
Yellow Diamant Island

In the Red Diamant Bay, yes I know not Yellow Island I know! Life only had one meaning, peace. Under the rule of Tishoa clan, this island prosper in armony. But one night, in just 3 hours, the capital was taken from the clan, a new ruler had been establishes, rename the island and the Tishoa where now traitor to the people. Now Baron Argvorg track and exterminate the clan out of pure madness, maybe there's an other reason to that ? But this story doesn't revolve around a hero, nor a knight coming from far away to win the day. No, the story is about a girl and her brother, trying to survive and meating loats of people.

Urusome · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Solution to achieve Greatness


Looking out into the capital, wearing its big whit and red cap. A golden mask on its face, hair flotting in the air. Typical outfit for a person of such high rank.

Amiral Khiiro wonder off from the capital and look at the sea, lots of ship, boat. All carrying either weapon or expensive ressource. The Yellow Diamant was, well popular with the...the diamant it's lands hold. But the wood here is also pretty expensive, well they made it expensive since its one of the most durable and fire proof wood.

Altough the trade of the diamant and the wood gave the island profit, since the war all that money goes on the making of armor, forteress and just the military itself. 

He had to admit it, Khiiro didn't though for a second it will be a good idea to participate in this takeover of the power. He did hear about some of the warrior that was in his squad when they took over the capital castle but he never, in his military life heard of of The baron Argvorg.

He thought to search inside the criminal record 1of the highly dangerous criminals that wonder inside the lands of the Empire, but he wasn't racking high enough to access those. And now it would feel like an insult to who the baron is.

" Khiiro ! I heard that you got a promotion ! "

Khiiro turn around to see his former lieutenant of his squad, Jhito, now becoming amiral himself. 

" Hello Amiral Jhito "

" No no, call me just like in the old days Khiiro ! " 

" If you say so but I'm the general so I need to be more concern about what image I have inside the castle "

" I know that. But that doesn't mean formality should be more preferable than friendship ! "

" F-friendship ? "2

" Yeah ! Lets go for a walk, the baron is in the garden watching the engeneer, which give us plenty of time to talk "

" Yes but If neccecary I will dispass myself when order are demanding it "

" As I would too respond to order immidiately " 

They enter the castle corridor. Red carpet on the floor, plant on golden pedestal. Windows thats stretches to the big ceilling, portrait of the empire great conquest and some of the old painting thats will probably still stay since they don't date the Tishoa era.

The ceilling has a immense sketches of the entiere story of the empire, the first emperor story, the gods war and the rest of it. The walls themself are a basic yellow golden color, even tho the pillar a perfect marble white

Khiiro never really knew who or what build the castle. He knows that the empire, or at least people from it built it but for who ? He didn't know, because no grand amiral or general used to livein the island, because it was under the control of the pirate clan. And after the Tishoa clan establish themself here as new ruler, the castle was there before.

The real strangest part is that it remains the same, apparently it didn't got destroyed or burned or anything. Each time a nex power took over they made sure the castle stayed intact.

" You never realize how strange it was that the castle, for how long it had stand and how many wars it had seen. How did it stay intact ? Like even when we took the capital, the castle was the only things still standing "

" Maybe because its on the biggest moutain in the region, hard to that over, has natural bording protection and has a great wiew of the sea and the capital ? Maybe because of those qualities no one tried to destroyed it since it would have been a waste of a great forteress "

They both walk down the hallways, praticly all the same, with the painting differences.

" But the storms and the fire that happened in Oto3 Demir4 49615 a.fe.6 You know, you the local calls it, the great purge.7 " Khiiro says

" What about those ? "

" They should have destroyed the castle yet it still stand "

" The engineer that build it than were probably the best of their time "

" Yeah, do you know about those ? " Khiiro ask

" I don't, no ones knows. Maybe the pirate do know, since they were the people from the main land to live on this island "

" Probably but you know were they are ? " he ask again

" No, no one does "8

" Yes... "

" Lets stop talking about history and all that ! How did you get promoted ?? "

" I got Jamili "9

" Ohhhh. Well that honor to see a hero of the Island. Was it fun ? "

" I don't recall finding it fun "

" I wonder why... "

They finally arrive at one of the four hall of the castle each one on one corner of it. They serve as stair, recenpion and place where a fountain is usely place. Khiiro and Jhito look down and saw the multiple servant of the castle removing painting of the Tishoa clan, repainting the fountain, placing new painting and just cleaning everything since, the castle is real big, massive even.

" Well thats really bad, I liked those painting "

Khiiro slowly turn his head at Jhito, shocked at what he just said.

" To spit on them and laugh at the work of those spupid painter that made, those. "

" Yeah, of course "

" General Khiiro ! Amiral Jhito ! "

They both turn to face the stair on there left, a Arkan soldier10 came to them.

" The Baron wants you, General Khiiro and Amiral Jhito to join him outside in the garden. If you please follow me "

Khiiro look to his right where Jhito stand, behind him the hallaway they just traverse. Then he waited no further and follow the Arkan, beside him Jhito.

They arrive in the garden, the most beautiful part of the castle. With its hundren type of flower, marble pillar going into the sky, the road made out of stone that perfectly fit inside one another. Multiple little river that pass trough the garden, blue as the sky and as clear as a window.

Marble bridge, blue and red stone making contrast with the perfect green of the grass. The trees, all place perfectly, they made a raibow of colored leaf that are found in different neighering island.

And at the end of this garden, and old ruin of an old statue of some kind of warrior, a giant pool of this perfect water and two massive falls going to the top of the montain to the garden. The statue is place right inside this moutain with its hand place like its supporting the moutain itself.

Of course multiple Marble statues of women and men that had rule over this lands before are being taking down by the servant and the grand statu is even being remade itself.

Khiiro wasn't real impressed by that garden, for him that beauty means nothing, he know that for normal stander, this place who be like a afterlife, like Il-Val-Or11

They walk pass the servant and the work being down. Then Khiiro turn his head to the left side of the garden where we can see the capital and see about twenty big machine being construct as they walk by, he doesn't know what they are but maybe they are not machine, maybe they are just trees being plant, very, very big tree.

He then look at the right side and saw that a large portion of the garden was just empty, apart from materil and assault weapon, such as turret and ballistic. He also see somethings he has never seen before. Seomething that looks like another dangerous weapon.

Finally Khiiro turn his head to face what was in front of him and saw the Baron, sitting at a table with the other Amiral of the army and also Count and Lords from the Island that he had seen before but never truly knew anything about them. Apart from them being very rich and making sure the island stays self sufficient

Their also the private engineer the baron pay to make the weapon the army use. In total there is about 12 people there and 10 more if we count the children and wife, the Lords and Count bring too. The Baron is wearing his casual cloths. Black shoes, red pants with a pith of white here and there. And nice white shirt and of course a blue and red coat with golden shoudler pad. He is also wearing on his right arm and metalic arm.

Khiiro know what its call but can't really get his finger into the words. 

" Sir, they here " the Arkan guard say

" Oh ! Perfect hehe ! "

The baron then stand up taking a glass of water with him. The engineer than walk to him while carrying some kind of boss. Then multiple servant arrive with glass of alcohol and all that those things. Everyone took a glass, but the Baron took another glass from a servant and give it to Khiiro who couldn't believe his eye.

" S-sir ? "

" Take it general. We deserve a nice cold glass of pure mineral water " says the Baron

" Alright sir "

Khiiro was pleased, he wouldn't have to drink any kind of alcohol, or pretanding to drink one. And it seem the Baron also doesn't like a bit of alcohol. The Baron than walk off with a the glass of water on his left hand and his right hand on Khiiro back. The engineer walk beside him and Khiiro realize that The Baron wanted him to do so too.

Everyone else follow the three of them to the big open space with all the assault weapon. He then start to talk.

" Everyone here. To the Amiral to the Lords ! And the Counts ! To mister Al-Gibdon. Great engineer and now our new leader in develepoment into the making of weapon. And Of course to the new General Khiiro. A new era has started in this paradis of our, the Tishoa clan has been dealt with and now the only things keeping us away from progress is our ressource themself ! But lets not forget something, the citizen, the locals and the marchant. All of them, will upon us as light unto the sea and the main land. Our objectif is not complete yet "

He then turn around he pointed his finger at the capital.

" There, hiding among our people, killers, thief, players and worst of all ! Traitor ! Rats are living inside our own city, our own walls ! And lets not forget about the worm of the main land, the south !12 The north ! 13And those rats of Indigo !! 14"

As his talking Khiiro looks around the crouwd, seen most of them agreing with what the Baron is saying.

" Those thief ! Killer ! Molester ! Those horrible monster that call themself victim while its the only things they left behind them ! "

" Yes, I remember that Mark once was attack by one off them, they tried to take his cloths and jewlery ! "

" I once went to the South of the main land "

All gasp hearing this.

" it was the worst experience of my life ! Those pigs used the skin of dead animal to make cloths ! "

One women colapse but her husband stop her from falling into the grass.

" They even re use their feces to...grown food "

" Ohhh god ! What a bonch of savage ! "

" And that not even the worst part ! " The Baron says

Everyone then turn around to look at him.

" They have numbers, and they are everywhere but thanksfullly our land is free off them. But not for long, they will hear about a land of oportunity, a land of freedom and power ! Thats when they will ALL come, like cockroachs, like rats and insect ! Taking everything we work for, taking whats our people need ! They will take it all ! "

Everyone exept for the Amirals, the Engineer, Khiiro and the Baron itself start to talk, concern about their future, concern about what The Baron just said. Then The Baron Argvorg speaks again.

" But, with the help off mister Al-Gibdon ! We worked on a weapon, no on a solution against the eminent doom of our society ! A security to those that are willing to join me. "

He then raise his glass.

" Everyone ! On this day ! Under the sun ! I ! Baron Argvorg ! Ruler of the Yellow Diamant Island ! Decide time are at sack and demanding ! I call all of you present here ! Look what we were able to achieve togethere ! The end of the Tishoa clan ! The true power back of the Island ! And the great future ! On this very day ! I demand all of us to bow to a same vision ! A vision of greatness ! A vision of perfect protection ! Of vision where we are the most powerful of them all ! A vision of total Absolute over this Island ! We'll make a world without the rats ! Without the misery of the world ! We'll make our island great again ! "

Everyone start to smile, they agreed.

" And with all of us here ! I proclame a new name for the Island ! A new name for us ! A name that will show our dominatio over this very Island we work for to get ! "

" Glory ! " They all say at once

" Glory to us ! Glory to Yellow Gem of the Sea ! Glory to the Para-Dise ! And glory to the ones that rule it ! Glory to the Absolute ! "

" Glory to the Absolute " They all says simultaneously

They all then drink their glass. They turn to see the new weapon the the engineer had work one. A giant pilliar, with metalic, wires and a big yellow crystal on it.

" Prepare to glory ! "

The General turn around to face the sun setting of into the horizon letting the moon takes it place but then he see it, well rather he see nothing. At the port, theirs is no ship, not a single one, not one that are coming or one that are going. He then realize that the Bag Tower which is basically their lighthouse, has not a yellow light coming from it but a red.

Then the Baron walk to the other edge of the garden, the one that face the capital. He then raise his glass again and a strange start to come from the crystal on the pillar.

" A new age of glory began and with this ! Will we not have to worry about the misery of the world ! "

As he finish his sentence a beam of yellow light come out of the crystal and went at a speed no god could match. Going straight to the ocean. Than a immense explosion happen, and some kind of energy is now making the sea look more terrifying but soon black cloud start to come and thunder strick inside them, the wawe became more violent and Khiiro realize that a whole storm, maybe the most impressive storm he had ever seen in his life cut the capital, no the entiere Island !

" The solution ! A crystal that our mister found inside a old ruin temple at sea ! It hold great power and its power as you can see is to create gigantic storm that will destroy any ship or boat that will pass through it ! "

Thats at this moment that Khiiro realy understood...realize who the Baron is and what he is capable. And he is fascinated about him and now, he is sure that his loyalty is to the right hand.

Everyone applaud the Baron they cheer even ! They believe they have won, and in a way, no they are right. They have won and nothing, will stop them. Nothing. Not a hero from the main land, not the South not The Ice Lord and even not the Emperor himself.