
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Others
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121 Chs

Chapter 100: Pardun?

100th chapter special I gib double amount of words.

(Heavy explanation warning in latter half.)

Opening his eyes, Ray once again returned to his study room and faced the mountain of paperworks he previously left. Right now it should still be after breakfast. He rose from his seat to wash his face and perhaps soak in a hot bath to release the exhaustion he piled up.


"Haaah… this is a great idea indeed." Ray sighed with pleasure as warm water coats his body all the way to his neck.

Unnoticed, someone also joined him as she suddenly appeared and sat next to him but only submerged her legs in the warm water.

"Hmn?" Ray notices the presence and looks to the right to see Ophis that keeps staring at him with incomprehensible expressions that switch from gnashing teeths to pouting several times.

"What's wrong?" Ray asked out of concern but Ophis stayed silent and pouted even deeper while struggling to say something.

Not knowing how to react to such a situation, Ray is only able to offer her headpets that only cause her to pout deeper.

"*Sigh* Did I do something wrong?"

"..." Ophis continues to stare at him silently.

"I take that as a yes."


"I see." Ray nodded.

He needs to consult with another dragon about matters related to dragons. Perhaps it's a great opportunity to go and meet the other two Heavenly Dragons sacred gear wielders. He rather not let an issue sour his relationship with Ophis. Since Ophis is literally his lifeline if he is traveling to dangerous places or taking on dangerous quests or bounty.

Deciding to immediately tackle the issue, Ray finishes his dipping session in the hot bath and goes to dry his body then puts on a set of clothes.

Minutes later, he exited his mansion and near the final door he stumbled upon Yao in her maid outfit, sweeping the floor.

"Master? Good morning, are you leaving somewhere? Ah, good morning to Lady Ophis too." She greeted both before asking while stopping her work.

Ray nodded while Ophis, who latched on Ray's body, peeked her head through Ray's shoulder and looked at the maid with some hostility which surprised Ray since she never exhibited such behaviour before.

"Can I follow, master? I wish to go sightseeing in this new world." Yao expresses her selfish request which Ray about to immediately nod off if not for the sudden increase of hostility from Ophis that locked on the poor Dark Elf.

Ophis immediately drops the hostility after a disapproving look from Ray. She retreated to Ray's back.

"Ah, don't mind her. Something is weird about Ophis today because I wanted to visit my nephew to consult with his partner. However, you are welcome to tag along." Ray quickly said but Yao knew something is fishy about this situation since Ophis that she knew isn't this expressive and she politely declined to wait for another opportunity.

In the end, Ray walks out of his estate only accompanied by clingy Ophis while he is heading to the public teleportation array in the centre of Eden to reach Gremory territory.

Along the way he met quite a lot of ex-soldiers that retired from the war and conflicts to open businesses or have their own family in this time of peace they built with their own and many others' sweat and tears. Seeing them able to live in a peaceful era is definitely something very satisfying to his heart.

Quite a lot of them that are store owners or street vendors offer food to Ray and Ophis as they walk by.

Ophis' reaction is the same as Yao when the one that approaches is female but not the male one. Ray ended up having to apologize a lot of times and made the 10 minutes long walk into an hour long. Only when he offered to carry her on his shoulder as he would carry Cheshire, then her hostile reaction lessened. She wouldn't react to approaching females and only those that tried to touch Ray then she would glare at them. Not even offering delicious snacks can distract her.

By the time Ray reaches the teleportation array, it's almost afternoon and he immediately requested to be teleported to Gremory territory.


In Gremory territory, there are a dozen soldiers that belong to the Gremory clan as they are the lower ranked devil affiliated to the Gremory clan by blood.

In the time of peace, soldiers aren't a popular occupation anymore since all pantheons and organisations are united as one. No war can be waged. Especially not when the one who brought the peace is graced by the Dragon God itself. To wage a war is not only making enemies of the rest of the alliance members but also the Dragon God Ouroboros.

Not even the craziness of the crazies dare to oppose such an unstoppable force such as Dragon God as they are the pinnacle of existence in the DxD world.

The Gremory clan and many other clans, pantheon and organisations still have soldiers as the show of their might and prosperity. The era is in such peace that the police force is basically an occupation where you are employed to do literally nothing. The resources are too plentiful and the population is very small. After the war, every single citizen was satisfied.

On this fateful day however, the Gremory clan teleportation array lit up and this array is actually reserved not for the general population but the higher-ups only. A private teleportation array located in the centre of Gremory territory.

One of the Gremory soldiers already contacted the main house to inform an incoming guest of high standing while the rest are making themselves presentable before standing still like a statue, ready to give a greeting to the guest.

When the guest arrived, it's a man in a plain collarless grey t-shirt, black slack fastened with a black belt and plain ol black slippers, Adidas off brand slippers that no longer produced since ten years ago when the human world is wrecked by nukes that intended to kill the Evil Dragons but wiped out human civilization instead.

Then they saw- No, they felt instinctively the greater presence on the man's arm. The Dragon God Ouroboros. The pinnacle of existence in this world, here in the territory they are protecting.

The soldiers didn't panic and instead quickly saluted with great joy. Who wouldn't when the person in front of them is unmistakably the great hero, the cornerstone of the alliance and the nail that holds together the peaceful era they are experiencing.

"Welcome to Gremory territory, Lord Ray. We already informed Lord Gremory and Lady Gremory of Lord Ray's arrival and we are ordered to lead Lord Ray to the guest room." One of the soldiers informed with great enthusiasm before another one stood out of the line to lead Ray.

Still not used to such reception, Ray only extended his left arm to signal them to lead the way before he followed them while marvelling at the impressive garden that surrounded the main house of Gremory clan. He wonders if he should add this to his own too since the land surrounding his mansion is basically empty grassy field that Xenovia likes to use as practice field than the arena due to her destructive nature in combat. Fixing the grass field is easier than the arena after all.

Meanwhile inside the Gremory mansion, the kitchen is working in a frenzy to prepare food. Not for Ray but the infamous gluttonous Dragon God.

Lord Gremory and his daughter, Lady Gremory, are already in the guest room ready for Ray and Ophis to arrive. Issei also arrives but a little late because he is entangled by his harem members that decide to also tag along.

"I wonder why did he suddenly decided to pay a visit?" Lord Gremory asked. Not out of annoyance but simply curiosity since Ray isn't the social type of person.

Lord Gremory has opportunities to befriend Ray as he is uncle of his son-in-law which means Ray is considered a part of his family. This ties had profited him directly and indirectly many times and Lord Gremory is very thankful for that. However, Ray is the type of person that seeks out another only when there is matter he couldn't solve himself which worries Lord Gremory knowing Ray with the help of Ophis still has something he couldn't solve.

This thought of him basically bore a hole in his stomach as he feared there is something that can threaten the stability of this era. He even wonders if he should ask his son, the Satan Lucifer, to be here.


Arrived at the door of the magnificent mansion. No, mansion would be an understatement as this scale is almost a palace of the most prosperous king.

The two soldiers stopped at the front of the giant double door made of some kind of magical wood. The door was soon opened by four butlers and greeted by two rows made of twenty maids that he had never seen before.

The maids immediately bow and greet Ray and Ophis while one of the butlers offers to lead Ray to the guest room which Ray accepts with a simple nod before he follows the butler.

Four more minutes walking down maze-like hallway filled with expensive wares and luxurious decoration, he arrived and the butler quickly open the door for Ray before announced his arrival to the people inside the room which he can identify is the Lord Gremory, Rias, Issei and the rest of Rias' peerage that also double as Issei's harem.

"Forgive my sudden arrival." Ray apologized as he walked into the guest room that also has two maids that pour drinks and offer some snacks before they leave the room to standby outside.

"Hahaha, what a jest. You are a family of ours. Of course we didn't mind. In fact we welcome you to visit at any time." Lord Gremory said and the rest of the devils in the room nodded.

"However, I didn't take you as a social type of person to pay a visit randomly except when trouble arises." Lord Gremory immediately touched the topic which Ray appreciated.

Ray put down Ophis on another chair to begin the talk but to his surprise and many others. Ophis pouted and floated from her seat to claim Ray's lap. She made herself comfortable before looking up to Ray to signal something that the others didn't know but Ray sighed and picked up a cookie from the large tray for Ophis.

The others look with jaws slacked at how clingy the revered Dragon God had become. Not even Ddraig in the sacred gear is spared but at least he is hidden.

Ophis that they knew isn't expressive and not to mention seeking affection so openly like this and very spoiled.

Ray could only look helplessly at Issei. More exactly, the left arm of Issei that houses the Boosted Gear.

"As you can see, I am here to seek advice from Ddraig about the sudden change in behaviour of Ophis." Ray confessed which further shocked the already shocked people that thought they were just having a hallucination.

"*Cough* I see. Then I think I should leave you some privacy to talk this out with Ddraig." Lord Gremory said before he excuse himself since this is a very private matter in his opinion for him to intrude on.

The rest also decided to leave except Issei. But Ddraig mentioned something.

"Actually, partner. Your uncle here has my orb too so I can temporarily enter the orb to converse with him if you don't want to be involved." Ddraig said, which made Issei feel relieved because he didn't want to feel awkward.

In truth, they already knew the behaviour exhibited by Ophis and sort of understood the issue Ray is facing but the airheadedness of Ophis didn't help with the matter in hand. Plus the heavy evidence of Ophis energy signature and scent that filled Ray from head to toe didn't help to stop misunderstanding from popping up in people's heads.

"Aight partner. Help out my uncle for me." Issei said before he also left after Ddraig temporarily entered the orb on Ray's Ouroboros Ring.

"Leave it to me."

Then everyone left the room which turned silent. Ray didn't know how to start and Ddraig also decided to play the waiting game. As he was about to open his mouth, he heard noise from the door. Noise of shush and whisper. When he activates his cybernetics, he can hear the noise louder which turns out Rias and her peerage want to eavesdrop while Issei is dissuading them.

'You can ignore them, I can communicate through telepathy which makes no sound for them to hear. So, be out with it. Tell me how in the name of Albion's-flat-crotch did Ophis become like this. No, what I need to ask is did you do it?! Did you?'

'Did what?' Ray asked.

'The deed. Why else would Ophis mark you with her scent, idiot. I swear on Great Red that you are the most daring human I ever meet. Even bigger balls than Big G to dip the Dragon God everyone fear with their life.'

'Fuck no I didn't. She is only my daughter and it will stay forever like that, you pervert lizard.' Ray immediately refutes the slander but meets with a stare from Ophis that still has her half munched cookies on her mouth, frozen and looking at him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ray asked with his previous anger to Ddraig carried in his voice when he asked the question.

Ophis just continues to stare at Ray, making him feel uncomfortable.

'Psst Psst, did you really didn't do it?' Ddraig asked again and Ray replied with a fed up face, thinking how he should castrate the pervert dragon or at least exercise its perverted mind.

'I didn't and I want to ask for your advice as a dragon to find out about her sudden change of behaviour.'

'Well, from my point of view. She basically marked you with her scent which means she claimed you as her own. Only dragons can pick up the scent though but for the others, the change of your life force signature to her's is enough to make others understand. The only occasion a dragon marks another is their kin or lover. I believe it's the latter for your case.'

'So, when is the wedding? You should make it grand because this is a Dragon God we are talking about, many across the realm will attend such once in a lifetime opportunity.' Ddraig continued to spout his nonsense but Ray ignored Ddraig and remembered about the recent events after the Bounty mission.

'By any chance that she gave me her dragon core triggered this change?'

'We didn't need to invite Tia- *cough* *cough* She gave her what!' Ddraig that engrossed talking about the details of the wedding ceremony suddenly choked and coughed violently.

'Her dragon core.' Ray repeated again.


'Excuse me. I think I miss heard something. Her dragon core? Did I say it right?' Ddraig tried to confirm and Ray nodded his head.

'You aren't joking with me right?' Ddraig still has difficulty accepting the fact Ray has to repeat again until Ddraig is sure he isn't hallucinating.

As if a dragon of Ddraig level could fall for hallucinations at all.

'You do understand that a dragon's core is basically the entirety of a dragon's power, soul, everything condensed into a physical form. Normal being incapable of such a feat. Not even the Satans or Archangels could because they fundamentally lack substance as they are the creations of Big G. They were made from the power of Big G.'

'For example, no matter how big the mountain is, it cannot be bigger than the planet itself.'

'Still following my explanation?' Ddraig asked because Ray is silently understanding the explanation provided by Ddraig.

'I understand what you explained. But, I don't think I know where you are trying to go with this.' Ray expressed before continuing. 'I get that Dragons and gods have a physical manifestation of their being in the form of a core. But, how is this related to her change of behaviour?'

'Let me finish my explanation first.' Ddraig grumbled at Ray's impatience.

'So, a human like you is comparable to a mountain. Can you guess what happens if I stuff an Earth into a mountain?' Ddraig questioned before continuing again without giving Ray an opportunity to answer.

'However, that isn't my concern at all. What I am concerned about is how you are still normal despite receiving the core and are still very much a human. No sign of dragonification at all like my partner. That flesh already turns into a dragon's.'

'Let's say a cup of water, if you add a black ink. The water will change colour but in your case. The water is still clear from what I can feel.' Ddraig finishes and leaves a lot of question marks for the two to figure out.

'In short, you should already turn into a dragon after receiving the Infinity's core or dead because a human shouldn't be capable of housing the existence of a dragon, not to mention the dragon is one of the only two Dragon Gods. It's a miracle you are still sitting here and having a talk with me.' Ddraig concluded and gave Ray some time for thoughts.

Ray gave a thought to Ddraig's theory and tried to check on his AI to constantly monitor his body condition.

The result was his body did undergo changes but not significant enough that his race changed as according to what Ddraig expected would happen after he accepted Ophis's core. So, basically even his AI senses no changes in his body that indicate Ray is transforming into a dragon. Though his body definitely became stronger. Way stronger than before.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back." Ray suddenly thought of a way as he hurriedly entered the Hub.


"Status" Ray said and a screen appeared as he expected. He forgot about the Hub's system.

He had the system from the creator that managed with the SAS 4 program and the also forgotten storage that contained Bloodborne equipment and items that he never bothered to touch except the Holy Moonlight Sword. However, the Hub also has different systems that manage the Hub related functions.

Here all his details are stated and surely is his race which made Ray feel relieved after seeing what his current race are.


NAME: Raymond D'Angelo

RACE: High Human


TITLE: SAS High Gunnery Commander, Omnissiah, DxD Liberation War Leader, Silent Reaper, Property of Ophis

LEVEL: 132 (1320 in SAS 4)

HP: 150,000 (1.5%/1s)

MP: 9800/9800 (1%/1s)


STR: 50

VIT: 700

AGI: 100

DEX: 300

INT: 100


LUK: 100

(10 stats per level and distributed to all stats except LUK)

(To explain the stats distribution and how it makes sense. The stats are basically base stats before being affected by his racial buff and etcetera. Also, his STR and AGI isn't that important as he relies on his ACE suit and armor to scale up those stats. Thus he only needs to be tanky and dexterous as he is mainly a firearm user.)

(20 stats is peak human stats.)


Skill / Ability / Power:

-SAS 4 basic skill tree

General (Complete)

Assault (Locked)

Medic (Locked)

Heavy (Complete)

-Defender Unique skill tree

-Extra skill tree

-Advance skill tree

-Artificial Sacred Gear — Infinity Series, Ouroboros

-Ant Queen summon

-Mark of Dragon God Ouroboros

(Those details for skill trees can be found in Auxiliary chapter)


When Ray asks the Hub system regarding the High Human race, it is explained as the race similar or closer to the primordial man, Adam Kadmon. The prototype of Adam created by the God of Creation Yahweh.

As the prototype of humans, the human was created by mirroring the god himself and thus significantly superior to normal humans. This explains the part of how he can house Ophis' core in his body. His body is made by copying the god himself and thus has the characteristics of a god but only lacks the divinity of the said god. In short, a body constructed with containing divinity in mind but lacks the divinity to be qualified as god.

As a creation that mirrors the creator itself, High Human naturally has higher physical strength, supernatural powers and overall similarity with the Creator God. Ray could only imagine the confusion he will cause if he shows himself now to the angels.

To test his theory about sharing similarity to the Creator God himself, Ray tried casting a basic light spell, Illumination.

The result is simply surprising.

Compared to casting a basic fire spell, fireball. The Illumination spell matrix is not only easier to fill, it also costs less mana to cast. He can basically cast the spell with an eye closed instead of needing to make sure he fills the spell matrix with the proper amount of mana.

[Congratulation for discovering hidden innate racial ability, Transcendent Human and Light attribute affinity]

[Transcendent Human

-As a prototype created to mirror the Creation God, ability holders are superior to the common man. Blessed with superior physique, higher affinity to the supernatural and advantage against humans in combat as their progenitor.]

[Light attribute affinity

-Any spell or power of Light attribute will be easier to upgrade, lower cost, stronger output and easier to cast. Ability holders will also take less damage from Light attribute abilities or spells.]

Turns out he still needs to discover his abilities instead of just getting hand fed everything is a discovery for Ray. However he already gained what he came for and he exited the Hub back to the moment he left.


Immediately when Ray returned, he received a glare. A cute glare from Ophis that looked up to him from his lap.

"You left without me." Ophis said with a monotone voice which Ray couldn't tell if she was angry or just stating her dissatisfaction.

"Yes I did, but it was just for a few minutes." Ray said before trying to calm her with a generous amount of headpat and another hand around her stomach to hug her closer.

Since Ophis is clingy right now, he might as well play along with her wishes. Besides, he is thankful for Ophis because she deserves it after seeing what she did to him. He is indebted to her after what he discovered. Spoiling her is a cheap price to pay for those changes that happened to him.

'Geez, get a room you two.' Ddraig teased which caused a vein to pop on Ray's head.

"I am not going to do anything like that to her." Ray said with a calm voice seething in anger.

The previously calmed down Ophis that continues to munch on her offering by the Gremory household suddenly stopped and looked up again at Ray.

"You too. Why are you looking disappointed when I said that?" Ray then said to Ophis. In turn, she pouted and continued to munch on her cookies after giving Ray her disappointed gaze instead of answering.

After a moment of silence. Ray explained his discovery to Ddraig on why he isn't dead yet or transforming into a dragon. Yet, Ddraig simply burst out laughing and wheezing to death while spiritually slamming his tail instead arm when he laughed.

'Wait… pfft Hahaha. How long had I lived and this is the first time I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Hahaha….' Ddraig continue to laugh for few more minutes before he calmed down enough to explain why he laughed.

'Ok… deep breath… release.. Haah… Ok. So, in short. You become the prototype of human Big G created?'

'No, not Yahweh of this world but one outside this world somewhere.' Ray corrected.

'Ok, so you are a prototype of a human created to have the vessel of a god but not his power, right?'

Ray nodded in confirmation.

'Then you also now have Ophis' core.'

Ray nodded again.

'In that case, she sired you. Because the transformation of your race only happens because you received her dragon core and your physique is mirror to hers. Not just your physique, but also your energy signature. No wonder I confused her by marking her scent on your body. Turns out your soul itself is marked by her because of her dragon core.' Ddraig shrugged in his orb while suppressing his laugh.

'Wait, then how do you explain the Light attribute affinity and the explanation that clearly states Yahweh and stuff!' Ray becomes more confused because what Ddraig stated is opposite to what he discovered.

'Ok, think about it like this. Ophis existed since before the Earth even a cosmic dust and gas called nebula. She personified the Void and Primal Chaos. Then the Big G born from nothingness which is basically another name for void. She-'

'Stop! I get it.' Ray immediately stopped Ddraig from furthering his explanation which made the dragon roar in laughter again at the meaning of all this explanation. The direction Ddraig is going.

'I think the roles you two have are swapped. She is the one that is supposed to be the parent. Bwahahahah!' Ddraig couldn't hold it back anymore as he blurted out the details for Ophis to hear.

The dragon is rolling with his claws holding his mouth and his tail trashing the space in the orb. Meanwhile Ophis looks up again at Ray. But this time her eyes have a dangerous glint which made Ray involuntarily feel shiver down his spine.

'Also, should I add that for dragons. There is no concept of incest. So, no need to feel burdened by commonsense as dragons have none. Ciao.' Ddraig leave the last bomb behind before fleeing back to his wielder.

What's left in the guest room is Ray that starts to sweat hard from the invisible pressure and Ophis, who is now looking at Ray with a weird gaze which is making Ray feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm going to flay open the bastard dragon one day and cool a dragon steak." Ray cursed under his breath while observing Ophis reaction.

The silence lasted for a few minutes but to Ray, its like hours had passed.

"Call me mommy." Ophis suddenly demanded.

Immediately after Ray heard a loud falling noise near the door that was followed with loud laugh and wheezing from multiple people.

"Pardon?" Ray uttered.


Fug yeah, two days of head wrecking brainstorming and multiple rewrite. I finished this chapter. At least it turned out better than the first draft.

So, an absolutely legal Loli Baba older than the solar system. 1000 IQ play. You have a loli, a mommy (Ophis is a shapeshifter), and dragon loli all in one.

As Ddraig said, dragons didn't have the concept of family. Tannin is an odd one of all because only he did it and no one else did.