
Yjarls Gate: Gods Trust

A young wind gods journey to celestial-hood while dealing with the dangers of a tyrant father and war hungry mother.

Toma_Mahan · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The BlackFist and The Soul Maiden

"Fire, ash and brimstone.....I've never seen so much smoke." He thought, raising his runic blade. With his other hand he grabbed the Uterines spear. A shield came crashed into his helm, collapsing him instantly. The soldier dashed through the flaming temple to stab the killing blow.

"Dark Aegis! RESTRAINT." Another voice called out. Instantly writhing darkness seeping from the stone piercing the soldiers plated back. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his spear with both hands. He wouldn't go alone. Just then a glowing blade pierced his throat turning his brain to goo. It dripped through his nose, drowning the man below.

With a huff the summoner pulled his comrade to his feet. "Saved you again Mr. Wind Breaker. You must keep focus." The summoner jokes, sheathing his paint brush.

"Yea yea yea. Where's the rest of the company Sergeant Kalfu?" Rudra asked whipping his the blood from his bishi

He didn't answer, just closed his eyes and sighed. They were all dead. This had been the fate of those within the Black Hand, the Grand Magus's personal army. Loyal to his hand only.

"I see...well we cant just run in with the two of us. You circle around and wait till they drop their guard." The Captain said, applying a barrier.

The Temple of Syrel had been all but destroyed, the impenetrable Citadel gates blown asunder. "Had this been worth it? All of this just for a key...." Rudra thought entering the main treasure vault.

"Now he sends his army ehh? He promised us peace you know,...but I see he only wanted bloodshed. I shouldve never believed him..." the martial arcanist said.

"No, youre right....he didnt keep his word, but the rest of your can live, Just give us the key and well be on our way." The Captain exclaimed, with one hand on his bishi.

Several warriors tensed up. Zeal seeped from each of them. Every second they spoke felt like and eternity passed.

"I remember you... Youre Rudra, The Wind Prince. I cant believe we crossed paths like this....." the martial arcanist dropped his helm in sorrow. Long disheveled strains of dirt soaked hair proved that this siege wore the best of us down.

"Do you remember me now? Your father killed my brothers. And today i'll avenge their disgusting deaths."

"Rayloth...how? HOW?! I saw the Grand Magus kill you with my own eyes."

"Kill? You think your father would kill the Emerald Crusader of Syrel? You cant still be that naive. Youre what? 22 summers now?" Rayloth asked, unhooking the dagger from his waste.

With nothing more than a look he commanded his men to move. Within a blind his dagger grew massive in size turning to glaive. Rudra absorbed large amounts of oxygen into his bloodstream. His body grew lighter. Lightning engulfed the 3 foot long bishi blade.

The first three soldiers circled him quickly, each attacking in unison following the last attack. The blade ran true through the first soldier's armor, shocking them instantly they collapsed. The second tried grabbing his armor to hold him done but had a wind bullet crack his skull and helm open.

"WAIT! I'll handle this one." Rayloth said, dropping down from his platform.

The entire room held their breath. None daring to miss this duel. The infamous Wind Prince and the Emerald Crusader ranked 87th on the Zeal Order. Only focusing with their eyes and not their bodies they missed, the young elementalist cast numeros gale and tempest spells. The underground vault grew closer to the wind you'd feel atop a mountain during the raining season. Raindrop after raindrop animating the figures through the smoke of the Temple. This all had reminded him of 8 years before.

"I'm telling you Ally I can control clouds. Not only the big ones but the little ones too " Rudra remarked, flipping through his spellbook.''

"Ha yea right and I can talk to ghosts." Klafu turned swiftly "Now Lord Rudra-"

"Shut up. You know I hate when you call me that." The weather outside turned to foul dark clouds, appearing from nowhere. Just then the Owl Prism rang. Like faeries in the daylight the class scattered leaving their spellbooks where they sat.

"Not you Lord Langston, may I have a word? Truth be told, I knew you'd know too much for this course per usual. But you must stop interrupting the class. The others dont have your...substanual background to say the least." Lksurin preached sitting from his ironoak podiam.

"Can I go now?" Rudra replied walking out before getting an answer. The school let out. Young nobles from every faction and spellcraft attended Lunar Crest Academy. A prep school of sorts for young advanced magicians.

"They're all the same really. Kiss this noble's ass. Bribe this merchant. Each and every one a shadow ready to stab you in the back." He thought, passing a portrait of The Grand Magus. He stopped and began looking deeply into the portrait. The deep sucken eyes and bloody battlefield. But there he stood, The Grand Magus a beacon. "He had never been a forgiving man. Very few physically matched the Magus, even less compared to him magically. His power seemed endless. You'd think a man who spends all his time reading would be feeble at best. But no, Abaddon the Black Fist, destruction incarnate simply put. He stood towering at 2.5 meters tall with a chest as broad as a hurricane lion and hair as black as sin. Deep rich skin He even has one of the rarest affinities- " Rudra. Rudra? RUDRA!" he screamed, snapping him from his daze.

"I heard you the first time Kalfu, dont scream at me." He replied, slinking down into himself as he walked down the staircase with his two closest friends. Alspeous, son of Greao the Bearclo Mining owner. And Kalfu heir to the White Lotus mercenary company.

The owl's prism rang letting the students know after hour activities began. See Lunar Crest had been a 32 hour school. Meaning you could attend class for a full day if you wanted. I tried my best to glide out of the main hall before my father could summon me back to the palace.

"Rudra wait. We need to talk" Alsepous spoke, never looking up from his jade and mythril infused paint brush. Somehow his soft voice carried over the clamoring of mages and nobles exiting the hall. "Yes? How may I serve you?" Rudra replied, fixing his coat and bowing

"Stop are you trying to get us killed? (he grabbed Rudra stopping him mid bow) You've reapplied to the Academy as a martial arcanist? Didn't the Grand Magus say not to? You must stop provoking him." The painter said. He twirled his brush in his fingertips, warping the halls as they walked.

" He did, But have you seen the Phantom Knights?" he cut me off "No.NO I havent, no one has. You're a sorcerer. You're a Langston." he scoffed without taking his eyes off his brush. Rudra furled his lip causing wind to pick up in the hallway. He hesitated for a moment looking him up and down.

"You think its easy being the son of one the most powerful warlocks on this planet? You think I live an easy life Al? Do you know how many graves my fathers armies have filled? Because I do. So why dont you stick to drawing your little pictures and stay out my business."

The Prince turned and started walking as fast he could outside, pushing his way through noble after noble. A butler as always had been the first carriage outside the school. The butler bowed to his lord and magically lifting his books from his care and opening the carriage door. Like always hed stepped inside and the bi-ram pulled carriage, it floated began flying soaring over packed city.

His carriage door opened once hed arrived and several servants rushed out to meet him. There he was the Grand Magus, his father. He ushered his son over and began walking with him.This pressure, like a wild animal cornering you. Rudra thought with beads of sweat racing down his brow. "I can't move, why can't I move?" He thought while his heart beat out of chest. He gathered all the soros in his body and sent it down to his toes trying to force something, ANYTHING.

"Does your father frighten you that much boy? Come we must speak."The Magus said, breaking the silence. He gestured to his son to follow and there they walked, and walked for what seemed like an eternity. They approached his study after several minutes of silence.

"Its come to my attention you wish to be a Phantom? A blade in the darkness? Do you know what it takes to raise one? A phantom....First you have to break them, let them understand just how weak and useless they are. Then you collect their conscience and fill it with rumors and propaganda, then and only then will you be ready to be a Phantom."

"Ive seen how you train them....i know how you break them. But its for my country, no my people and I want to protect them." He replied standing as his father walked around his pure mythirl desk.

"If you didnt open your mouth i'd forget you were a child. Do you think these men serve the country or do they serve me? Dont be a naive child, these men are killers and butchers. Nothing more"

"But fath-Grand Magus. I want to be out there with you. I can help you, I cant just sit back and do nothing. Youve already done so much for our people." Rudra protested.

With nothing more than a glance a spell was cast, all the will in his body had been drained, his father was forcing him to kneel. The more he circulated soros trying to break free the more he pushed me further into the jade infused palace floor. Rudras eyes grew bigger as he remembered what jade did.

"Don't tell me this is the extent of your strength Rudra? You spend all day reading my arcane tombs, surely you have a trick up your sleeve boy." The Magus chimed with his searing gaze.' I hate it when he calls me a boy.' He thought. Today was the day I'd wipe that smirk off his face. The soros I had fused into the jade had finally made its way over to him. He laughed and stomped the ground, dispersing all my soros in an instant.

Papers began whisking in every direction. Then the sturdy hoshels uprooted from their sealed positions.

"This is what I like to see. Tier 3 gale force?" The Magus was elated to see his sons spirit. With a snap of his fingers his office stopped spinning. The room paused. His desk rewound the papers and hoshels back to their original place.

He smiled, his son could already produce tier 3 spells. He broke through to the sorcerer realm. At 14, no less.

Hed gotten too caught up in being proud, he forgot this was a challenge. Before he realized it the room crackled with a golden glow. With both hands he charged, grabbing his fathers legendary left hand. A crackled explosion had been let free. Rudra would have blown backward if not for his fathers unbreakable grip.

"I win. " The Prince replied pointing to his fathers hand. His index finger lifted slightly.

"Welding lighting....I see youve been training zeal behind my back. See I would have passed you but now It seems to me that you won't be a Black Hand You cant even follow simple instructions.You'll be a student at Moon-Spirit Pavilion. Starting next fall." He said, strolling from desk..

"This isn't fair~"

"Fair? You want fair? You live in Yjarl, a country founded for and by mages. Youre a mage! You get to live within the Shifting Fortress. Even better, you're blessed enough to live in the capital. By the Fates will, you live in the highest form of luxury within a palace I might add. And all I ask in return is that you attend Moon-Spirit Pavilion, a college for elite wizards, the best college in the entire continent I may add. And you cant even be bothered to go?" The Magus asked. Looking as if he already knew the answer.

"But.....Youre right...Grand Magus. May I be excused?" The prince replied. It took everything in his body not to sigh. He knew hell would really break loose.

Without so much as a knock a palace guard flew into the room falling into a kneed position.

"MY LORD WE HAVE AN ASSASSIN IN THE PALACE!" The guard screamed barreling down the long corridor.

"An assassin? Where? How many?" The Grand Magus asked, grabbing his black gauntlet from its stand.

"A chaos mage using an ethereal blade coated in spatial magic. Grand Magus, he can hit you from anywhere. He's already killed so many....." He replied prostrated from the jade floor.

" Now just where is this assassin?" The Magus replied calmly, looking more agitated than anything.

"Prime Athenaeum. On my way here I saw the Grand Sorceress making an appearance. She said she'd incinerate-" Before he could finish, He was off on a full sprint trying to save his books from mothers flames.

'I have to hurry before she destroys the entire Palace.' He thought while gaining even more speed. Smoked filled the regal hall. An entire corridor with the busts of every Grand Magus and Grand Sorceress through its history. AN explosion rocked the palace, each and every bust fell exploding on impact. With a snap they all rewound and found themselves in their original place.

The halls had been packed with both servants and nobles alike trying to get a peak at the action coming from the Athenaeum. Not a single path was open. He couldn't just increase his weight and run through them all. They'd be broken like twigs. He settled for throwing them to the side with a wave of purple energy.

"Grand Magus! Grand Magus! The Grand Sorceress is here!" The head guard Thom called out. He clearly just engaged with the intruder. Covered from head to toe in all manners of gashes. If Thom is in this state I can only imagine the state of his men. With no time to slow down he changed the inertia of his running to come from the side instead of behind. Instantly turning him on a dime.

The blue spirit flames had been pouring out from the Athenaeum hissing at everything it touched. "SOL STOP THIS AT ONCE YOU'LL BURN DOWN THE WHOLE DAMN PALACE" Abaddon screeched. He could never keep his calm voice with his wife. She was never quite all there.

Sol looked at him and laughed with her flame filled eyes. She was enjoying every moment of this, it's not very often the Grand Sorceress is allowed to let loose. The Temple kept her on a tight leash. With a wave of her hand a wall of blue flame appeared blocking the large double doors leading into the Grand Knowledge Tomb. Abaddon instantly understood what that meant. She wanted to kill him alone.

The assassin clad in emerald mythril armor made another move, this time he did something neither of them had expected. He jumped 7 meters in the air, and began running there, jumping and rolling in the air gracefully dodging every attack launched his way. Followed with his own flurry of continuous wind lances. His long ethereal blade was formed from the wind it seems. He could tell because it was stained with so much blood. Sol enchanted her next attack, she conjured several dozen flame wards suspended all through the tomb. They all began firing simultaneously.

The assassin realized that there was no way to dodge dozens of spirit missiles flying his way from every direction. He jumped in the corner between the staircase and column forming a vibrating chaos shield. Several flaming strikes hit the shield dissipating the moment it touched.

'How had he dissipated her soul flame with mere chaos zeal?' Abbadoon thought, mulling it over. 'How could that be possible?' The strikes stopped, Sol was getting serious. He needed to evacuate the area. She'd kill everyone in the surrounding corridors and wouldn't bat an eye.

"THOM GET THESE FOOLS OUT OF HERE!" The Grand Magus snapped. The guards were already up shuffling people along. He needed to save his subjects.

Just then Sol was done with her chant. Her hands and forearms were drowned in swirling blue spirit flames. The assassin watched from behind his dome doing chanting of his own. Sol formed a massive flaming pillar and started to rain down hellfire on his magical dome. The palace shook. She was smiling taking it all in. The assassin's dome could only withstand her firepower for a few seconds at best. The vibrating shield wasn't made of chaos, it was made of sound. And when she popped it the most ghastly sound reverberated through the halls. Some onlookers dropped to their knees clenching their bleeding ear, others vomited and seized up. The energy wave threw The Grand Sorceress and Magus out the air and through several bookshelves. Neither had been phased by it, both shooting up their feet almost instantly.

"Why? Just why? Youre second greatest swordsman on the continent.~"She cut him off.

"And what if I am? And youre really pushing it with the second best. You know he cheated." she retorted with a scowl. The gold bands on her arms and neck flickered in the burning tomb. They started to make their way towards the bookshelf. The assassin was gone. Spatial soros was thick in the air. "I wanted his sword." She said pouting.

In the chaos of invasion Alspeos had somehow found his way to Rudra. Rudra spent his entire life within the palace walls and still hadnt seen half the people hed seen today.

"Follow us. Were going to the emergency evacuation room." Alspeos asked, walking with a band of guards.

Rudra replied with a serious nod of his head.'Ive never seen a single one of these guardsmen and I know every knight in the capital' He thought walking behind the armor-clad warriors. The head knight led them on to a tower in the eastern part of the palace. 'This is strange, it's so empty here. There should at least be servants. I've never been here before. But I know it shouldn't be empty.' He thought, climbing over bodies and burning wood.

"Something's burning...It smells like pyterirl. They use that to burn iron oaks. Why is it here? Where are you taking me?" Rudra said looking around. 'Why would he take me to the eastern tower and not the guard's wing in the southern part of the palace?' He was lost in his racing thoughts. They walked them down a long hall with no doors and no ornaments. Not even a rug.

"Hey umm Al where are we going?" he didn't reply this time either and just kept walking. That's strange, he's walking so different now. He started to put it together. That odd swiveling walk he did was gone. Every step had purpose; they were all so light too. They reached the farthest wall in the corridor and he pulled off that veridium pendant he always wore. He whispered a few words and a six ringed sigil appeared hovering and glowing. The wall disappeared. He was shocked, not impressed. Hed had seen things far grander than this. But he knew this was a bad sign. He slowly gathers wind soros his lungs and flooding his entire body with it. He was feeling lighter and muscles were twitching prepared for anything.

A knight turned to grab his arm, he was already meters behind him. Charging a rising-wind-blade spell. A sharp searing pain run across his entire body. Before he could even react he launched a chunk of jade at me from behind. My spell backfired and exploded. His bloody body flew into the stone wall with a loud crack. He couldn't even breathe. Being thrown in 2 different directions in a split second felt like hed been ripped in half. A river of pain coursing through his entire body. It hurt beyond words. "So you want to die then Rudra?" a voice rang out. Straining his entire body he just barely managed to look up

"I don't want to kill you. I like you, Lord Rudra, I really do. But if you try that again- well you know what'll happen." He said calmly administering a healing spell on the back of his head. Sadly healing spells dont stop pain. "I'm going to heal you just enough so that you don't die. But not enough so that you can put up a fight. That's fair, right? I mean you did try to kill me." A knight grabbed him like you'd grab a satchel and threw me over his shoulder with ease and started to ascend the tower.

(Across the palace)

"Sol have you lost your mind? You could have killed someone. You could have destroyed countless generations of knowledge."

"As opposed to what? Are your books worth more than their lives?....No dont answer that. When I arrived at the Athenaeum there were already bodies littering the place. He had already killed 8 guards or have you not noticed that?" She said as she stopped all the spirit fire from spreading with a snap of her fingers. Leaving the tomb without even a care for the destruction around her. The tomb had been ruined. It hadn't been the first time either. It surely wouldn't be the last.

A statue of Marduk the being who brought magic to Yjarl. It had been destroyed. The entire artifacts department was ransacked as well. 'Could that be why the assassin was here? No they'd be a fool to break into the palace for something that trivial.' Abaddon thought as he used Fist of the Maker to repair the destroyed statue and crumbling staircase.

'What could they gain from this?' He thought as he reversed the searing effects left on the scrolls and books throughout the tomb. Abaddon was a historian. A student in every sense of the word. His first order as Grand Magus to have the entire Athenaeum saved to separate memory crystals. Then having those saved into larger memory crystals. He strolled the halls of the tomb as he had many times before still trying to figure out why the assassin was here. 'I'm surprised Rudra didn't come running back to see the battle. He always came to see the action, no matter how many times I told those useless servants to keep him back.'

An out of breath guard came running then sliding into a kneeled position. "My Magus there has been another attack on the eastern wing.... They burned pyterirl and some other substance. I...i do-" The guardsman screamed. He fell to his knees panting.

"Spit it out." he snapped.

"They burned pyterirl and killed so many. Even the children...."he trailed off. You could hear the horror in his voice.

"How many dead? Did you find the origin of the toxin? Have you seen the Prince?"

"The entire servant quarters my Magus. Hundreds of them are dead over there. It seeped through into the conference halls. Knight Lance and Knight Argyle choked to death, they hadn't even seen it coming. Oh and I saw Lord Rudra headed into the Eastern mountain tower." he replied, refusing to look at the furious Black Fist.

Abaddon was already out of the door breaking into a full sprint once he reached the corridor. He gave no warning. If you were in his way while he charged, it was simply your fault. The tomb was located in the upper levels of the Western Research wing. Simply put he'd have to go through too many floors and even more glares before he could even reach the spiraling eastern tower. Abaddon had a better idea, he needed a balcony. Stopping his full speed charge in an instant he turned to a servant girl.

"You, girl, tell me where's the nearest balcony?" he said, reaching his left hand out. "If you head through Ser Plymouths quarters he has one." she mumbled with fear in her voice. He started off again barreling down the hall once more. He reached Ser Plymouths room, throwing the door open before he even reached it, he flew full speed straight through the room reaching the stone balcony in 3 heart beats.

Abaddon looked up at the sprawling palace wall, he'd have a climb ahead of him. He needed to move 9 stories up then make his way over an uneven rooftop. He groaned, twirling the mane of his pelt in his fingers. He raised his left arm letting it be enveloped with black mist. He turned his hand, lightly pressing down each finger until his hand formed a claw. He folded back reality. It flickered but never opened a warp gate.

'More soros than this?' He thought raising his right arm absorbing the surrounding residual soros like a cyclone. Just then a gleaming golden crack formed suspended in mid air. He started to smile, he had done it. Using his gravity affinity he formed a miniature wormhole without the need for a gate. Something only avatar level spatial mages could do. This was no time to gloat though, he pulled both arms back forming a larger crack in reality. The rift hadn't even begun to stabilize before he formed a fist with his left hand warping him to the rift. He appeared on top of the palace walls trying everything in his power not to wretch. The eastern tower was finally in view. They probably have archers inside waiting for someone to rush them from anywhere. Not to mention he had no idea of knowing if they hadn't already killed his heir. He looked up several hundred feet about the tower as his next target. His left arm had already started to give off the black mist.

(Inside the eastern tower)

There were a total of 7 men in the tower. 3 warlocks, 2 arcane knights, and 2 enchanters in the tower. The tower had been facing a forest well within the Yjarl kingdom's borders so it was rarely guarded. Allowing for the intruders to gradually set up shop without being noticed.

"This is bad Rayloth. The portal isn't working. Something is interfering with it." The spatial mage said while frantically rewriting runes.

"They have a natural spatial disruption field around the palace. You can teleport within the palace limits but not outside them. You need to use the disrupting totem." Rayloth replied, rolling his eyes.

Rudras head had finally stopped spinning and his eyes had started adjusting to light. 'They're all killers.' He thought,remembering his fathers words. He began looking for a way to escape. He could feel an overwhelming soros pressene with intense zealwoven throughout it. He knew that could only be one man. They held him in the utility closet to make it easier to keep track of him. 'This was coordinated. There's no way I could take any of them in a fight in that case. They bound me with mithril shackles, I can feel it draining my soros. I'm really going to die then.' He thought with tears forming in his eyes and a silent heave began. 'No, what would father do?' He thought, trying to pull himself together. 'The amulet....mother gave me. It can weave a spirit shield and withstand a few strikes at best. He reached into his apprentice hood pulling out a glowing boriven amulet lined with silverite with small red jade beads circling a spirits soul. No matter how many times he saw the blue spirit glimmering in silverite and jade it drew him in. He had never needed to use it before so the spirit was never this lively. It was a wind spirit and he could clearly see it for the first time. Wait, how can this be activated if I can't even enforce it with soros? He thought while shaking his shackles. Rudra had started slowly crawling over to the ajar door.

The spatial mage sprung to his feet dropping the totem and rune he held, confused trying to understand what it was he had just felt. He rushed over to the south window of the tower, trying to get a better look.

"Colby? What's wrong?" Rayloth said, grabbing the hilt of the aether blade.

"I....dont know. Ive never felt a rift like that before. It felt so....primal." Just then the tower started to shake. The blackstone walls started to creak and pull apart, some even bursting into dust. Every man within the tower save Rayloth started to scream. "I know this feeling..this is Abaddon's ability, voi-" He was cut off by the entire ceiling being ripped off in an instant. A miniature void lay there hovering in the sky obliterating everything within its range. The mercenaries had barely been able to keep their footing before Abaddon the Black Fist fell out of the void careening to the ground like a meteor. "The only thing keeping you all from being exterminated like the rats you are is my son. Is he alive? My son I mean." The Black Fist asked calmly.

Two warlocks immediately began chanting. A third warlock manifesting a skinsack of blood. The others flanked around. The two arcane knights flanked around to cover the warlocks better. He looked around for his son and saw he wasn't there. He turned on a swivel with ease waving his left hand enveloped in purple waves of energy pulsed forward forcing the knights back. Rayloth walked around the wooden furniture.

"Do you know what youve done? You raised Portuella....my people theyre gone because of you. You killed my family. You took someone important from each and everyone of us and today, were taking someone from you." Colby said further casting protecting barriers.

The Magus stared blankly. "Thats it? Thats why youve kidnapped my son? Ive burned countries for less. Portuella you say? I remember that raid. The boys never seen such sturdy women before...."

Just then the warlocks finished their summoning. A 6th star sorosthrall demon. A plague against any magic wielder. Its countless eyes blinked in unison, each flashing red before opening into a mouth.

The Grand Magus laughed. "You find a sorosthrall funny? Do you know how many mages these posses and kill?" A warlock asked banging his staff on the ground. Abbadon called the demon to heel. Each of it eyes closing but two neither daring to look directly at him.

"As'kr Kja'r ulr ga'zm" Abbadon spoke in demon tongue. Instantly the demon shrivled in terror turning its eyes on the warlocks that summoned it. Each eye began draining soros from their bodies, rapidly they aged having their life, soul and soros drained from their being.

"Attack dammit attack!" Rayloth called out. Instantly the two knights came rushing at the mountain of a man. One wielded a pair of thin sabers and the other a massive great sword covered in runes. A giant warhammer bathed in dark energies appeared, growing from the necklace the Grand Magus wore. It stood at 2 meters tall nearly the same size as its wielder. Upon grabbing his weapon the hammer shattered, black obsidian now swirled the dark energies.

The saberman launched a volley of sword intent at Abbadon. Each slicing the air molecules leaving a blue shimmer in its wake. A multi glyphed rune shield appeared before Abbadon absorbing the blast. The large swordsman had been surprisingly agile. As he ran he shadow stepped creating multiple clone copies of himself. Quickly they surrounded Abbadon. The enchanters cast anti-magic barrier after anti-magic barrier around Abbadon in hopes of suppressing his god-like power.

He grabbed his hammer with both hands the first swing shattered several clones. "Found you. You flinched." He mocked. Casting an illusion spell within the swordsman brain, he turned his blade on himself leaping in the air and falling stomach first on his necroblade.

"That's two." he said, turning around to see Rayloth launching a volley of wind missiles.

"ATTACK DAMMIT" He roared the remaining warlock. It fell on deaf ears. He experienced the Black Fist for the first time. They were stunned to say the least. BOOM. BOOM BOOM. Each missile had been easily evaded, each destroying more and more of the ruined tower. It only took two steps and a spin for Colby to be within Abaddon's reach.

". I remember you. Colby Rentyr Your father, king of Drnthal. I spared you then and told you to take proper revenge. Looks like you failed." The Grand Magus said. Colby tried to take a step back to open a gate but Abaddon was already upon him. He swung his massive gauntlet again this time striking him across his head. Instantly his soul was ripped from his body and he turned to ash.

"That's three. How about this, show me the boy and you die painlessly." he said, reaching out with his left hand to crush the stunned knights under the increased power of his gravity palm.

"Rayloth dont listen to this herka take the boy and RUN." The knight said fighting the sorosthrall off of the warlocks and enchanters. Rayloth refused to allow just one man to kill his entire squad. He started a flurry of crescent-moon strikes forcing Abaddon to defend himself. Abaddon raised his right arm gathering black mist around it, he blocked every strike with his hand while simultaneously crushing one warrior with 200x increased gravity. The second arcane knight snapped back rushing Abaddon thinking his guard was down.

"GET BACK YOU FOOL!" Rayloth screamed while watching his long time friend be slain. Abaddon picked up his massive leg, quickly condensed soros to the ball of his foot and kicked a raw energy lance through the warriors' heavy mithril plate. His attack had blown straight through him and fully destroyed one of the remaining tower walls.

"That makes 4...no 5" He gestured to the wall that had caved in on the last enchanter. There were 7 men in this tower but one had been ripped into the void the moment it appeared, having the entire squad stunned before they even knew what had been happening.

Rayloth threw his amulet to the final enchanter. Upon catchingit he immediately ran full speed to the utility closet. He poured every ounce of his soros into it so he could teleport both he and the prince .Rayloth stood before The Grand Magus with a saber and staff his dead comrades used.

"So tell me assassin, how does a peasant get their hands on a blade like that? You want to know how I know you're a peasant? You can walk on the wind and I've never heard of you. Your swordplay is sloppy at best and you choose a cramped tower with me as your opponent. What do you want? Hmm? Peace for your people? Or let me guess justice for your innocent daughter? Death is the only thing to be found behind these walls" He said casually strolling to Rayloth.

"I've seen what you do on the battlefield, i've seen how you treat those who surrender. Making an entire city dig their own grave then you just burned them. Everybody died screaming and drowning in smoke. And they gave you a medal for it...."

"Ah I remember the Battle of the Burning Bridge-" Rayloth cut him off.

"Burning Bridge? No it was the Siege of the Floating isles. You can't even remember the worst day of my life.....YOU TOOK EVERYTHING." He said casting a corrupting curse on himself. He pulled his magic blade form his hilt igniting it then igniting the saber in his other hand with the same chaos energy.

Rayloth could only see his dead brothers smeared along the few walls that remained. They had been utterly destroyed, he couldn't land a single blow on the Grand Magus or the Grand Sorceress.They both truly stood above every other mage in their kingdom. But this wouldnt stop him from slaying the 'Beast in the Mountain'.

He dashed full speed at the Grand Magus. He jumped in rolling and weird positions as he moved through the air. He couldnt move too high because The Magus void had still been lingering in the air. The Grand Magus reached his hand out grabbing Rayloths leg, throwing him down the hard blackstone. After cracking the stone with his body Rayloth writhed in pain, he could feel his broken body.

Abaddon picked up the ethereal wind blade off the floor watching in turn from a clear glimmering color to a black blade with purple mist oozing from it. Now wasn't the time for research, he stopped pouring soros into the blade, turning it off and putting it on his hip.

"Normally I'd just do away with you and anyone connected to avoid retaliation. But today I'm feeling merciful. Ill only send them to the mythril mines, and behead your allies in waiting how does that sound?" He said strolling past the blood smeared jade heading for the door. Void was still active looming over the tower like a shadow. Abaddon commanded the void to consume itself, it complied with a satisfying pop. He swung open the metal utility closet revealing and empty closet.

"Dont tell me you actually pulled it off." The Grand Magus said leaning against nothingness.