
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 33: Kumiho's Concern

Kumiho observed Akira and Sora as they worked together to rebuild the Tengu clan's home. She noticed how they constantly glanced at each other and how their movements were synchronized. Kumiho couldn't help but feel concerned about their growing relationship.

As a Yokai, Kumiho knew that relationships between humans and Yokais were not accepted in society. She had heard stories of humans and Yokais falling in love but had never seen it happen before. Kumiho knew that their relationship could bring harm to both Akira and Sora.

One day, Kumiho decided to talk to Akira about her concerns. She pulled him aside and said, "Akira, I know that you care deeply about Sora, but you have to be careful. Relationships between humans and Yokais are not accepted in our society. You and Sora could be in danger if your relationship is discovered."

Akira listened carefully to Kumiho's words. He knew that she had a point, but he couldn't ignore his feelings for Sora. "I understand your concerns, Kumiho. But Sora and I have a strong bond. I will do everything in my power to protect her."

Kumiho nodded understandingly. She knew that Akira was a good person who would do anything to protect those he cared about. "I trust you, Akira. Just be careful," she said before walking away.

Akira knew that Kumiho's words were true, but he couldn't help but feel conflicted. He didn't want to hide his feelings for Sora, but he also didn't want to put her in danger. He decided to keep his relationship with Sora a secret and continue to help the Tengu clan.

As they worked, Akira and Sora grew even closer. They spent time together and talked about their hopes and dreams for the future. Akira knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Sora, but he didn't know how to make it happen without putting her in danger.

The days went by, and the Tengu clan's home was finally rebuilt. Akira and his team said their goodbyes and left the Tengu clan, with Akira and Sora promising to see each other again soon.

As they walked away, Kumiho looked back at the Tengu clan's home and sighed. She hoped that Akira and Sora's love would not bring them harm, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of worry.