

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


"You're the one who's going to die!" Davon said coldly, as if he were the grim Reaper himself.

"W-What are you talking about?" Isaac asked, almost dropping his dagger in fear.

Davon had not moved an inch from his position at the door, but Isaac's hand holding the dagger was already trembling uncontrollably under Davon's murderous aura.

Before Isaac could react, Davon squinted and snatched the dagger out of his hand, then pinned him down onto the ground in the process. In the blink of an eye, with a loud 'snap,' his wrist broke in two. The loud scream that followed could have torn the ceiling of the building apart.

"How dare you threaten Mr. Roman!" Cruze bellowed, knocking Isaac out cold.

Violla, on the other hand, was on the verge of collapse. Just seconds before her head hit the ground, a pair of hands steadied her and pulled her away from the cold, hard floor. Through her half-lidded eyes, she managed to make out the handsome features of Davon Roman just before everything went black.

"Call the doctor!" Davon roared.

"Yes, Sir!" someone replied.

After what seemed like ages, Violla woke up in a daze, only to notice that she was lying on a stiff bed in a sparsely decorated room.

There was a 'D.R' symbol on the light hanging from the ceiling, and realization hit her like a truck the moment she saw it. "That is the Roman symbol! Am I in his room?" she asked herself.

She pushed herself up into a sitting position with great effort and realized that her clothes were gone, replaced by a thin white robe. It felt as though a bomb had gone off in her head, making it spin.

"Oh no! Where's the chip? Did Davon find out about it?" she thought.

"You're awake!" a gentle voice made Violla jump in shock. She looked up to see a female doctor walking into the room with a cart of medical supplies. The doctor proceeded to check her temperature and the wounds on her body. "The wound isn't infected, which is a good sign. I'll have to monitor you for a few more days before you can leave, though."

"Who are you?" Violla asked, confused.

"I am Immaculate, the family doctor of the Roman family," she replied with a smile. "Mr. Roman told me to take care of you for the time being. Are you his woman?"

Violla froze, unaccustomed to Immaculate's respectful tone. She recalled how everyone had treated her in a similar way back when she was dating Franklin. At that time, the Milan family also had a private doctor to take care of her whenever she fell sick.

She glanced at her uniform, which was neatly piled on the cart that Immaculate had been pushing.

"Wait... I'm just a security guard!" she yelled all of a sudden as she tried to get out of bed, only to hiss in pain and collapse onto the bed again.

Her neck was tightly wrapped and secured in place by a neck guard, while her left shoulder was immobilized by the thick layer of bandages on it.

"Don't move!" Immaculate said, rushing over to help her. "Your jugular vein is still intact, but the wound is deep. You need to rest."

"My clothes..." Violla said, reaching out and grabbing her uniform.

"I've asked someone to wash it for you," Immaculate said, placing the clothes and a small plastic pouch by her pillow. "Your personal belongings are here as well. Did we miss anything?"

Violla noticed the tiny black box in the pouch and immediately grabbed it. "Did you happen to check my belongings?"

"Of course not," Immaculate chuckled. "We won't invade the privacy of our esteemed guests."

"Then, what about Devil—uh, Mr. Roman?" she asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"He left as soon as he dropped you off here," Immaculate said respectfully, with a smile. "He'll return tonight."

Violla sighed with relief and almost jumped when she heard someone approaching the door. "Welcome back, Mr. Roman!"

The door to the room opened, and a cold draft rushed in. A tall figure walked in, its shadow spilling menacingly across the bed.

Violla could feel her heartbeat speeding up as she stared at him, startled.

"Welcome back, Mr. Roman!" Immaculate greeted.

Davon waved his hand, and Immaculate left the room, her eyes on the ground.

Once the door closed, Davon started closing in on Violla, causing her to flinch and burrow into her sheets. "W-What do you want?" she asked.

"Are you scared of me... My woman?" he teased, sitting down on the couch by the window.

Violla resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Who isn't?" she thought.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked finally, trying her best to appear calm and composed.

"You were injured during work hours, so I am obliged to ensure that you're recovering well," Davon said. His voice was frigid and emotionless, but his gentle gaze revealed his true feelings. "How are you doing? You're not dying, are you?"

"God forbid!" Violla impulsively yelled, immediately regretting it. "I am not dying anytime soon, sir!"

She emphasized the word 'sir' as though she had resigned herself to fate. "Isaac has been detained by the police," Davon briefed as he poured himself a cup of wine. He swirled the wine around as he continued, "So, what rewards would you like to have for your heroic acts?"

"Money!" Violla said without hesitating. "Just give me some money."

"That's all you care about?" Davon asked disdainfully.

Davon glared at her and stood up to leave.

"Thanks for visiting me, Mr. Roman! Have a nice day!" she chirped after him as he walked out of the room. She heaved a huge sigh of relief when the door closed behind him. "I don't think he has found the chip yet! I can't give it to him yet... he'll think I'm the culprit... I have to leave this place before anything bad happens!" She told herself.

She glanced at the little black box that contained the chip. It was actually untouched. Violla buried herself in the sheets and opened the box. Phew! It was still inside. She glanced at her phone and realized that the battery was flat.

Stuffing the chip under her pillow, she called, "Hey! Is anyone here?" Immaculate walked into the room just seconds later. "Yes, Miss Milan?" she queried.

"I want to go home. Can you get a cab for me?" Violla asked.

"Apologies, Miss Milan, but Mr. Roman has requested that you stay until your injuries have healed," Immaculate said with a slight bow of her head. "Do you need anything? I can help you get it."

"My family is waiting for me. They'll be worried if I don't return soon," she said.

It was getting late, and Violla's phone couldn't be turned on. She knew Mrs. Blake and the kids must be worried sick.

"Would you like to make a call first?" Immaculate suggested. "I presume that there isn't anyone around at home to take care of you?"

Violla nodded slowly in agreement. "Mrs. Blake must be exhausted from taking care of the kids. I can't become yet another burden on her shoulders! Besides, I don't want to scare the kids..." Her thoughts were interrupted.

She asked Immaculate for a phone charger so that she could call Mrs. Blake. After an hour her phone was fully charged and she could finally make the call.

"Hello, Mrs. Blake?" Violla started.

"Miss, where did you go? I couldn't get in contact with you..." Mrs. Blake's panicked voice came through.

"My phone ran out of battery just now," she explained. "I'll be busy for the next few days, so I won't be home."

She didn't want to lie, but neither did she want Mrs. Blake to worry about her.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Blake asked. "Just tell me. The kids aren't around."

"I got injured, so I need some time to recover," Violla explained to Mrs. Blake.

"What? What happened? How bad are your injuries?" Mrs. Blake asked with concern.

"I'm fine," Violla reassured her. "It's just a few scratches."

Mrs. Blake pressed further, "Which hospital are you staying at? I'll come and visit you."

"My boss assigned a private doctor to me, so I can't go home for the moment. Sorry for burdening you..."

"It's fine. I'll take care of the kids, and you should take care of yourself. Just give me a call if you need help," Mrs. Blake said kindly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Blake," Violla expressed her gratitude.

After ending the call, Violla lay in bed feeling bored. She decided to text the escort In Debt.

Violla: Why aren't you reporting on your recent progress? Can't you be more enthusiastic about this?

Violla enjoyed bossing the escort In Debt around as she had to be as docile and obedient as possible in front of her boss, who she referred to as the Devil.

Escort In Debt: Business has been slow recently.

Violla: Slow? Haven't you been visiting Empire Night? What have you been doing?

The escort In Debt did not reply. Violla sighed and decided to give him a call. After several rings, he finally picked up. "What's up?"

"Are you keeping your sugar mommies company these days?" Violla asked, slightly annoyed.

The man on the other end, Davon, swirled his wine around the glass as he relaxed in a bathtub filled to the brim with warm water. His lightly-tanned skin shimmered under the light, and his well-defined muscles seemed to emit a strangely dominant aura.

"I'm staying with a certain Stupid Woman," Davon said calmly.

"What Stupid Woman?" Violla snapped. "You will never succeed if you don't change this disgusting attitude of yours and serve me!"

"I'm just an escort. I don't need success," Davon replied, wiping the water off his face.

"What's that sound?" Violla asked curiously. "Are you swimming?"

"I'm just taking a bath," Davon clarified, taking a sip of wine.

"Why did you answer my call then?" Violla questioned.

Her mind briefly wandered to how he would look in the bathtub, imagining the enticing curves of his muscles and his lean body glistening with water as he emerged. She shook off the thought.

"What are you thinking of?" Davon teased.

"You jerk! What are you thinking of?" Violla exclaimed, her heart skipping a beat.

"I vaguely remember there was a horny girl back at Empire Night who molested me," Davon replied, feeling his body heat up as he recalled the event of that night.

"I just wanted to poke fun at those sugar mommies!" Violla explained hurriedly. "You should be messing around with your clients, not your boss! I won't pay you for doing weird things to me!"

"It's fine, just take it as payment," Davon stated.

"No way!" Violla said, cutting him off. "No way am I getting intimate with my staff!"

"What about your own boss?" Davon asked with a light grin.

"My boss is tall, handsome, and rich, but he's a pervert too. He's been pretty nice to me recently, though. Maybe he's scared of me?" Violla said.

Davon rolled his eyes skyward. "Looks like I've been too nice to you!" he thought.

"My boss is a strange person, to be honest. He never smiles or looks me in the eye, but when I got injured, he took me back home and assigned his family doctor to take care of me," Violla chirped.

"You should thank him for treating you so well," Davon urged.

"No! Don't you know how dangerous my situation is right now?" she scoffed.

"Huh?" Davon queried.

"Think about it! Which boss would take their injured employee back home instead of sending them to the hospital?" she argued.

"Maybe you're just... special. He might have fallen in love with you?" he said, honestly feeling his heart beat erratically.

"That's the problem!" Violla blurted. "I run into him almost everywhere I go, and I don't think it's by chance... in fact, some of my colleagues have never even met him! He's definitely seeking me out!" she squealed.

"Why would he do that?" Davon asked out of curiosity.

"Isn't it obvious? He has a crush on me!" she spat.

Davon did not know what to say.

"Oh no... what do I do now?" Violla asked, panicking. "Would he barge in; in the middle of the night?"

"Who knows?" Davon said with a chuckle.

"Hey! Can't you come and help me?"Violla pleaded. "You're the only person who can help me now..."

"You sound like your boss is going to devour you or something," Davon said. "Shouldn't you be grateful for his attention?"

"Hey! Don't forget who your boss is!" Violla growled.

"Enough. Rest well." Davon hung up and smirked as he thought about the idiot lying next door. "It won't hurt to prank her for once!" he thought.

He stood up from the bathtub and walked out barefoot, wrapping a bathrobe around his body on the way.

Next door, Violla was drowning in her own thoughts when the door opened all of a sudden. Davon's tall figure cast a long, invasive shadow on the bed, and his hair was still dripping wet. The white robe on his body failed to hide his well-defined muscles and domineering aura.

Violla stared at him in confusion and swallowed. "W-Why didn't you knock?" she questioned as she looked away.

"This is my house," Davon simply answered as he approached her, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She tensed up and continued to avoid his gaze. "W-What do you want?"

Without another word, Davon walked over to her bedside and sat down. He leaned over to look at her.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Violla whispered, shivering in fear. Squinting, Davon stared into her eyes intently and pressed his body against hers. He was like a feral beast that could melt her with his mere presence.

She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but her wounds made her entire body stiff like a stick. "I'm really in danger," her mind screamed.

Davon's handsome, smirking face inched closer to her. "Are you scared of me?" he whispered.

"H-Hey! Get away from me!" Violla pleaded, her voice shaking. "You may be the boss, but that doesn't mean you can have your way with me..."

She cut herself off when she noticed that Davon's lips were just a few millimeters away from making contact with her own.

Her eyes widened, and every muscle in her body seized up, rendering her immobile.

"God help me, I am done for," her mind screamed.

She could feel Davon's lips brushing against her cheeks and her earlobe as his hands moved to grab her. Violla closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable, her breath bated. Davon brushed his lips against hers, his breath becoming harsh. He trailed his lips over her cheeks as his chest rose and fell.

"Violla!" he hissed, unable to control the emotions that had begun as a prank. "Mr. Roman!" she hissed back. He rubbed her lips with his thumb before slightly pulling it down. Violla's breath grew harsher as she anticipated the kiss.

However, instead of advancing any further, Davon simply grinned and took a book from the bedside table before standing up to leave. He was sure that if he remained in there, he couldn't stop himself.

Violla felt him disappear from her side, prompting her to open her eyes tentatively. A strange sense of disappointment washed over her the moment she confirmed his absence.

"He's just here for the book... How dare he mess with my feelings!" she cursed in her mind. Davon was cursing too in his mind, "Damn you, Davon, for being a coward. Why can't you just tell her you love her? What is so hard about that? I guess I am the most cowardly of the Roman men."

Violla glared at him, only to notice something eerily familiar. "I've seen that figure somewhere... It looks so familiar!" she ruminated.

The four-year-old memory of that escort changing his clothes with his back turned flashed across her mind.

Davon was covered in a robe rather than the towel that the escort used, but everything else felt exactly the same to Violla, especially the taste of his mouth.

"Could he be... No... no way! It can't be him!" Violla's thoughts were all over.

Violla stared at Davon's back, hoping to see the cobra heads tattoo.