
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 21: She is all yours.

Su Lingzhu floated off the ground, wrapped in flames while inheriting the heritage from the tomb. Several color of fire we're interchanging around her, making her glow with a colorful light. It seems the inheritance will not end any time soon.

While she was in the process of getting the heritage, Ye Huang was looking at the giant bird with his golden eyes. Inside of his Life Palace, another mythical beast is being born by replication.

"Vermillion Bird of the South."

Unexpectedly, Ye Huang managed to find the second mythical beast of the four guardian beast. It look like the giant blazing bird in front of him is a vermilion bird. However, like the first replicated beast, the replication process is very slow.

"Boy, although you are not qualify to get the inheritance, it was still a great contribution for you to bring a descendant of the Myriad Vermillion Clan here." said the bird.

"Senior, it was a pure luck for us to get here, and by extension of my little ability, we entered this space." Ye Huang replied modestly. "By the way Senior, how may I address you?"

"I no longer remember my name as I am just a Spiritual consciousness, no longer retain the real self. You may call me as Zhu Que. That's the name of this tomb, and I am it's guardian." Zhu Que replied shortly.

"Senior Zhu Que, how long would the inheritance last?"

"It will be a while as this is the first time after a long time that there has been a descendant to get the heritage. Long ago, every ten years, there would be a descendant from the Myriad Vermillion Clan that come here to get the inheritance. The inheritance is to reborn the descendant body into a Flame Body of the Great Path. After the inheritance, this tomb will enter a cycle of hibernation for ten years to create another inheritance for the next descendant.

However, I'm not sure what happened, there suddenly no longer any descendant who will enter this place for two to three hundred years. This caused the inheritance to be accumulated greatly for the whole time.

That girl is fortunate for entering this tomb at this time. Not only she could get the Flame Body of the Great Path, her cultivation will rise exponentially."

Zhu Que's was not lying. Ye Huang did saw Su Lingzhu's cultivation rise from the peak Glory Plane, to Stage To Dharma Plane, and it was still rising.


So, her cultivation level was already at the Glory Plane? This is really the privilege of someone who was from the Upper World. Their starting point in cultivation is above the one from the Lower World. Ye Huang however didn't feel any jealousy. He on his own have his own plot armour!

"Boy, come close. Let me give you something. This can be a form of reward for you for bringing here a descendant of the Myriad Vermillion Clan."

Ye Huang come close to the bird. Zhu Que then opened his beak and breathed some Spiritual Fire Qi onto Ye Huang body. A telepathical voice from Zhu Que entered into Ye Huang's mind.

"This is a fire cleansing. With this, even if you don't have the Flame Body of the Great Path, you will still have the talent of fire."

The fire Qi slowly cleansed Ye Huang's body. The next instant however, the fire qi was pulled and swallowed by his Life Spirit. The fire qi directly absorbed into the second replicated beast, the Vermilion Bird.

Ye Huang was stunned by this situation. He looked embarrassedly at Zhu Que and said, "...I didn't do that intentionally. My Life Spirit..."

Zhu Que was also surprised by this turn of events. However, he did not seem to care. He just breathed more Spiritual Fire Qi into Ye Huang's body. In respond, Ye Huang's Life Spirit greedy swallowed those fire qi.

Zhu Que added more, and the Life Spirit also took even more. Soon, the Vermilion Bird in Ye Huang's Life Palace was completely replicated. Suddenly, he felt his cultivation to break through.

Seventh Star, Eight Star, Nine...


At this moment, Ye Huang felt something opened in his body. Instantly, he knew that he brokethrough into Stage One of Dharma Plane!

Zhu Que was astonished when he saw the rise in Ye Huang cultivation. He is not inheriting the heritage. Why was his cultivation rose rapidly?

Ye Huang cultivation was shown the moment he brokethrough. However, it was hidden again after he finished his breakthrough to the Stage One of Dharma Plane.

"Show me your Life Spirit." Zhu Que was curious of this youth. His fire qi was swallowed by the boy's Life Spirit just like that. What kind of Life Spirit does he have?

"I can't Senior. My Life Spirit was restricted by my Life Palace. So I won't be able to show it." Ye Huang told the truth.

"Then show me your Life Palace."

Ye Huang was stunned. This is a very dangerous request. more dangerous than showing his Life Spirit. However, he still obliged. His Life Palace floated above his head.

Zhu Que the Vermilion Bird looked at it and tried to pry his consciousness into that Life Palace. However, it was being restricted and could not enter. Zhu Que added a force but still unable to break into the Life Palace. Another force was added.


Ye Huang felt his head as if being squeezed hard, and he cannot help but show a pained expression on his face. Seeing this, the giant bird stopped to force into the Life Palace. It seems like the Life Palace can only be entered by Ye Huang alone. If others wanted to enter, they need to destroy it first. In this case, it would endanger Ye Huang life greatly.

Zhu Que did no longer ask anything. With a swoosh, the giant bird turned into shadow and entered back into the cubic matrix. Now, the only visible thing in the space we're Ye Huang, the floating Cubic Matrix, and Su Lingzhu who is still in the middle of receiving the inheritance.


Three days after that, Su Lingzhu finally finished the process of her inheritance. She stood on the ground with great vigor. There is no longer sign of her vitality being restricted. She even looked a bit young at this moment.

Stage Eight of Dharma Plane!

That is her current cultivation level. She just leaped an entire major realm in her cultivation. This is something unheard of. This is especially for someone who cultivated here in this distant lower place.

At this time, a gate opened out of nowhere. An ethereal voice spoke out of the cubic matrix, "You may go out now. Next time, make sure to bring five of Myriad...no, Su family descendant to get the inheritance."

With that, Ye Huang and Su Lingzhu were pushed into the gate by some invisible force. Getting out of the gate, they once again found themselves outside, standing in front of the complicated drawing. The gate disappeared, and the wall slowly got buried into the ground.

"Remember, ten years from now is the next inheritance."

Ye Huang and Su Lingzhu glanced at the now empty space in front, and only some dust covered the ground. Su Lingzhu bowed towards the empty space.

"Let's go back. My mom might be worried about us."

The two then come back to the Su family's house. Arriving there, they saw Chu Zhixue was talking to a middle aged man. A boy around ten to eleven years old standing silently next to the man. Hearing the step of the approaching two, the boy glanced to look at them.

"Ah! It's sister Zhu Zhu!"

Both Chu Zhixue and the man looked at Su Lingzhu and Ye Huang.

"You two are back. Where have you been?" Chu Zhixue asked. She then added with a grin, "I know that both of you are young, but please try to be moderate in your 'activity'. At least before you two got married."

"Mom, we are not like that." Su Lingzhu blushed when she heard her mother's teasing. She then told them about their encounter in that underground tomb.

Listening to her story, her family were shocked. By receiving the heritage, she skipped one major realm in cultivation, and now she is a Stage Eight Dharma Plane cultivator. Such thing to happen is a great luck to their daughter.

"So you got the inheritance for the Myriad Vermillion Clan. That's mean we are also the descendant of the Myriad Vermillion Clan." said Su Fuxi, the middle-aged man.

"Yes. Moreover, that tomb will be opened every ten years. So it little brother entered that tomb ten years from now, he could get the same inheritance." Su Lingzhu replied.

While they were talking, Ye Huang just stayed silently on the side. Seeing him, Chu Zhixue stopped her daughter and husband.

"This is my husband, Su Fuxi, and this is my son, Su Feng." Chu Zhixue introduced the two to Ye Huang. "This is..."

"Ye Huang. Fifteen years old. The champion of the latest Fall Quarters Examinations. Has beaten the best Awakening Plane student of Heiyan Academy. Cultivation level at the Glory Plane." Su Fuxi listed out all of Ye Huang's fame with a smile.

"So, you already know him."

"Indeed. He is a very famous talent in the Qingzhou Academy." Su Fuxi nodded.

"Bah. Just a Glory Plane. I can reach that plane in the near future." said the boy, staying indifferent with such talent. He have seen many talent in the Upper World who already at the peak of the Glory Plane at Ye Huang's age. There are even some talented individual that is already in the Dharma Plane at the age of fifteen.

Ye Huang smiled when he saw the boy's attitude. If the boy know that he was already in the Dharma Plane, he might be frozen in shock.

"Mom, dad, I forget to tell you. The curse in my body has been removed during the inheritance." Su Lingzhu continued her story with a happy tones.


"Does that mean..."

"From now on, I could live more than four years." Su Lingzhu nodded.

The two was greatly astonished. Chu Zhixue almost cried in happiness. Some tears is already flowed on her cheeks. Some burden seems to have been lifted out of their heart. Chu Zhixue embraced her daughter in happiness. Su Fuxi also hugged the two, while the little boy just looked at them in some confusion.

"Ye Huang, I could not thank you enough for saving my daughter. We are indebted to you." Su Fuxi bowed his head towards Ye Huang.

"Uncle Fuxi, it was pure coincidence that she was saved. You need not to thank me." Ye Huang said.

"From now on, you are a member of our family. If you need our help, you can ask us." Su Fuxi made a promise to Ye Huang, causing Ye Huang to felt speechless. Chu Zhixue also bowed towards Ye Huang, in a gesture of gratitude.

"Su Feng, you should also thank him for saving your sister."

Su Feng was perplexed. Why was he mentioned in this. However, looking at her mother glaring at him, he could only comply.

"You...you have done something to my sister. She is all yours."

The parent was stunned, Su Lingzhu froze at her place. Silence swept the place. Su Feng suddenly felt that he had said something wrong.

"Uh...I think I need to go do something." Saying so, he quickly run away from that place.

"SU FENG!" Su Lingzhu called his brother loudly. Su Feng in the distance run even faster. Su Lingzhu quickly run to catch his naughty brother.

"Hahahaha!" Su Fuxi was unable to hold his laughter. Chu Zhixue in the side giggled. Ye Huang was unable to say anything. At the end, he sighed and just shook his head.

"Young man. Don't take it to heart. My son was speaking out of Innocence." Su Fuxi said, smiling at Ye Huang. "Though, what he said is also true. I as a father will be happy for my daughter if you are to become her Path Companion."

"You have our blessings." Chu Zhixue on the side added.

"Give me some time to think about it." Ye Huang did not accept, nor rejected their blessings. It's not that he did not saw Su Lingzhu as a potential partner. It just that he was still doing his best efforts in cultivation.

"It's alright. You are still young anyway. However, you are already one of our family. This will be your house from now on." Su Fuxi didn't force the agenda on Ye Huang. He just want to let the young man know that he have their support.

Two days later, Ye Huang and Su Lingzhu departed from the Su Family's house, and headed back to Qingzhou Academy. On the road, Su Lingzhu became quiet almost the entire time. She was feeling embarrassed to talk to Ye Huang, now that her parent are also talking about the possibility of her and Ye Huang as a Path Companion. Therefore, their journey was almost quiet all the way until they arrived in Qingzhou Academy.

In Qingzhou Academy, they heard some shocking news. Hua Jieyu the talented girl left Qingzhou Academy. Moreover, a beast tide is upon the Qingzhou Area!