nin part of the teams so something that happens to your parent won't happen again. She also started to study medicine since then. Nawaki on the other hand was hit harder. He seems to have lost his way since that happened and Mito thinks that you could take him on the right path again," says Sakumo as he told Yone everything.

"Then I know what to do. I won't return to the front until everything is resolved at home," says Yone as he leaves after saying goodbye to Sakumo.

Hope you like it.

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