

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


"It was Titus' mother." Jason clenched his fist forcefully. He was all riled up and continued to utter, "She rebuked us for not having a father, and even said that we are...…"

Jason gritted his teeth to stop himself from finishing the sentence. What was to come next was something he dared not mention. Consequently, his eyes started to turn red.

"Don't bother. She did it on purpose!" Ryan tried to remind his brother. However, red streaks were evidently visible in the corner of his eyes as well.

Violla bit her lips and remained quiet. Nevertheless, she knew the impact of those derogatory words towards the children.Previously, she bit the bullet when they bullied her inhumanely. Nonetheless, this time, she wouldn't let them off the hook anymore.

"Karma will catch up to them." Mrs. Blake was infuriated.

"What's her temperature?" Violla changed the topic of conversation.

"101.3 degrees Fahrenheit!" Ryan frowned. "Mommy, I think we should let Eliana have some fever medicine."

Jason swiftly raced towards the living room to get the first aid kit box. "I'll get the medicine."

Mrs. Blake fiddled through the box and found the fever medicine. Immediately, she gave Eliana some of the medicine according to the recommended dosage.

Worryingly, Eliana was coughing profusely. Much to their dismay, she vomited most of the medicine and only managed to ingest a small portion of it.

Violla was perturbed with Eliana's condition. Ever since she was born, her health and immune system were far from inferior compared to that of her two brothers. Therefore, Violla had always provided her with delicate care and attention.

After years of meticulous care and rehabilitation, Eliana's health improved dramatically. Regrettably, the sudden fever must be caused by the inflammation of the tonsils due to her excessive crying.After feeding Eliana with the medicine, it was already eight-twenty at night.

While changing her shirt, Violla told Mrs. Blake, "Mrs. Blake I'll need to head to work now. May I trouble you tonight to take care of Eliana? Please remember to keep her hydrated and to frequently perform sponging on her. If the fever doesn't subside when I return from work, I'll take her to the hospital."

"Miss, it's already late at night. Where are you going?" Mrs. Blake was concerned.

Violla replied, "I found a side job from eighty-thirty to ten-thirty at night. Heck, I'm almost late."

Violla hurriedly put on her clothes and left with her handbag.

"Mommy, please wait for a second." Ryan pursued her hastily and passed her a bag. "You haven't had dinner yet. Take this bread along."

"This as well." Jason ran out of the house with a box of milk. "Mommy, don't worry about Eliana We'll take care of her."

"Alright." Violla started to tear up. "Thank you, everyone. Mommy's got to go now!"

"We will do so, Mommy!" Jason and Ryan replied with innocent smiles on their faces.

Violla took a ride towards Bar DWF. In the car, she mindlessly munched on the bread and gulped on the milk. All she could think about was her children and the hardships they had to go through. Unable to hold it together, she burst into tears.

She was willing to endure all sorts of hardships and suffering. However, her children were off-limits.The mother-daughter duo were detestable. Also, they were rich and had ample time at their disposal. On the flip side, Violla didn't have the energy to be siphoned into a never-ending feud with them.

"Perhaps I should consider transferring the children to another kindergarten." she contemplated.

Be that as it may, she needed money for the transfer. Hence, her only goal at the moment was to make as much money as possible.

When the clock hit eight-thirty sharp, Violla was still on her way. At the same time, an unsaved number was calling her. As expected, it was a call from DWF she immediately answered the phone. "Hello!"

"Violla, what's the matter with you? Are you not coming today?" It was Fred from Bar DWF.

"I'm sorry. There was an emergency back at home and I departed from my house slightly later than usual. I'm on my way but I might need another ten minutes." she shakingly replied.

"Alright. I'll ask the other singers to replace you for the moment. You'll start at nine-thirty!" Fred suggested.

"Sure, thanks Fred." Violla was grateful for the gesture.

As Violla put down the phone, she could finally catch a breath. Fortunately, her boss was a reasonable man. If it were someone like the Devil, perhaps she would be fired already.

At nine-ten, Violla arrived at the DWF anxiously. Meanwhile, there was a male singer on stage singing a rock song. Although he was very professional, the crowd remained unsatisfied with the performance.

"We want to listen to the gorgeous lady from yesterday!"

"That's right! We're here specially for her. Where is she?"

Violla sneaked in from the back and headed straight towards the changing room.

At the corner of a room, Fred restlessly signaled for her to put on makeup and head onto the stage.

Violla obediently nodded. In the meantime, she noticed a man who looked exactly like the escort In Debt and was sitting beside Fred.

His posture emanated overwhelming haughtiness and arrogance. Delicately, he swirled the wine glass and smiled fondly at her. One look at his eyes and she was instantly electrified by his burning affection.

Violla immediately shifted her line of sight. Doubts as to the identity of the man were brewing in her mind. "Is he really the escort In Debt?"

Nevertheless, she didn't have much time to think about it. In a swift motion, she put on the black-laced mask and proceeded on stage.Without further ado, she immediately started singing.The crowd cheered thunderously and gave her a big round of applause.

The atmosphere lifted at a stroke and it was blazing through the roof.As the performance went on, the audience started to grow bigger. Some even recorded the performance and uploaded it online.

When she finished her first song, the atmosphere peaked and showed no signs of receding.There were even a few customers who went on the stage and wanted to have a toast with her.

Violla was taken aback by the sudden encounter. Fortunately, Fred was there and he courteously escorted the customers away from the stage.

Also, a few security guards stood authoritatively by the stage to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Violla took a deep breath. Later, she gratuitously looked towards Fred, only to discover that the man who looked like the escort In Debt was making the OK gesture.He nodded in satisfaction and continued chugging down more liquor.

Violla came to the realization that everything was planned by the man!

Nonetheless, she had to brush away her concern and continue with her performance. Midway, she noticed that the man was staring at her again. While his gentle stare showed signs of appreciation, the devilish smirk on his face suggested otherwise.

When the man noticed that Violla was looking at him, he lifted the glass and made a toast to her while, he winked flirtatiously at her.

Violla shivered at the sight of his behavior. Nonetheless, she hurriedly looked away and continued with her performance.The Bar was engulfed with boisterous cheers vying to reward her.

Shortly after, the huge screen beside the stage displayed a QR code together with a leaderboard for rewards to the Night Queen.Without delay, the customers took up their phones and scanned the QR code.

Violla was engrossed in her performance and paid no attention to the screen. After her performance, the security guards escorted her backstage. When she saw the leaderboard, a deep sense of accomplishment and jubilation flourished within her as the reward that night amounted up to forty-eight thousand!The news came like a bolt from the blue.

"The reward isn't too bad, right?" Fred's cheeky voice was heard from behind her.

"Oh my gosh! What are we going to do with all this money?" Violla exclaimed.

"According to our rules, all these rewards belong to you." Fred's smile was bright as the sun. "You brought a lot of customers to our bar, I should thank you for that!"

"Forty-eight thousand, it all belongs to me? Did I hear it correctly?" Violla couldn't believe what she heard.

"That's right. The other singers are treated the same way. All rewards belong to them." Fred pointed towards the leaderboard.

"That's great to hear! I'm rich!" Violla leaped for joy when she heard the confirmation.

"From now on, you'll be known as the Night Queen from Bar DWF." Fred pointed towards the screen again. "I gave you the name in a hurry. Do you have any problem with that?"

"That's an ugly name." she responded.

Violla instantly thought of Davon. As Immaculate addressed him as Mr. Roman,the king of the Romans being named the Night Queen would give a false impression that Violla was Davon's partner.

"Haha, I'm an uncultured old man who is clueless when it comes to these sort of things. I suppose you can use it temporarily since it's just limited to our bar." Fred scratched his head awkwardly.

"Can you lend me this mask?" Violla pointed towards the mask on her face. "If I happen to meet anyone I know, it's best if they don't know my true identity. I've thought about it and I feel that I should wear it every time I'm at the bar."

"Of course, feel free to use it." Fred readily agreed.

Concomitantly, the bar's account received another transaction. The amount was ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

"Oh my god! I'm really rich!" Violla was enraptured.

"It was from Mr. Wesley" Fred smiled after checking the account number. "He's just outside. Do you want to have a drink with him?"

"Is he the friend that was sitting beside you?" Violla was intrigued. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's the heir to a rich family." Fred scornfully teased. "Don't you guys know one another? Stop trying to pretend in front of me."

Violla was startled." Is he really the Escort In Debt?" She thought.

"Let's go? We shall have a toast with him." Fred passed Violla a glass of red wine.

"I don't think that's necessary." Violla shook her head. "I'll need to rush back home. Please help me to thank him.With that, she carried her backpack and wanted to leave from the backdoor.Fred saw her leaving and the corner of his lips lifted into a mysterious smile.

"Hey, gorgeous woman. I've been waiting for you. Let's have a drink together." A young man stopped her in her tracks.Their eyes met and she immediately felt the intensity from his gaze.

"I'm sorry. You've got the wrong person." Violla lowered her head and wanted to go around him. However, his bodyguards stopped that from happening.

"You had the audacity to ignore Mr. Harrison!" The bodyguard was furious.

"Shut up!" The young man rebuked the bodyguard. "How could you speak to the gorgeous woman in such a crude manner."

After that, he walked towards her and sincerely clarified. "Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. Actually, I just want to be your friend."

"I need to head back home right now." Violla avoided him and took a different path.

"Playing hard to get?" The young man lost his patience. "Then don't blame me for using force."

He grabbed Violla by her hair and dragged her to the car.

"Let me go…" Violla struggled in vain.

A sharp honk was quickly followed by a dazzling flash of light. It shined right into the young man's eyes and blinded him temporarily.

"F**k, who's the busybody?" The young man raged.

His bodyguard aggressively walked in the direction of the car. However, he was terrified and shivered with fear when he returned. "Mr. Harrison, it's Mr. Wesley"

"Which Mr. Wesley?" the young man was still puzzled.

Meanwhile, a slender figure exited the car and approached them. With his squinted eyes, the young man tried to identify the dark figure. What followed suit was a menacing howl. "Leave her alone!"

Violla turned her head around and was taken by surprise.She recalled the night of the previous auction, left alone on the streets when a group of men tried to take advantage of her. Escort In Debt's grand arrival was in a similar fashion.

"Mr. Wesley…"Just when the gigantic security guard wanted to speak, Drew forcefully twisted his wrist into a delicate arc.

A loud crack was heard amidst the silent night. He collapsed on all fours and screaming in agony. His facial expression provided a clear visualization of the pain he was suffering.

"Mr. Wesley, please forgive me. I don't know that she's one of yours…" Harrison's face was pale as paper. He quickly apologized to Violla. "I'm literally blind for doing this to you! I'm very sorry to have offended you, please forgive me."

"Hey…." Violla was dumbfounded. Who is this Mr. Wesley?

"Get out of here!" Drew howled in a glacial tone. Harrison and his subordinates scrambled for their lives.

Violla first looked at the group running away, then she turned over and stared at Drew. "You…"

"What? You don't recognize me anymore?" Drew let out a burst of hysterical laughter. "It's only been a few days and you've forgotten me. That hurts!"

"This can't be true. You really are…" Violla was astonished.

Even his voice was extremely identical to the "escort In Debt". Is he really him?

"How's the injury on your shoulder?" Drew noticed that her jacket was pulled off from her during the scrimmage.Thus, he was concerned that her injury would be affected.

"It's really you?" Violla sought for confirmation. "You, why are you…"

"First, get in the car." Drew helped her into the luxurious ride.Initially, Violla was able to keep her emotions in check. However, the sight of the Aston Martin completely shattered her defenses. Hypnotically, she followed him into the car. Then, he helped her put on the seat belt and adjusted her seat.

"I thought that you can't recognize me anymore…" Drew teased her. "It appears that I have caused quite an impression the last time we met. I believe my brother…...."

However, Drew couldn't finish the sentence. Out of the blue, Violla slapped him right on his cheek. She gritted her teeth and rebuked him. "F*** you pathetic escort! How dare you make a fool out of me!"

"Hey…" Drew was stunned.

He was under the impression that Davon had explained everything to her, including his identity. Therefore, he was about the end the sentence with… "I believe my brother told you everything."

Unexpectedly, she misunderstood him as Davon's alter ego.

Nonetheless, she can't be blamed for this. After all, the two of them looked identical. Be it their height, body, voice, and eyes… they looked exactly the same! The only noticeable difference between them was the heightened arrogance of Davon and the childish behavior of Drew .

Before this, the "escort In Debt" was wearing a mask all the time and he only appeared during the night. Also, Drew only impersonated him once and as a result, he was aware of the secrets between them, including Violla's situation.Hence, it was perfectly reasonable for her to have mistaken him for Davon.

"Speak, what's going on?" Violla admonished him.

"What?" Drew's heart was racing. He was hesitant to utter the truth.

"You're just an escort. Why is everyone saying that you're the heir to a rich family?Also, why did you take off your mask and expose your true identity? Why are you here at Bar DWF every day? What's your relationship with Fred?" Violla bombarded him with tons of questions.

"Actually…" Drew paused before continuing. Eventually, he decided to provide an obscured answer. "Think about it this way. It was a misunderstanding all along. I was never an escort!"

It was the truth. Previously, Davon merely explained the situation in brevity. Hence, it was her own assumptions that led to the misunderstanding.

"You're saying that…" Violla recalled the night when they first met.He was alone in the VIP room and was surrounded by security guards. Clearly, this should not be a privilege enjoyed by an escort.

Furthermore, she had never witnessed him courting any clients before. At most, they briefly spoke about it during their conversations on the phone. It was her imagination after all?

"That can't be right." Violla was suspicious. "How would you explain the incident four years ago?"

"Four years ago, I was in my club the Empire Night when someone mistakenly contacted me as an escort . I always go there with the mask so people cannot identify me as the owner. I wanted to decline the request but unfortunately I had been drugged and we ended up together . Same to four years later . I was going there to see how things were and to unwind when you walked in.." Drew casually replied. "Fate must have brought us together."

"I see…" Violla was finally convinced. "Then, your real identity is?"

"I'm just a rich playboy that does nothing except own that club Empire Night and some shares in DWF." Drew was well aware of his character. "That's better than an escort right?"

"At least you have some self-awareness." Violla rolled her eyes at him. Later, she asked, "Why did you impersonate an escort and sign the loan agreement with me?

"For fun." Drew laughed mischievously. "I'm sick of a boring life where everything goes my way. I crave challenge and adventure. Hence, when you mistook me as an escort and forced me to enslave myself, that was exhilarating!" He decided to play along with her.Since it was just fun and games, there shouldn't be a problem so long he didn't cross any boundaries.

Violla was stupefied by his puzzling smile. However, she couldn't explain why.Then, she thought about Davon and interrogated him further. "If that's the case, who's the person that saved me that night?"

"Why do you ask?" Drew's reaction was speedy. "Did someone tell you about it?"

"My boss said he saved my life," Violla uttered the truth.

"Your boss?" His heart sank. Don't tell me that…

"It's the pervert boss." The mere utterance of Davon's name was sufficient to trigger her fears. "My colleague told me that he carried me out from the backdoor. Today, I asked him again and the answer was the same… However, the person I saw the morning after the incident was clearly you."

Violla blushed and she squeezed her eyes shut to avoid eye contact.

Drew looked at her expression and recalled what happened that night. When Davon carried her out from the backdoor, she was clearly drugged.

Hence, that night, they…..... Drew was unrattled by the thought. It felt as if his woman was tainted by another man.

"Speak. What's going on?" Violla pestered him.

"Initially, he was indeed the person who rescued you. Later, I arrived and took you away." Drew replied.

Drew was a veteran womanizer. He was familiar with all the tactics and tricks to get the woman that he wanted. Therefore, a lie was nothing to him.