
Year 18!

Mayday! Mayday!! It's about to go down. You are not ready for the chaos..... This story Looks into the life of Cassie. Oh sweet Cassie, at least that's what her parents think she is. To her friends she is Cass, but not sweet, She is Cool, Cool cass. Introverted by default yet selectively extroverted. Everyone wishes they were like her. She was adored by many both the good and the bad. She had a bevvy of friends or should I say, mere acquaintances. She has made lots of mistakes in the past and has always had the comfort of blaming them on the fact that she was young... "She is just a kid" like her mom would say to her dad. But that's about to end. She is going to be 18 soon, in a few months. "No more excuses this time Cass," she tells herself. But she is sure to fuck it up once more... The boys, the drugs, the alcohol, the bad friends and the good ones. She seems to be good at being bad, Even though it happens to be unintentional. Will she drown in it all or will she find redemption in the end?

wild_dreamer17 · Teen
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51 Chs


It's been a few days since David and Dante last saw their therapist, Maryanne, and David hadn't written a thing down on the paper she had given him. It really messed him up. He always thought he was okay but he was surprised to see how lost he was in performing just this simple task. They were asked to simply write things they were grateful for and things that hurt them. Just for two weeks, Dante had gone off the moment she left and written some things down, but here he was, stuck on page one, trying so hard to do such a simple thing.