
Magician and Monster levels

Apprentice magician 1-9

Adept magician low, middle, high, peak

Journey man magician low, middle, high, peak

Great magician low, middle, high, peak

High magician low, middle, high, peak

Grand magician low, middle, high, peak

More for later

Evolved level 1 monster low, middle, high, peak low level 1 is as strong as apprentice magician 2, middle is as strong as apprentice magician 4, high is as strong as apprentice magician 7, and peak is as strong as apprentice level 9 and some are as strong a low adept.

Evolved level 2 low, middle, high, peak

Evolved level 3 low, middle, high, peak

Evolved level 4 low, middle, high, peak

Evolved level 5 low, middle, high, peak

Evolved level 6 low, middle, high, peak

More for later

There will be more later just don't want to get too ahead without planning. Also Virmir's primordial spirit is gained from a higher cultivation realm of magicians.

bobandraycreators' thoughts