
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Another one

'So, N2, what now? I've already made a high human, so what do I do now?'

Said Nier as he reached N2 for further information and direction on the idea.

Of course N2, went ahead and continue to speak.

'Well, I did say we needed a small group of High humans, so let's make two more, and then we'll move on to the next phase, which is quite straightforward.'

Replied N2, on the other hand, Nier responded to N2.

'I understand, therefore we'll need two more, but how much stamina does it take to make a single High Human?'

After all, Nier was feeling a little exhausted after making Lyssa, so he needed to know what the stamina count was.

'It's roughly 300 stamina for each head, for a total of 900 stamina to generate three, so with Lyssa out of the picture, you have to spend about two 600 stamina more in total.'

'I see, so it brings my overall stamina to 1080 and rising, when I am finished with the creation process of these two, right?'

Nier asked, to which N2 responded in kind.

'That is correct.'

'Hmm... very well then let's get this over with, and hopefully, I can create some good ones this time around.'

With that stated, Nier began to bite his upper right index finger causing him to break his skin, attracting the attention of Lyssa, who began to look at him with a calculating gaze, still presenting her normal stern demeanor and cumbersome monotone.

"Hmmm... what are you doing master?"

"I am making more High Humans, two more to be exact."

Nier responded, appeasing Lyssa's curiosity, who merely stood there watching her master do her thing; she didn't even answer him after he stated that.

It was difficult to gauge her current emotions on the subject because of how uninterested she appeared on the outside, but Nier could read her mind because she was virtually under his entire control, and this was what she was thinking behind closed doors.

'Hmmm... more high human beings, ha? I see! Well, it doesn't matter; if the master wants more sacrificial puppets to be under his strings, I see no problem... master will is master will... but in the end, I am still master's favorite; their strings are silver, while mine are gold.'

Lyssa's thoughts on the matter were the only thing she stated, and she accepted that fact. From there her mind had devolved into an empty nothingness that whistled nothing but a confession of immense love for her master over and over again and again. Her love was silent and difficult to notice on the outside, but on the inside it was like an uncontrollable storm that grew stronger with time.

When Nier saw this he inwardly commented to himself.

'Good! My mental command appears to be holding up rather well, even coexisting nicely with the Yanderism. Her love is silent, and she appears to have excellent self-control; there is little evidence of envy, at least not in the traditional sense. If anything, she's persuaded herself that she'll always be my favorite. Who knows, maybe she'll be my favorite, or maybe she won't, only time will tell. But I like what I'm seeing so far, and if her delusions keep her calm, this is a good thing.'

'However, I cannot call this a success on my side; after all, further analysis of her behavior over time will be required. As a result, I need to keep a closer eye on her to determine if she changes over time; hopefully, this will not be the case.'

Nier inwardly declared, but he proceeded to draw a single drop of vivid blue blood from his fingertips and drop it on the ground. And as soon as he did so, the same process that had occurred at Lyssa's birth began to occur with the drop of blood. And it wasn't long until a tall middle-aged man dressed in a butler suit made from shadows appeared in front of Nier.

The man was taller than Lyssa, standing at a commanding 6'3 and sporting a thin but muscular frame. The man had well-groomed, shoulder-length brown hair and deep pink eyes. His skin was little pale, and he had a pretty charming deep voice.

In comparison to Lyssa, he was designed to have a serious persona when necessary, as he is a man with a rigorous work ethic. On the other hand, he takes his job as a butler seriously and attempts to learn new things. He will also implement discipline when necessary. And, unlike Lyssa, who was born without a name, this creation emerged from the oven knowing what his name was from the get-go.

The man took immediate notice of his surroundings, his gaze dropping to his lord as he bowed with exquisite grace and began to introduce himself, his hand to his heart, and his knee to the ground.

"My esteem lord, my name is Magnus, and from today onward I shall serve you as your personal butler to the utmost of my abilities, I hope we can get along well."

Nier looks down at the man, pleased with what he sees; he had always wished for a kickass butler like the one in Vampire Man: The Dark Night.

And now he had one right in front of his eyes that he could command at any time, but like Lyssa, he was curious about his capabilities, so he began to ask Magnus what his power was as well as his limitations.

"The pleasure is mine, Magnus, but I'd like you to tell me about your abilities and limitations." What can you provide that others cannot?"

Asked Nier.

The inquiry was straightforward and to the point, to which Magnus responded immediately.

"My lord, with the application of mental energy, I am capable of not just boosting my entire perception time, physical prowess, and defenses. But I also have all of the basic high human abilities, such as mind reading, meta-breeding, and telekinesis. However, my specific skill is the capacity to manipulate sound, and the only limitation of this power is my range; I can control sound within 2km of me within a perfect sphere, albeit doing so on such a large scale is exhausting. As a result, I always keep my range bubble within 10 meters of me at all times."

Magnus announced, surprising Nier, as he commented.

"The ability to control sound; that is somewhat broken as well." I'm not going to lie, you, like Lyssa, can do a number of things with your power. Although it lacks the level of hax that Lyssa power possesses, albeit it does outperform it in terms of speed and general scope of raw destruction. Hmph... hmph... Magnus, I approve of your skill glad to have you as my vassal."

Magnus only nods lightly in response.

On the other hand Nier began to bite his finger tips once more as he said.

"Now, let us make one more High Human before moving on to phase three." Although I'm getting fatigued, *sigh!* I'm afraid it can't be helped can it."

A small person appeared shortly after another drop of Nier's blood fell to the ground, similar to Lyssa and Magnus's birth. On the other hand, the person who appeared had dark skin and beautiful silver eyes, which complemented his well-groomed white hair. The youngster himself appears to be no more than ten or twelve years old. And could even be considered cute if it weren't for the sad expression on his face.

He had keen silver claws that were purposefully enlarged and sharpened to some extent, yet he was only around 4'9 in height. Despite his diminutive stature and infantile appearance, he had the mind of an elderly man. And he was dressed similarly to Magnus in butler clothes as he spoke. The little butler then sat up lazily, cracking his finger and doing some stretches while he began to speak.

"*Crack!*....  Well di name is Lex, nice to meet ya boss."

Nier looked at the small dark skin kid in front of him; this one was unusual since he wanted to test what would happen if he imagined a gender and gender alone, with slight personality features. As a result, he got Lex, you could say he was a Gacha special, and like the other two, he had mental programming within their minds in case things went wrong.

Nier then began to speak to Lex.

"So, Lex, I'll ask you the identical question I asked these two before you. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses, and what makes you special."

Lex, of course, responded, but unlike the dignified or courteous responses of the other two, Lex's presentation was fairly distinctive, as he stated.

"What I am gud at ehh!?... Wellza ya know, what makes mi unique is the fact that I am not unique in the slightest, im not like these two high calibers ya created. To tell ya di truth ya can call me a defect of sorts, an imperfect high human. By right I am greater than a human but too inferior to be considered a high human... I don't have any abilities... my only selling point is this weird ass body of mine."

"Yozee this weird tiny body of mine can absorb mana from di atmosphere and from magic attacks itself, but I can't covert jack shit with mi useless brains at all... nor can take this mana to do spells with. But this body is special in the sense that the mana I absorb makes me practically immortal, as long as a single drop of blood remains, I can regenerate my body fully, And the excess mana empowers my muscles to great heights, all in all, my specialty is to throw hands and ignore damage."

Lex announced with a positive smile on his face, while Nier began to respond to Lex as he spoke as such.

"So you're a meat shield that can fight back... that's a very interesting set of skills you have, I like it." In any case, as long as you can fight, you will be considered one of my three original progenitors of the high human species... now that everyone is here, we can get right down to business."

Lex simply nodded in response to his boss's description of him.

Nier then began to talk with N2, as he had said.

'What now, N2, we have a tiny force of some quite formidable allies?'

N2 then began to respond to Nier about the next part of the plan, but what he said next to Nier surprised him.

"Well, the plan was rather simple; we were going to use the pheromones as bait to attract a Lizardmen." But it appears that was unnecessary, as they have decided to come to you instead, thus we are moving on to phase four, which is to capture one alive in order to infect and read their memories."

And at that same moment, when the group of four were about to move out, Magnus suddenly felt something coming from afar as he informed his lord.

"My lord im picking up a lot of vibrations from the earth, coming from North, East, West, and South."

"In layman's terms, we are corned ha?"

On the other hand, a bright purple light shone, drawing the attention of everyone there as they gazed in Lyssa's direction who at this moment had a giant purple hatchet she was holding in both her hands, it was made from her black mental energy, her eyes seem like it was ready to commit sin. As she said calmly, while the blade emitted a terrifying purple flame in accordance with her inner emotion.

"I see, so it's already time to murder master ops, how glorious."

Lex, on the other hand, proceeded to take up the wheel of bob wire that was near his boss's vegetable garden in the yard. While talking, he began to fold it over his palms and knuckles.

"So were getting jump Egh? *Sigh!* how troublsome, oh well it is, what it is."

"My lord, what are your orders?"

Magnus inquires, and Nier responds.

"It's simple really, we go out there and murder everyone... if their is a leader we leave that person alive, if there isn't we will leave one or two alive."

On the other hand, coming from the outside, you could see a lot of luminous eyes blinking in the dark from numerous directions, it was a bombardment; an army of lizardmen who were drawn to both Nier and Jeremiah mark. And now they're here to take what is rightfully theirs.