

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Violla stared at Davon stunned. Her mind was in a mess.

'How did he come to that conclusion?

To actually think that Martin is the father? However, it does kind of make sense since the kids are now with Martin.'

Furthermore, Violla had tried her best to keep the children a secret from Davon.

If the children were his, he couldn't think of any reason why she needed to keep it from him.

Moreover, Martin had arrived with his family to plead on her behalf. It was obvious to anyone that their relationship was beyond ordinary.

"Did I guess correctly?" Davon's hands trembled from the anxiety while his eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

Violla didn't admit nor deny it.

Perhaps it was for the best as she could still hide the fact for a while longer.

However, she was worried that it would become a burden to Martin.

Just when her imagination was running wild, Cruze's voice could be heard from outside again. "Mr. Roman, Mr. Black has just called…"

"Get out!" Davon roared just like an enraged lion, causing the atmosphere to be even more terrifying.Violla closed her eyes, shivering in fear.She could feel as if he was about to strangle her to death anytime.

"Violla Milan!" This was the first time Davon called out her full name.

"You are just unbelievable." The words came out in between his gritted teeth.

"You managed to lead me in circles! You lied to me saying that you had a miscarriage and that it was your first time. You also claimed that I was the only man you had. Damn it, you even got me to act as an escort and pay compensation to you…"

"F*ck! All the money you have tricked from me has been used to raise the three ba...!"

"Shut up," Violla interrupted him angrily, "Don't speak of my children like that!"

'They're your children too.How can you accuse your own flesh and blood as being b**tards?'

"So what if I said it?" Davon snarled. "Violla, I have underestimated you. I always thought that you were as pure as snow. It seems the mother-daughter duo have been right about you after all. You are indeed a slut!"

"You…" Violla trembled.

"First, there's Martin ,and then Franklin… Who else is there? How many men are there?"

"What has that got anything to do with you?" Violla was outraged and pushed him away. "From the beginning, I only wanted you to pay compensation and didn't want to have anything to do with you. I have always told you that I have a boyfriend but you wouldn't believe me…"

Before she could finish, Davon grabbed onto her neck and pushed her onto the bed. He roared aloud just like a beast gone mad. "Do you think just because you have Martin that you can be free of me? Don't forget that you have signed a contract. Therefore, you belong to me, every single part of your body."

"Let me go, you crazy a*sh*le." Violla struggled vehemently.

"Let you go? I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy." The more Davon thought about it, the angrier he got, to the extent his eyes were already bloodshot. "From now on, you are just a despicable slave. I will toy and torment you however I want!"

Just as he spoke, he tore up the sheets and tied her to the bed.

"A*sh*le! Animal! Beast..."Before she could even finish berating him, her mouth was stuffed.

All she could do was stare daggers at him.

"If you continue to glare at me, I'll dig your eyes out!" Davon pointed at her in fury.

Violla looked away pitifully as tears rolled down her cheeks before Davon stormed out in anger.

"Mr… Mr. Roman,Martin and his are waiting outside."

"Let them be." Davon scowled.


After being tied for who knows how long, Violla felt her limbs go numb. She tried her best to struggle free but her wrists and ankles were already burning. It felt as if the cloth was going to cut through them. Finally, she gave up struggling to save herself some energy.

She then noticed it was so quiet outside that she couldn't hear a thing.

She surmised that the bodyguards and maids must have known that Davon was furious. Hence, they didn't dare to anger him further.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she could see that it was Martin that was calling.

She tried to wiggle her arm to answer but wasn't successful. All she could do was stare blankly at it until the call ended by itself.

After a long time, she noticed a light dancing about her window. She was delighted by it as she knew it must be Martin trying to signal her.

She wanted to respond but her mouth was stuffed. Unfortunately, she was unable to make a sound after all.

She tried turning her body violently so that she could move the bed by force. Or perhaps, push over the vase on the bedside table so that she could make a signal. However, her efforts were futile.

The bed was solid while her hands were secured tightly.It was impossible for her to escape or even try to reach for anything else.After a while, the light suddenly went off.

And then, she heard the sound of a car engine starting. 'Are they leaving?'

Violla desperately cried out in her muffled voice, hoping that she could get their attention.However, it was to no avail as the car left without stopping.

Violla laid back on the bed in despair. Staring at the ceiling, she felt as if she was on the verge of emotional collapse.

There was a knock on the door, following which, Immaculate entered the room.

As if she had seen her savior, Violla was elated, Immaculate turned on the light and pushed her medical trolley over. She then removed the cloth that was stuffed in Violla's mouth.

"Dr. Immaculate, please let me go," Violla begged.

"Without Mr. Roman's permission, I cannot do that." Immaculate held up a cup with a straw to give her a drink.

After taking a few sips, Violla pleaded again, "Dr. Immaculate please let me go, I beg of you…"

"Miss Milan, I would advise you not to waste your time in this pointless struggle. You will never beat Mr. Roman," Immaculate persuaded. "The more you resist or want to flee, the more he would refuse to let you go. In the end, you will just end up hurting yourself and those close to you."

Violla was stunned at her words. After regaining her senses, she asked anxiously, "What do you mean? Wh-what did he do? What has he done to my kids? Or did he do something to Martin?"

"Miss Milan…You really do care about him." Immaculate observed.

At that moment, Davon heard what she said as he was about to enter the room. With a devious smile, he sneered, "I didn't plan to do anything initially, but now you have reminded me."

With that, he ordered, "Has the Black family's car gone far? Capture them now!"

"Mr. Roman…No!" Violla screamed, " Davon, don't do anything rash…"

"Seize them now!" Davon barked.

"Right away." Cruze could only nod and proceed as instructed.

"No, I beg of you…" Violla frantically pleaded. "This has nothing to do with him. Please don't hurt him. I beg you to let him go…"

"Why not?" Davon grinned deviously, "Are the children not his?"

"I…" Violla was stumped.

After Davon raised his hand, Cruze passed down the instructions.

Under the desperate circumstances, Violla screamed, "From now on, I'll obey everything you say. I will submit to you and do as I'm told. I only ask you to not harm my friends and family. I beg of you…"

When he heard her response, Davon raised his hand to cancel his earlier instruction.After that, he strolled into the room.Realizing what was going on, Immaculate pushed her medical trolley out and left.

Staring at Violla, who was tied to the bed, Davon sneered, "Is he family or friend?"

"Friend," Violla quipped before adding, "It was a mistake from a few years ago. Now, we're just ordinary friends…"

When she saw Davon's cold expression, she declared, "From now on, I'm yours and yours alone."

Immaculate's words from a moment ago had reminded her. From the time they met till now, she had seen for herself the consequences of angering him. Only death awaits or a fate worse than death itself.

'Even the powerful businessmen in the city are no match for him, so what chance does someone as helpless as I have?'

To protect the children's safety and not burden Martin, she had to acquiesce to him.

She was well aware of how possessive and desperate for control he was. She wasn't sure if it was considered love but she knew that if she tried to struggle, it would only serve to infuriate him.

Therefore, she might as well obey him in exchange for a temporary respite.

"Is that so?" Davon untied her restraints and pinched her chin. "Now, prove it to me!"

"Hmm?" Violla was stunned. "How do I prove it?"

"Just like this…" Davon pulled away her nightgown and pinned her on the bed.

In a panic, she wanted to struggle but then remembered her promise, causing her to submit.Putting her hands over his neck, she clumsily reciprocated his actions.

Davon's kisses were filled with vengeful rage, just like a beast swallowing its prey. He gently bit her with his teeth, causing her to moan in pain.

"It hurts…" Violla furrowed her eyebrows in pain. However, she had no choice but to endure.

"It's good that you feel pain." Holding her cheeks in his hand, Davon whispered coldly into her ear, "You will only learn your lesson through pain."

His words sounded like a warning to her, causing her heart to palpitate in fear.

The night was long as the room was filled with passion. His desire was set ablaze by the rage in his heart.

Violla felt as if she was enveloped by a ball of fire, there was no escape and she was also unable to resist.

That night, he was more ferocious in bed than any time before that.

She felt she was at her limit and pleaded in tears for him to be gentle. Instead, he simply increased the intensity of his domination.Her petite body began to tremble underneath him.

Panting heavily, he barked right beside her ear. "Hug me tightly!"

She circled her hands around his muscular torso and dug her nails into the skin on his back, drawing blood with her scratches.Feeling the blood oozing out, she was thrilled by a sense of revenge.

That night, there were a few times that Violla thought she would be tormented to death.

But in the end, she fell asleep without knowing it. Throughout the night, she was consumed by nightmares and drenched in sweat.From her physical body to her mind, fear consumed her soul.

Even after she awoke, the horror hadn't left her.

Davon had already left. When she looked around the room, the only thing she saw was a mess.Meanwhile, it was raining outside and the clock showed that it was three-thirty in the afternoon.She had slept for such a long time.

There was a knock before Immaculate entered together with four maids.

Two were here to clean the room while the other two helped Violla to bathe and change.

Immaculate checked on her injuries and dressed her wound again.By the time everything was done, the sky was already dark.

Meanwhile, the maid brought in a scrumptious dinner.The moment she saw food, Violla pounced on it like an animal, wolfing down every single bit. After a few mouthfuls, she thought about her children and quickly looked for her phone.

"Your phone is spoiled." Immaculate gave her a new one. "Shall I help you move your SIM card?"

"Mmm-hmm." Staring at the broken phone, it looked as if it had been broken in half on purpose.

It was likely because there were calls at night which caused Davon to break it.

After inserting the new SIM card, Violla called Mrs. Blake right in front of Immaculate .

Mrs. Blake anxiously asked about Violla's whereabouts.However, Violla evaded her question and replied, "I'll return very soon. Don't worry."

"The children miss you a lot…"

"I know, I miss them too. Mrs. Blake, please hang on for two more days, I'll be back very soon."

"Mmm-hmm."After ending the call, Violla looked up and asked, "Where is he?"

"Mr. Roman is out. I think he will be back at night." Immaculate looked at her intently. "Actually, the three children…"

"The children are mine. No one is allowed to harm them." Violla was agitated the moment the children were mentioned.

"That's right. No one will harm the children," Immaculate reassured her and didn't say anything further. "Miss Milan please have a good rest. If there's anything just let the maid outside know."

Mentally exhausted, Violla felt her body ache all over. After she finished her food, she lay back down on the bed.

Hugging her pillow, she slept on her side while facing the window. She then looked at the scenery outside while in a daze.

Through the open curtains, she could see the dense forest outside. The street lamps illuminated it in the darkness, seemingly providing her a glimmer of hope.As the rain continued to drizzle, it brought with it a gloomy mood.

Feeling cold, Violla covered her head with her quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

Late at night, Davon entered the room. After taking off his jacket and tie, he threw them onto the floor. After cleaning up he walked towards the bed gradually.

Violla was in deep sleep when she suddenly felt a warm breath beside her ear.

It felt like a beast was sniffing at her. Before she knew it, delicate kisses began to pepper her cheeks, neck, shoulders, collar bone… and continued further down.

She could feel a numbing sensation throughout her body as if there were repeated electric shocks.

Trembling slightly, Violla could feel her body tense up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar figure in the darkness. She mumbled in a daze, "You're back."

"Mmm-hmm." Davon's kisses became gentler while his fingers brushed across her arms. He then lifted her chin with his fingers, "Did you miss me?"

"I did…" Violla put her arms around his neck and took the initiative to kiss him passionately.It didn't matter if she still feared him deep down in her heart. Her body had already gotten used to him.

In front of him, it acquiesced to his movements.As if it moved subconsciously, Violla's body reciprocated his advances. To a certain extent, she was actually enjoying it .She had truly missed him. She couldn't understand her conflicting emotions,how she loved him,hated him,feared him but still felt safe around him all at the same time.

Davon was satisfied to see how submissive Violla was.

For the first time, they didn't make love vigorously nor filled with wild passion. Instead, both of them moved gently in unison.

After they were done, he hugged her from behind and kissed her hair before gradually falling asleep.

When morning arrived, the bright sunshine illuminated the room from outside.

Violla checked the pillow beside her by reflex but realized that there was no one there.When she prepared to sit up, she saw Davon sitting on the couch by the window, sipping coffee.

She gazed deeply at him as mixed emotions filled her heart.

The sight of her feeling for his pillow moved him. The dependence she had on him could not be faked.

"I want to go home." Violla sat up and looked at him meekly.

Davon didn't reply as he continued to drink his coffee.

"I can't stay here forever, can I?" Violla carefully broached the subject. "I'll come by again whenever you want to see me."

She had implicitly acknowledged their relationship. 'Perhaps, all he needs is just someone to make love with.'

As long as he didn't harm her family and friends, she was willing to accept anything.

Davon still didn't say a word other than furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

Meanwhile, Violla pulled aside the quilt and got out of bed. Walking up to him, she shook his shoulders gently. "I beg of you, I really need to go back."

Before she could finish, he pulled her into his embrace. With her petite figure in his arms, she looked especially submissive.

"You're not allowed to see Martin and Franklin again," Davon declared in an intimidating manner while playing with her hair.

"Mmm-hmm." Violla nodded repeatedly kissing him . "But, I have to pick up my kids first and say goodbye to him. Also, I would like to clear things up."

When she saw his expression darken, she quickly added, "I will tell him that I am with you now. After that, I won't ever see him again. I promise."

"Oh yeah?" He asked kissing her.

"Yeah,I promise." Violla ruffled his hair. And she loved the smile that was slowly creeping on his face. They shared a passionate kiss before she honestly whispered, " I am always yours,I promise."