
Yang demon King

Warning !!!!! Mature Content (R - 18 ) , Smut . ************""""""""""****************** Haaahaaaa , look the genius of the family is lying in the pool of blood. How does it feel prince to see the tragic death of your clansmen. Your family died saving you , now this old man , your father also died saving you . I think you are the most precious person of this old old man . He implanted the scroll in your soul . If you hand over the scroll to us , you will get a painless death , choose wisely prince it is your last chance. I the last son of demon king , had recently experienced the tragic deaths of my entire demon race by the joint attack of other demon races. I had tears on my eyes because of the recent incidents but i cannot give this scroll to these damn mother fu**ers . "Hey look this bastard is jumping from the building , stop him ". I looked at their panic expressions and laughed out loud and closed my eyes . But at that time the life force of my father which he had implanted before dying and the scroll burst out light and i felt like my soul vanished from my body and there was darkness all around . But then i heard noises around me . I was confused when I opened my eyes and looked at unfamiliar faces and then looked at my body.I felt shocked as I was reincarnated as a child but then i remembered the last words of my father , " son you are the genius of the family, you can become stronger with the hold of this scroll . But you need time to become stronger and to avenge our clan .The person inside this scroll can save you from this disaster situation with the help of my life force. Son you have to build Yang clan from the scatch. By remembering his last words , i had tears in my eyes . "Don't worry father i will avenge our clan and conquer the world . I will punish all the sinners who are behind the destruction of our clan. ************* * This is a story of a naive protagonist who slowly learns about the harsh truth of the cultivation world after he stepped out of his comfort zone . * This is a story where we can witness the journey of the boy , whose heart was pure as an angel despite being a demon . But he slowly turns into a complete demon and accepts his true self to punish all the sinners and to gain power to protect his closed ones . ************* * I am a novice and this is my first novel . I will try to improve as the story continues. I hope you all will like my story and show your affection. Cover Picture - AI made

Damon_1 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Damaged Soul

Each of the species have three powerful clans guarding their species as three pillars.

The Yang demon clan in my past life was the most powerful faction of the demon species but after the ancestor ascended to divinity and never came to the world the clan slowly began to lose its authority. My deceased father was in the Demi - God realm but it was not enough to compete for the top three clans and the yang demon clan was out of the top 3 powerful factions. But a hundred years later when my father received treasure from ancestor and the clan began to grow again , it panicked the other three clans and they jointly attacked and destroyed the clan.

By thinking about the tragic incident , tears came out from damon's eyes .

The Sword Kingdom is one of the 3 factions of the human species . Our ancestors are in the divine realm but the younger generation are not much talented and are stuck in heaven realm .My father is the youngest man to reach the Saint realm and is strongest among the heaven realm and has surpassed my grandfather . The clan is still standing as the pillar because of the ancestors who are in the divine realm .

I was a child born from a human and an elf and was very intelligent and learned things faster than my peers but because of my damaged soul i soon became a burden to the clan except for my parents .

" Damon , why are you always trying to stay alone in this mountain and busy cultivating ."

Your father will be coming back from the Phoenix clan , and u too will soon be able to cultivate like other kids.

A beautiful woman walked towards the boy .

She had a worried expression on her face.

The boy opened his eyes and smiled happily and hugged his mother.

" Sasha , you are always biased towards your son that you didn't notice your husband "

A handsome man walked towards both of them and showed a fake anger.

Both of them went and hugged the man standing in front of them .

Leon took out the box from his spatial ring and gave it to his son.

Son this is the gift for your 10th birthday , i wish you the best of luck for your future.

When Damon opened the box and looked at the dazzling pill , he wanted to cry his heart out . He knew that his father had lowered his pride and begged this pill from the phoenix clan as well as received punishment from his clans men because of his reckless decision.

It all happened when Damon was 8 years old. He had already memorised the Body cultivation technique of the sword clan and was ready to cultivate. But as soon as he started to cultivate he had immense pain in his soul and collapsed in the ground. After some time, when Sasha went inside the room and saw her son collapse in the ground , she began to shout madly . Soon Leon came with the royal physician and after checking the condition of Damon , he said that the soul of Damon was damaged and could not tolerate the body cultivation of the sword clan .

Leon searched for a cure everywhere but couldn't find any cure for his son. He also went to divine Realm to his ancestors for his son after returning with a worried look .

He searched everywhere and later found that the phoenix clan could help his son and soon he took Damon to the phoenix clan physician. After checking the condition of Damon the physician concluded that Damon needed a 7th tier Soul Restoring pill .

But it was very difficult to get a 7th tier pill for humans to get it from the phoenix clan .

Because the phoenix clan ancestor was a divine alchemist but after she ascended, now one can reach her level .The most talented alchemists of the clan were in True God Realm and were able to create an 8th tier pill .

And no other species were allowed to get a pill above the 6th tier . But because of Damon , Leon went to the phoenix clan of the divine realm and begged the pill for his son . The present leader of the clan agreed to his request but asked a promise which Leon had to fulfill in future and Leon accepted it by taking the sword oath and if the request is not fulfilled Leon soul will vanish from this world .

When Leon came back to his kingdom , he saw that the ancestors of the sword clan were waiting in the hall room . They were very angry by the reckless decision taken by Leon and decided to punish him .

They sealed the cultivation of Leon and whipped him till he was in a pool of blood . Later Leon had to rest for 1 year to reach his peak condition.

When learning about the hardships his father took because of him Damon felt like he was a useless being who needed help from everyone.

A rumour spread that Leon suffered because of the crown prince. It made a huge impact in the kingdom.

All the clans men and guards had a change in their heart and ignored him.

The maids who were very friendly remained silent and didn't have smiling faces .

At last he cannot tolerate and move out from the palace and settle in the mountain area .

His mother came to the mountain everyday and asked him to return to the palace but he didn't listen to her and stayed in the mountain and started cultivating . Little by little he progressed and after cultivating a soul cultivation technique given by his father for 1 year he had reached the 1st stage of Body Strengthening Realm.

Every time he cultivated he had a sharp pain in soul like thousand needles were pierced in his soul , but he endured all the pain and never stopped .

But now he can cultivate again like any other normal child. He was very happy .By looking at the happy expression of Damon, both Leon and Sasha had a pleasant expression.