

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Since the chip was recovered, Violla's plan had come full circle. It felt as though a significant weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her next step was to sever all ties with Davon and put an end to his pursuit. That way, even if the children's identities were revealed, it would be none of his business.

When Violla saw Davon approaching with his men, she quickly took out her phone and called Escort In Debt. She wanted to flaunt her relationship with Davon and provoke him. As she dialed the number, a phone rang in Davon's direction. Violla was shocked and looked at Davon with confusion. "Is this a coincidence?" Violla wondered.

Davon maintained a calm facade and discreetly ended the call by putting his hand in his pocket. However, he was actually panicking inside. "Why is she calling that number right in front of me? Does she suspect something?"

"Hello?" Cruze, who knew what was happening, promptly answered the call and took out his phone. "What's up?"

"Yes, the chip has been recovered," Cruze continued.

Violla noticed that her call had ended, but Cruze was still on the phone, which eased some of her suspicions. "Seems like it was just a coincidence. But why does Cruze have the same ringtone as Escort In Debt? Could they be the same person?" Violla focused her gaze on Cruze and made a mental comparison before dismissing the idea immediately.

Cruze was shorter and had a completely different build. It couldn't be him.

However, when she shifted her gaze to Davon, he matched her mental image of Escort In Debt. Their features were uncannily similar. At that moment, he entered the elevator with two of his men.

Violla decided to redial the number. This time, she even approached the elevator to see if she could hear anything. "If it rings again, Davon is definitely the escort!" she convinced herself.

In the elevator, just as Davon put his phone on silent mode, it started ringing. He didn't immediately answer the call. In fact, he waited for the elevator to descend a few more levels before picking it up.

"Why didn't you answer earlier? What were you doing?" Violla didn't hear any ringing from the elevator and thought she was overthinking things again.

"What's the matter?" Davon knew she was suspicious now.

"Weren't we in agreement? You're supposed to act as my boyfriend, right?" Violla blurted out.

"What do you want me to do?" Davon asked.

"Come pick me up after work," Violla paused. "And get me a bouquet of roses as well. I'll pay for it!"

There's definitely something going on if he refuses.

"What if your boss attacks me?" Davon asked intentionally.

"He won't. My boss is an educated man; he won't go around attacking people for no reason," Violla answered. "I want you here so that he sees I have a boyfriend. For someone as prideful as him, seeing you would definitely make him give up."

"Alright, I'll be there after work. Send me the location," Davon said defeatedly.

"Right away." When she hung up the call, Violla was excited. He actually agreed! That means he's really not Davon Roman. Or maybe, it's Davon trying to throw me off! In her mind, nothing could be proven unless Davon and the escort met face to face.

"Mr. Roman, Miss Milan seems to be onto you," Cruze softly reminded.

"Drew is coming to the city, right?" Davon asked out of the blue. "Ask him to come see me."

"Yes..." Cruze took out his phone but was concerned. "Mr. Drew and you look almost identical. Impersonating you won't be a problem, but you know, he's kind of a playboy. What if..."

"He wouldn't dare." Davon raised his eyebrows.

"Understood," Cruze said.

During lunch, Violla was still wondering whether Davon and the escort In Debt were actually the same person.

"If he was, why is he doing this sort of role-play with me? He even promised to pick me up. Wouldn't that just expose himself? But if he's not, why do they look so similar? Borderline identical!" While she was deep in thought, a soft voice suddenly startled her. "I heard that you've been transferred to Level 68. Congratulations, Violla."

"Thank you." Violla looked up. It was Yulisa.

Violla recalled the incident where Isaac attacked her. Even though she could not find anything, something still felt really off with Yulisa.

It had been quite a while since it happened, so Violla could not recall the details, but seeing Yulisa still made her wary.

"Really sorry about last time." Yulisa sat opposite Violla with her food tray and said with an apologetic tone. "When Mr. Isaac attacked you, I really wanted to rush to the rescue, but I froze up in fear! I'm so useless!"

"Don't say that. It's okay," Violla comforted.

"As long as you forgive me, we're still friends, right?" Yulisa asked.

"Of course." Violla nodded in response. From an objective standpoint, Yulisa was totally in the clear. All Violla had was a gut feeling, and she did not want to label Yulisa with baseless accusations.

"Great!" Yulisa smiled. "I got two cups of fruit juice, by the way. Have one!" She handed the cup to Violla and even placed a straw for her.

"Thanks." Violla saw that Yulisa had a cup as well, so she did not think too much about it. She took a few sips and continued with her meal, not noticing the flash of contempt in Yulisa's gaze.

For the whole afternoon, Violla was occupied with work. After what happened with Mr. Stone, the secretary who made the coffee was laid off.

Molly had replaced her as the new executive secretary, so they had to redistribute the workload in the afternoon.

Violla was diligently learning everything she could to become familiar with her work as quickly as possible.

In no time, it was time to leave work, so she organized her things and got ready.

For some reason, Violla felt really hot and thirsty all afternoon, so she drank a lot of water and kept going to the pantry for more.

In the elevator, a few former colleagues walked in when it stopped at the thirteenth floor. They all congratulated Violla on her promotion to Level 68.

She thanked them with a smile. "No one besides Yulisa looked me in the eyes when I was demoted to the security department. Now we're suddenly friends again? How realistic." While lost in her thoughts, Violla's phone suddenly rang, and she immediately picked it up. "Hi, are you here?"

"I'm just around the corner," the caller said.

"I'm in the elevator right now." Violla wanted to show off her relationship to the colleagues present, so she used a cute voice. "Be careful while you're driving, okay? I'll be right there."

"Okay." After the phone call, the female colleagues immediately surrounded her. "Violla, who's that? Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, he's coming to pick me up," Violla said bashfully.

"Oh! Then we definitely have to take a look. With your looks, the man must be rich and handsome!" The females started gossiping.

Yulisa looked at Violla intently from the corner. "Violla, since when did you get a boyfriend?" she suddenly asked.

"Quite a while ago," Violla replied cheerfully.

"You should treat everyone then! Do you all agree?" Yulisa teased.

"Yeah! You should!" a few of them chimed in. "Last time, my boyfriend got everyone a bunch of good food."

"My boyfriend got everyone chocolate too!" another colleague said.

"Hahaha, Violla, there's no escaping this!" said another.

Violla pondered for a moment. "If Davon found out that so many colleagues knew about my boyfriend, he'll definitely get annoyed and distance himself from me."

"Alright, dinner's on me!" Violla nodded with a smile.

"Let's just skip dinner and head over to Empire Night for drinks!" Yulisa proposed. "We ladies need to cut down on our weight, so no dinner tonight! Let's celebrate with liquor!"

Upon hearing those words, Yulisa's gaze turned cold for a moment before returning to normal. "I have some coupons here, so we can get loads of discounts."

"That works too. Empire Night it is then!" Violla agreed heartily.

As the group came out of the elevator, they surrounded Violla and chattered nonstop, singing praises of her every step of the way.

Violla wore an awkward smile the whole time and didn't know how to reply besides thanking them. Only Yulisa was acting normally and not being pretentious. Violla thought that Yulisa might be the best colleague among all of them.

"Huh? Isn't that Mr. Roman?" one of them alarmed everyone. "Quick, stop talking and step aside."

Everyone immediately went quiet and lined up at the side as Davon walked by. They lowered their heads and acknowledged him, saying, "Mr. Roman!"

Davon caught a glimpse of Violla as he walked by. "Hey, beautiful!" He whispered with his eyes on her, but nobody said anything back to him. Violla looked at his back, and that gut feeling came floating back up. "So similar." Her phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. It was Escort In Debt. "Hello!" Violla picked up the phone.

"Are you out yet?" While he was talking, Violla looked toward Davon. He didn't have his phone with him and was quietly giving out orders to Cruze.

"Is it really not him?" Violla wanted to confirm it once and for all, so she hurried out of the building.

Davon's Rolls-Royce Phantom was parked right in front of the entrance. The security guards opened the door and kept an eye out as Davon got in.

Violla was spacing out for a moment before she heard a familiar honk. She looked toward the direction of the honk and saw the Aston Martin that Escort In Debt always drove, parked beside a flowerbed not far away.

Before Violla could go over, the Aston Martin immediately sped towards her as the Rolls-Royce left, stopping right in front of her.

The window came down, and the escort popped his head out. "Hey!" he smiled.

Violla was stumped. Something felt weird, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. His clothes, his figure, and even his eyes. Everything was the same.

"No, wait! His eyes!" The escort In Debt she knew was not as cold as Davon, but his eyes still had that intense vibe. His eyes would never shine like the man in front of her, especially not with a smile.

"Daydreaming?" While Violla was deep in thought, a suggestive voice snapped her back to reality.

The escort had a huge bouquet of Champagne Roses with him as he got out of the car. "I missed you so much, baby!" He pulled her close and attempted a kiss.

"What are you doing?" Violla gritted her teeth. "You wanna die?"

"You're the one who wanted me to act as your boyfriend, right? I'm just making it look real," he said with an evil grin.

"But..." Before Violla could say anything, her colleagues had surrounded her once again.

"Wow! Violla's boyfriend really is rich and handsome!"

"Expensive car and a handsome face. I'm jealous!"

"Why the mask though?"

"My baby here likes it. Are all you pretty ladies my baby's coworkers? Nice to meet all of you." The escort's charming greeting immediately garnered everyone's approval.

Violla looked at the escort named In Debt in front of her. Something just felt wrong.

He was right in saying that she wanted him to act like her boyfriend. Naturally, he would need to do his best. "Can I blame him for giving an outstanding performance? One thing was for sure: Davon and the escort were not the same person." She told herself.

She had just watched Davon get into a car, and the escort In Debt was standing right there with her. Unless he knew how to clone himself, there was no way Davon could make that happen.

Even now, she still thought they looked almost identical when placed side by side. Nevertheless, her suspicions were cleared up, and she could confirm that it was just her head playing tricks on her.

"What's going on in there?" The escort lightly tapped Violla's forehead. He opened the door and cushioned her head. "Get in!"

"Violla's boyfriend is such a gentleman."

Violla got in the car while everyone sang praises for the escort.

The man's phone vibrated, so he glanced at the caller ID. A grin appeared on his face as he left it unanswered.

"Violla, can I tag along?" Yulisa came over and asked.

"Of course. There's space for three more at the back," Violla invited. "Hop on."

"Alright. Thank you." Yulisa pulled two more female colleagues over and told the others to take another car. "Let's meet at Empire Night."

"Okay!" The Aston Martin sped off like a gust of wind. Escort In Debt was driving a lot faster than usual, zipping through traffic and overtaking cars whenever possible.

"Slow down," Violla reminded.

"We're not actually going that fast here," he said as he got closer to her. "You look so beautiful."

"You just noticed?" Violla rolled her eyes at him. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Drinks are on you tonight, enjoy them as much as you can. I'll pay you back later."

"Pay me back?" The escort was amazed when he heard that.

"If you want to use your own money, be my guest," Violla replied. "You make more money than me anyway."

"Hahaha! That's interesting!" He burst out laughing.

"Why are you acting so weird today?" Violla's brows furrowed. "I've never seen you laugh before today. Are you really happy about something?"

"Why wouldn't I be happy? I get to be your boyfriend!" He leaned close to her ear again. "Aren't you happy?" He asked flirtatiously.

"Stop it!" Violla's face turned bright pink.

"Tsk tsk. Displaying your affection for each other right in front of us? Should we look away?" the ladies at the back teased.

"I should have never tagged along. This love is blinding! Hahaha."

"Quick, let's just close our eyes and pretend we didn't see anything," Yulisa chimed in.

"He's not usually like this." Violla smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly, the escort's phone vibrated once again. He glanced at Violla and picked it up with his AirPods. "Hello!"

"Looks like you got carried away!" Davon's cold voice came from the other side of the call.

"Yeah, I'm picking up my girlfriend from work," the debt-ridden escort gave an irrelevant response.

"If you lay a finger on her, you're dead!" A smoldering rage could be heard in Davon's tone.

"Hehe..." The debt-ridden escort replied with an evil laugh. "Are you getting anxious already? I thought you said it was just a game?"

Violla was left confused, wondering who he was talking to. "Is it the rich lady who gave him this car?"

"Drew Wesley!" Davon was about to explode.

"Alright. Okay. Don't worry!" Drew reassured before things got out of hand.

"Leave immediately when it's over!" Davon warned.

"Understood!" Drew ended the call and winked at Violla.