
Yggdrasil Dungeon Master

[WARNING: Mature Content] Suzuki Satoru as Momonga was awaiting the server shutdown on his throne in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. When he was suddenly transported into a new world in which he has no information about the world, however, his goals are set, he must find the Great Tomb of Nazarick and restore it. Want access to early-chapter releases? Join my community here. Discord: https://discord.gg/eQBs4SqYWD

Mikezilla2000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Festival? and also Tomb

A magnificent purple cloak trailed along the floor behind Momonga, yet its beauty remained unblemished. He stopped abruptly as he entered a large central room with a staircase leading downward. However, the staircase was blocked by some mysterious force, as if to tell Momonga, "It's not ready yet..."

'As expected, it really did only construct Floor 1, but that still doesn't make sense why Shalltear Bloodfallen hasn't been activated. Maybe... because she's supposed to guard Floors 2 & 3, the requirements aren't exactly met to establish her as active? Or maybe I'm just speculating, and there's a much simpler explanation? So many possibilities, but for now, I have one person to worry about.'

Momonga's gaze fell on Claire, her beautiful eyes staring back at him. She seemed unnerved, as if she were in a place where she didn't feel welcome.

"I'm sorry for bringing you deeper into the Tomb, but there's no need to worry. A long time ago, my friends and I built this place. It took grit, sweat, blood, and, of course, dedication. You're completely safe while in the Great Tomb of Nazarick; you're under the protection of the guild called Ainz Ooal Gown. Nothing here will harm you," Momonga assured her, his words striking Claire with force.

"What do you mean, you and your friends? And a guild that built a dungeon?" Claire asked, her confusion echoing down the long, twisting hallways of Floor 1.

'How can I explain this in a way that won't send her into an absolute panic? I can't say that I'm undead, at least not yet, as she wouldn't be prepared for it. However, that also means I can't tell her that the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown was primarily formed for heteromorphic races since that would also imply a non-humanoid form for myself. Ah! I have an idea; it might work, but it's based on the premise that she trusts me enough.'

"My friends and I possess a special quality that allows us to live for an extended period of time. However, we were separated when the Great Tomb of Nazarick suddenly teleported and scattered. What you see now is the remnant of what was once a Great Tomb. I wouldn't call this a dungeon, at least not yet. I can rebuild it, but I'm uncertain how. We were all hermits; we preferred to live far away from civilization, which is why you might not have heard about us, or if anyone has heard of us at all," Momonga explained, attempting to maintain a confident tone while concealing the truth from Claire.

Claire looked at Momonga curiously. "Well, I guess that would explain your power and your expensive gear. But are you sure I'm totally safe here? What if a monster attacks, or if the monsters I've seen..." her voice stuttered a bit, "all the undead suddenly turn against us?"

Momonga dismissed her worry with a subtle wave of his hand. "Rest assured that none of the monsters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick would ever harm you. They are known as Pop Mobs, creatures that spawn within the dungeon to protect it from unwelcome invaders. As long as you are with me, you have nothing to fear. Moreover, I am confident that we possess the strength to defend ourselves and this sanctuary against any intruders bold enough to challenge us."

"So... we're completely safe here?" Claire let out a sigh of relief and visibly calmed down.

'Ugh! Sometimes I really hate lying. It feels like I'm trying to roleplay my way out of a situation I don't want to deal with yet. Though at the same time I reallyI am, but that's another problem for future Momonga! For now, I guess I can keep up the lie until I can't anymore. I don't want to send her into shock, not during a time like this.'

"Now!" Momonga announced loudly, making Claire twitch a little from surprise. "I have a few things we need to do together or at least by myself if you don't want to come along. We need to rank up in the adventurer's guild and gain access to the dungeon if we want to see greater opportunities. Also, I'd like for us to travel away from the Fortified City of Alessa someday, maybe go to the Port of Darth that I've been hearing about in the adventurer's guild."

Claire perked up a bit upon hearing that. "Oh, it's probably because it's a much-needed hotspot to get to Bulbola for the Festival of the Moons."

'Bulbola? Festival of the Moons? Does this mean some kind of event will happen soon?'

"What is the Festival of the Moons, if you don't mind me asking? As I said before, my friends and I were hermits," Momonga inquired.

Claire looked at Momonga somewhat amused. "Well, uh... It's a festival that happens every three months when all the moons are full. It's a massive celebration, and usually, Bulbola throws an extravagant festival for it."

"Ah, I see. Maybe we should go then?" Momonga suggested, and Claire's face lit up with joy.

"I'd be happy to! I've always wanted to visit Bulbola. It's been a dream for quite some time," Claire said, her face filled with excitement and eagerness.

'Anything to get her mind off the Great Tomb of Nazarick for some time. Plus, it would be great for my information gathering – a whole new city to explore and take in knowledge. Absolutely perfect.'

"Then we'll set off to Alessa in the morning to start gathering provisions for the journey. Though remember, first, we get access to the local dungeon," Momonga reminded her. Claire acknowledged his words with an excited nod, naively forgetting most of what he had said about the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown.