

this is by Midasman on fanfic non of this is mine. this is for personal reading.

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Citrinitas NPC Settings-Bio

Name: Citrinitas

NPC-type: Guild NPC

Level: 90

Race: Perfect Homunculus

Karma: -500 (Extreme Evil)

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Created by: Tabula Smaragdina (Ainz Ooal Gown)

Created on: 7 January, 2129

Last Edited: 8 July, 2133

She is a homunculus that holds the rank of Grand Alchemist within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. With a fair complexion, pale blonde hair, and sickly golden eyes, she gives the appearance of a doll come to life. Asexual in deposition, emotionally muted in mannerism, and sociopathic in tendency, she betrays little emotion or expresses concern for others.

Despite her doll like appearance, it is not correct to assume she does not experience emptions. Beneath the mask of indifference and stoicism, lies a mind that works in ways that contradicts her skin-deep human appearance.

She was created as an experiment to create the perfect homunculus. Her form was created using a soul from the realm of the dead to empower her rather than a lengthy spell or philosophers stone as is common. This deviation from the norm has resulted in her being beyond the normal limits that constrain the rest her kind.

It has given her a certain perspective of the human condition; it is not enough to ever see the masses of humanity as anything more than a stock for her experiments.

While not the most intelligent being within Nazarick, nor strongest, her knowledge of the arcane and higher mysteries far exceeds that of any other servant within the Tomb. She takes extreme pride in her work and is quick to anger if she believes her abilities have been slighted.

While hyper intelligent and prodigal in all fields related to magic and the occult, it is at the detriment of many mundane skills as she see's such things as irrelevant to her research. She lacks interest in anything beyond the alchemical arts and magical phenomenon.

She views herself as not merely an alchemist but also an occult scholar of the highest caliber; driven inexorably by a thirst for knowledge and power that that can never be truly quenched by the constraints of morality and decency. To the homunculi, there is no sacrifice to small in the pursuit of this goal. Of course, it's not the sacrifice of herself, but the sacrifice of others in pursuit of greater goals.

As far as the homunculus is concerned, the world is her laboratory, and its inhabitants merely research material for her own use. While she does not shy away from inflicting pain torment on others, she views excessive cruelty for its own sake as a waste of time and effort better spent elsewhere.

Allies and subordinates are seen as little more than cogs in a vast machine which are replaced when broken and given no more care than a craftsman gives his tools. However, while she cares little for the suffering and pain she causes others in pursuit of power, any who dare cross her will beg for the release only death may provide from the horrors she will inflict upon them.

Despite lacking in direct combat capabilities, any foe who faces her under the presumption of an easy victory will quickly learn the error of this belief as they are confronted with the full arsenal of black magic and alchemical creations at her disposal; be they elixirs, potions, poisons, curses, or monstrous creatures of her own design.

If a foe has truly earned her ire, they will find themselves a subject in her experiments.

Beyond serving the immediate needs of Ainz Ooal Gown, a task she takes great pride in, she strives to use her accumulated knowledge to create the 'Perfect Being'. Something she views as the next stage of life itself. Due to her own nature as a creation of alchemy, she views natural selection as an imprecise and faulty process since it does not result in more powerful life but merely life most likely to successfully reproduce given its current environment.

She is adamant that the creation of such a being will herald the dawn of a new era of existence.

An era when the old shall be washed away by the new.

When order shall finally be imposed on the chaos of life.

Even should it take until the end of time itself, as the last stars flicked out of the night sky, and the last fire of the last heart goes out; she will continue her work without pause.

She also hates flat chested vampires.