
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 44: A Close Call

As they were traveling through the mountain, Akira and his team came across a powerful yokai. The team knew it was going to be a tough fight but they were confident in their abilities. The fight was intense, with both sides giving it their all. The yokai was strong, but the team was able to work together and weaken it. In the end, they were able to defeat the yokai, but not without casualties.

As the team was celebrating their victory, Akira started to feel strange. He was feeling light-headed and dizzy, but he didn't want to worry the team. He didn't want to be a burden, so he kept his condition to himself.

The team continued their journey through the mountain, but Akira's condition started to worsen. He was feeling weaker and weaker with each passing moment. He tried to hide his condition, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Kumiho noticed that something was wrong with Akira, but he refused to tell her what was going on.

Eventually, Akira's condition got so bad that he collapsed. The team was shocked and didn't know what to do. Kumiho checked on him and found that he had been poisoned during the fight with the yokai. She was furious that he had kept it a secret from them, but she knew that they needed to act fast if they wanted to save his life.

The team worked together to find a cure for Akira's poisoning. They searched high and low, looking for anything that could help him. It was a race against time, but they refused to give up. They knew that they needed to save their friend.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they found a cure. It was a rare herb that was only found in the deepest part of the mountain. The team worked together to retrieve the herb, and they were able to cure Akira of his poisoning.