
YinYang System

Adan always felt he was being watched and judged, little did he know how right he was. After saving the life of a little boy a voice appears in his head..... Will Adan continue on the path of the righteous hero or will he succumb to the darkness? (I don't own the image or the rights to it. All credit to the creator.)

Tyler_Terry · Fantasy
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7 Chs

It Takes a Life to Save a Life

Suddenly from a street over he heard someone yell "Watch out!" he immediately began to jog in the direction of the commotion which was uncommon in this part of the city. As he crested the corner his eyes were wildly scanning the area for whatever had caused a disturbance in this usually peaceful part of town.

Seeing a small boy standing in the middle of the lane, he also noticed a large wooden chariot pulled by several horses thundering toward the youngster. Without a second thought he sprinted in the boys direction, "I have to help him or I'll never be able to live with myself!" he screamed internally. He reached the boy mere seconds before the chariot and horses slammed into his tiny body, he grabbed the boy and tossed him out of the way. Unfortunately, it was to late for Adan as the horses slammed into him dragging him undertow. The chariot proceeded to continue and rolled over his limp trampled body.

Somehow Adan was still alive despite being grievously injured by the horses and chariot. He was unable to stand, but, he was breathing. The small boy approached him cautiously with tears brimming his eyes. "Mister you saved me!" he instantly began to bawl his eyes out at the sight of the man that saved him being at the door of death.

Ding... Great Yin-Yang system binding to host.... 88% 92% 97% 98% 99% successfully bound to host! A rigid mechanical voice rang out inside Adan's head. "What? A system? Who is the host? What the hell is happening?" However, no one else around him had reacted to the voice so in that case it must be him! "Host you have one life saving freebee, it can be used to save your life and improve you constitution. You will not be returned to full health immediately, however, your odds of survival will increase from 3% to 99.9%. Do you wish to use the freebee now?"

"Freebee? Yes, Yes, please save my life whoever or whatever you are please! I don't want to die!" Ding host successfully used the lifeline freebee, no more free rewards will be given!"

Immediately Adan felt his body was light and he felt refreshed, however, he still felt the pain from his injuries radiate through him. "ARGGGGGGGGG" he groaned loudly as he attempted to stand falling down immediately. The little boy was still there crying, when he saw

Adan attempt to stand up he was speechless, hadn't he just been trampled and run over a moment ago? Wasn't he minutes if not seconds from death?

The crowd surrounding him praised him for saving the boy and helped him to stand. One of the several food vendors brought over a hot bun with a slice of seared beef in between covered in savory sauce. He put the food in Adan's hand and pushed it toward him telling him to eat it and rest. The vendor asked him whereabouts he was from, I'm an apprentice candidate fulfilling my labors to be allowed to join the academy.

Immediately the man left the group, several minutes later Maestro appeared with the man. "Adan thank the heavens you're alright! You silly boy, you put yourself in danger to save someone else. I know for sure now that I have taught you correctly!" Maestro looked at Adan with pride on his face and passed him a bowl of green paste. "Rub this paste on your wounds, they'll heal a bit faster and you won't be so uncomfortable." Adan proceeded to rub the paste all over his body, he could feel a slight tingling sensation all over his skin and a faint steam arose from the cuts and scrapes as they slowly began to heal and his skin was resealed.

"I'm proud of you Adan." Maestro said softly as he picked him up and started to walk back to the academy, the crowd cheered "Thank you young hero!"

Adan couldn't help but smile as he slowly began to loose his consciousness in Maestro's arms....