

Our MC was a veteran that died out of old age. He was about to enter paradise when someone stopped him at the gates of heaven and told him that he still had a different destiny to fulfill. Nothing belongs to me except the OCs that appear in the story. Also it will be quite inconsistent updates since I am writing on other projects.

Deathseeker · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Hashirama Dies

Yone was right now one year old as he was walking around the Senju Compound. He had the red hair of an Uzumaki, the black eyes of an Uchiha but nothing on him was a characteristic of a Senju making Mito and Hashirama look confused.

"Well, maybe the Senju part hasn't developed yet," says Hashirama joking about it as Tsunade and Yone were quite close to each other.

Tsunade would always overrun her older brother while he was taking everything as if it was nothing. Making Hana quite proud that both liked each other even if she needed to work on her daughter's personality making her turn into a lady and not a ruffian.

Yone was quite considerate for his age as he might follow Tsunade around so she wouldn't do something dangerous while Hashirama took him sometimes away with Tsunade when he went gambling saying that Yone brings him luck.

Time goes on like that until Yone was four as he was sitting patiently while Tsunade was running up and down the room when she asks, "What can take this long?"

"Tsunade, you should calm down we don't know what is happening and you running up and down the room will only make me nervous as well," says Yone as he was quite nervous since his mother was taken away after the water broke.

Hana was pregnant with their little sibling and when water and blood suddenly appeared both became nervous as they thought it was their fault.

Mito and Hashirama were looking after the two while Tobirama didn't even appear because he didn't want to be in the same room as Yone who he saw as a danger to the clan.

Tobirama wasn't there when Jack and Logan appeared with Yone making Hashirama sigh as he was feeling weak lately from all the stress from being a Hokage.

"Dear, can you check on Hana and Horirama. They are taking too long," says Hashirama as Mito stands up and walked toward the door.

"Tsunade do you want to come with me?" asks Mito as Tsunade immediately agreed while Yone kept sitting there waiting when Tsunade took his hand and pulled on it dragging him behind herself.

"Come on dork. I can't meet ma and da alone," says Tsunade as Hashirama was holding Yone back.

"Tsunade we are going later," says Hashirama as he smiled at his granddaughter who let go of Yone and looked angry at her grandfather before leaving with her grandmother.

"Yone, we need to talk," says Hashirama as he sat back down with Yone.

"Is it because I'm adopted?" asks Yone as he found out about it quite early.

"Yes and no," says Hashirama as Yone looked nervous when Hashirama petted his head.

"Yone, the day you came to the Senju Clan was the same day Tsunade was born. Two men brought you here. They were quite strong," says Hashirama as Yone looked at him excitedly.

"Were they stronger than you, grandpa?" asks Yone curiously.

"One defeated all clansmen without moving while the other made the earth tremble with his sheer presence. If you ask me they could have defeated everyone in the village if they were enemies. But they were carrying you and told me that you would be the Hope of the Village once you grow up," says Hashirama as he takes the fruit he was carrying for Yone the whole time.

"And this is evidence that they really came. I will hand this fruit to your grandma and when you are six I want you to ask her for it. She will know what to do," says Hashirama as he put the fruit away again.

"We should go now. Your little siblings are waiting for you," says Hashirama as he stands back up and takes Yone's hand as both walked towards the room everyone was in.

They arrive as Hana was carrying a newborn child while Tsunade was looking at it with Horirama was on the other side looking at it as well when Yone saw this in front of him he felt out of place until Hashirama put his hand on his back pushing him forward towards the family.

"Ah, Yone look that's Nawaki, your little brother," says Hana as Yone felt warm as he stretched his finger towards Nawaki and Nawaki grabbed his index finger.

"Nawaki, this is your older brother Yone. He will be there whenever you need him," says Hana as she was quite happy that her family was altogether even if Tobirama wasn't around.

"I will excuse myself then, dear can you follow me," says Hashirama as he smiled happily at the family before leaving.

They leave the room to return to their bedroom once there Hashirama gave the strange fruit to Mito and says, "I don't know how long I can hold on. My brother is already taking care of everything for some months now. But he would never trust Yone as we do, that's why I want you to fulfill what those two men told us."

"I will give him the fruit once he turns six," says Mito as she takes the fruit and takes a seals scroll out sealing the fruit inside it.

"I think it is time to meet my old friend," says Hashirama as he laid down in his bed for the last time and closed his eyes for the last time while having a smile on his face.

Mito was crying as her husband died exactly at this moment. She wanted to keep it a secret until the next day so the birthday of her second grandson wouldn't be a sad day for the clan as her husband died the same day.

Two days later the whole village was mourning the death of Hashirama as many of the Senju Clan seemed to blame Yone for it even if everyone knew that Hashirama was getting weaker with every day.

Mito was beside Yone who seemed to have activated the Sharingan after losing his grandfather. The family was beside him while the Uchiha noticed that Yone had activated the Sharingan.

Miko then hands over to Tsunade the necklace that Hashirama used to wear. Hashirama was laid to rest the same day and everything was slowly getting worse for Yone as Tobirama was trying to chase him out.

"You will not chase him out of this house or I will leave as well," says Mito as she looked quite furious at her brother-in-law who was trying to chase her grandchild away.

"He isn't even from our blood," says Tobirama as he looked at Mito.

"He has Senju blood in his veins. The men that brought him to us told us that he has the blood of Uzumaki, Uchiha, and Senju. He has already gained two characteristics of the three. If you throw him out I will return to Uzushiogakure with him and our alliance ends with it," says Mito threatening Tobirama who was now furious from hearing that as he breaks the table.

"The Senju and Uzumaki have been allies even before the village was created. They wouldn't just do that," says Tobirama as Mito closes her eyes.

"You think that if I return with Yone and tell them the story they wouldn't end their alliance. He is an Uzumaki after all he can even prove it with his hair alone," says Mito as she opened her eyes again and behind her, the shadow of the Kyuubi was visible for Tobirama making him frown.

"He can stay but once he is 10 he will leave the compound," says Tobirama as he had other worries at the moment.

"He will still get an allowance from the clan even if he leaves the compound," says Mito as Tobirama agreed to it.

Two years pass since the death of Hashirama and it was Yone's and Tsunade's birthday as Yone was quite excited as well as Tsunade. gifts entered the house and almost all were for Tsunade while Yone was mostly ignored until Mito entered the room holding a seals scroll that she put on Yone's gift table while placing an envelope on Tsunade's gift table as she sees that Tsunade was quite favorited by everyone.

Mito then pets both their heads as Yone looked at her wanting to ask for the fruit Hashirama mentioned to him when Mito place her finger on her lips showing him to keep quiet about it for now when suddenly a person with blood-red hair entered the room everything got quiet.

"Mito, I came as you asked," says the man as he was carrying a giant scroll on his back while having a normal scroll in his hand.

"Igari, it's been long brother," says Mito as she hugs her brother.

He walked inside as he saw Yone and Tsunade sitting together when he asks, "Is that boy the reason you called me to bring the big scroll with me?"

"He is a natural talent in Fuinjutsu. I taught him for two years already and he even has his own Yin Seals on his body," says Mito proud of Yone.

"Yin Seals? You mean one seal right?" asks Igari confused hearing seals instead of a seal as he looked at Yone and didn't see it on the forehead.

"He has them on his shoulders and shins. Like said before he is a genius in Fuinjutsu," says Mito as the man was now quite scared.

"Did you implant the Kyuubi in him? How can it be that he has that many Yin Seals on his body?" asks Igari confused and excited to hear that.

"No, he was born with immense chakra and it only grew over the time. His chakra control is perfect but what he needs right now is some jutsus since the Senju Clan forbids him to learn their jutsus," says Mito as she spoke the last part quite loud making everyone hear that.

"Well, boy you are lucky I must say," says Igari as he placed the giant scroll on Yone's gift table while giving Tsunade the little scroll he was carrying in his hand.

"Happy Birthday to you two from me your grand uncle and the Uzumaki Clan," says Igari as he petted both their heads before turning to his sister.

"Don't worry Yone once everything is over we share our birthday presents," says Tsunade making Yone smile since Tsunade like the Horirama and Hana were on his side as they even went against Tobirama after Mito was done with him.

It was nighttime and Mito arrived at the room where Horirama, Hana, and Yone were waiting as Yone was excited when Mito asks, "Yone, do you have the scroll with you?"

Yone nods as he takes the small scroll he received from her out and Mito opened it and released what was inside. A strange fruit was now sitting on top of the scroll as Mito hands it over and says, "With this, we hold the promise we gave to the two men and hand you the fruit they gave us. Now you just need to eat it Yone."

Yone looked at the fruit as he took a bite of it and he wanted to puke but Mito and the others were watching so he finished the fruit and suddenly his hand began to catch fire scaring everyone as Yone fell unconscious from the shock.

Hope you like it.

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