

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


"You obviously didn't then!" Violla was mad. "You're disgusting! Playing around with rich ladies everyday and sleeping with me in their car."

Davon's forehead creased and clenched his fist. God knows Violla was the only woman he ever slept with raw, but she was slandering him, even disgusted by him.

Davon was ready to just snap her neck then and there, but he figured he was the one that started the game with that alter ego. "Now's not the time to reveal myself. Just bear with it! " He told himself.

"What's done is done. What do you want me to do?" He put down the bottle of water and started the engine.

"Who knows what diseases you might have?" Violla stared at him angrily. "Don't you use condoms when you're with your customers? Why is it always me that's…"

"B*tch, you better stop nagging, else I throw you out right now! I didn't spill inside of you." Davon gritted his teeth in anger. If it were anyone else, he would have exploded. It took everything he had to control his rage.

Violla had tears in her eyes and pouted in fear, her petite figure trembling profusely.She knew the man beside her did not back down on his words.Being left on the beach with no clothes on like that would definitely spell her demise, so she kept quiet.

Davon gave her a glance and saw how miserable she was. Once again, he got soft and passed her the bottle of water. Violla took the water from him and drank slowly. Her throat was burning, her head was aching and even her body was in pain. She was aching everywhere.

As she thought about it some more, she started crying. Her memories of the night flooding back to her like a switch that had been turned on. Though it was a passionate night she severely regretted it .

"I made a mistake four years ago, and four years later, the same mistake once again. With the same guy! Why am I like this?" Violla's mind was all over the place.

"What are you crying about?" Davon got annoyed. "You make it seem like I sexually assaulted you!"

"If you knew I was drugged, why didn't you take me to the hospital?" Violla was in shambles. "Why did you have to take advantage of the situation?"

"I told you before you could have died of heart attack before you got there. " Davon rebut. "Besides, do you want to get on headline news once again? Other than that how was I supposed to know you didn't mean the words you were saying. I am no angel. And for f**ks sake you turned me on too."

Violla was left speechless. It was true that if what happened last night was publicized, she would become a laughing stock again.

"It's not like we've never slept together before, what's there to cry about?" Davon had a ball of rage stuffed in his stomach at the moment. "Is sleeping with me that much of a humiliation to you?" He contemplated.

"You're right!" Violla took a deep breath. "I'll just treat it as being possessed by a ghost!"

Davon kept quiet as he flung his fist on the car window out of rage.Glass shards flew everywhere. Violla closed her eyes and curled up in terror.

Davon showed no emotion whatsoever as he kept his piercing gaze on the road, silent ever since.With the speed that the car was going, they reached a pharmacy in the city center soon after. Davon got out and headed in.

Violla did not know what was going on. She desperately wanted to leave, but her condition right then would not let her.Some passerby took notice of her so she immediately covered her face with the coat.

Davon did not take too long and came back with a white pill. "Swallow it!" he growled.

"What is it?" Violla was confused.

"A contraceptive emergency pill," he replied in cold manner. "Lest you get pregnant by another man and come saying I am responsible. But I didn't spill inside of you."

Violla instantly took the pill and swallowed it with the aid of water. He didn't trust anything he said .

Davon then made a phone call before driving to the back entrance of Roman Hotel.

The manager was already awaiting his arrival when he got there. When the manager saw Davon he wanted to bow to greet him.However, Davon stopped him and asked him to lead the way.

"Understood!" The manager immediately guided in front of them. Davon used his long trench coat, covering Violla as tightly as possible and carried her into the elevator. They went straight up to the thirty-ninth floor where the presidential suite was.The exact same room they slept in four years ago.

"Why are we in the Romans hotel?" Violla asked against his chest.

"Because Empire Night partners with Romans Hotel." He simply replied gently placing her down.

"Mr. Ro....." the hotel manager nearly blurted, but immediately held his tongue at a sharp, warning look from Davon. Realizing that he had almost spilled the name "Mr. Roman", the manager let out a brisk cough before continuing, "Everything you asked for is ready, sir! Please have a good rest. Let me know anytime if there's anything else you need."

At this, the manager retreated and even closed the door behind him.

"Why did you bring me here?" Violla demanded as her eyes darted around in a panic. "What are you still trying to do… Ahh!"

Before she could finish, her feet were swept off the ground abruptly. With a gentle haul, Davon lowered her into the round bathtub filled with water.She flailed around for a moment as she struggled to sit up, and coughed out some water which she had choked on when she accidentally slid.

Wiping water off her face with a hand, she grabbed onto the edge of the bathtub with the other. She panted heavily for some time before finally steadying herself, glaring at him and yelling, "You darned escort! You want to see me bathe get out…"

"Shut up!" he interrupted fiercely and pointed at her. "You better start cleaning yourself up quietly. Or I am gonna f**k you again if I hear another word from you!"

A suppressing atmosphere filled the bathroom at his menacing glare and authoritative voice. Violla felt subdued by the air of dominance emitting off him.Frightened, she immediately held a hand over her mouth and stared quietly with widened eyes.

"Bathe!" he commanded as he chucked a bathrobe at her, then walked out of the bathroom.She pursed her lips tightly, not daring to make another sound.Nevertheless, she really did want to clean herself up.

Last night had been a long tiring one. She couldn't help feeling grungy and filthy all over. She slowly eased herself into the bath, letting her body unwind in the warm water .

The bath was relaxing as she immersed herself in it. However, she flinched when the wounds on her shoulder and neck started to sting as they came into contact with the water.

Meanwhile, Davon had taken a shower in the other bathroom. With only a towel wrapped underneath his torso, he hastily rubbed his hair as he came out and called Immaculate on his phone. "Send a female doctor over to the Romans Hotel, now! One who Violla hasn't seen!" he ordered.

Not wasting a millisecond, he hung up and reached out a hand towards his mask. In that instant, Violla emerged from the bathroom.He quickly turned away.

He cursed in his mind. The mask was still lying on the bed, where he'd have to turn around and walk over a distance before he could reach it.Of all times, she now stood right behind him.

"You're done so quickly?" he asked purposefully.He had to figure out something to say to direct her away.

"Mmhm," she murmured. She was about to say more, but immediately covered her mouth at the thought of his threats earlier.

"This escort had sounded so scary just now. What if he really were to act on his threats?" She thought.

Her entire body still felt sore and her legs had barely recovered enough strength to support her own weight. After an excruciating night, receiving more "punishments" from this man would be the last thing she wished for.

"That's not clean enough. Go bathe one more time!" he forced a demanding tone, hiding his desperation as much as possible.

"I…" she resisted, and then held her tongue again just before more words could spill out of her mouth. Not wanting to get herself into more trouble, she begrudgingly turned back towards the bathroom.

Now was the time! Davon made a dive towards the mask on the bed. His fingers were barely an inch away from reaching it when Violla came back to the room all of a sudden.

He withdrew and turned away in a split second. The towel wrapped around his lower body almost slipped from the impulsive movement.

"I'm not bathing anymore!" she grimaced as she held a hand over her painful, swollen neck. "I think the wound on my neck's starting to ooze pus. It hurts! I'm going home." She then proceeded towards the door as she spoke.

Now or never! Davon made a lightning-speed dash and grabbed hold of the mask. Just as he prepared to put it on…

"Oh, right!" Violla made a sudden turn and faced him. "You know, I think it's better if we don't see each other anymore."

Her voice trailed off slightly as she looked down on the floor. She mustered up her courage again after a second.

She finally looked up as she continued, "Let's put an end to that contract between us. From this day on, you don't have to pay your compensation anymore. Go and live your own life in peace."

By that time, Davon had finally slid his mask on. He could feel his heart palpitating. It felt as if it had almost leaped out of his chest just then.If she hadn't lowered her head the whole time in guilt and abashment, he could've blown his cover just a second ago.

"I'll burn that piece of agreement and delete your number once I go back. Let's not trouble each other anymore from now on." Violla reached for the door handle and began to make her leave.

"You've slept with me from the start, and now you're thinking of leaving just like that?" his cold voice rang from behind. "You .....!" he held in the insult.

"What do you want?" Violla gave an irked frown. "If you're not happy, I can return all the money to you. You've paid me over a hundred thousand, right? I'll reimburse every single cent!"

"I'm fine with the money, but what about my body?" He closed in on her with an icy glare. "You think you can do whatever you want to me and then leave everything behind while forgetting all about it?"

"You… Don't you dare try anything funny!" she stammered and took a few steps backward, nearly tripping herself. "If you touch me again, I'll call the police!"

"I'm the one who should call the police," he refuted coldly. "Anyone would believe that I'm the real victim if they see the recording from last night."

"You scoundrel!" she snarled. "You recorded us on purpose to use it against me?"

He was speechless at how dim-witted her thoughts were, letting out an almost inaudible sigh under his breath. "What on earth do you think I can threaten you for with a video recording?"

"You…" she argued, but her voice broke off into an abrupt pause. "He's right… Even if he threatens me, what else can he get out of me besides my body, which he already did? Everybody knows I'm broke. There's nothing for anyone to rob me of…" Violla was lost in thoughts.

Violla jumped at the sudden ring of the doorbell.

Davon walked over to the door. Thinking that he was going to touch her, Violla quickly evaded him and retreated to a corner.He yanked her head with a hand to keep her still and turned the door handle with the other.

"Mr. Ro....." a female's voice echoed as the door swung open. Just like the hotel manager earlier, she had almost blurted out his name before freezing at Davon's intense glare. "Ahem… Good day sir, I'm the private doctor the manager has requested for."

"Come in." He pointed towards Violla as he continued, "Check on the injuries on her neck and left shoulder."

"Yes sir," she answered respectfully. The doctor seemed to be in her forties. Her uniform and the medical kit in her hands added to the air of professionalism around her.

"What's going on?" Before Violla could digest the situation, Davon helped her down onto the couch and snarled "Behave yourself and stay still! I'll send you home once the doctor has treated your wounds."

She had no choice but to give in and obey.

The doctor crouched on the floor as she tended to Violla's wounds and replaced her soaked bandages "Miss Milan there's some pus on your wounds. I'll dress them as I can for now. You'll need to take some antibiotics today. If they're still worsening by tomorrow, you'll have to get them treated at the hospital."

"Understood. Thank you." Violla nodded.

After prescribing the medicine, the doctor left with a curtsy towards Davon.

"That's weird. Why was she acting so reverent towards you?" A look of confusion cast upon Violla's face.

"Whoever has the money is the boss!" he said in a matter-of-fact tone as he began to put on his clothes in front of her.

She turned away hastily. "Wh-what are you doing? Can't you be a little more modest?"

"Your clothes are in the wardrobe. Go put them on yourself," he replied indifferently. "Otherwise, feel free to go home in the hotel's night robe if you wish."

She shot daggers at him as she pulled out the pile of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

There was a white dress that came along with a set of pre-sanitized inner wear. Amazed at every detail taken into consideration, she changed into her new clothes obediently. Much to her surprise, they fit her perfectly! It was as if each piece was specifically tailored for her.Not only that, but the fabric also felt so comfortable against her skin, and they slid onto her body so conveniently.

"Are you done?" Davon's voice rang from outside.

"Yes, I am!" She stepped out of the bathroom and asked, "Whose clothes are these? They fit me perfectly! They feel so comfortable."

"Why are you even asking? Of course they're yours!" Davon walked towards her and ruffled her dripping wet hair. He then sat her down in front of the dressing table, retrieved a dryer from the drawer and began blowing her hair.

She sat there quietly, staring at herself in the mirror before shifting her gaze to the man behind her tending to her hair. A warm feeling blossomed in her heart.

"Come to think of it, this escort is actually pretty nice indeed, he has always deposited his monthly compensation so dutifully as agreed, without a single delay. He's been so loyal and was at her every beck and call despite his arrogant attitude. On top of that, she didn't expect him to have secretly arranged for a doctor to treat her worsening injuries and even prepared a perfect change of clothes for her.If it weren't for his shady job as an escort, perhaps it would be a good option for them to unite as a family." Violla considered.

Just as the thought flashed across her mind, Violla brushed it off immediately. "No, Violla Milan! You shouldn't soften up! Once an escort, always an escort!"

It would be impossible for him to clear the stains on his name as someone who had been doing such a dirty job for years.Even if she herself were to ignore his past, what about the kids?

If they were to become a family, what if they bump into a client who recognized him while on the streets? How would the kids feel?

Her children would become a laughing stock because of their biological father's identity. They would never be able to face society with their heads held high.

The more she thought about that, the more her fears tugged at her heart. She reminded herself again and again to never let her guard down, no matter how gentle the escort seemed to be. Never!

"It's done!" With a smooth flick, Davon switched off the dryer. He ruffled her soft hair as if he were petting a little puppy. When he was about to lean it to kiss her cheek,she snapped.

"That's enough." She nudged his hand away and kept a distance from him. "You don't have to send me home. I'll take a taxi!"

"Are you sure about this?" There was no resistance in his tone this time. He reminded coldly, "Once you step out of here on your own, I'll never come to your aid anymore!"

"That'll be the best!" she replied instantly. "Once I transferred the money back to you, we'll cut ties. Let's not meet again."

He frowned as he stared at her quietly. After a brief moment, he nodded. "Alright!"

"Also, you have to delete that recording…" Violla begun .

"It's already deleted earlier this morning, didn't you see that?" His frown deepened as he spoke.

"That's fine then. Goodbye." At that, she turned and scurried off.

He stood as he watched her back disappear into the distance. His face paled with anger, his fists clenched tight. This time, he would teach this woman a lesson. He would surely make her come back begging on her own accord!

Violla exited the lift and hailed a taxi as soon as she stepped out of the lobby.She glanced back at the Aston Martin not far away through the car window. Her heart throbbed with a sudden twinge of sorrow.

She reminisced on the passion they shared through the night before, and on his gentle and caring demeanor today. And how they've cut ties with each other just like that.

It felt like everything was gone with the wind in the blink of an eye.It was like a dream, as if nothing had actually happened between them since last night.Lost in her thoughts, the taxi arrived in front of her house before she knew it.

It was afternoon. The kids had left for kindergarten.Mrs. Blake showed up at the door and hurried over to her. "Goodness me… Where have you been last night, Miss? I've tried calling you so many times but you didn't answer. I was so worried!"

"I went out with a colleague and drank too much, so I crashed at her place," Violla excused sluggishly. "I'm tired, Mrs. Blake. I need a nap."

"Alright. I'll make something to eat after you're rested." Mrs Blake offered.

"Okay." Violla dragged her feet back into her room. Just as she attempted to make money transfer to the escort, her fingers froze atop her phone screen. A sudden realization dawned on her, she didn't even know his bank account number!

Besides, there would only be seven hundred left in her credit card if she transfers the money back to him! How many more days could she survive with only seven hundred?

"Oh no… What do I do now?" She was racking her brain when her phone suddenly vibrated and rang. It was Franklin calling .

At that name, she hung up immediately without answering. She couldn't be bothered about that man at a time like that.

Without further hesitation, she sent a text to the escort: Give me your account number. I'll transfer the money now!

She waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply.

"Does he not want his money back?" She thought that she should return the money regardless, to avoid any trouble with him in the future. However, if he doesn't want the money back right away, I could at least wait until my next paycheck." Violla thought .

Just then, her phone vibrated with a new incoming message.

The "escort In Debt" replied with his bank account number.

National Union Bank, XXXXXXXX, M. D Samuel.

"Heh… Men will be men after all!" she let out a mocking laugh as she read the name.

What an old-fashioned name for an escort No wonder he never brought that up.

She sighed at the thought of transferring out a huge sum of money. It's alright… I guess it's better to sever ties as soon as possible.