
Years of Goodbyes

Alice Alexander has her life fully planned out, amazing grades, good at sports, loads of fluffy animals to care for, and a loving family. That all comes crashing down when her parents are killed in a car accident, her life is turned upside down. Ontop of that, she learns that her parents weren't even related to her. She learns that she was taken from her biological parents and put up for adoption when she was only days old. Now she must begin her quest to unveil her true identity, with the help of some amazing teachers and the support of the resident bad-boy, Soren Sanchez, who may have more answers to Alice's endless questions than he thinks.

Shadowemme · Teen
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"NO!" A girl screamed, as she clawed at her boyfriend's arms, desperately trying to leave him grip. All she could think was the after this, she would kill Santiago for caging her in like this. However, she didn't know that he was currently crying into her shoulder, sharing her sentiments of sadness.

"Help, Santiago! They can't do this! They have no right!" She yelled, looking towards the nurse, who was holding a bundle of pink blankets, in which a small baby was in. The nurse handed over the baby to the stern looking woman wearing a dark coloured business suit. The woman looked down the corridor at the crying girl and gave her a very flat look, before turning around with the infant in her arms, and walking away. "She doesn't know who I am! She'll never know her culture! Or her father!" The girl continued yelling, but to no avail.

The woman never turned around, or even spared the girl a glance. The girl's mother took her daughter from Santiago's arms and engulfed her in a hug. "Amor, ven, la volverás a ver, te lo prometo. Nos aseguraremos de que la vuelvas a ver. tú también Santiago. Rosa sera encontrada"

Her mother's words comforted her, but did not take away the pain. "Somos la familia Ortiz y saldremos de esta. Juntos"

2 Months Later

"Rosa, her name is Rosa, Santiago" He was sitting behind her, holding her against him. "I know, and as Maria said, we'll meet her again, and you know it. They can't just keep her away forever. She's Spanish, a latina woman, when we meet her, we'll know who she is in an instant. Rosa Laia Alvarez. A force to be reckoned with" For the first time in two months, the girl laughed a little, a small smile making its way onto her face. "But for now, we work on continuing with our lives, and then we will work out what to do from there."