
Yesterday's Chrysanthemum

Aziel, a painter who lost his will to paint after a tragedy he couldn't even remember, began to dream about a woman whom he doesn't recognize. Every single day, he would sleep at the exact same time just to see this woman in his dreams. As they continue to meet, he slowly fell in love with her. But would love be enough for them? "Aziel, would you mind painting a chrysanthemum for me? A yellow one at that."

jag_writes · Fantasy
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8 Chs



I stared at the ceiling before I jumped out of bed to search my cabinet filled with photo albums, year books, polaroid pictures, and letters from the people I know.

I kept trying to remember how she looked but my memory's somehow distorted. Maybe if I see her picture in one of these pictures I'll remember her face. Maybe I'll know who she is when I read a letter from her.

Maybe, just maybe, I know her.

"Where is it?"

I began to feel my self breaking down for some reason. Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like shit when she started crying? Do I even have the right to pity someone in a dream? I'm literally in the hell hole myself, so why?

Before I knew it, I was already shedding tears again. My heart ached so much that I wanted to scream out loud. But no voice left my mouth.

I kept sobbing as I stared at the scattered photos on the floor.

"Galene.." I said under my breath.

My phone suddenly rang, it was Leo. I didn't answer his call so he sent me a text right after.

'Hey, I was thinking of visiting the new coffee shop downtown. I was going to ask you to come but I guess you're still sleeping. Send me a reply if you ever want to come.'

I put my phone down after reading his text.

I sighed and subtly laughed. I must be insane. I shouldn't be this invested over a dream.

I got up and fixed myself. I took my towel and went straight to the bathroom.

My reflection in the bathroom mirror was a mess. My hair's all tangled up, my eyes were filled redness, and my skin looks pale. Damn, I need to get my shit together.

That's right, I should stop acting like this. I have more important things to do. Besides, my dream wouldn't heal my tremors.


I walked towards the café, wearing a blue sweater on top of my white shirt, black pants and white shoes. I listened to music on my way there to avoid thinking of useless things.

"You came. That's new. You always turn me down." Leo said as soon as I enter the café

He was wearing a white polo along with his black slacks and white shoes. His hair was fixed up which exposed most of his forehead.

"Stop pouting you look disgusting."

"You know I have feelings too, Aziel! Stop bullying me." He complained and looked so hurt, which I found funny.

"Kyline" I immediately turned my head towards the barista.

I stared at the woman getting her coffee from the counter. I chuckled lightly. He didn't say Galene after all. What was I expecting?

"Is she your type?" Leo suddenly blurted out which stopped me from zoning out.

"Shut up, I just thought she's someone I know." I said and sat down

"Oh excuses." He teased but I just threw the carton cup holder at his face.

"You know what, this is what they call a friend harassment! I'm gonna sue you!"

"Who even says that?"

We laughed at how cringy our conversation was. Yeah, laugh it off Aziel. Stop thinking about it.


Well that's what I thought. Because after I went home and slept, I am, once again, in this dream with her.

"You're back, Azi. How was your day?" She asked while sitting on the grass.

"Hey, look, I don't know how and why you're doing this. Whoever you are, whatever you are, stop bothering me."

She stared at me for quite some time. Was I too harsh? Wait who cares? She is just a figment of my dream.

She suddenly burst out laughing

"You should've seen the look in your face! That's so funny!" She teased me continuously after that.

I felt my face burning up from the embarrassment

"Stop laughing" I protested but she didn't listen.

I got so annoyed that I called out her name. She looked at me softly and smiled.

"You remembered my name. That's a relief."

She patted the space beside her like she was asking me to sit down. For some reason, I forgot that I wanted this to stop. It was as if my feet moved on its own without my brain protesting.

"So, tell me about your day."

I stayed silent. Why should I tell her?

"You don't want to? Okay, I'll go first." She enthusiastically said.

"Do you see that garden?"

She pointed the garden below us. We were at the top of a hill, and the view is absolutely breathtaking. I couldn't answer her, I was in awe. It was filled with red roses, yellow tulips, purple hyacinths, and pink carnations.

"That's my garden. It's pretty, right? Although, I've been trying my best to make yellow chrysanthemums bloom for a year now, but I still can't do it." She uttered in disappointment

"You're garden already looks amazing as it is, you should just-"

"be grateful for what you have" we both said.

"I knew you would say that." She said and put her chin on her crossed arms that were on top of her knees.

"Why do you talk like that? Like you know who I am or what kind of person I am." I looked at her.

"You're too easy to read."

I scoffed.

"Never thought I'll be hearing that in my dreams too."

She softly laughed. We stayed silent for a short while.

"You know, this view would be a great for a painting." I said as I make a small box using my fingers and looked through it.

"Then paint it." She said

"I can't. I was-" I stopped for a while and put my hands down.

"I was in a car accident a year ago. For some reason, I began to have hand tremors after that. Which is why I can't paint anymore."

"Have you tried to paint again?"


"Then how are you so sure that you can't paint anymore?"

"I just know."

I looked at her, she was already looking at me. Her eyes were telling me something but I couldn't catch what it was.

"There's no harm in trying. You can't give up on something that makes you happy just because of an assumption."

Somehow, her words hit me.

"Maybe, the only one that's stopping you is you, yourself."

I smiled a bit out of relief. Maybe she's right.

"Can you promise me you'll try? I would love to see you paint my garden." She said and raised her pinky finger

"That's childish. Plus I don't even know how I'll bring the painting here." I said but she didn't put her hand down.

"I know how, just promise me you'll try." she insisted.

I chuckled, she seemed desperate so I did a pinky promise with her

"Alright, Galene."

"Alright." She said.

"Now close your eyes." She added


"You have to go home to paint."

And its as if she was controlling me, I suddenly closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew, my alarm was already ringing.

I stood up hurriedly and went to my art room. I grabbed all the things I needed to paint. It was as if my worries and hand tremors disappeared.

I don't know what happened, but I was painting again.

I wasn't thinking about anything else, all I was thinking about was her garden. I was trying my best to remember how it looked.

One thing's for sure though, I was doing it for Galene.