
Yang demon King

Warning !!!!! Mature Content (R - 18 ) , Smut . ************""""""""""****************** Haaahaaaa , look the genius of the family is lying in the pool of blood. How does it feel prince to see the tragic death of your clansmen. Your family died saving you , now this old man , your father also died saving you . I think you are the most precious person of this old old man . He implanted the scroll in your soul . If you hand over the scroll to us , you will get a painless death , choose wisely prince it is your last chance. I the last son of demon king , had recently experienced the tragic deaths of my entire demon race by the joint attack of other demon races. I had tears on my eyes because of the recent incidents but i cannot give this scroll to these damn mother fu**ers . "Hey look this bastard is jumping from the building , stop him ". I looked at their panic expressions and laughed out loud and closed my eyes . But at that time the life force of my father which he had implanted before dying and the scroll burst out light and i felt like my soul vanished from my body and there was darkness all around . But then i heard noises around me . I was confused when I opened my eyes and looked at unfamiliar faces and then looked at my body.I felt shocked as I was reincarnated as a child but then i remembered the last words of my father , " son you are the genius of the family, you can become stronger with the hold of this scroll . But you need time to become stronger and to avenge our clan .The person inside this scroll can save you from this disaster situation with the help of my life force. Son you have to build Yang clan from the scatch. By remembering his last words , i had tears in my eyes . "Don't worry father i will avenge our clan and conquer the world . I will punish all the sinners who are behind the destruction of our clan. ************* * This is a story of a naive protagonist who slowly learns about the harsh truth of the cultivation world after he stepped out of his comfort zone . * This is a story where we can witness the journey of the boy , whose heart was pure as an angel despite being a demon . But he slowly turns into a complete demon and accepts his true self to punish all the sinners and to gain power to protect his closed ones . ************* * I am a novice and this is my first novel . I will try to improve as the story continues. I hope you all will like my story and show your affection. Cover Picture - AI made

Damon_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Birth of the Prince

Hey look this bastard is jumping from the building , stop him ".

I looked at their panic expressions and laughed out loud and closed my eyes .

I remembered that my father asked me to save this scroll as well as my divine body . Both were very precious and cannot fall in enemies hands . Before dying he told me that the scroll can save my life . But i think it is not possible now , because my body is soon going to be destroyed after falling from the building . But I at least saved my body to be used by them after I was dead .

Our Yang clan is totally annihilated and my family died to save me , but now I cannot even save myself . I am totally useless ... he slowly closed his eyes .

But at that time suddenly the life force of my father started to burn which he had implanted before dying and the scroll burst out light and i felt like my soul vanished from my body and was abandoned . There was pure darkness all around and I felt like my soul was frozen by the time .

Time passed and there was darkness around me . But soon i heard noises and laughter around me .

"Congratulations King" , a healthy boy is born. I heard laughter all around the room.

I opened by eyes and looked around.

A tall handsome man held me in his arm , he was laughing his heart out.

The room looked very lively .The walls, the furnitures , the bed , all of them was carved from marble . The carvings were quite exquisite and high quality jades were placed around them . There were portraits hunged on the wall . The men whose images were drawn gave a ferocious and a royal aura . Atop the bed there was a beautiful woman sleeping .

"Husband how is my son's condition?" the woman hurriedly asked .

'"As expected , he is strong as a dragon"' The man slowly replied .

' Let me hold him ' the woman demanded.

The man slowly and carefully passed me towards the woman . She held me like I was her most precious being in this world . She looked towards me with a beautiful smile that I was stunned for a moment . Her eyes were green in colour and her ears were pointy . I was clear that she is from elven kingdom .

But then I looked towards others and every one present in the room have normal ears . All of them have a human appearance and do not have any special traits like a divine beast .

All of them were looking curiously towards my direction . Some were happy and some had an irritated faces but were deliberately controlling their emotions and were silently standing on the corner of the room . After some time passed almost everyone went outside the room after congratulating the king.

There was now the king and the beautiful woman who was feeding me the milk from her breast and had a smile on her face.

It was a peaceful movement for me which I had longed for but my heart was bleeding from pain which was hard to endure .

" I , the last survivor of the Yang demon race and the youngest prince of the demon king .

My father was the current king of the Yang demon clan was a specialist in fire magic which was the symbol of our clan .I was the youngest child of my parents and was spoiled by my parents to the core as well as my elder brothers and sisters . But one day everything changed . I looked at my family murdered by the enemy while saving me . I still remember the look of my father and the anger because of the betrayal from his childhood friends whom he treated above his brothers . Those bastards attacked our clan irrespective of the friendship only because of the ancient scroll which was the inheritance of our ancestor received by my father through many trials and hardships from a cave which was owned by our clan .

My father shared this news with his friends but he was unaware that his action would bring a disaster to the clan .

Soon , a rumour spread among the demon race that the scroll contains a divine cultivation technique which was self-created by the ancestor before ascending to divinity and leaving this world .

The ancestor of the yang clan was the sole demon to who ascended to divinity and the cultivation method used by the ancestor was said to be the most powerful technique.

And because of the scroll the poison demon clan which was the leader of the demon race felt threatened that the yang clan who was the leader of the demon race before the ascension of their ancestor , now again will gain their previous position .

They began to manipulate the other clans and at last all the other clans decided to start a war against the Yang clan . The friends of my father attacked him with the most lethal poison of the dragon race known as the venom pill and when he was in a weakened state , they ambushed him . My father who was on the verge of dying placed the scroll on my soul to save my soul from destroying and placed my soul on this new born body by burning his last bit of life force." By thinking of the tragic incidents which fell into our clan i couldn't stop crying.....

" O look , he began to cry again " . The king looked worried towards the beautiful woman who looked very weak holding me in her arms .The old lady took me from the arm of the beautiful lady and ordered the servants to take care of the lady .

Suddenly a silver haired old man came inside the room . When the old lady saw the old man she respectfully delivered me to the old man .

" My grandson is such a handsome young lad like his father and inherited the eyes and ears from his mother " .

He will be the lady killer in the future among women . The silver haired man's face was filled with joy . He said in praise , " Leon , now you finally gave me a grandson . From now onwards, I don't have to worry about the position of the crown prince " .

" It was quite a surprise for me ". It seemed my status is quite high in this lifetime too . And by looking at this old man and the energy he is emitting , he is surely surely stronger than my late father in my past life .

" I have an important meeting with the other two clans , so i am bidding farewell " , the old man handed me to the old lady again.

I started to organise my thoughts and adapt to my new surroundings .

I wanted to know more about them and started to listen to their conversation but soon

become exhausted and slept on the old lady's arm .