
Yellow Dragon's Pet

A new world, a new body, a new gender?! Transmigrated into the body of a young man, 30-year-old Jinny Lu will not only have to overcome her new reality, but also her past. (Cover by Dazed Designs) (Trying to release every 3-5 days)

PayneClover · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chromatic Event

Jin Lu woke feeling overly energized. She wanted to ride one of the Ponos or walk next to the carriage, but Long Yin explained that there were no extra Ponos to ride and that she needed to take care of the boy she had rescued. Jin Lu grumbled and sighed in her head, knowing that Long Yin was right. She started to climb into the carriage, only to stop and stare in shock. The bench seat that the boy had been laying on last night now had an animal curled up on it.

Jin Lu tried to back up quietly and slowly, not wanting to wake it, only to bump into Long Yin's chest behind her. Long Yin chuckled softly before lifting her up and setting her on his lap. Once he had them settled, one of the guards closed the door, waking the animal up.

It lifted its head, blinking its green eyes a few times before yawning widely, its small razor sharp teeth on full display. Jin Lu's palms itched to pet the silky looking bronze fur, but she held back, not wanting to be attacked or bitten. She watched as it stretched its long body like a cat, needing its claws into the seat before smacking its lips and turning to sit facing them. A ripple of air made Jin Lu squint her eyes briefly. When they cleared, the animal had disappeared and the boy she had saved was sitting on the bench across from them.

After a moment of silence, both Jin Lu and the boy started to speak at the same time.

"Thank you…"

"Fox demon!"

Jin Lu blushed at her rudeness and looked away, wanting to disappear. Long Yin chuckled smoothly, and waved at the boy.

"Yes, he is a fox demon, more aptly known as a Spirit Beast. Mortal third-star, I assume?" Long Yin's tone was amused. The fox demon glared slightly but nodded.


"Excellent! You will contract with Jin Lu, then," Long Yin stated shamelessly.

Jin Lu and the boy looked at Long Yin, her with confusion, the demon with barely hidden reluctance. Long Yin lifted a brow at the boy. Something dangerous flashed in his eyes and the demon gulped, lowering his eyes and nodding.

"As you wish," the boy whispered, holding out his wrist.

Jin Lu looked back and forth between the two, not knowing what to do or what was going on. Long Yin lifted Jin Lu's arm, waving for the boy to come closer. He sighed heavily, but obeyed, jumping from the bench to stand in front of Jin Lu. Using his fingernail, the boy made a small slice in the dip of his wrist.

Jin Lu gasped, wanting to ask what was going on, though she had a queasy feeling in her stomach that she already had an idea. Long Yin took that moment to place the boy's wrist over her lips. A few drops of blood hit her tongue, making her want to gag. Something warm and floral with a hint of wildness invaded her senses, whispering of mischief and clever wickedness.

A sharp pain from her wrist distracted her. She hadn't realized she had closed her eyes until they flew open to see the boy with his teeth in her arm. It took only a few seconds before both of their wrists were removed.

Jin Lu's eyes flared, and she tried to whip around, throwing her elbow back to hit the man holding her. Her wrist was caught easily, Long Yin's lips curved in a playful smile before he brought her hand to his mouth for a light kiss. Jin Lu huffed out an irritated breath, calming herself down.

"What happens now?" Jin Lu asked, resigned. The boy hopped back up on the bench seat, his expression puzzled and slightly excited.

"Interesting. A dual-wielder? I've only heard of them in legends. This is a good contract!" He suddenly smiled widely before flashing back into a fox and relaxing on the seat.

Long Yin flicked his eyes at the fox before concentrating on Jin Lu.

"With a contract, you can borrow their power to protect yourself, and get their help with cultivation," Long Yin answered.

"What are the benefits for the demon- I mean, spirit beast?"

"They no longer need to worry about food or being hunted, their cultivation level will rise quicker, and, depending on what kind of cultivator they contract with, they can get added benefits. Though the contract will be voided if either of you are killed."

"So then if I die, he's free?" Jin Lu didn't think so, but wanted to be sure.

"Correct." Long Yin didn't sound concerned about this, but Jin Lu had reservations. Seeing her expression, the boy chuckled.

"Don't worry. If you die, I die as well. If I die and the contract is broken, you may suffer some cultivation backlash, but not enough to stunt or kill your level base. So, I'll be around to protect you. All you have to do is feed me." His eyes were bright with excitement, and he licked his lips.

Though it was strange to hear words come from a fox's mouth, Jin Lu nodded absently. She had a feeling there was more to this contract than Long Yin or the demon had explained, but she didn't think that Long Yin would allow her to do something that would get her killed… mostly.

"What kind of cultivator are you?"

Jin Lu gave the fox a blank look before turning her gaze to Long Yin. Long Yin let out a long-suffering sigh.

"A righteous one. Couldn't you tell from the lack of blood smell? What kind of demon beast are you?" Long Yin scoffed, looking a little worried about his decision to force the two to form a contract.

The fox shrunk into himself, causing Jin Lu's heart to melt a little.

"Don't be mean!" Jin Lu smacked Long Yin's arm and leaned forward to comfort the child.

"I don't know much about cultivating myself, but I'm studying at Kuru Academy. Do you know it?"

"I've heard of it. Not anything good, though." His tail swished with agitation on the seat.

Jin Lu looked at Long Yin for an explanation.

He shrugged his shoulders at her questioning glance and relaxed into the seat, pulling her back into his chest.

"There's nothing to worry about. You just need to concentrate on your studies and get your cultivation under control." Long Yin's pointed remark made Jin Lu blush and hang her head.

"I know, okay? It's not like I've had time to practice," Jin Lu huffed.

"You could practice now," Long Yin countered.

Jin Lu felt the carriage jolt as it hit a rut in the road and looked at the fox across from her.

He tilted his head, waiting to see what she would do. He was curious if a dual cultivator cultivated differently than a regular cultivator.

"You know that cultivating needs meditation, right? How am I supposed to concentrate in this environment?"

Long Yin gave her a pitying look before settling back into the cushioned seat. Jin Lu huffed silently, her eyes meeting the Kitsune's unblinking stare. The reflection of excitement and curiosity in its gaze made her frown deepen.

Jin Lu huffed out a breath in annoyance, settling back against Long Yin's chest. The smell of ozone mixed with the light scent of a forest after a rain entered her nose. Her muscles relaxed as she started subconsciously following the rhythm of Long Yin's breathing, falling into a semi-conscious state.

Her mind space appeared gradually, as though there was a thin fog covering surrounding it. She stepped onto the same black lake as before. A large tree covered in bright green leaves surrounded by budding flowers was growing from a small island just above the crossed daggers hidden underneath the dark abyss. The musical notes that had been circling underneath had created a giant circle that encompassed both the tree and the daggers.

"Your space is definitely unique," a voice interrupted Jin Lu's observations, drawing her eyes to one of the tree's lower branches. The contracted Kitsune stretched leisurely before gliding down to stand amongst the flowers.

"Thank you, I guess." Jin Lu shrugged uncomfortably, asking, "What are you doing here?"

"You made a contract, this combined both of your affinities." Long Yin appeared from the other side of the large trunk, his arms behind his back.

He looked relaxed as he inspected her space.

"What the hell?!" Jin Lu shrieked in confused surprise.

Her mind space reflected her shock, shaking and causing the entire place to sound like someone had smashed simultaneous piano keys. Long Yin's lips curled with the amused small that annoyed the hell out of Jin Lu.

"Why are you here? How? What?" Jin Lu stared at Long Yin, unable to hold in her questions.

It irritated her that seeing him in her mind space affected her more than the Kitsune had.

The corners of Long Yin's lips twitched higher, and Jin Lu didn't miss the spark of mischief that flashed across his eyes.

"Why not?"

All the goodwill that Long Yin had accumulated since rescuing Jin Lu vanished from her mind as her, the "sky" flashing with bright strikes of lightning made of musical notes that sounded like wind chimes during a storm. Jin Lu ignored the strange phenomenon as she stomped towards the island and the focus of her ire.

"Why not? Why not?! I'll tell you WHY NOT! This is my space, that's why not! What the fuck, Long Yin?!" Jin Lu stopped right in front of Long Yin, poking his chest with her finger. A cymbal crashed violently when Jin Lu yelled Long Yin's name.

Jin Lu's eyes were red and slitted, her hair whipping behind her like an avenging spirit. Long Yin couldn't help the breath that caught in his throat as he took in the magnificent sight. He was fascinated that both Jin Lu's male body and female spirit could make him forget himself. It took every last bit of discipline that Long Yin had not to grab Jin Lu at that moment.

Jin Lu caught the flash of desire that passed through Long Yin's eyes and paused in her tirade, the storm vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. She took a step back, ignoring the ringing in her ears from the abrupt silence, as well as the disquiet rumbling in her soul.

"Whatever," Jin Lu sighed, pushing her hair back to help calm her down.

After a few deep breaths, Jin Lu looked around for something to distract her. Walking up to the tree, she was surprised when she was able to feel a rhythmic thrum coming from within. Her gaze slid to the Kitsune that had made himself as small as he could, wrapping his tails around his body like a blanket.