
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 20: Meeting the Koropokkuru

As Akira, Yori, and Kumiho continued their journey, they came across a small village in the woods. The village was filled with tiny houses that seemed to blend into the surrounding trees. As they approached the village, they were greeted by a small girl with a bright smile.

"Hello there!" the girl said. "My name is Hana. Welcome to our village!"

Akira and Yori were taken aback by her friendly demeanor. Kumiho, however, was more cautious. "Who are you, and what do you want?" she asked.

Hana giggled. "I'm a Koropokkuru! We're a type of Yokai that live in harmony with nature. We don't mean any harm."

Akira and Yori looked at each other, surprised that they had never heard of this type of Yokai before. "We're sorry for being suspicious," Akira said. "We're just wary of Yokais who might want to harm humans."

Hana smiled. "Oh, I understand. But not all Yokais are like that. Some of us just want to live peacefully and protect the natural world."

Kumiho softened her expression. "I understand. We've been on the road for a while, and we're looking for allies who share our values. Maybe we can work together?"

Hana's eyes lit up. "That would be wonderful! We have a lot to learn from each other. Come, let me show you around the village."

As Hana led them through the village, Akira, Yori, and Kumiho were amazed by how the Koropokkurus lived in harmony with nature. They used leaves and twigs to build their homes, and they had gardens filled with herbs and vegetables.

After their tour, Hana invited them to stay for a while and learn more about their way of life. Akira, Yori, and Kumiho accepted, grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the Yokai world and make new friends.

As they settled in for the night, they realized that they had found a new ally in the Koropokkurus. And with that knowledge, they drifted off to sleep, excited for the adventures that lay ahead.