
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 33: Su Siblings

"Look, it's one of the Su sisters who live at the edge of the village." someone pointed at a beautiful girl riding a sword in the distance.

"Hei sister Lilian, are you going to sell herbs again?" A girl yelled, calling for the beauty.

"Oh, it's little Fei Fei." the beauty stopped on her track and shifted her gaze at the one who called her. "I am not selling herbs today. I'm just going to the market to buy something."

"Oh. Can I go with you?" Liang Xufei eyes brightened when she heard Su Lilian, and hastily asked whether she could go with her.

"Sure. Come up here."

Xufei happily skipped and jumped up, positioning herself at Su Lillian's back.

"Ah, Hei. Let me follow you guys too." The young man who saw Su Lilian was jealous of Liang Xufei.

"Go away, Dong Ming. There is no space for boy here." Xufei makes a face at the boy, causing the boy to grit his teeth in annoyance.

Su Lilian then let her sword soar and flew away. After flying for half an hour, they reached a lively place. This place is called Wei District. It's the biggest market in Wei City.

"Look who we have here." suddenly a voice sounded from their side. Glancing at the side, they saw a young man looking at them. Behind the man were some people, clearly the servants of this man.

This man is Wang Fuku, second young master of the Wang Family. His family has some fame in the Wei City. It can be said that the Wang Family is one of the top Clan or Family in this City.

"Su Lilian, did you already decided an answer for my proposal?" While asking, the man eyes gazed over Su Lillian's body. He especially looked at the sensitive area on her body with a lecherous gaze.

"Pervert!!" Liang Xufei was disgusted with the young man's behavior. This place is a public area. How dare he lust over sister Lilian's body.

"How dare you bad-mouth Young Master Fuku. Apologize. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences." One of Wang Fuku's man walked out and scolded Liang Xufei.

"Why should I apologise to this shameless pervert? He should be the one apologizing to Sister Lilian." Xufei retorted angrily.

"You are asking for it." The servant walked out and waved his hand. Several wind blades was formed. These wind blades flew towards the young girl with great ferocity, clearly intended to kill her.

Young Master Fuku saw all of this. However, he did not even try to stop his servant. He just stared silently as these attack made it way towards Liang Xufei.

Liang Xufei face paled when he saw the attack. It was apparent to her that the attack was beyond the capacity that she could handle. Right at this moment, a sword slashed, cutting the wind blades into two. The wind blades were divided in two, and redirected to the right and left side of the girls respectively.

At the same time, a Sword Qi flashed by and directly cut the hand of that servant.

"Argh!! My hand!!"

The servant cried in agony. Blood was spurting out of his severed limb. The other servant hurriedly helped him by pressing some acupuncture in order to stop the bleeding.

"Su Lilian! What have you done?" Wang Fuku Yelled angrily. The one who launched the Sword Qi was Su Lilian.

"He tried to kill Fei Fei. Why did you not stop him?" Su Lilian looked coldly at Wang Fuku. At first, she thought that Wang Fuku will not let his servant be that presumptuous. However, her assumption was wrong, as that young man decided to let his servant do as he like.

"Even if I didn't stop my servant, he will certainly not go as far as killing that girl." Wang Fuku didn't care much about the well being of that girl. "That girl tried to insult me before. So, it is appropriate for her to be punished. Even if she died, it is just right to pay for her actions."

"So you are saying that being killed by your servant is a just cause?" Su Lilian anger rose at this moment.

"Of course. Who is that girl compared to my servant? She is just a commoner. Even if she died, no one care." Wang Fuku said in contemptuous tone. "As for my servant, he was being rised by my family. Cutting his hand means cutting the honor of the Wang Family. Su Lilian, you need to compensate for what you did."

Su Lillian's face darkened. This Young Master from the Wang Family sure know how to play with words. "I would like to hear what kind of compensation does Young Master Fuku want?"

"That's easy. Last time I already proposed to marry you. If you accept my proposal and be my bride, we can let bygones be bygones." Wang Fuku's eyes brightened when Su Lilian was ready to hear his condition.

Swish!! Shing!!

Su Lilian suddenly slashed out her sword. Instantly, a Sword Qi flew out and directly cut Wang Fuku's left hand. Wang Fuku was froze on his place. A moment later, the pain caused by the sword cut registered to his mind.


Wang Fuku dropped on the ground, and rolled side to side in pain.

"I despise people like you. You better go home and reflect on yourself." Saying so, Su Lilian left the place without looking back. Liang Xufei hurriedly run after her. As Xufei passed by The Wang Fuku's group, she glared fiercely at those servants. After that, she left with Su Lilian.

"Young Master, will you let them go?" One of the servants looked at the leaving girls with an angry expression. Those gaze also mixed with the tint of lust.

"Let them go? Impossible." Wang Fuku's face was twisted with anger, which mixed with pain from his severed hand. "I swear, I will make their life miserable."

After that, Wang Fuku and his people left Wei District. They hurriedly moved towards the Wang Family's residence.

After the scuffle with Wang Fuku and his people, Su Lilian and Liang Xufei lost much of their interest in sightseeing in the District. Su Lilian bought the thing that she wanted to buy. After that, they decided to return to their village.

After sending Liang Xufei to her house, Su Lilian directly go back to her house.

"So, big sister, did you buy what I asked for?" a younger girl whose face has some resemblance to Su Lillian's face inquired.

"Yup. Here. Check if I missed anything." Su Lilian put a bag on a table. Inside the table we're all the thing that her sister asked her to buy.

"No need. I believe in you." Su Mei took the bag and brought it into their little kitchen. She then started to boil some water, before taking out one by one of the things inside the bag. She carefully washed those items, before putting it inside the pot of boiled water.

"How is he?"

"He is still unconscious." In the kitchen, Su Mei replied, while her hand was busy making some sort of medicine.

"I see." Su Lilian glanced at the room upstairs. "I will go check on him."

She then climbed the ladders and entered the room. As she opened the door, she saw a young man was lying on the bed. His whole body were wrapped with some bandages. Those bandages were red with the color of his blood. This youth is Ye Huang.

A few days ago, Su Mei found him lying down at the side of the river near their village. She checked his pulse, and found that he is still breathing. However, she saw many wounds on his body. She also saw blood coming out of his orifices.

Su Mei felt sympathy towards the young man. She then brought him to their house, and tended to all of his wounds. Her sister, Su Lilian also helped to clean up his body. After that, they brought him upstairs and laid him down on the bed there.

After that, they waited for him to regain his consciousness. However, he did not woke up even after five days passed. However, the Su sisters still waited for him to woke up.


Another five days passed by. At this day, Ye Huang gradually woke up from being unconscious. The moment he woke up, the pain once again attacked his mind.


Ye Huang grunted in pain. After some seconds, he managed to overcome those pain. He tried to sit down, but found out that he have no energy to do so. He checked his body. A moment later, his expression changed.

Right now, he has no cultivation. It's as if it vanished into thin air. He tried to check once more, and still didn'tt find any trace or wisp of his power. It's like he turned completely into a common people who were unable to cultivate.

Ye Huang fell into despair. This situation is hard to swallow. Right at this moment, he heard some steps running towards the room. The door was opened, and he saw a girl entered.

"Sister, he is awake." Su Mei shouted happily when she saw that Ye Huang could already open his eyes. Ye Huang once again heard steps running up, and another girl entered the room.

When the girl saw him look over, a bright smile appeared on her face. She came forward and sat on his right, while the first one sat on his left.

"Hello brother. Thank God you got awakened. How do you feel right now?" Su Mei started talking to a confused Ye Huang.

Ye Huang glanced between the two sisters for a time, before asking, "Where am I?"

"You are at our house." Su Mei replied while showing a sweet smile to Ye Huang. "I found you unconscious ten days ago, beside the river near to this village. So, I and my sister brought you here."

Ye Huang was surprised. His luck can be said to be really good after running away from those hooded guys. He was saved by two beauties, and they nursed him in their own house. He felt really grateful. "Thank you for looking after me."

"Mm. By the way, I'm Su Mei and that's my older sister, Su Lilian." the girl introduced her and her sister's name.

Su Lilian nodded when he looked at her. "Little brother, will you tell us your name and your story?"

"I'm Ye Huang. I was chased and attacked by some group of mysterious guys. It was fortunate that I managed to run away from them. However, I got wounded badly." Ye Huang briefly told his story. He skipped the event where he has killed a man at Stage Six of Arcana Plane. He didn't want to make his secret known to others.

The two sisters' faces changed. If some mysterious guys are after him, it would be dangerous for them to give shelters to this young man. However, thinking about how many days already passed and no one was searching for him, they felt less troubled.

"I guess I troubled you two for taking care of me. If it possible, let me recuperate a bit more. After I'm able to move about, I will leave." Ye Huang have no options but to implore those two. Right now, he was unable to move his body. Although his body showed sign of healing, without his cultivation, the healing process is too slow.

"No no no. You must not say like that. You can stay here as long as you want." Su Mei hurriedly refuted his idea. Su Lilian also nodded, agreeing with her sister. She said, "As long as you don't do anything inappropriate, you can live here with us."

The Su sibling didn't really mind Ye Huang stay and live with them. They could see that he is no longer a cultivator. Both Su Lilian and Su Mei are cultivator at the Early stage of Arcana Plane, and Peak stage of Dharma Plane respectively. A normal person like Ye Huang is not a threat to them.

Furthermore, Ye Huang has been honest in telling his situation to them. He is literally a crippled person, who needed long time to recover from his wounds.

The Su sisters knew how it's like to be wounded, and being chased by some enemies. They felt sympathy for him. At least, they wanted to nurse him until he is totally recovered.


Another month quickly passed by.

At the back of the Su sibling's house, Ye Huang was stretching out his body. After a month of recuperating, and being nursed by the Su sibling, he managed to recover the mobility of his limbs.

However, he still couldn't recover his cultivation. This prevented him to gain access to his Life Spirit. This didn't discourage him to find a way to regain his cultivation back.

After regaining his mobility, Ye Huang started to cultivate again. He tried to remember how he first awakened his capability to cultivate. He did this everyday, and every moment he got free times. Well, almost every day he was free.

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

Today, like every other day, Ye Huang habitually sit in meditative posture, and started cultivating.

Suddenly, his perception changed. He entered a very calm state, and once again he could feel the Spiritual Qi in the surrounding area. His eyes brightened, and a smile formed on his face. He managed make himself able to cultivate once more.

His consciousness divided and entered a place that he was familiar for eleven or so years. Inside the place, he once again saw those four silhouettes. As they saw him, they showed a rare kind of happiness.