
Chapter 300: A Marital Dispute

Chirp Chirp Chirp

The sun was out over the horizon and the birds' sweet melodies drifted in the winds once more. It was yet another day, morning dew dripping down the leaves of flowers and blades of grass, a fresh scent of green permeating in the breeze.

As butterflies fluttered in the air, their paper thin wings flapping ever graciously, the caterpillars crawled from stem to stem, munching on the delicious, green leaves. It was but a small garden but it seemed like a totally different world.

And speaking of worlds, two figures were in one on their own, not minding the outside world and simply enjoying each other's company. It has been almost a week since the Werebeast subjugation incident and life has been the same...

"Grey, should we go to the Guild?" [Yuna]

"Nah, I'm nor really feeling like it... I'm sure something's waiting for us there. It would just be troublesome." [Grey]

"Right... I just want to laze around too..." [Yuna]

... Or rather than it has been the same, Grey and Yuna have been trying to ignore the things which might just cause them trouble. They know that the moment they decide to go to the guild, they would receive a letter, a medal, or things of the sort. It was just too tiring to deal with them.

Now, Grey and Yuna simply laze around. Yuna was lying down on a couch, eating some salted chips while she was at it whilst Grey was making another painting of her, still not satisfied with everything he's been painting.

"Grey, are you not done yet? I want to cuddle..." [Yuna]

"Just a moment... I'll just finish this part..." [Grey]

"Uuu... Do you nor care about your fiancée anymore?" [Yuna]

Of course, as usual, there was also lots of flirting. Unable to receive enough attention from Grey, Yuna then headed his way and clung on his back like a spoiled baby. She also poked on Grey's cheeks all to no avail, the latter still continuing to paint.

Well, it's not like Grey didn't care about her. He was simply too used to her antics and habits already that he's built up a resistance to it. It always happens on a daily basis, after all. It was a part of their peaceful lifeー

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Well, it was peaceful until the doorbells started ringing. They only needed to take a peek and they could already tell who was ringing it. It was only a silhouette, but it was one they were too familiar with. It was Kris!

"I'll go get it." [Yuna]

"Please, and thanks." [Grey]

Curious as one can be, Yuna then rushed towards the doors, and out towards the gate. The very moment she was outside, she immediately jolted when she saw Kris, making Grey, who was watching from afar, tilt his head in confusion.

It wasn't long before the reason was revealed. When he headed inside the house, a face full of bruises, scratches, and bumps was what greeted Grey, making him drop his paintbrush from sheer shock, flabbergasted as one can be.

"Yo, Grey! Morning!" [Kris]

Yet despite all the wounds on his face, he still had the energy to smile as if it was no big deal. He simply walked towards where Grey is, looking at what the latter was painting, cupping his chin as if he was some sort of art connoisseur.

Meanwhile, Grey and Yuna couldn't be any more confused. Though, it only took them a little bit of thinking before they quickly figured out how Kris' face came to be. It was Kris they were talking about, after all.

"Oh, you sure have nice skills, Grey. Mind painting me oneー" [Kris]

"Mister Kris, you had a fight with Miss Aria again, didn't you?" [Yuna]

Right on the spot! The very moment Yuna's words rang inside Kris' ears, he instantly froze, looking like a guilty child who had just been caught stealing candy. He couldn't even deny Yuna's words, simply smiling right back at them.

They don't even have to ask whose fault it was. Kris' smile was already more than enough as an answer. It wasn't the first time they had a fight, after all, and mostly, it would be Kris' fault because of his recklessness. Despite being such a prodigy, he was also an idiot deep inside.

Though, it was the first time Kris went to their house after their dispute. Seeing that he's been kicked out by his wife, it seems to have been a bigger quarrel than usual, one neither Grey nor Yuna even knows where to begin at.

"Haah... Mister Kris, what did you do this time?" [Yuna]

"Ah, well... Aria, you see... She's on her period..." [Kris]

""Ah..."" [Grey and Yuna]

They were shockedー no, they were baffled, flabbergasted even, slapping their own faces deep in their minds. They haven't even heard the story yet they could already guess what happened. Kris was even more of an idiot that they previously thought.

Soon, Kris started telling the two about what just happened. And apparently, the problem didn't just pop out of nowhere. It was one which escalated after having rooted for a couple weeks, finally exploding today.

As they were adventurers, Kris and Aria often get their clothes dirty from their quests and journeys. It was also the reason why they bought a high-quality magic washing in the first place. Yet for some reason, Kris was just too lazy to use them.

"Kris, didn't I tell you to do the laundry today? It's already your turn." [Aria]

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it later. I'll just finish this one." [Kris]

"And even the dishes too. Look how messy our house is right now. You aren't even cleaning up after yourself." [Aria]

"Yeah, I'll clean up later." [Kris]

It wasn't just the laundry, the dishes, the tables, and the very house itself was very messy. They have already divided the chores between them, and have agreed on a shifting schedule where each other will take turns doing certain chores, switching to the others after some time.

It was great and all, perfect for keeping their home tidy. The only problem now was that Kris got too engrossed in a certain magic tool he bought just a few days ago. He was so focused, he completely forgot his responsibilities, much to Aria's irritation.

Aria has been trying to be tolerant, seeing how much her husband was enjoying his newfound hobby, but she still has limits. Especially when dealing with idiots like Kris, it was especially frustrating.

"Ah, crap..." [Kris]

Crackle Crackle BOOM

And just when things couldn't get any worse, Kris suddenly disturbed the circuits of the magic tool, making it explode, black smoke bursting magnificently. It was only a small explosion, but it was enough to trash the living room.

"Kris... Clean the house, now!" [Aria]

"Wait, just let me try one more time." [Kris]

"One more time...?! You've already tried several times and you always mess up the living room in the process! You haven't even done the dishes and laundry yet, and you want to make more mess?! Kris! You're unbelievable!" [Aria]

The final strings have been cut and Aria finally snapped, nagging Kris over and over again. She may be caring and gentle most of the time, but like any other person, she still has her own limits, getting angry once her patience runs out.

Meanwhile, Kris, though listening to her lecture only got bits and pieces of her words, most entering one ear and leaving in the other. And for some reason, maybe the devil whispered into his ears, he said something mad...

"Aria, are you on your period again?" [Kris]

He asked the one thing he shouldn't have a lady on her period, and with an irritable tone in it as well. His face was just begging for a snappy slap, a few scratches and punches. He was then kicked him out of the house, and the rest is history

Looking back at it, it was fortunate that Kris only received bruises and scratches. If Aria was a little fiercer, things could have ended in disaster, a rain of arrows heading his way, each packed with the intent to kill.

Yuna also has her days, though in her case, rather than getting irritated easily, she gets even more clingy and needy. Grey couldn't even leave her be for a moment. If he does, Yuna would start bawling like an abandoned baby. It was quite the work.

'I wonder if our future would be like that too...' [Grey]

Wondered Grey, his eyes soon lingering towards Yuna's direction. They were still engaged yet they have been living together for almost four years already. They were in a strange situation, but the future could be stranger. Grey couldn't help but worry.

"Hm? Is... something on my face...?" [Yuna]

"No, it's nothing..." [Grey]

Grey soon turned his head back to Kris, looking straight at him. It was then that he realized Kris was simply a special case, too much of an idiot for his own good. He couldn't even feel sympathetic for him, only disappointment looming in his eyes.

Kris may be a splendid prodigy in fighting, but he was a lost cause in everything else. One couldn't even begin to fathom how unpredictable his mind was. It really was a surprise Aria even agreed to marry him. One of the many wonders in the world.

"Well, with that said, I'll be chilling in your house today." [Kris]

To prove such a point, he already made himself home despite not asking for Grey and Yuna's opinion. If it was any other person, they would have already kicked them out by now, but since they were also indebted to him before, they just let him be.

"Haah... There's some snacks on the table and also some sweets in the refrigerator if you want. Eat all you want." [Grey]

"Sweet! Now that's what I'm talking about!" [Kris]

A bright smile on his face, Kris then made himself comfortable, seating on one of the couches which embraced him with warmth and comfort. The snacks were the topping of the cupcake, making him look nothing more than a total deadbeat,

Grey sighed, soon continuing his painting. The only difference now was that Kris was with them. Thankfully, despite all the mishaps and chaos he causes, he still knows to be respectful in someone else's house.

As for Yuna, she simply continued lazing about and playing with the familiars who are more than eager to play with her. Her radiant smile bloomed even more the moment he saw Grey tuck in his paintbrush and finish the painting. They could finally spend more time with one another,

"Right, Mister Kris, before we forget, we'll be leaving for the Graystone Kingdom in a few days, we'll leave all the high-ranking quests in your care again," [Grey]

"Graystone? That's quite far. Were you invited to a ball or something?" [Kris]

"Well, yeah. Though, our real purpose there is the Labyrinth of Stars. It will be opening soon." [Grey]

"The Labyrinth of Stars, huh..." [Kris]

To Grey's words, Kris was left thinking. He and Aria have been on the Labyrinth of Death before, but never to any other. As an adventurer, he also wants to dive deep and face strong opponents. He wants to experience more thrill as well.

The only problem was that Graystone Kingdom was too far away. There was also the issue with their identity. They were still revered as "Heroes of Alfrione" as well. It would be a hassle to deal with all the nobles and royals. It was too bothersome.

"... Sure, you can leave it to us. An S-rank quest may be difficult though." [Kris]

"Hahaha. I'm sure you can do it. You've grown a lot stronger, after all." [Grey]

He may be weak compared to Grey and Yuna, but by other people's standards, he was already a powerful powerhouse, able to wipe out entire towns and cities if he so desires, standing much higher than even Alfrione's General.

Recently, his growth has been outstanding, now reaching a combat power of about 4,400. If he keeps up such a growth, he'll be reaching S-rank sooner rather than later. The guild would have another monstrous talent.

"Well, we've been training with the familiars some time recently. You said it would be more efficient, and you're right. I can feel myself growing day by day." [Kris]

"Combat power climbs faster in the face of danger, after all." [Grey]

"Danger... Haah... I also wanted to have some thrill. Dianthus is good, but a stronger opponent would also be nice..." [Kris]

"Then, would you like to fight our familiars, Mister Kris?" [Yuna]

Yuna didn't even need to speak even further. Her words were more than enough to spook the living daylights out of Kris, jolting immediately. His face suddenly turned serious, traces or dread and panic painted evidently.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?!" [Kris]

It was a valid response. After all, they weren't just any familiars, they were Grey and Yuna's familiars, each one powerful enough to be feared even by High-Rankers. And there were also Polaris and Sirius whose existence would surely shake the world.

It was only a tug of war, but Kris had experienced battling against one of them, and it was in no way easy. He could still remember the sense of defeat he felt back then. He refused with all his heart and might.

"Mister Kris, don't worry too much! We have Procyon and Achernar, remember? You can battle against them then!" [Yuna]

"Procyon... Achernar... You mean the new pups?" [Kris]

"Yeah. Their combat powers are about the same as yours and you also need a stronger training partner. It's perfect, isn't it?" [Grey]

Kris thought once again, but not as long as the first time. There was really nothing to lose about Grey and Yuna's proposal. If anything, it was perfect for him. There was no way he would decline such a generous offer.

"Haah... Then, I guess I'll be relying on you, little ones." [Kris]

Resigning on arguing with Grey and Yuna any further, Kris then patted Procyon and Achernar, little fluffy heads. It would be a world of pain and suffering, but it would also allow him to reach new heights he's never seen before. A cheat ticket, so to say.

Just like that, time passed by and noon soon arrived. After lazing around all morning and enjoying their casual chat, it was finally time to prepare lunch. Both Grey and Yuna headed to the kitchen, the kitchen's symphony playing in the air.

As for Kris, he simply continued doing whatever he was doing. Since he'll be training with Procyon and Achernar, he thought he'd deepen the bond between them, and so he did. The only problem was that Procyon was too feisty and Achernar was the total opposite. They were quite the handful.

"Right, Mister Kris, what would you like for dessert?" [Grey]

"Oh? I can choose?" [Kris]

"Well, we're still the owner of the house after all. Though we didn't expect you to drop by, we should still show hospitality." [Grey]

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. No need to be salty. I'll call you next time when I drop by... If I can use the phone before I get kicked out, that is." [Kris]

He was a hopeless one. He may be stronger than Aria, but in their relationship, he doesn't even have a shred of authority, fully under his lovely wife. Much like Grey, he's too much of a fool for his beloved.

Well, it's not like Grey and Yuna want him to come over again every time they have a dispute anyway. If anything, they would ever be so grateful if Kris finally gets his act together and stops causing trouble for Aria. Though, such is but a farfetched dream.

"Then, some ice cream sandwich would be niceー Actually no, could you teach me how to make the bienenstich you made a while ago? I'm a little curious." [Kris]

A sudden request, Kris soon stood up from the couch and headed over to the kitchen. It was so sudden, Grey and Yuna were left speechless, only tilting their heads as they looked the man straight to the eyes.

"Why are you two looking at me like that...?" [Kris]

"No... It's just... It's quite uncharacteristic of you to ask a request like that." [Grey]

"Un... I thought Mister Kris isn't that interested in desserts too. I thought you would like meat or fish more, something more... savory?" [Yuna]

"Hey, just what do you think of me? I'm not some wild animal, you know? I also like to try different things every now and then, even desserts." [Kris]

Continued Kris as he watched what Grey and Yuna were preparing. He had tasted the bienenstich quite a while ago and he could say it was quite the unique experience he would have never tasted if not for Grey and Yuna. A sweet and crunchy delight.

Of course, as he was already in the kitchen, he also picked up some kitchenware to help out Grey and Yuna in making lunch. Though not as much as they, he was also quite knowledgeable in cooking, even more so now that he is married. He and Aria take turns cooking their meals.

"No, actually... Aria quite liked it..." [Kris]

And there it was, the real reason why he wanted to learn how to make such a dish. He may have acted like he wasn't affected much by their quarrel, but Kris cares too much for Aria for it to be that way. He's been thinking of her all the time.

With him putting it in such a way, there was no way Grey and Yuna could refuse him any longer. They simply resigned themselves to fate and prepared for what's about to come. Well, what's the worst that could happen?

"Haah... I guess we have no choice then..." [Grey]

"Please prepare yourself, Mister Kris! We won't be going easy on you!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha! I'll be in your care, Masters!" [Kris]

And the worst did happen. Though he was decently skilled in cooking, Kris sucked in the baking and making sweets. He often messed up the measurements and ratios between the ingredients, unfamiliar with the different tools he's never seen before.

For some reason, since they were called sweets, he simplemindedly decided to put as much sugar as one possibly could, making the resulting sweets, as one would expect, absolutely horrible. They were too sweet even for Yuna's taste.

It wasn't just the sugar. He also crushed the almonds after putting too much strength, turned the cream into a very liquid substance after stirring too much, disregarding the consistency, and for some reason added some sugar to honey to make it "sweeter".

It was good that he was putting effort into his work, but it was simply too much effort for his own good. It made Grey and Yuna wonder how such a huge disparity in skills between cooking and baking exists. It shouldn't have been possible.

"Mister Kris! That's too much salt! Please stop!" [Yuna]

"It's fine. I'll just neutralize it with sugar later on." [Kris]

"Nooo!! That's not how it works!" [Yuna]

Time passed some more and even more disasters unfolded. What was supposed to be a little teaching session before making lunch turned into a full-scale war. The two used all methods they could to fix Kris' screwed up sense of understanding, fighting even on an empty stomach.

The storm finally came to pass, and though it was a very tough battle, they somehow managed to make a decent looking bienenstich. As for the taste, they'll simply leave it to fate's shoulders. They already did the best they could, exhausted as one can be.

"Mister Kris... Please don't fight with Miss Aria again..." [Grey]

"Uuu... I feel so tired..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Sorry... I'll try my best next time," [Kris]

That's just it. Grey and Yuna don't want a next time, if possible, they don't want to deal with the aftermath of their marital dispute once again. They simply wanted to enjoy their life together, basking in the warmth of each other's company.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

And just when they thought it was finally all over, another series of bells rang all over the place. They didn't even need to guess who it was. Judging from the silhouette, it was none other than Kris' lovely wife, Aria.

Kris didn't waste any more time. It was quite nerve-racking, but he still pulled himself together, heading to the gates soon after. There was an awkward atmosphere about them, finding it hard to be the one to talk first.

Grey and Yuna don't have a hobby of eavesdropping, but since they've already been involved, they might as well see it through until the end, enhancing their sense of hearing to see how things are going between them.

"Umm... Aria, about this morning... Look, I'm really sorry. I know I've been insensitive and irresponsible as of late... You've practically been the one doing all the housework… Now that I think about it, I've been a hopeless bum, huh… It must have been exhausting to deal with such a useless husband… And well, I'm sorry..." [Kris]

Kris apologized, and apologized some more. Throughout the whole thing, Aria remained still and quiet, not moving a single inch nor saying a single. She simply listened to Kris' words, hanging her head down.

"Well, I can't promise I won't do the same thing again, but I'll make sure to make it up to you, so... Can you please forgive me?" [Kris]

"...You idiot." [Aria]

However, rather than forgiveness, what Kris received was an insult. As Aria lifted her head up, Kris was greeted by a sulking face which was about to burst, pouting ever so silently as she looked at his direction.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? You could have apologized and I would have forgiven you immediately. We could have just talked it out, but you went away. Do you know how worried I was? Kris, you idiot." [Aria]

Her voice was calm but her body was trembling. They are already married but it didn't mean she would be free of anxiety for their relationship. If anything, she only became even more anxious after the feeling of comfort faced away.

"Yeah... I'm an idiot. Sorry." [Kris]

"Dummy..." [Aria]

"Yeah~. The dummy is here~." [Kris]

Before Kris even noticed it, his body already started to move, welcoming his wife in his warm embrace. Aria was cursing him nonstop, yet he openly welcomed it with a smile on his face, a feeling of relief rushing in his heart. Just two fools deep in love.

Before long, the two finally made up and Grey and Yuna invited them inside the house. They had gone through the efforts of teaching Kris after all. They might as well finish what they've started and make sure everything goes right.

"It's nothing much, but I hope you like it." [Kris]

Feeling uncharacteristically shy, Kris handed over the bienenstich he worked so hard to make. And though puzzled, Aria took a spoon for herself, taking a little slice, and feeding it to herself, flavors bursting soon after.

"So... How is it...?" [Kris]

"It's the best..." [Aria]

Compared to Grey and Yuna's creations, it was only normal, but somehow, Aria felt an indescribable surge of warmth bloom in her heart as she tasted the bienenstich. Happiness overflowed in her heart, a smile was painted into her face.

It was a long day, one full of surprises and all sorts of trouble, but Grey and Yuna still found it satisfying. It was troublesome, for sure, but it wasn't that bad. They could use a little bit of spice every now and then.

"Then, Miss Aria, it's a bit late, but would you like to join us for lunch?" [Grey]

"Un! We'll be cooking a few delicious dishes!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! It would be my pleasure." [Aria]