
Yogi- Immortals of Himalaya

Like most truth seekers, I was intrigued the first time I heard stories of exceptionally long lived yogis of India. We hear of Trailanga Swami of Varanasi, who supposedly lived to be around 300 years. There is Devraha Baba — his followers believe that he lived for over 250 years. Then there is the deathless Mahavatar Babaji, immortalised in Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography Of A Yogi.

Nilmani · History
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Starseeds High Council

Starseeds of new earth, we share this transmission with you to assist you in your individual and planetary process of raising your consciousness.

Our messages are not just words, but rather, energetic frequencies that are coded with light. Light, as we have mentioned before, is information. The data streams in this transmission, are coded to trigger cellular/DNA memories.

These messages are channeled directly from the light alliance and the ancient mystery school of knowledge. This information is guarded and passed down through the ages, by the great white brotherhood. ONLY the light of TRUTH can lead a soul to the divine realms this sacred knowledge is so powerful that if it is on the wrong hands, it can destroy worlds, this is why it is guarded.

It is reserved only for the true seeker of wisdom who comes forth with the offering of a pure heart, an open mind, and a heightened state of consciousness. These souls are the Christed ones, as upon their graduation into higher realms, they have embodied the Christos template. A requirement for entry to the brotherhood of light.

The darkness is simply a lack of knowledge/wisdom/truth. Therefore, we come to bring you illumination by way of Truth through energetic frequency and information transmission. Truth and light. It is imperative that you begin to question your own beliefs as most of them have been passed down from generation upon generation of corrupted files. What you believe and accept as truth, is an energetic magnetism that will directly affect your reality. If that belief is not aligned with divine truth, it will (as you have seen with humanities sufferings for thousands of years), have detrimental outcomes. This is because without DIVINE truth, one will suffer at the consequence of their own misaligned perceptions. It is YOU who must learn to differentiate on an energetic level, what frequency you will be POWERING with your energetic charge. It is YOU who can create heaven or hell, with your own power , based on what beliefs you choose to engage.

For all beliefs that you accept , you are also accountable for. This is why it's important to be sure to align with the light to create new earth. Those that are creating from the Death Star programs will have a parallel reality in a lower world. As that lower frequency is not able to access the higher planes. Again, there are guardians at the entry ways of each portal, and each realm, this is done to ensure proper passage.

HUmanity uses a term "light and love" in a lose way, and we wish to help you understand again, that light means TRUTH and love cannot thrive without truth being present. This term on earth, is often used after humans insult one another, or argue over differing polarities of imbalanced energies where many times, divine truth is still not present. We love you all, but we have to laugh at this, as it is not at all what we mean by light and love, in the higher densities.

In this now time, we wish to remind you, that coded into your BEing, is the remembrance of divine will. It is through meditation, soul reflections, and heightened consciousness that you can remember this, and begin to end the karma cycles by remembering who you are. YOU are a spark of the supreme creator!

Take in this light transmission and allow yourself to integrate the message. Your soul is ancient and Carrie's within it, long forgotten codes. Messages from the soul, that in one word from the language of light, Carrie's an entire article of information from the higher realms. These codes can only be accessed when you reach a heightened frequency. This was the sacred design to prevent this ancient knowledge from being hijacled and misused by those without true and earnest hearts.

Open your hearts now, and allow the new codes coming in to fill you, and heal your DNA with the profound frequencies this 2022 year on earth.

We are with you. We believe in you. We are here to support you. But we also wish to remind you, that is is YOU who will assist the galaxy by way of raising your consciousness.

Many of us, exist both in the higher dimensions, as well as on earth with you. May you remember to believe in yourselves. As it is within you, that the new earth will begin.