
Yesterday's Cicatrix

Everyone has their wounds of the past, whether it's profound or shallow, they're all the same. The damage that this affects us, built us into who we are today. However, not all wounds are healed by time. Some are always there, hidden with different emotions, with distinct techniques. Some may be healed that leaves a scar but there's a part of it that needs to be unfolded again to rejuvenate completely. Because of the harsh cell of the yore, these people at the present are stuck, suffering from unhealed backstories. How can you move on when until now, past things are hunting you? Will you let your past define who you are? Until when can you neglect the real voice knocking some sense on you? ========================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction. Any names, places, organizations, events, etc. are all parts of the author's imagination. Any resemblance or similarities to someone, something, or actual events are purely coincidental. I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER, CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. IF THE OWNER WANTS, I'LL TAKE IT DOWN. * * * I hope you'll like this novel! Please support this story by dropping your comments, votes, and kindly add to your libraries! Thank you ;)

annederxee · Realistic
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39 Chs

A Day With Her

Boredom strikes him as it's another class-free day but he has no other friend besides Volt to hang out with.

"Another dismissed class? What are they planning that they have to cancel classes on the whole campus? AGAIN." Zylant asked himself while throwing the ball in the air. He tried contacting his best friend Volt but he's not answering, probably busy with work.

"Now I'm starting to think that I'm a loner. Haist, poor Zylant." The idea made him pouts so he reached for his phone and tried searching for contacts but ending up throwing his phone in his bed.

"Argh!! Nothing! Today is my rest day in training so I'll definitely have nothing to do today!" Zylant groaned as he slammed the pillow in his face. A sudden idea came into his mind.

"What about taking Zaizai outside?" Zylant thought. With much consideration, he went out of the room and went downstairs.

"Zaira! My beautiful baby where are you?" He called.

A small girl having chocolate smudges on her cute face came out of the dining area, running to her big bro. She giggles as she hugs his thighs and her chubby cheeks started to blush.

"Why did big bro called baby Zaizai?" She politely asked as she giggles. This face of hers made Zylant's heart flutter. He sat leveling her and gently wipes her face using wet wipes.

"Why is your face so dirty, baby? Tsk! Is your nanny not looking after you?" Zylant interrogates her little sister. Zaira frowns at the idea of her brother and slaps his brother's head using her small hands.

"No! Nanny is taking very good care of baby Zaizai!" Zaira explained having a pout and a frown afterward. Zylant laughed at her sister's cuteness while massaging his head.

"Dang, she's small but she hits like mom when I was a kid." Zylant thought.

Zylant cleaned his sister and dressed her afterwards. He told her that if she'll behave, he'll make sure to let her play with other kids and he'll also buy her bundles of ice cream.

"Really big bro? Okay, baby Zaizai will be a good girl! hihi" Zaira promised, raising her right hand and smiling widely. Zylant patted her head and grabs her hand assisting her to his car. She placed Zaira on the backseat and makes sure to buckle her seatbelts.

Zylant started the engine and drives to his destination in mind, the orphanage. He wants to at least meet again his new friend there, which is Jelena. He can't help but smile as he remembers his time with her. She's such a nice company, he's looking forward to knowing her more.

"Big bro, where are you taking baby Zaizai?" His younger sister asked while sticking her face to the window, staring at the tall clock in the middle of the buildings. Zylant went out first to assist his sister in getting off the car.

"This is called an orphanage, and that clock you keep on pointing to, well basically is an ordinary clock tower." Zylant answered Zaira's curiosity. The little girl looks around having sparkling eyes, pleased at the new surrounding she's witnessing. She jumps and jumps in excitement making her chubby cheeks shake.

"What's an owpanj, orengj- the thing you said to Zaizai earlier?" Zaira asked without sparing a glance at his brother.

A nun wearing a white habit approached them having a smile on her fair face. She crouched leveling Zaira's height and caressed her rosy cheeks.

"It's called an orphanage. Homeless and abandoned children live in this place." The nun softly explained. Zaira furrows her brows in confusion then pouts which made her look more adorable.

"Abandoned? Zaizai doesn't know what that is. Pretty lady, please explain to Zaizai." Zaira asked as she leans closer to the nun and slightly pulled her skirt. The nun smiled sweetly at her and nodded.

"Ah, Zai. I'll explain it to you later. You might be disturbing her..." Zylant interrupted and gave the nun an apologetic smile. He was about to pull Zaira in another direction when the nun suddenly spoke.

"May I know your purpose of visit in our orphanage, Mister..?"

"Oh, my name is Zylant Cohen and I was just wondering if Jelena Sullivan is around?" Zylant responded that made the nun furrow her brows. She scanned Zylant as if she's checking him.

"Why is that?" The nun interrogates while arching her brows.

"Well, she and I met before and I was just wondering if she's doing fine so I came to-" Zylant's explanation got cut when a lady in her 20s suddenly went out of the building, running and laughing at the same time. She stopped at Zylant's nearby and there she catches her breath. Minutes later and a guy with specs also came out, doing the same thing as her.

Panting and laughing hysterically.

"Jelena, you stupid! Why are you so clumsy?!" The guy exclaimed then burst out laughing.

Jelena scanned her surroundings and stopped as she spots the nun, as she noticed her presence she smiled widely. The nun shakes her head in humor to the naughtiness of the two.

"What trouble are the two of you involved in? Again? Hmm?" The nun asked half grinning. Jelena scratched her head in shyness and pinched the person beside her whom is staring seriously in Zylant's direction.

"Aki did it!" Jelena pointed fingers which made the guy look at her with a huge frown on his face. He flicked her forehead resulting in an annoyed Jelena. The two run around like foolish kids released from their own corals.

"I'm gonna smack you Jelena! Wait for me to catch you!" Aki yelled.

"Oh really?! come and get me!" Jelena challenged her friend.

"Zaizai wants to join too!" Zaira squealed while jumping in excitement.

The unfamiliar voice made the two stopped and turn back to the nun's direction, this time noticing Zylant's presence. Jelena grew her eyes wide open and even covered her mouth in astonishment. She slowly approached Zylant having her index pointed at the man.

"Waaah! Zylant! You're here?!" She greeted in a high tone. Zaira approached her with confused eyes and a pout.

"Hi, Jelena! Just dropping by to say hello." Zylant replied with his warm smile.

Due to overwhelming happiness, Jelena jumped to hug Zylant by reflex. She normally does it to her close friends but in Zylant's it's different.

Zylant is surprised at her reaction but he didn't take it as an advantage, instead, he taps her shoulders letting her know that he's also happy about seeing her. He didn't lay any finger on any parts of Jelena's skin.

"Ahem!" Aki calls out.

"Big bro, is she your girlfriend?" Zaira innocently asked.

Jelena came back to reality and quickly detached herself from the young man. She bowed over and over again until the embarrassment leaves her. She only stopped when she heard giggles from Zylant's younger sister. She looked at the kid, blushing and giggling having her rosy cheeks to be more visible.

"I'm so sorry, the force of habits. Promise, it won't happen again." Jelena apologized to Zylant while looking down. She bit her lower lip and felt the humiliation from her actions and now, she has no more guts to face Zylant. The young man chuckled to somehow lighten the atmosphere.

"Haha, it's okay. That's cute tho." Zylant assured her with a smile.

With the many incidents that happened in a short period of time, they seemed to forget that there's a nun present in the scene. Elizabeth gave Jelena a teasing smile and she playfully raised her eyebrows. Jelena shot her a glare that made the nun to laugh.

"Hello little girl, what's your name?" Aki asked to shift topics. He approached the kid wearing a small smile and patted her head.

"My name is Zaira Nicole Cohen, call me baby Zaizai for short hihi." Zaira giggles while answering Aki. He persuades her to went inside to play with the other kids, after a while of persuasion, Zylant agrees on the idea and so did Zaira. Aki assists the kid inside since she's new to the place and needs some guidance.

"I have some errands to do so... I'll leave both of you now." Elizabeth informed having a suspicious glance at the young lady. Jelena gave her a sarcastic smile which made the nun giggled.

As the two were left alone, awkward silence surfaced in their atmosphere. Jelena insists on looking away to avoid remembering the humiliation from the earlier incident. Zylant noticed her actions so he acted as nothing happened.

"Why are you running earlier?" Zylant initiated. Jelena got a little flustered with his sudden question.

"O-oh. Haha, well... Ahm.." Jelena didn't know how to answer which made Zylant laugh. He patted her head to calm her down.

"You know what? Let's forget THAT thing. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed towards me." Zylant advised her.

Jelena sighed and agreed with him. She gave him her usual enthusiastic smiles and hit his nape.

"Hahahaha alright!" Jelena said while giving him the thumbs up. Zylant laughed at her while massaging his nape.

"Are women this days hit harder than men? Geez! she's so strong. First Zaira then Jelena, huhu no more smacking!" Zylant mumbled in his head.

"So, tell me, what trouble were you in with that Aki?' Zylant asked.

"I'm a very clumsy person hehe... and a little hard-headed. Earlier, after Aki and I gave the ordered food to the headmistress I accidentally broke the newly delivered pots of the office hehe." Jelena explained scratching the back of her ears. Zylant laughed at her stupidity.

"So that's the reason why you were running?" Zylant asked having a grin on his face.

Jelena blushed when he saw his pretty smile. It made her comfortable and warm. She later felt something strange in her stomach. It was like... butterflies?

"Y-Yeah, silly right?" Jelena responded holding her stomach.

The two continued their talk, to enjoy this rest day of Zylant they did plenty of activities like playing with the kids, practiced baking, riding motorbikes, and many more. Through this, Zylant and Jelena knew a bit deeper knowledge about each other.

It is sunset when Zylant decided to go home with his younger sister. He carried Zaira in his arms, feeling sleepy and tired.

"Thanks for today, Jelena. Mark my words this won't be the last." Zylant promised to his newfound friend. Zaira leaned to Jelena's ears and whispered something that made her blush. Zaira giggles while holding her stomach.

"No Zaizai, don't tell anyone okay?" Jelena muttered and gestured 'shush'.

"Anyway, bye you two. Be careful on your way back." Jelena farewelled them before getting inside the car.

Zylant quietly drives while his younger sister is at the back sleeping. A smile is carved in his lips while having a flashback on everything that happened today when suddenly, he hit the breaks. He froze in his position as he remembered an important matter.
