
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 3: Ye Huang, a reincarnated person.

"You got a very amazing ability there brother. Are you also a Mandate Sorcerer?" asked Ye Futian.

Ye Huang smiled and said, "You are not thinking that you are the only special one, are you? I'm your twin brother, you know."

"Then, why do I not see you experience the same hardship as me?" Ye Futian asked a bit frustrated. To his knowledge, Ye Huang did not show any sign of facing the same situation as him. This is not fair. As twin, they should share the same difficulties!

"You have seen how I usually are." replied Ye Huang. He said, "It's not that I did not face the same thing that burdened you. However, I did not let myself to be disappointed when I faced it. I did not stop to cultivate, not even for a single moment."

"I already did the same." Ye Futian retorted. Then he thought of the past three years. A bit embarrassed, he continued, "Well, I might had lazed out a bit before."

"Do you remember, that you all usually cannot detect my cultivation level?"

That's right! Ye Futian usually not able to see Ye Huang's cultivation level. The only time his cultivation level was identified was at the last time Quarter Examinations. That was when Ye Huang intentionally showed that he was at the Eight plane of Awakening Plane, the Metamorph Plane.

"That is one of my secret ability." Ye Huang said while smiling. He then added, "As for Awakening my Life Spirit, I did struggle to get pass that difficult situation. However, I accepted that as a challenge. So, I got through those situation much earlier than you. On those difficult times, I always hid my cultivation level."

Hearing him, Ye Futian nodded, but smiled bitterly. As if that was an easy task to get pass the difficulty of awakening a Life Spirit that was like his. He could only salute his brother's persistency in going through such hurdle.

Speaking of Life Spirit, he was curious of Ye Huang's Life Spirit. His was a World Tree. So, what is Ye Huang's Life Spirit? He want to ask, but was undecided whether to refrained to ask or not, as it was a personal secret.

"Just now, is that the ability of your Life Spirit?" in the end he decided to ask Ye Huang.

"Rather than being curious about me, you better start cultivating diligently. Otherwise, You will really be unable to catch up to mine, or even Yu Sheng's cultivation level." Ye Huang said, deciding to keep his ability a secret.

"I know." replied Ye Futian, a little disappointed with his answer. However, he did think too much on that topic. He then continued to experience his new abilities as a Mandate Sorcerer, while Yu Sheng accompanied him in his endeavor. Ye Huang on the other hand just watched them with a knowing look.

Unbeknown to Ye Futian and Yu Sheng, Ye Huang are still keeping a bigger secret from them. He was a person from Earth.

Yes, he is a reincarnated person!

He died on Earth 16 years ago, and was reborn in this world as Ye Futian's twin brother. When he was reborn again, he retained his memory from his previous life.

The first year when Ye Huang was born in this world, he learned that he was in the world where Ye Futian as the MC. Coincidentally, he did read the novel of Legend of Futian. When he learned all of this, he tried to start cultivating as early as possible.

When he was five years old, he managed to awaken his qi, and entered into the Qi Gathering Plane. However, no one knew including his own family, as he had the ability to hide his cultivation level.

As for him explaining about his difficulty in awakening his Life Spirit, it was all a lie.

When he entered the first level of Awakening Plane, his Life Spirit also got awakened. Ye Huang's Life Spirit was...an island.

At first, he was confused with this Life Spirit. Looking carefully at his Life Spirit, he could see some of it resemblance to his surrounding. After further experimentations, he confirmed that his Life Spirit can mimic his surrounding area. It just needs him to stay in one place for a period of time, and that place will be replicated in his Life Spirit.

However, there is also thing that he could not mimic, such as human and animals. He already tried this many times, but failed.

Inside his Life Palace, there was another 'Ye Huang'. This Ye Huang is connected to the real Ye Huang soul, and act like a governor of his Life Spirit. Ye Huang called this other persona as his Avatar. This Avatar was a cultivating maniac. If it was not doing any command from Ye Huang, it will do one thing.

It will cultivate!

Then, when Ye Huang cultivate too, it will double his gain from a single cultivation. Therefore, all of these year of hard work and diligently cultivating, only Ye Huang knew how high his cultivation progress was.

Having such an avatar, Ye Huang wishes that he could bring it out to the real world. This way, he could send it to do many things. However, his Life Palace act like a prison and did not allow it to get out.

Another thing about his Life Spirit is that it can restore an object in the real world, as long as it got replicated by his Life Spirit. This can be seen when he reconstructed the tree that was destroyed by Ye Futian. As long as he commanded his Avatar to touch the replicated tree and he touches the real tree that damaged, he could restore it back to it's former shape.

There was a time that he wanted to take out the thing that got replicated by his Life Spirit into the real world. However, same as his Avatar, his Life Palace prohibited him to do so. This also apply to the opposite situation, where he wanted to take in an object. His Life Palace will also reject this.

So, Ye Huang can only be content with the current state of his Life Spirit. Maybe in the future, when he was strong enough, the prohibition on his Life Palace will be lifted eventually.

Right now, his Life Palace was akin to an independent space that housed a big island which is his Life Spirit. On his Life Spirit, there exist the 'Qingzhou Academy', and it's surrounding area. Well, it was a Qingzhou area without it's inhabitants.


In the next few days, the three youth stayed and cultivated in Mount Tianyao. Along those time, Ye Huang saw that Ye Futian managed to understand the ability of his World Tree Life Spirit.

On this day, Ye Huang, Ye Futian and Yu Sheng walked in the depths of the forest. The ground trembled slightly, and the surrounding trees swayed slightly. From time to time, there was a violent roar.

Alerted by those disturbance, they decided to check on it. They then headed towards the source of the sound. The trembling became stronger and stronger. Finally, they saw an extremely violent beast. It was huge, and it was five meters tall.

"A ninth-level demon, the Violent Ape."Yu Sheng's eyes glinted. This demon beast could threaten him. What surprised them even more was that in front of the raging demon ape stood a graceful girl.

The girl was dressed in clothes as white as snow. Her long hair danced in the wind, and her clothes fluttered. Her face was perfect. Although she was still young, she already had the beauty of a femme fatale.

"It's her, Hua Jieyu." Ye Futian looked at the face and was amazed by her beauty. How could he not know this legendary girl of Qingzhou Academy?

"Do you want to help?" asked Yu Sheng.

"Wait, the Violent Ape is injured," said Ye Futian. The ape had many wounds on its body, but the girl was unharmed.

Roar! With a roar, the Violent Ape took a step towards Hua Jieyu. Its huge body seemed to be able to crush the girl easily. Hua Jieyu was as light as a swallow, and she flew directly to a tree.

The Violent Ape knocked down the tree, then uprooted it and swung it towards Hua Jieyu in the air. Its strength was terrifying.

The girl flickered in the air, and the leaves danced in the wind. Like a whirlpool, they spun towards the Violent Ape. Each leaf had a whistling sound, and it was extremely sharp.

The Violent Ape swung the tree in a frenzy. The leaves flew everywhere, and cracks appeared on the tree, as if it could break into countless pieces at any time.

Sand and gravel flew from the ground. Hua Jieyu landed on another tree. She closed her eyes, and suddenly, the flying gravel flew towards the Violent Ape. Each gravel was like a sharp hidden weapon. Although it could not completely break through the Violent Ape's defense, it still left bloody marks on its hard skin.

What was even more frightening was that the gravel in the air, wrapped in Spiritual Qi, turned into extremely sharp spears, and pointed towards the Violent Ape.

"Sorcery." Ye Futian was shocked. In the next moment, he saw the sharp spear pierce through the air and pierce into the eye of the violent ape. With a loud roar of pain, the violent ape turned around and fled into the distance, knocking down trees one after another.

The girl did not chase after it. She floated down to the ground like a fairy.

"Have you seen enough?" Hua Jieyu asked. Ye Futian and Yu Sheng walked out, and looked at the girl in front of them in surprise.

"Impressive. Are you a multi-elemental sorcerer?" Ye Futian asked.

"I know you." Hua Jieyu did not answer, but looked at Ye Futian.

"Am I that famous?" Ye Futian laughed. It was probably an honor to be recognized by the legendary beauty of Qingzhou Academy.

"Three years ago, during the entrance examination of Qingzhou Academy, I heard what you said when we first met."

"Ahem …" Ye Futian looked embarrassed, but he quickly recovered and said, "Did I say anything?"

Hua Jieyu looked at Ye Futian, and then smiled, which made Ye Futian a little dazed.

"Do I look like a fox?" Hua Jieyu smiled, then slowly turned around and walked into the dense forest.

"Yes." Ye Futian was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

"You're right." Yu Sheng looked at Hua Jieyu's disappearing figure.

Ye Futian thought back to the scene three years ago. When he saw the 12-year-old Hua Jieyu, he said to Yu Sheng, "This little girl is already so beautiful at the age of 12. In a few years, she'll definitely become a fox."

"I heard that she's already in the ninth plane of awakening, and she cultivates both martial arts and sorcery. However, the attack spell she just used is difficult even for a cultivator in the ninth plane of awakening. There are also rumors that she might be a Mandate Cultivator, and she's already been noticed by the big shots of the academy. They'll take her in as a disciple. She has many suitors, but no one can look at her directly."

"Are you interested?" Ye Futian looked at Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng looked at Ye Futian and shook his head. Then he said seriously, "I think she can be your wife."

"Uh …" Ye Futian raised his hand and patted Yu Sheng's head. "What are you thinking about?"

As he said this, he turned around and walked forward. A bright smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "But, what you said makes sense. Let's go."

Ye Futian and Yu Sheng then walked back to the place where they were cultivating. However, Ye Futian who was in the lead halted his steps.

"Something is missing."

Looking back, a certain someone was missing.

"Where is Ye Huang?"

Yu Sheng pointed his finger to the back, towards the place where Hua Jieyu battled with the Violent Ape. Looking at the back, Ye Futian could see Ye Huang busying himself to restore all those broken trees. He even tried to restore the part on the ground that was ruined in the battle.

He successfully restored all of it!

When Ye Huang saw the other two looking at him like looking at some demigod, he pretended that he did not notice their reaction.

"That fox and that ape is too violent. They just battled without care for the nature." commented Ye Huang slowly. He added, "You should think again whether to make her your wife in the future."

Violent my foot! That was fighting against a beast, thought Ye Futian speechlessly. Even Yu Sheng showed a look of not understanding. This guy...does he care so much about nature?

However, that restoration ability is really amazing. Only someone with a very high cultivation level could do that. Even then, it will not be as identical and as perfect as what Ye Huang just did.

"Are you showing off your ability?" asked Ye Futian, a bit jealous of his brother's talent. Ye Huang just smiled at him. "Let's continue to cultivate."

Not waiting for the two, Ye Huang passed them and walked towards their cultivation place. The two looked at him silently for a moment, before also walked towards the same direction.