

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Cruze left the study while the maid quickly followed him out of the room after serving the juice and desserts.

When the door was closed by Cruze, Douglas, who was waiting outside, asked softly, "What's the situation?"

Cruze held in his urge to laugh and replied, "Mr. Ryan asked me to leave them alone. This kid has so much dignity. If only…"

He almost blurted it out. If he didn't know Ryan was Martin's son, he could've mistaken the child as Davon's son instead.

Douglas smiled. "Haha! Of course. Mr. Old Roman likes him the most. He'll be a successful man in the future."

"I'm so curious. What does he want to tell Mr. Young Roman?" Cruze was hungry for gossip.

Douglas couldn't help but sigh. "Most probably the matter regarding his mother. It's not easy for him. He's only three years old, but he's so brave… Hey! What are you doing?"

Cruze was pressing his ear against the door to eavesdrop on the conversation inside the room.

"What do you want to tell me?" Davon swirled his wine glass as he looked at the child.

"Are you Mommy's boyfriend?" Ryan sat on the sofa with his back upright.

Davon was slightly taken aback as he raised a brow. "Your Mommy told you?"

Ryan shook his head and analyzed, "She didn't say anything. However, she always has an unnatural expression while her eyes light up when she mentions you every time. She even blushes sometimes."

"Oh…" The image of Violla being embarrassed surfaced in Davon's mind when he listened to Ryan's description. 'That woman never hides her emotions. It's so easy to tell what she's thinking.'

Ryan asked, "You're the one who moved into the unit upstairs, right?"

"How do you know?" Davon was very curious.

'Is he only three years old? I was only as smart as he is when I was six years old.'

Ryan reasoned, "Ever since you moved in, Mommy always prepares another set of breakfast and the quantity of the food is large. Although she is used to giving presents to the neighbours in the past, she put extra care into the food she prepares for you."

Ryan pondered for a while and said, "Plus, I saw your car and some bodyguards coming in and out of the house, so I guess you're the one who moved in."

"You're very smart!" Davon smiled and poured Ryan a glass of apple juice. "Your Mommy always prepares apple juice for me. Do you guys like it?"

"Eliana likes apple juice." Ryan nodded and explained, "Jason and I like grape juice, but grapes are too expensive, and Mommy seldom buys it, so we drink apple juice instead."

Davon didn't say anything. 'I never knew… She even saves money from the fruits she buys.'

He poured a glass of grape juice for Ryan.

"Grapes are expensive, so I choose not to eat them. If we can't afford toys, it's fine because we don't need them." Looking at the grape on the glass, Ryan's childish voice was laced with bitterness. "We were poor in the past. Although we stayed in a tiny house, we were happy together."

"What are you trying to say?" Davon lifted his head to look at the child.

Ryan wore a serious expression and asked, "Do you love her?"

Davon raised a brow at Ryan. "Do you know what love is?"

"Of course. If you love someone, you'll protect her, care for her and be considerate. Besides, you won't hurt her even if you got mad in arguments." Folding his arms, Ryan answered earnestly without a hint of hesitation.

His words made Davon fall silent. 'I protected Violla and cared for her. However, when we argued, I couldn't control my emotions and hurt her.'

"Sometimes, Mommy is angry at our wrongdoings. She'll reprimand and reason with us, but she never beat or hurt us. I'm sure that is love." Lifting his head, Ryan looked at the adult in front of him and cut to the chase. "Do you know where my Mommy is?"

Uncrossing his legs, the man furrowed his brows and said, "You're saying that I captured her?"

'This child has such impressive logical thinking. He was beating around the bush to lead me to this question.'

Ryan frowned and eyed the adult anxiously. "My impression of you has always been brutal and intimidating. Did you fight with Mommy? Is that why you locked her up?"

Davon took a sip of his wine and replied, "We didn't fight, and even if we did, I wouldn't lock her up."

'So that's why the children are afraid of me. I've been giving off a bad impression.'

Ryan pressed on, "Then where is she right now?"

Davon evaded the serious matter. "She's in another city, and she'll be back tomorrow night. Don't worry. I'll ensure her safety."

"Can I trust you?" Ryan was still worried.

"I swear." Davon's lips curled up as he wanted to win over the child's trust.

"Then that's great!" Ryan heaved a sigh of relief as he drank the grape juice. Then he placed the glass down and excused himself politely. "I have to go. Thanks for the treat."

The child was so young, but he had good manners. His every move gave off a gentleman-ish impression and infected the arrogant and cold Davon.

He placed his wine glass on the table and stood up to send the child off. "Don't worry and stay at your grandpa's house. Your Mommy will come for you guys after a few days."

Ryan bowed at the adult to show his respect. "Thank you. I enjoyed our talk today. I think I have a greater understanding of you now."

"Hehe! My pleasure!" Davon smiled.

Ryan moved his short legs and slid down from the sofa, while Davon went to support him subconsciously.

Hand-in-hand, the two of them exchanged a glance and curled their lips, smiling at each other.

Ryan's smile moved Davon, and for some reason, the latter felt a sense of familiarity toward the child.

"Goodbye." Ryan turned around to leave after giving Davon a smile.

The door of the study opened, and out came the two of them. Douglas bowed at Davon before leaving with Ryan.

The adult stood in the corridor on the second floor and watched them leave.

When Ryan was about to exit the main hall, he turned around and waved his hand at the man.

Davon waved back subconsciously with a wide smile on his face.

After Ryan left, Davon retracted his gaze from the main entrance. It was right then he finally noticed Cruze and the others were widening their eyes in surprise, as they had their mouth agape, all the while staring at him.

They had been serving Davon for ten years, but he had never shown his friendly side to them.

'He is acting so friendly toward a child!'

Heading toward the study, Davon returned to his usual self, and his expression changed from amiable to icy cold in an instant.

Cruze walked toward him and asked nosily, "Mr. Roman, what did you guys talk about?"

"Busybody." Davon rolled his eyes at him and got ready to continue his work.

Suddenly, the butler rushed into the study and asked anxiously, "Mr. Roman, did you drink the grape juice?"

Confusion arose in Davon's mind as he saw the reaction of the butler. "I didn't. What's wrong?"

"That's a relief." The butler heaved a sigh of relief. "When the new maid prepared the grape juice, she added some peaches to lift the sourness, but she didn't know you're allergic to peaches. I was worried, so I came in a rush. That really scared me to death."

"Thank goodness you didn't drink the juice." Wiping off his sweat, Cruze reprimanded, "You'll have to train and explain everything clearly to the new maid."

The butler nodded profusely. "Yes. I've gathered them for a meeting, and I'll explain everything to them. There won't be another mistake next time."

"You can go now." Cruze waved his hand dismissively.

After cleaning up the table, the butler lowered his head and left the room.

Davon sat at his desk. Right when he was about to go through the documents, Douglas called him. "Mr. Davon, what did Ryan eat at your place?"

"He drank some juice. Why?" Davon took his pen to sign the documents after giving them a detailed read-through.

"After getting on the car, Ryan felt uncomfortable, and he vomited a lot of green liquid. There are rashes on his face and neck…" Feelings of worry consumed Douglas as he spoke in a rushed tone. "Mr. Young Roman, you can't do this to a child even if you're mad about something. Mr. Old Roman likes this child the most. If something happens to him…"

Davon immediately interrupted Douglas and gave his orders in a hurry. "He's allergic to peaches. Send him to the hospital now!"

Douglas was stunned for a moment. Then he quickly replied, "Alright. I'll send him to the Amelia's Hospital now."

"Go to Immaculate's Hospital instead. I'm heading there." Davon sped toward the door of his study while talking on his phone.

"Get the car ready." Davon roared.

After hanging up, Douglas hurriedly instructed, "Go to Immaculate's Hospital, now!"

Davon returned to his room and changed into a new set of clothes. Running down the stairs, he called Immaculate. "A child has an allergic reaction and is heading toward your hospital. Wait for him at the entrance."

Immaculate replied, "Yes…"

Davon added, "He is Violla's son, so you should be the one to treat him."

"Understood." After listening to Davon's orders, Immaculate got ready as she left for the entrance.

Davon hung up before getting into the car, while Cruze and the bodyguards followed him.

The car sped away toward the Immaculate's Hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Cruze asked, "That's strange. Why does the child have the same allergy as you?"

Wearing a grim expression, Davon only frowned and said nothing in return.

"Could it be…" Cruze had bold speculation of the whole matter, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. " Mr Roman could it be...."

Davon urged, "Drive faster."

"Yes," the driver responded and stepped on the accelerator.

Suddenly, Davon turned to Cruze and instructed, "I want you to find out the kids' date of birth and their blood types."

"Yes, sir." Cruze's immediately made some arrangements to look into the kids' information.

At that moment, Davon's phone rang, and he immediately answered the call. "Douglas."

"Mr. Young Roman.We've arrived at Immaculate's Hospital, and Immaculate is attending to the child." Douglas sounded restless. "Mr. Old Roman asked me to return. When will you be here?"

"I'll be there after five minutes, so go ahead," assured Davon .

Douglas was overwhelmed by fear, and he panicked. "I'm still worried… Mr. Old Roman likes the kids very much, especially Ryan. If anything happens to him, it will be the death of me!"

"You're overthinking. I won't harm a three-year-old no matter how brutal I am." Davon knew what Douglas was getting at.

"That's great… That's great." Douglas let out a sigh of relief and reminded, "Mr. Young Roman, I'll be back real quick."

"Go." Davon grew impatient as he felt Douglas was a tad too nagging.

At the same time, he could comprehend how much D'barl liked the kids to make Douglas believe he would be dead if anything happened to the kids.

Although the elderly loved to be around kids normally, D'barl wasn't the average old man. Besides, he had met many kids before.

Despite Violla's kids were adorable, the adoration D'barl had for the three kids was quite unusual.

In the past, Davon thought D'barl was getting more and more emotional as he aged. However, now that he thought about it, an idea popped up in his mind. 'Could it be… Family ties? No..no...wait. Grandpa has been knowing it all along. He was giving me time to figure things out for myself. Grandpa has never been the one to burst anyone's bubble.'

The thought flashed across his mind, and he was stirred up.

" I wasn't intialy raised by my biological father. He only knew I was his biological child after an allergic reaction, Cruze. Grandpa gave me his ring and changed my name to Davon." Davon shared.

"So I heard. Life is truly a circle. History sure has a way of repeating itself." Cruze looked at Davon's indecipherable expression.

At that moment, he received a call from Immaculate. "How's the child?"

"It's not a serious problem as it's just a normal food allergy. I've given him an injection, and he's asleep now." Immaculate paused for a second and lowered her voice to avoid waking the child up. "However, he's stirring in his sleep, always calling out to his mother. Has something happened to Miss Milan?"

"No…" Davon didn't wish to talk about it, so he changed the topic. "Is there a lab for DNA testing?"

Immaculate froze for a while and answered quickly, "Yes."

"I would like to do a DNA test with the child." When Davon was talking on the phone, the car had arrived at the entrance of the hospital.He immediately got off the car and sped up to meet Immaculate.

"Yes, sir." After hanging up, Immaculate took Ryan's blood sample when he was asleep and took Davon's when the man arrived.

"I'll wait here. Go ahead with the test," Davon instructed in a serious tone.

"Yes, sir." Immaculate took their blood samples to the lab for a DNA test.

Cruze's heart started racing when he looked at Davon's grim expression.

He took a glance at his watch and saw that it was half-past ten in the evening. 'The results will be out before Violla returns.'

Buttoning his sleeves, he got up and walked toward the children's ward.

Looking through the glass window, Davon saw Ryan lying on the hospital bed with rashes all over his good-looking face. He was on a drip while his brows were furrowed in his sleep.

"Mommy, mommy…" Suddenly, Ryan groaned softly in his dreams.

Davon hurriedly entered the ward and stood beside the bed. He wanted to comfort the child, but he was unsure of what to do, so he could only look at the child shifting in his sleep.

"Mommy will be back soon. Don't be afraid." one of the kids' nurse's hurriedly held Ryan's hand and pat the child's chest gently.

Soon enough, Ryan calmed down, and his knitted eyebrows relaxed.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Davon turned to the nurse and ordered, "Stay here and look after the child."

"Yes, sir." the nurse squatted beside the bed stayed with Ryan.

However, with Davon's presence in the room, the nurse was nervous and started trembling.

Noticing the nurse's reaction, the man took a glance at Ryan and left soon after.

"Mr. Roman! Look at this!" Cruze ran toward Davon and handed his phone to him.

Taking the phone over, Davon looked at the screen and saw that it was the information of the three kids.To his disappointment, the kids had blood type A, which differed from his.

Davon's heart almost stopped beating when he saw that, but he continued to read the information, and the date of birth of the kids seemed to add up. 'Based on my calculation, Violla got pregnant after sleeping with me that night four years ago.However, this can't prove anything.Only the DNA test results can determine if they are my kids.'

Davon was restless, as he wanted so badly to get the results immediately. With those thoughts in his mind, he turned to Cruze and instructed, "Find out Violla's and Martin's blood types."

"According to Clyde's report, Martin has blood type O while Miss Milan has blood type A." Cruze opened the folder with the information on his phone and showed it to Davon.

Looking at the image, Davon's emotions were in a complete mess. 'In that case, the kids inherited Violla's blood type, so it was difficult to tell who their father is.'

Davon turned to look at Ryan while a strong feeling grew in his heart, telling him that the child was indeed his son.

"Ryan…" Suddenly, a squeaky voice sounded from outside the room.

Turning around, Davon saw two nurses leading Jason and Eliana into the room.

Jason frowned in anger and aimed his toy gun at Davon. "You big meanie! Not only did you bully Mommy, but you also bullied Ryan. I'll kill you!"

"Ah, don't. Please don't." His nurse hurriedly stopped him and advised, "Jason, didn't we make a promise before coming here? You promised not to lose your temper and be calm before knowing the situation."

"Miss, please get out of my way. I want to beat him to death!" Jason growled in fury.

"Bad guy! Bad guy!" Finny flapped its wings and let out a piercing scream.

"Meanie… You meanie!" Eliana dashed toward Davon, flailing her small fists at his legs.

There was no feeling from her soft punches.Sensing no reaction from the man, Eliana grabbed his leg and bit down hard.

Davon froze as he stared at Eliana blankly. He was never afraid of anything, but facing the adorable child as his opponent, he was at a loss.

"Oh my god!" Their other nurse ran to the child and carried her up in her arms to pull her away from Davon.

However, Eliana hugged Davon's leg tightly, reluctant to let go. She looked like an adorable kitten as she attached herself onto the man's leg and bit down again.