

Isolation is what makes a young Glenn Carter into a new man.

Sterling_Dempsey · Horror
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 - December

My sisters birthday is soon, I remember her 15th birthday.It was hell, first with my mother and father spending a whopping Ten Thousand dollars.Can you imagine the fun she had, she was driving around the Hollywood walk of fame with in a limousine with her friends.I angrily had to ride with my father.Me and father don't have much bondage as we only share a love for politics in a sense.I love all types of history and anything to do with any type of history.Any country, if you asked me so, I'd probably know something about it.Hell I love Learning about American presidents, the history is crazy.My father is a speech type, he can give a whole manifesto out of boredom and conversation.Never like to argue with him because of it.

Well we're at a secluded area where the party is at, friends and family invited plus some extras.You know how the neighborhood gets, some sneak in and this so called "security " doesn't do shit but get high in the parking lot.Well it was great for them all and had a good time but it was saddening too.That month my mother fled to Mexico for some family business and was never back since.That was me at 9 years old, I remember the morning off I ask dad where's mom.He looked at me in anger and disappointment and said "She's working…" I never understood it but I felt bitter ever since.Now you see stories of a family without a father, that's awful in so many ways and it also factor on the gender of the child.It hurts all around having that missing key of family but a mother not being there for almost a decade is insane.A mothers love is one and a billion, it's like a lottery of lust.It feels that empty void of not having self-love or respect for yourself or others.See for my father it's hard and it feels difficult to say "I love you" but with mother I say so often.A person needs a mothers love and that's what I was missing for years on end.Years wondering where she was or why she even left.Now that I'm older, I can understand why but damn I would to have my mother with me in moments I felt alone and destroyed.

It's cold December night as I just finished working out, I never mentioned my nose bleed to my mother because it would freak her out.I finished up and go to shower, this shower is a blob of cleanliness.I'm feeling a revaluation coming on, it's all the endless cycle here.The same thing at dinner and in the living room.Those moments we spend together is a nuisance now.I still cherish every moment here but god damn I hate it.Mother laying in bed as she starts to cough, "you okay ?" I ask as I get my towel and head into the shower."No I don't feel good, I just bought these pills to help it but it's not really working….I know I'll get better…" she groans as she lays in bed and sleeps.I head in the shower as I turn on the water and step away, I still fear the dirty water shall hit again.I falls fine and comes out warm, I haven't taken a warm shower in a while.It feels so smooth, hot water was so tuff to get nowadays.It feels like the warm of tea as you drink it.I finish up as I head out the shower, relaxed and clean.I head for my room and ignore that Clock.Still hate it to the core, it gives me a bad feeling.As I enter the room I leave turn the light off as I put on my clothes.As I put it on the lights flicker and as I look through the mirror of the cabinet I see a weird dark figure.I turn fast in fear as nothing is there.I open the curtains to my balcony door and through the glass I see the house across the street.That house has been under construction for years now, it's trying to make itself a Three story home.It's had many different businesses.It was a little pizza shop once, it was awful.It was a place that sold chandeliers, and then it was a place to go to fix your computer.It's very diverse in the field of working.Well the third floor, it has a little candle against it as a black cat roams it's walks.I open the balcony door and head out to see the cat further.I see the cat flickering with the candle is stands next to it on the window of the home.It puts its paws over the candle, hovering them.It feels burned as it drops the candle on to the street.I don't know what the hell this cat is on but it ain't normal.As if falls and splats my balcony door slams shut.It made me jump as I go to investigate, I try to open the door as I see through the reflection is that dark figure again, some fucking spirit is fucking with me.I turn quickly to see it disappeared, the cats gone too.My mom walks in and opens the door for me, "you locked yourself out ? " she says jokingly.

"Yea…" I say defensively as I look around in paranoia.mom notices and says "what's wrong ?" She says as she frantically holds on to my arms and walks me to my bed.I lay in bed and say "Nothing…uhh Goodnight mom…" I say quickly as I lay in bed and turn my back on her.She is in confusion as she turns off the light and before she exits she says "alright Goodnight…"

Weeks gone by and Christmas is soon to be, a very Blue Christmas.Mother has prepared a table and grill on the balcony for us to enjoy a meal.She's gotten ribs and steaks, Beans and rice, Tortillas as well.A whole dish ready to be made, Dolby is going to make it all.You know Uncle Dolby always has his sarcasm and I don't know to believe him or not.He's always said he's traveled the world and how beautiful it is.He always has jokes about it so I can't take it seriously.What I do take seriously is he said I should travel the world and explore the cultures not many get the opportunity to see.Which I do hope to do one day, maybe Italy or Sweden, somewhere nice.

Well Mother has called upon us to join her at the balcony, everything is prepared.I'm sporting a Santa hat and an ugly Christmas sweater.I put little rain deer ears on M&M, looks very funny.Well I enter the balcony with the aroma of well ribs being prepared.Uncle Dolby is a great cook, almost a love with every uncle.One worked in a restaurant and another in a Cafe.They just love the craft, me myself can make ground beef and that's it.My father loves to cook my sister loves to cook, she can't do it well but she loves it.

Well We all sit around the table as I see a little pile of gifts and a small tree in the corner of the balcony."Here you go kid…." Says Dolby as he hands me a rack of ribs and a stacks of tortillas.

God it smelled amazing and that charcoal foaming the sky is just a delight. "thank you …" I say as I dig in, I pour myself a cup of my favorite soda, Sangria Señoral.My mother is eating already as she looks at her phone and calls my father.I see M&M ain't eating so I throw him a piece, god this fat bastard demolished that rib as if Adam gave it to him.Well my mother is talking with father on the phone as Uncle Dolby puts on a song on the little speaker they've brought out.He plays El Paso by Marty Robbins as he sings along while making the Meats."You know in, Germany, i danced to this song with my girlfriend at the time…" he says to me as he continues to enjoy the song.I just listen while eating as he continues to talk, "Yep, god that woman sure could dance, in the dark too…." He said jokingly.He gets a plate for the dog as it had a little rack of ribs and a piece of meat. "Hey hey…don't waste it !" Says my mom as my uncle looks annoyed. "it's just a small piece…" he says as she explains "we got food for him later, don't waste this on it…." She says as she continues to talk on the phone.The dog continues to eat it as I look at my mom in disgust.This dog has been with us for 6 years now, it's family in all forms.

"Aye but Glenn, you better put effort in school alright, all the money your parents are putting to help you has to pay off, you know you could send me a couple bucks." He says jokingly as my mother scoffed at it.She's still talking with my father as she passes me the phone, "Here talk to him…" she says as I get the phone and put it to my ear. "hello…..dad how are you…." I ask as he says "good….me and your sisters went to eat at A diner and it was good, even better is they paid." He says jokingly as I chuckle.

"Well what gifts did they get you ?" I ask as he says "Well your sister got me new shoes and your brother got me a wallet….very nice…." He says as it's silent until I say "That's good….we'll have a good Christmas " I say ad my mom murmurs to me "tell him I love you…" she demands as I my father says "Yea you to and have a Goodnight…" he says as I take a minute.I finally stomach up and weirdly say "alright love you…" I say quickly as I pass the phone back to mother.She smiles and says "Alright….Goodnight …." She says as she hangs up.She puts her phone on the table as my uncle passes out more plates for us.He handed me a plate of steak and rice as he gives my mother a plate of Ribs and beans.The dog has finished up by now and is in a frenzy of gluttony.It's fat little belly out and it breathing heavily but happily as it's ate.

Now as Dolby has made enough food, he put it in a bowl and covered it in tinfoil if anyone wanted more.The rice and beans are set and a we had a stack of tortillas ready.Had soda and water for everyone, as my uncle cleaned up eating by now he says "Glenn you're gonna love what I got you…" he says as he cleans his hands and goes to get a box under the tree."Here go ahead…" he says as my mother is on her phone.I open it and see a Polaroid camera, it's baby blue.I see he's bought 2 cartridges which carry 10 film each.I burst into a smile, "thank you…" I say gratefully."Cmon, that's it come give me a hug you asshole.." he says happily as he bear hugs me out of my seat.I'm standing now as the dog has slept, from eating too good I guess.Mother gets up as well and goes under the tree to get me a little box, I open it quickly to see it's a DVD copy of Misery.My favorite film, which is odd because, "It's from Rose." Says Mother as I look in shock.I only told her about this film, my Mom doesn't care for much movies but watches some old ones still in black and white.My uncle is more into Mexican Tv shows.I remember I gave her the Misery book and she said she'll read it.She never gave it back, pretty funny.

"How's she doing " I ask as my mom says "I don't know her mother says she hasn't heard from her since she left to New York." She replied as she gets back on her phone.I, in confusion and happiness sit back down.With a smirk as I look at the dvd cover, I open it up and see a little paper folded into the inside of dvd.Well the nights wrapping up as the other gifts are being opened, I put away the dvd for later as my uncle opens his gift to see a cologne my mother got him.My mother got a bottle of Hennessy my Uncle got her, they were very pleased.As they clean up in the balcony and I sit in bed my uncle comes back inside and says "I got you one last thing, wait here…" He says as he goes downstairs.My mother closes the balcony door and is carrying out a trash bag full of our enjoyable Christmas."You all good now Glenn ?" She asked as she's about to leave. "Yes I'm all good, Goodnight …" I say as she exits.My uncle quickly comes back in and shows me a pair of Oxford shoes."Wow…" I say as he says "try em on…" I sit on the bed and put on the shoes.They fit good and feel amazing, "they're nice …" I say as I get up and walk around with them in the room.The shining black feels great, gives me great confidence in my presence.

"These shoes are special, they belonged to your grandfather who than gave you to your uncle in prison but then he lost em in a bet with me and now I had waiting to give em to someone who I think deserves them…" says Dolby in excitement as I feel a great stride with them on."Well I love em, thank you…." I say with a smile.He looks in pure joy as he is about to leave before he says "Now take care of these shoes alright…..and Goodnight kid…" he says as he exits and closes the door on the way out.I stand there feeling great, I look in the mirror and feel great.I lay in bed with the shoes on as I sleep in them.