
Yes.....I am a Healer

This is the story of a healer from a tribe who creats his own guild with 4 others and tries to survive in this world and working towards his goal.

211_writings · Fantasy
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20 Chs


After hearing the sounds coming from all directions, Alfred immediately got alert and carefully scanned his surroundings.

He found multiple people encircling him and all of them looks elite soilders since most of their ranks consist of rank7 and a few rank8's.

After completely cutting all of his ways out, a person who is leading the ambush. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall and all buffed up, he looks like a body builder with brown hair. And his brown eyes are looking at Alfred, carefully noting his every move.

He can be easily recognized as the leader based on his aura alone which is quite fierce than all the people came for the ambush.

The thing that differentiate him from the mob is his equipment. His body armour which is blood red in colour is a rank 7 armour which boasts of high defensive properties, which excudes a dangerous aura.

After seeing all these people, I thought to myself 'cant I have a peaceful night for once'...

Thinking like that I moved to the edge of the barrier to get a better look at the people who are about to die... and after coming close I got an idea who the attacker is...

Duke Olen

Its not that the duke himself is present, but its as clear as day that he send the troops to attack me.


sighing once, I said, "Mr. Alex, commander of duke army and right hand man of the duke, a peak rank8 warrior.

What are you doing here?"

"I am here on a 'reconnaissance' but I got a tip of a show being going on here, so i came to see the show", he replied.

"seriously, no matter how i think, i cant think whatever you said is nothing other than bullshit" I retorted.

"I want to argue with you, but currently i am on clock, so do me a favour and die quickly", Alex stated unsheating his sword.

Removing the barrier around my tent, i said "Guess you got stuck up in your own little imaginative world, after working as commander of duke troops and forgetting about who i am."

"Just because you are a rank 9, dont think you can do whatever you want. You should have accepted the duke's offer in past, if then you wont have to go through your this scenario now." Alex spoke with a clear disdain on his face not bothering to hide it.

"Accept duke's offer...? And then what? Do u think I like live my life like the dog you are? No thanks" I said with same amount disdain.

All these nobles are thinking only one thing, that is how to leech of money from the king, kingdom and the people. Alfred himself is also one of the victims, these so called nobles hindered him in every path he took in his life and now even literally.

"Look Alex, I am busy now. Why dont we have this silly discussion another time" Alfred spoke with a serious expression on his face.


Snorting once, Alex replied with a sirk "dont tell me that you are afraid of us killing you and want to run even before the fight started, thats even low for you 'lowly knight'."

Hearing Alex call him lowly knight, Alfred is having hard time to control his rage, but he is a veteran for no reason. He calmed his raging emotions and said"I am not afraid of some dogs ganging upon me, i just want to go home quickly and rest."

Its as he says, he isnt afraid of a fight, a rank 9 can handle a few rank8's at a time and can escape if it seems impossible to win, but he dont have to worry about running.

Although all the people surrounding him are releasing an aura of hardcore soilder, he himself is not less than them, in fact he still has upperhand in experience and other things.

He just want to avoid the fight because, no one knows that Alfred is here in this forest. For them to know about his whereabouts to the point that they ambushed him means only one thing...

The top secret mission he got assigned by the king himself has been leaked to the Duke Olen and he now immediately need to report this to his king, and help him find the one responsible for the leakage of the confidential information.

King Porus who recognized him and supported him with everything he need is dead 6 months ago leaving the kingdom in turmoil, his 1st son Prince Vikram now made King and is kinda new and having troubles every now and then, still he is trying his best to keep the kingdom in balance with the help of his sister Princess Amanda.

This isnt a good time to have traitors or spies near the new king, so Alfred desperately wanted avoid fight to meet the king as soon as possible, but it wont be possible. The fight is inevitable...