
Yggdrasil Dungeon Master

[WARNING: Mature Content] Suzuki Satoru as Momonga was awaiting the server shutdown on his throne in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. When he was suddenly transported into a new world in which he has no information about the world, however, his goals are set, he must find the Great Tomb of Nazarick and restore it. Want access to early-chapter releases? Join my community here. Discord: https://discord.gg/eQBs4SqYWD

Mikezilla2000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Hey Master a Note! [Filler]

The sun shines brightly through the gaps in the clouds, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. A gentle breeze rustles the grass, causing it to sway and dance. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, and a deep, guttural roar echoes. The ground cracks open, and a massive serpent-like creature emerges, writhing and thrashing in agony. Its scales are a shimmering rainbow of colors, and each time it moves the ground trembles. Finally, it crashes to the ground with a mighty thud, sending dirt and debris flying in every direction.

As the cloud of dirt clears, a shimmering light can be seen as the sun reflects off a beautifully crafted sword flying through the sky. And a young cat-girl with dark eyes and short black hair riding on top of the blade; next to them is a jet-black wolf that seems to be bouncing on thin air.

"You ready, Fran?" Teacher said through telepathy, shining in the sunlight.

"Hm!" Fran replied, and with that, Teacher used his telekinetic ability to shift his blade down, rocketing them toward the gigantic snake.

The snake curls up, attempting to shield itself from the incoming blow, but it doesn't realize that its efforts are entirely futile. Teacher's blade slams into the snake's curled-up body with immense force, slicing through its scales and flesh like butter. The snake's body convulses and twists in pain as it lets out a deafening roar, its immense size causing the ground to shake.

"Now, Fran," Teacher said as he pulled himself out of the snake's flesh.

As Fran grabbed Teacher, she quickly bounced back into the air with a quick flip. Raising her hand, a magical red circle appeared, and a spark of fire burst to life. "Fire Javelin!" both Fran and Teacher yelled in unison. Multiple fierce beams of fire shot up into the sky, raining down upon the giant snake's body and burning it to ashes.

"Now for the crystal!" Teacher said through telepathy

Teacher then rocketed himself straight into the snake, tearing through its burnt flesh. With a crack, the crystal embedded in the snake's body shattered, and Teacher glowed with renewed energy.

"Ahh! That feels much better," Teacher said, feeling his energy grow as he absorbed the crystal's power.

"Teacher! Teacher! This would go great with curry!" Fran exclaimed, a beautiful smile spreading across her face at the thought of the delicious meal.

"Maybe you're right," Teacher replied, considering the idea. "We've never tried snake meat with curry before. It could be interesting." As he began to cut the snake's meat into large chunks and place them in his dimensional inventory, a white owl approached Fran and dropped off a letter before flying away. Fran picked up the letter and examined it, wondering who it could be from but decided to hand it to Teacher; as Teacher opened the note with telepathy, he was shocked.

'From... Klimt?'