
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 25: Avatar Ignition

Inside a foggy area, Ye Futian and Yu Sheng were running at their top speed. However, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking back, they did not see any of those Dharma Plane fighters pursuing them.

However, they did not wait there. They continued to escape.

"Don't leave the mountain. Emperor Ye Qing's inheritance is waiting for you."

An ethereal voice suddenly come to their mind. both of them abruptly stopped.

"Ye Huang?"

A silhouette came out from their back. It was Ye Huang.

"Ye Huang, why are you here?" Ye Futian asked. This guy has been gone for so long. Now, out of all places, he just have to appear here. "Where have you been all this time? Father is asking for you. You didn't even go back during the new year. Why are you here?"

Ye Futian throw out many questions. However, he remembered that they are being pursued by those from Heiyan. "It's dangerous here. Let's go away quickly."

"No. Listen to me first." Ye Huang stopped Ye Futian. He was here not to explain himself or to run with them. Once again he mentioned the emperor inheritance. "The inheritance of Emperor Ye Qing is related to you. This is an opportunity for you."

Ye Futian was stunned when he heard that he was related to the Inheritance. For some reason, he could relate to what Ye Huang said. Their surname were Ye.

"I know you two are being pursued. Go to this direction. You will head towards the statue and receive the heritage." Ye Huang pointed to another direction for his brother to take.

"Why don't you take the inheritance instead?" Ye Futian asked in confusion. Both of them hailed from the Ye family. Furthermore, they are twin brothers. Ye Huang should be able to take the Inheritance too.

"Unfortunately, I didn't receive the same Life Spirit as yours." Ye Huang sighed. He knew that Ye Futian Life Spirit is special. It should be related to Emperor Ye Qing. That's why he could get the inheritance, even though it was supposed to be for Yu Sheng.

Seeing him like this, Ye Futian seemed to understand something. It seems like Ye Huang didn't inherit the same World Tree as a Life Spirit. Ye Futian was feeling guilty for his brother. "I will get the Inheritance for you."

"No need. Just go and take it for yourself." Ye Huang walked away, heading to the direction where Ye Futian and Yu Sheng escaped from.

"Where are you going? That direction is where the pursuers are."

"I'm heading there to handle your pursuers." Ye Huang pointed at the direction while looking at Ye Futian. A smile was plastered on his face.

"Don't try to be a hero. Those guys are all Dharma Plane cultivators." Ye Futian still thinking that Ye Huang was just at Glory Plane level. It was unwise to go fight someone from the next major realm.

Ye Huang smiled, and released his cultivation base. At his level, he should already have created the Dharma Idol to release dharma power. However, at the time he brokethrough to the Dharma Plane, he could directly use the Dharma power. Right now, his body is releasing the mystical Qi of Dharma power.

"Stage Two of Dharma Plane!"

Both Yu Sheng and Ye Futian was astonished to see this. Last time they saw Ye Huang, he was just a One Star Glory Plane cultivator. How did he suddenly jump one major realm, and become a Dharma Plane cultivator? Such a feat is truly unbelievable.

"Take the inheritance, and grow stronger brother. Otherwise, I will leave you behind." After saying that, Ye Huang disappeared in the fog.

Ye Futian and Yu Sheng looked at each other. Both still can see the shock in their respective eyes. This show of cultivation progress caused a great disturbance in their hearts. On second thought, this is a great motivation for them to strive in increasing their cultivation level.

Soon, the two left the place, and followed the directions which Ye Huang pointed.


Right at this time, the three Heiyan cultivators were looking greatly shocked. In front of them, an Azure Dragon was looking at them with a sharp stare. It's body was releasing a pressuring aura of a dragon.

"Is not this the dead dragon beside the statue? How did it came to life? Also, why is this beast appearing here?

"This is bad. If that dragon still retained it's former power, it might be as powerful as a cultivator at the Arcana Plane...no, it might be more powerful than that."

The three Heiyan were greatly pressured by the sudden appearance of the dragon. Just last year, a fake dragon that resemble this one appeared at the mountain, near the Qingzhou Academy. Even just a hollow dragon body, it was still overflowed with great pressure that was inherited from a real dragon. Therefore, seeing this Azure Dragon here caused them to put themselves on guard.

This dragon is actually Shenron. When Ye Huang ambushed the two Stage Three Dharma Plane cultivators, Ye Huang asked Shenron to come out to stall these Heiyan, while he go and talk to Ye Futian.

"Come on Master. Hurry up. I'm just at Stage One Dharma Plane. I can't beat these three who have higher cultivation then me, especially that Stage Six." Shenron spoke telepathically to Ye Huang, while pretending to be a tough dragon.

"Brother, I don't think this dragon is that powerful." One of the fighters said, looking at Shenron. "His aura is only at the Stage One of Dharma Plane. Moreover, it doesn't seem to have any intention to attack us. I say, this dragon is still weak."

"You are right. It might be because that dragon just got revived. If we capture it, we might have a chance to subdue it." the Stage Six Dharma Plane cultivator agreed with his friend. An Azure Dragon at the Dharma Plane level, that is indeed a rare beast. If they could subdue it, they can use it as a Mount or an accompanying fighting beast.

Oh crap! They just have to found out my cultivation level. Shenron was sweating bullets.

"Shenron." Ye Huang's voice sounded in Shenron's head.

"Ah, thank god. Are you already nearby, Master?" Shenron's eyes brightened when he heard the voice.

"I'm in trouble right now. So, I cannot go there."

"What?" Shenron froze in his place. "Master, are you joking? Did you got attacked by others?"

"I lost most of my power. So, I'm hiding myself at the moment." Ye Huang explained his situation. He added, "I suggest that you run for your life right now. Good luck."

The voice transmission then got cut off.

Shenron looked to the air blankly. What really happened to Master? Is there some kind of trouble brewing on that side? What should he do?

He glanced at the three Dharma Plane fighters, and saw that they are ready to launch an attack on him. This is not going according to the plan. He have no choice and was forced to act quickly.


The dragon roar created a wave of sound that launched to the surrounding direction, with Shenron as the center. The sudden roar shocked the Heiyan cultivators. They promptly prepared themselves to face any attack from the Azure Dragon.

In that instant, Shenron flew up high on the sky, and looked sharply towards the three. After that, he charges a lightning elemental attack, before launching it towards the targets on the ground.

The elemental attack was in the shape of a ball the size of a human head. The attack charged forward with a thundering sound. The two Stage Three Dharma Plane cultivators can feel the deadly aura from the lightning charge. The one with the highest cultivation walked in front and formed a spear out of Spiritual Qi. He then trusted the spear towards the incoming lightning attack.


The moment the spear touched the lightning attack, it exploded into a lightning chains that discharged towards every direction. The light from the lightning was so bright that it almost blinded the sight of the Heiyan cultivators.

The lightning discharge didn't last for long. After it disappeared, Shenron also disappeared from that place. Seeing this, the Heiyan people was struck dumb. The dragon...just escaped.

"Find the dragon. That is a very valuable beast. It must be still nearby. It shouldn't have gone too far." The three divided into two group; one group with the two Stage Three Dharma Plane cultivators, and the other group is the lone Stage Six Dharma Plane cultivator. The two group flew in two direction to search for the dragon.

Back to Ye Huang, what he just said to Shenron is the truth. When he headed towards Shenron's location, he felt his power leaving his body. This caused him no small amount of shock. If he lost his power, this could spell trouble for him. The place where he was right now is a very dangerous location. He won't be able to fight or defend himself if he was attacked by any beasts.

He calmed down, and checked the cause of this problem. Soon, he understood what was going on.

Previously inside his Life Palace, Wukong challenged Ye Gwak for a fight to establish the hierarchy of power inside the Life Palace. Both fought with their extraordinary talent and formidable techniques. Between the two, Ye Gwak appeared more powerful, and seized the upper hand in this fight.

Seeing the situation was not looking good for him, Wukong changed his fighting style. He changed his technique into the improved version of the ape's staff technique, the Nine Heavenly Attack.

With this change in techniques, Wukong's power rises exponentially in every strike he made using his staff. On the first strike, Wukong was able to make a draw against Ye Gwak's attack. However, when he brought down the second strike, it tipped the balance. With this second strike, Wukong unleashed a heavy strike, and send Ye Gwak skidding in the air.

He repeatedly used the second strike to force Ye Gwak further back. If he could, he would use the third strike to end the fight instantly. However, he just realised the technique from his awakened bloodline. Moreover, the third strike is too much to handle for his current Stage One Dharma Plane cultivation.

After almost a dozen strikes, Wukong managed to strike Ye Gwak on his stomach, and send him flying some distance away.

"I win. From now on, I am the strongest of us all here." Wukong said, looking down on Ye Gwak.

"It has not been decided yet." Ye Gwak stood up calmly, while getting rid of the dust on his clothes. His temperament gradually changed as he said, "Let me show you what it means to be the strongest."

"Avatar Ignition!"

Immediately after that, Ye Gwak's cultivation level rose like a shooting star. From the inital Stage One of Dharma Plane, it climbed up to Stage Two, Three, Four...until it reached Stage Seven of Dharma Plane!

In this aspect, both Ye Gwak and Wukong already showed a very formidable techniques. This happened after they got their individual name. The bestowment of a name unlocked some kind of bloodline techniques to them.

Looking at these performance, Ye Huang remembered that there are another two guys who received their names. Did those two manages to get any kind of inheritance?

"Sokyoku, did you also get some kind of mysterious techniques when you got your name?" Ye Huang asked the bird who was faking on cultivating.

"Yes Master. I think Shenron also got his own unique techniques." Sokyoku nodded his head in agreement.

Ye Huang sighed and feel a little jealous of these guys. They got some incredible techniques just by getting a name. If he was given such privilege, he would take five...no hundreds of name voluntarily. The rewards was to much of an attraction to anyone. It can be seen in Ye Gwak's technique, 'Avatar Ignition' It somehow borrowed someone else's power to be his.

The technique allowed Ye Gwak to borrow and fuse Ye Huang power into his, causing his cultivation to soar in an instant. This power fusion is not just a one plus one fusion. It was more than that. That's the reason for Ye Gwak's power rise to Stage Seven of Dharma Plane in no time.

"Now, let's fight." With his new cultivation level, Ye Gwak one more time walked forward and faced Wukong. Wukong was speechless. This increase in power is too unfair. Although he on his own can bring power beyond his level, he is still a true blue Stage One Dharma Plane cultivator.

This time, Ye Gwak was the one bullying Wukong and pushed him back in every single attack. In the end, Wukong was defeated, and gave up the title of strongest unwillingly.

After the fight, Ye Gwak stopped using the Avatar Ignition. His power gradually returned to his initial cultivation level. The same goes for Ye Huang too, as his cultivation rose back to Stage Two Dharma Plane.

"Sheesh. I almost thought that my cultivation was decreased permanently. It's good that it come back again." Ye Huang wiped down the sweat on his forehead. "This technique is incredible. It's my luck to see such technique. In the future, I could use it if I ever found myself in danger."

Remembering that Shenron is still in the run, he abandoned his hiding place. Checking his spiritual connection to Shenron, he soon left to assist the dragon.