

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Nevertheless, Davon ignored Violla and quietly stared outside the window. It was as though what she thought meant nothing to him.

His disinterest in what she said made Violla even more agitated. Her brows knitted as she figured that it was a bad idea to get into an all-out argument with the man in front of her.

Violla took a deep breath. "A lot has happened in my family," she explained in a calm and gentle manner. "The kids lack a sense of security. It is imperative that I be home right now. I'll keep you company when Mrs. Blake comes back, okay?"

"And when will that be?" Davon finally said something. Even though he sounded cold, he was still giving Violla a chance to communicate with him.

"It won't be long. I'll have to ask Dr. Immaculate for the specifics." Violla was observing Davon's reaction. "Besides, I'm finally working tomorrow. We can still see each other at the office."

"The office?" Davon slowly eased closer to her, his hand slipping under the dress to explore about. "That sounds like a good idea," he spoke while his lips touched her earlobe.

Violla knew what he was thinking about and quickly explained, "I said see each other. Not, that…"

"Don't lie." Davon bit her earlobe. His warm breath was fanning the smoldering fire within her. "Your body is more honest than your mouth."

"Davon… " Before Violla could say anything, Davon stopped her.

His cold lips exerted full dominance as they pried her lips apart, infiltrating and invading every available space there was between her lips.

Violla was helpless against his kiss. She could do nothing but let him please her. Because of her passion, her petite body was shaking in Davon's arms.

Sitting at the front of the car, Cruze could sense that something was going on at the back, so he quietly pulled the curtains shut.

The bodyguard that was driving was the same as last time. Like what happened last time, his hands were trembling on the steering wheel, and his face was flushed.

"Ahem!" Cruze cleared his throat and quietly scolded. "Focus on driving."

"Yes!" the driver responded and quietly said, "Mr. Young Roman seems to like to do this in the car."

"It's exciting I guess." Cruze answered casually.

"Huh?" the driver did not get it.

"Don't ask. Just keep your eyes on the road," Cruze replied coldly.


"Fine. I'll let you off the hook this time." Davon did not go any further, reluctantly letting Violla go . He placed his forehead on hers and held her face with one hand, quietly calming himself down.While Violla panted heavily like a fish out of water.

"You need to follow orders. Got it?" Davon bit her ear.

"Got it." Violla nodded obediently. She knew that she needed to listen to everything Davon said so that she and the kids could live peacefully.

'With his personality, he'll get bored soon enough. When that time comes, I'll take Mrs. Blake and the kids to another city and start over.'

"Head over to Uplands Estate!" Davon instructed.

"Yes, sir." The two men in the front looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

The driver immediately turned the car around and headed to Uplands Estate.

The two locations were far apart. It took a little over an hour before they reached Uplands Estate.

Cruze then got out of the car and opened the door for Violla while the driver opened the trunk and took out all the shopping bags. "Miss Milan !" He handed it to her respectfully.

"Do you need me to go up with you?" Cruze asked.

"It's fine. I can take it from here." Violla turned towards Davon. "Thank you for sending me home and the gifts. Good night!"

Somehow, Davon was caught off guard by Violla's courtesy as he looked at her. "Sure. Get going now!" He replied casually.

Violla immediately hurried away as though she just received an order, quickening into a run shortly after. She was eager to see her children.

At the same time, Davon kept his eyes on her through the rearview mirror. 'When will she act the same way and run towards me this way?'

Violla reached her home and took off her shoes quietly. She was about to unload the things she had in her room when Eliana suddenly ran out. "Mommy's back! Mommy!"

"Oh! Eliana, did you just got out of the shower?" Violla picked her up and stroked her wet hair.

"Mommy, we brought a lot of delicious food for you. It's in the kitchen." Eliana had just finished her shower, so she had a cute little pink bathrobe on her .Her hair was still wet while her beautiful face radiated.

"Thank you, Eliana!" Violla gave Eliana a peck on the cheek and looked at her lovingly. "Did you have fun today?"

"I did. Grandpa Roman bought a lot of delicious food for us. He also bought Fairy Land as well as the kindergarten."

Eliana went on to tell Violla what happened that day. She expressed immense excitement and satisfaction while going through all the fun things that happened.

"Hahaha. As long as you guys enjoyed yourselves." Violla looked at Eliana's happy face and felt relieved. She had always known that the kids needed more than just a mother; they needed a family.

No matter how good of a mother she was, Violla could never replace the other components that made up a family.

"Eliana, we should go dry your hair. You might catch a cold." The nurse beckoned to Eliana with a smile.

"Go on then." Violla gave her a little shove.

"I'll dry my hair then, Mommy. Talk to you later." Eliana turned around, wiggling her butt as she ran back into the bathroom with her stubby legs.

Violla watched Eliana leave with a smile on her face until she was out of sight. Then, she noticed Ryan was standing by his bedroom door, looking at her.

"Ryan!" Violla carried the bags over to him. Ryan was already in his pajamas, and it looked like he had already washed up.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded. His eyes then shifted over to the shopping bags in her arms. "Mommy, did you go shopping?"

"I did. I saw that there was a sale at the mall, so I went and did some shopping." Violla was lying, so she dared not look Ryan in the eyes. "They were really cheap, not more than a couple of tens each."

"You do need some clothes. All our other classmate's mommy would always dress up nicely." Ryan went and took a box of pizza out of the kitchen with a box of juice. "Mommy, we packed this up for you. There're some chicken wings. "

"That's great! I'm actually starving right now." Violla was delighted. "Put it on the table, Ryan. Mommy's going to change first."

"Okay," Ryan replied and took the boxes to the table. The nurse even took two glasses out for them.

Soon enough, Violla came out with a change of clothes, and Ryan passed her the cup of juice he poured out.

Violla finished it in one go and started feasting on the pizza. "It's still warm and tastes amazing!"

"I asked one of the nurses to help me heat it up," Ryan said as he drank the juice, accompanying his mother as she ate.

"Ryan, you can have some too." Violla gave a slice of pizza to Ryan.

"I already ate. My tummy's still stuffed right now." Ryan gave his round stomach a slap. "I can't sleep because of it."

"Go take a stroll then. Or you could play with Finny for a bit," Violla said as she rubbed his stomach.

"Finny keeps sleeping these past few days. It doesn't seem like she wakes up." Ryan looked troubled at the mention of Finny. "Finny woke up just now and squawked for a bit. But went back to sleep right after. Mommy, is she sick? Do we need to take her to a vet?"

"I've already taken Finny to the vet. The vet said she's just drunk. She'll be back to normal after sleeping for about three days. Don't worry," Violla assured her son before taking a sip of juice.

"Huh? Drunk?" Ryan's eyes widened. "Where did Finny get the alcohol from?"

"Some brainless idiot fed it to her," Violla responded casually.

After that remark, the image of Davon's stony face flashed before her mind, unknowingly sending chills down her spine.

"Was it an idiot or a bad person?" Ryan knitted his brows. He was mad. "Parrots can't drink alcohol. Even I know that, and I'm a kid! But the guy didn't? I don't think he's stupid, Mommy. He's just evil."

"Not necessarily." Violla did not want her children to hate their own father, so she immediately changed the subject. "By the way, how was your day?"

"We had quite a lot of fun. Fairy Land had a lot of stuff that we would never get to play at home. Also, we bumped into someone from school!" Ryan reported sensibly. "It was Titus!"

''Did you guys get into an argument?" Violla asked gently as she put down her pizza.

"Nope." Ryan shook his head as his face expressed sympathy. "He's not who he used to be. He lost all that arrogance he once had and is more reserved now. He doesn't even play with anyone else besides Eliana."

Violla went quiet after hearing what Ryan just said. It seemed to her that, ever since Amira and Leila found out about the man four years ago was Davon, they did not try to mess with her.

However, Violla knew that the Stanleys were not doing so well these days. The Smiths were also affected by it. Investors were retracting their investments, and the company was at its limit.

Other than that, Franklin had already made up his mind about the divorce with Leila. Thus, these issues must have greatly affected Titus.Children should never be involved with adults' problems.

Even though Titus and Eliana had some conflict back then, Violla still believed that Titus was actually a good kid. But now, he ended up that way because of his family.

"Mommy, why did you impersonate the janitor of Fairy Land?" Ryan asked after some pondering. "Was it to protect us?"

"Yeap." Violla nodded. "I was concerned and wanted to go take a look. But I didn't want to interfere with your fun."

"Mommy!" Ryan felt touched and hugged Violla.

"Ryan, I know you're smart and very considerate." Violla patted Ryan's back and spoke gently, "But I want you to feel happy just being yourself. Leave everything else to me, and I will protect all of you, okay?"

"I'm worried about you, Mommy." Ryan held in his tears and choked on his word. "I don't want you to get bullied. I want to protect you!"

"Ryan…" Tears welled up in Violla's eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to make her sound calm. "I'm not going to get bullied. Don't worry!"

"Okay. " Ryan nodded and said nothing else.

With that, Violla cupped his face in her hands and kissed his forehead. "Alright now." She smiled. "You should go to bed. It's getting really late. By the way, where's Jason?"

"He's already sound asleep." Ryan rolled his eyes as he pouted. "He told me he'd wait for me to finish my shower and play with me. But when I came out, he had already fallen asleep on the carpet. The nurse got him into the bed. He actually clung onto her neck for quite a while."

"Hahaha." Violla laughed. "Jason's so adorable!"

Right then, a nurse came out of the bathroom carrying the plump Eliana in her hand. "Eliana's also asleep now," she said awkwardly. "Her head just flopped while I was blow-drying her hair. I took a look and found out she was asleep. Hahaha. "

"Looks like they're all exhausted from all the fun they had." Violla looked at Eliana with a smile.

"She looks tiny, but she's actually quite heavy." The nurse laughed.

Another nurse quickly came to assist her. "Let's put her in bed."The two nurses carefully placed Eliana in her princess bed, covering her with a blanket. Then, they shut the door and proceeded to bid their farewell to Violla.

After that, Violla washed up before going to check on the kids in their bedroom. She had a happy grin on her face while she looked at their cute sleeping faces.

In a blink of an eye, it was the dawn of a busy Monday morning.

At exactly ten minutes to seven, Mrs. Blake called Violla , "Miss, today's Monday. Remember to get the kids in their uniforms and pin their badges."

"Okay." Violla quickly got dressed and opened the door to take a look outside.

The three nurses arrived five minutes ago. One was preparing breakfast while the other two were helping Eliana and Jason get ready.

After that, Violla shut the door and went on to freshen up.

"There's more," Mrs. Blake continued. "Eliana has art class today whereas Ryan has robotics class; Jason has soccer, but his foot is injured, so he most probably won't be able to attend. Be sure to let the nurses know about these classes."

Mrs. Blake kept going until the voice of a nurse could be heard. "Mrs. Blake ,Dr. Immaculate is coming to do a check-up. Can you put your phone down? We need to measure your blood pressure."

"Just a second, I'm not done here," Mrs. Blake replied. "Miss, Ryan doesn't like to eat egg yolks, so please convince him. And Jason always pours the milk into the flower pot, so you need to keep an eye on him. As for Eliana, make sure there's no layer of film on the milk, or she'll get a stomachache."

"I understand, Mrs. Blake," Violla replied while she brushed her teeth. "Just focus on your treatment. I'll find some time to bring the kids along to visit you."

"Alright then. That's all for now. You should hurry up and don't forget to have some breakfast."

After that call, Violla's heart melted just by thinking about Mrs. Blake's reminders.

Since there were three nurses to take care of the kids, the morning progressed rather efficiently.

When Violla got out of the bathroom, breakfast was already ready. The kids were all prepared for school and sat at the dining table quietly.

Violla also took some breakfast and went down the stairs with the kids. Then, she sent them on the school bus before hopping in a car to go to work.

A lot had happened recently, so Violla did not really get to do her work as a mom.

Violla felt a little sorry, so she swore that she would do her best from then onward.

That day, Violla had reached her office earlier than usual, so there was no queue at the elevator. When she was about to enter, she saw Molly and a few higher-ups inside. Hence, she immediately backed away. "You guys go ahead. I'll wait for the next one."

"Come in." Molly shifted a bit and made space for Violla.

Left without a choice, Violla entered with her head down.

However, the people inside were talking among themselves. No one was bothered by her.

"Miss Molly is the press conference at one o'clock? Will Mr. Roman be there?" One of the higher-ups asked.

"Of course, Mr. Roman will definitely be present at such an important event such as this," Molly answered with a smile.

"Will miss Laura be there too? We've not seen her in a while now."

"Miss Laura is such a talented, capable and beautiful person. Not to mention easygoing. There doesn't seem to be a hint of arrogance in her."

"That's true. I bumped into her last time at level 17, and she actually greeted me."

"I heard Mr. Roman and Miss . Laura are getting engaged. Is that true?"

"I'm not sure about that…" Molly looked at Violla and smiled. "Today's press conference is important. Everyone should get ready and stop gossiping around."

"Hahaha… Of course!"

Their conversations continued while Violla stayed quiet. 'It's no wonder I didn't see Laura these past few days. She went overseas. Will she cause any more scenes after she returns today?'

Violla recalled the treatment she got at Garden golf. Previously, Laura caused a lot of problems for her, and even Martin got dragged into it.

'But… Why is there a press conference today? Why didn't I know about it? It must be important if Davon's going to attend. '