

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

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A Chaotic World

"Such a strange carriage" said Venerable White "There is no horse drawing it, yet I cannot detect any spiritual power from it. What kind of magic device is this?"

"This is a Car" I said "We don't have magic here. These vehicle are using physic and science to function" We are currently driving my car to Disneyland. Venerable White seem interested in the car. I guess that since his world can use magical device and cultivator can fly, their study in science is not as advance as ours. But who need science when they already figure out how their world works? Isn't Science is just a way to learn of how the world functions?

"Quite convenience. This can let even non-cultivator able to use it" Venerable White "But I can see this device is create quite a bit of toxic energy in the air"

"Well, we are trying to look for a replacement type of energy that will not do that, but we haven't found anything that can replace it yet" He is talking about pollution I thought. It is not like I want to pollute the air ok? Electric Cars are expensive.

"By the way, If you want to go sightseeing, why didn't you go to Stark world?" I ask as drive "His world are pretty much the same as mine, except for some detail, but it should be even more advance in technology. Surely it will catch your interested more than mine"

"I hate his guts" Venerable White and Stark has never get along. But they really can work together despite hatting each other guts.


Disneyland is as crowded as ever. Right now we are in the middle of the summer vacation after all. As we get in line for the park ticket, Venerable White seem angry but did not say anything. When I asked, he said that he hate that fact that he have to wait in line but, to him, rules are made to create Order. If there is no Order, all you have left is Chaos; and He pride himself to be the bringer of Order.

"My world is govern by complete Order. There will be no Chaos and Conflict in my world as long as I am alive" He proudly proclaim. Must be nice living in that world, I thought. what a world protected by a "benevolent god" will look like, I wonder.

After awhile, we finally got in the park. We spend a lot of time riding the roller coasters. We try out multiple one And multiple time each one. I am fine with roller coasters, but scary thing is scary. There is still a chance something go wrong you know? Like Final Destination. I am kind of a wussy when it came to these thing.

"No worry" Venerable White told me "Even if something happen, I will not die. I can even revive you and the passengers as long as I am here"

That did not help At All. I would still Die you know? Some say the fear of death is worst than death itself. How would you think the "Experience of Death" would be rank among those two?

We did take a break once in awhile for foods and drinks. Venerable White said that he do not need to eat to live, but he seem to enjoy the food quite a bit. According to him, foods in my world are strange and are much better than his. Well, i guess when many people don't need food to live, there is no need for creativity in food making.


"Your world is really strange" He said "The people in this country can be happy and enjoy these luxury life, yet, at the same time, the country is currently at war"

Is he talking about the middle east? I don't have much knowledge of the matter, but it was not actually the US that is "at war".

"You can call it whatever you want, but in the end of the day, If the nation soldier are still fighting and dying in combat, they are at war"

That is true.

"There are Chaos and Conflict everywhere in this world, Just like when you and yours "players" start appearing in Yggdrasils" He is talking about the time when the game first launch "So many individual, running around doing whatever they please. No structure, no organize, utter Chaos"

"And their is You" He looks at me "You are the most Chaotic out of all of them"

"Me?" I was confused.

"Yes, You" He close his eyes and start to recall the event of our first meeting.

"You invited me to join your group and travel the Dungeon of Asgard. Then in the middle of the Dungeon, you just decided to stop and play at the Hot Spring"

There is a resting area in the Asgard Dungeon that have one of the most beautiful hot spring. it was supposed to be a place to rest and recover before continue the second half of the Dungeon. The view in that place is breath taking. The tallest waterfall in the Dungeon have a cliff that is connected to an open air Hot Spring with the view of the entire Asgard snowy mountain range. I was only able to enjoy it through my monitor screen, but it was a sight to behold.

"We did not even finish the Dungeon that day you know?" Venerable White sound annoyed "Or the two time after that"

I am starting to afraid of telling him that I only wanted to go to that Dungeon because of the Hot Spring.

"In my world, traveling to that world is a privilege you know?" He was talking about the game world "Only the most talented disciple are allowed to go there an cultivate. Even the mindless "players" of yours are constantly fighting to get stronger. Yet You wasted the whole 3 days playing in the Hot Spring"

"But it was fun isn't it?" I ask "What is life if you not having fun once in awhile? You are having fun right now too are you not?"

"..." He open his eyes, looking at the Mickey shaped Cotton Candy in his hand "I guess" He then took a bite at one of the ear. he seem to be enjoying it.


We end the day after the sun starting to go down. Venerable White decided to directly travel to the game world right after we left while I drive myself home. He told me I should login right after I get back. It seem that Stark has found something that may allow for "Multiverse-Travel".


"A Chaotic World...Unlike mine..."

What will an Immortal God think of our world?

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