
Going Mad

Yone was back at the front as he was a walking threat to Ame, Iwa, and Suna Shinobis. Suna was losing many people to Yone because he had a personal vendetta against them for killing his parents.

But without anyone knowing the three states made a treaty to deal with Konoha first because of Yone. Many tried to assassinate him via ambush only to find out that his body was like the rumor said as their weapon just passed him leaving no scratch on him.

Yone was in the middle of the battlefield as he took care of a squad from Iwa when one of them begins to laugh.

"What's so funny?" asks Yone as he took a bite out of his rations.

"We were only here to make sure that you don't help the others. Our mission is done," says the Iwa Shinobi with a grin on his face making Yone get a bad feeling as he stopped eating.

"If what you said is true and the main camp is attacked I will make sure that every person of the Land of Earth follows you to hell," says Yone as his eyes changed and suddenly black fire began to spread through the bodies.

He used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and appeared by his wife's side or at least that's what he thought as he only found her naked body without a head in the middle of what seemed a devastating loss for Konoha.

Yone fell to his knees as he touched her lifeless body when he began to cry while he hugged her body. The enemy around heard him and went to his position as they see a man holding a lifeless body when one of the men says, "Isn't that the wench that killed herself before we could do something to her."

"Yeah, quite a shame not to hear her screams said another when he hold Mikoto's head in his hand while saying, "At least we still have this to keep us company."

The men begin to laugh as one thinks Yone was broken when he tries to kill him his weapon went through Yone without hurting him.

"So you did this to my wife," says Yone cold making the men feel shivers as Yone disappeared while darkness left his body surrounding the whole area.

Then Yone ignited and appeared behind them and his hand passed the body of the man holding his wife's head as he grabbed the head before it fell.

He disappeared in the darkness again as he put the head beside the body while saying to his dead wife, "I will be right back."

Yone then appeared again in front of the men as he says, "You killed my sun."

He breaks the neck of the next person as his red eyes could be seen clearly in the darkness when he says, "Now I will take everything from you. Just wait everyone will follow you."

Yone killed the next man when he says, "I will kill every last one of your people."

Yone then killed the last man as the Darkness returned into his body and he took a look at the forehead protector and sees Suna's symbol on it.

Yone begins to laugh all of a sudden like a madman as he takes a scroll out and stores all the corpses of the Konoha Shinobis that died in it while he takes another scroll out and puts his wife in it.

"I will bury you once I sent everyone to hell," says Yone as he walked back towards the front but this time he didn't care for if he broke a rule he put up for himself.

Yone became mad as he burned the first village down he saw with everyone within it elderly, women, children no one survived that slaughter he produced that day.

He was eating some rations they had before burning it down as a map appeared in his hand and Yone made his plan as he made two circles on the map and they weren't in Ame but Tsuchi and Kaze.

He began to move towards the next village and began his onslaught and his reign of terror for the enemy as Yone was on his way towards Tsuchi to get to Iwagakure and burn it down with the whole land of Tsuchi.

He reached the border and everyone could only imagine how many people were killed by Yone by now when a team from Konoha found Yone near the border to Tsuchi.

Tsunade was leading the team since they didn't know what happened and why Yone was this destructive all of a sudden when she asks, "What is wrong with you?"

Yone just looked at her coldly making her feel scared when Yone looked away again and Tsunade says, "You can't continue destroying everything on your path. Many people even in Konoha see you as a monster for leaving no one alive."

"This is war. You all need to grow up and learn that war doesn't have rules because only the victor writes the history and the loser eats the dust," says Yone as his clothes catch fire.

"Do you think your wife is happy hearing what you have become?" asks Tsunade as she grabbed Yone's wrist when Yone became angry and burned by accident Tsunade's hand.

"When was the last time you spoke to her?" asks Yone as Tsunade looked confused at him.

"What do you mean?" asks Dan who was accompanying Tsunade and her team.

"If you really don't know then you shouldn't put her name in your mouth. I will leave now I have a schedule to complete," says Yone as he continued on his way towards the next village that was at the border to Tsuchi.

He arrives there and Iwa Shinobis were there ready to defend it when Yone smiled as he rushed at them when he grabbed his Crownsblade when his flames turned blue.

He slashes his sword while smiling as the front row of Shinobis fell like flies when the second row tried to jump him when Yone shouts "Gear 3!"

Suddenly the flames began to grow as Yone suddenly turned into a giant made out of blue fire making the people that jumped onto him disintegrate inside him as he stomped his foot on a building making a fire begin in the village as he then pulls his fist back and punches the air in front of him making the flames burn the whole village with everyone inside and some meter away leaving nothing behind.

He had a cold face as the only thing the surviving Shinobi saw was Yone's blood-red eyes before he punched in their direction killing them all.

Then he turned back as he sat down and began to eat again without feeling guilty for killing everyone.

In the meantime, Tsunade returned to the new main camp with her team as she searched for Sakumo and finds him in a tent when she asks, "Where is Mikoto?"

"Mikoto? I haven't seen her for a while she should be with the medical-nins," says Sakumo as he was getting a bad feeling right now.

"She wasn't there that's why I am asking," says Tsunade as Sakumo's feeling became true.

"Now I know why your brother is like a madman," says Sakumo as he was holding his head.

"What do you mean?" asks Tsunade as Sakumo takes a map out.

"Our main camp moved a week ago because we feared an attack from the enemy but we couldn't move everyone so we left half of our troops there. Mikoto was there as well for two days we got no news from them," says Sakumo as Tsunade was shocked.

"You mean that Mikoto and the others could be dead," says Tsunade as Sakumo nods making Tsunade lose her footing.

"So he is on a personal vendetta against everyone," says Tsunade as Sakumo nods again.

"It seems like that," says Sakumo as Tsunade left the tent to see it for herself.

She left the main camp with her team and discovers the battlefield the old camp became. She didn't find a Konoha corpse making her believe Yone did something with them.

Yone was sitting beside a skeleton as he stands up and passes the border between Ame and Tsuchi. He entered the first village on his way and burned it down without leaving anyone alive causing a forest to catch the fire making the whole forest now a barren land with the village as well as the Shinobis that were protecting it.

In the meantime in Konoha, Hiruzen was going over the reports when he asks himself, "What is Yone doing?"

"Something must have happened in the front or he wouldn't have reacted that way," says Mito who knew Yone best.

"Still I hope he wouldn't use such drastic measures to win the war," says Hiruzen when a hawk arrived at his window.

"What if it isn't to win the war-," says Mito when Hiruzen read the letter and continues.

"But a personal vendetta. It seems both Suna and Iwa worked together to ambush the old camp and Mikoto seems to be under the deads. They didn't find the corpse of her or the others but they found Iwas and Suna Shinobis scattered around the place," says Hiruzen as Mito looked seriously as well as Hiruzen.

"If that really happened he won't stop until everything is done even if the war ends he would continue to kill until everyone that is involved is dead," says Mito as she and Hiruzen knew it was the truth.

Hiruzen just remembered the day on the graveyard when Yone visited his dead parent when he said, "I will kill them all..."

"He really won't stop and I will not interfere in this since he is winning the war for Konoha but many will see him as a monster once the war is over. Maybe we should publish why Yone is doing what he is doing. That would help to calm everyone down since they could understand that," says Hiruzen as Mito nods.

"I will take care of it then," says Hiruzen as he informed the press about it.

The next day everyone in Hi knew why Yone was going rampage killing everything in his way and the next day everyone in the other countries found out as well making many people know why Yone was doing this.

Hope you like it.

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