
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 48: Hikari's Curiosity

As the team continued their journey with Hikari, the princess of the Kijin Clan, Hikari became increasingly curious about Akira's background and his past experiences. She approached Yori first, who told her about how she found Akira unconscious in the human world and brought him to the Yokai World.

Hikari then turned to Kumiho, who shared some stories about Akira's bravery and determination during their previous adventures. Hana and Sayuri also chimed in with their own accounts of Akira's skills and compassion towards Yokai and humans alike.

But Hikari's curiosity was not satisfied yet. She wanted to know more about Akira's personal life and his relationships with others. She asked Yori if she knew anything about Akira's family, but Yori admitted that she didn't know much.

The team continued their journey, and Hikari kept observing Akira, trying to understand him better. She noticed how he was always ready to help others and how he treated everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their status or background.

One night, as they were camping, Hikari asked Akira directly about his past. Akira hesitated at first, but then he opened up and shared some of his experiences with her. He talked about his family and how he lost them, and how he found a new family in the Yokai World.

Hikari listened attentively, and as Akira finished his story, she felt a newfound respect and admiration for him. She realized that Akira's past had shaped him into the person he was today, a strong and compassionate leader who cared deeply about others.

From that moment on, Hikari felt closer to Akira and the rest of the team. She knew that they had all gone through their own struggles and challenges, but they had come together to form a strong bond of friendship and trust. And she was grateful to be a part of it.