
Yearning in Silence |BxB|

"Yearning in Silence" is a captivating romance novel that explores the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery. When 18-year-old Min-Jun discovers his best friend, Jae-Won, has been secretly in love with him, it sets off a chain of events that tests the boundaries of their relationship. As Min-Jun teases and seduces Jae-Won to provoke a confession, they both embark on an emotional journey filled with passion, tension, and heartfelt moments. |BxB|MaleXMale|Romance|Smut| Happy Ending !

playwright_livi · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Public Teasing

Min-Jun knew that if he wanted to get Jae-Won to confess his feelings, he would need to push the boundaries further. The past few days had been a revelation for him—seeing Jae-Won's desire, his yearning, and his possessiveness through his reaction had painted a vivid picture of a love that was deep and unwavering. Min-Jun was beginning to understand his own feelings better, and though he wasn't entirely sure of them yet, he was willing to explore this new territory.Flashback: Another Jealousy EntryAnother diary entry flashed in Min-Jun's mind. Jae-Won had written about the burning jealousy he felt whenever he saw Min-Jun with other people, especially other boys. He described how it made him feel possessive, how he had to fight the urge to step in and claim Min-Jun as his own. Min-Jun had never noticed this jealousy before, but now he was determined to see it for himself.Min-Jun decided to test the waters by flirting with other guys in front of Jae-Won. It wasn't just about making Jae-Won jealous; it was about seeing if the feelings Jae-Won had written about were truly as intense as they seemed. He wanted to understand the depth of Jae-Won's emotions, to see if he could bring those feelings to the surface.It was lunchtime, and the school cafeteria was bustling with students. Min-Jun sat at a table with a few of his classmates, chatting and laughing. He made a point to engage more with the boys, laughing at their jokes and touching their arms casually. He could see Jae-Won sitting a few tables away, his eyes trained on Min-Jun, watching his every move.Scene: The CafeteriaThe cafeteria was a large, open space with rows of long tables. The walls were adorned with posters for various school events, and the hum of conversation filled the air. Min-Jun's table was near the center, making it easy for Jae-Won to see him from his usual spot.Min-Jun wore his school uniform—a white shirt with the school emblem and navy pants. His hair was styled in a casual, tousled way that made him look effortlessly handsome. He smiled and laughed easily, his charisma drawing people to him naturally.As Min-Jun leaned in to listen to one of his classmates, he let his hand rest on the boy's shoulder, laughing at something he said. He could feel Jae-Won's gaze burning into him, but he didn't look over. He wanted to see how long it would take for Jae-Won to react.Jae-Won sat with his usual group of friends, but his attention was entirely focused on Min-Jun. His tall, athletic frame was tense, and his usually composed face showed signs of strain. His jaw was clenched, and his dark eyes were narrowed as he watched Min-Jun interact with the other boys.Jae-Won was wearing his school uniform as well, the fitted blazer highlighting his broad shoulders and strong build. His black hair was neatly styled, contrasting sharply with the storm brewing in his eyes. He struggled to keep his emotions in check, but it was clear to anyone who looked closely that he was deeply affected by what he was seeing.Inner TurmoilMin-Jun could feel a mix of excitement and guilt bubbling up inside him. He knew he was pushing Jae-Won, testing the limits of his patience and self-control, but he couldn't help it. There was a part of him that was thrilled by the idea of seeing Jae-Won's true feelings come to the surface.He glanced over at Jae-Won briefly, catching the flash of jealousy and possessiveness in his eyes. It was a powerful emotion, one that Jae-Won clearly struggled to keep hidden. Min-Jun could see the internal conflict written all over his face—the desire to claim Min-Jun as his own versus the fear of revealing his true feelings.Jae-Won's yearning was evident. He had spent so long keeping his feelings buried, afraid of what might happen if Min-Jun found out. Now, seeing Min-Jun so close to other boys, it was tearing him apart. The possessiveness he felt was overwhelming, and he fought to maintain his composure.Scene: Confrontation in the HallwayAfter lunch, Min-Jun made his way to his next class, but he could feel Jae-Won following him. He turned a corner into a quieter hallway, and as he did, Jae-Won grabbed his arm, pulling him aside."What was that about?" Jae-Won's voice was low, but there was an edge to it that Min-Jun hadn't heard before.Min-Jun looked up at him, feigning innocence. "What do you mean?""You know what I mean," Jae-Won said, his grip tightening slightly. "You were all over those guys. What's going on with you?"Min-Jun's heart raced. He could see the raw emotion in Jae-Won's eyes—the jealousy, the frustration, and the desire. It was everything he had read about, but seeing it in person was different. It was intense, almost overwhelming."I was just talking to them, Jae-Won," Min-Jun said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Why are you so upset?"Jae-Won's eyes flashed with something dark. "You know why."There it was. The possessiveness, the unspoken claim Jae-Won felt he had on Min-Jun. It was both thrilling and terrifying to see it so plainly.Inner ConflictMin-Jun felt a surge of guilt. He hadn't meant to hurt Jae-Won, but he needed to see this side of him, to understand the depth of his feelings. Now that he had seen it, he felt conflicted. He didn't want to cause Jae-Won any more pain, but he also knew that this was a necessary step in their journey."I'm sorry if I upset you," Min-Jun said softly, placing a hand on Jae-Won's arm. "I didn't mean to."Jae-Won's expression softened slightly at Min-Jun's touch, but the tension was still there. "Just... don't do that again," he said, his voice strained. "It drives me crazy seeing you with other guys."Min-Jun nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. He wanted to comfort Jae-Won, to reassure him, but he also knew that they needed to have a real conversation about their feelings. For now, though, he would let it rest.ReflectionThat evening, Min-Jun lay in bed, his mind racing with everything that had happened. He thought about the look in Jae-Won's eyes, the raw emotion that had been so evident. There was something addictive about seeing Jae-Won's true feelings come to the surface.Min-Jun was still confused about his own emotions. He knew he cared deeply for Jae-Won, but was it love? Was it the kind of love Jae-Won felt for him? He wasn't sure, but he was willing to find out. He wanted to see where this path would lead, even if it meant navigating through difficult emotions and challenging situations.He remembered the diary entries, the way Jae-Won had poured his heart out on those pages. The longing, the desire, the possessiveness—it was all there, laid bare for Min-Jun to see. He wanted to be the one to fulfill those desires, to show Jae-Won that his desires can be fulfilled. ..Min-Jun woke up the next morning with a renewed sense of purpose. He was determined to understand his own feelings better and to help Jae-Won feel secure in their relationship. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to put in the effort.He thought about the way Jae-Won had looked at him, the intensity of his emotions. Min-Jun wanted to be there for him, to show him that his love was not one-sided. He wanted to build a future together, one where they could both be happy and fulfilled.With this resolve, Min-Jun prepared for the day ahead. 

"In the silence between words, love finds its voice."

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