
Bodies and Chests

Walking out of the hospital arm in a sling Cane couldn't help but release a relieved sigh, even if the staff were nothing but polite one could only spend so much time in a medical facility before going insane

It had been three days since the girls had visited and the doctors had finally cleared him for release, he would have been released earlier but the bullet that hit his shoulder had torn a fair number of muscles and even grazed a tendon so if not for a certain hero with healing abilities being in debt to him he would likely have been stuck there for a while longer

Walking to the curve and waving a cab he sat down on what looked to be the cleanest part of the backseat and told the driver where he wanted to go, the catacombs. While the doctors had told him to take it easy for a few days otherwise the newly mended muscle could tare, he honestly could care less, he really didn't feel like dealing with another rampage because of his absence

Speaking of the girls he hadn't seen them since they left in the night at the hospital, he had however seen they're not so subtle message

He had woken up during the night, one full day after the girls left on their "hunt" and opened the window to let in some fresh air and the cool breeze only to find a sight that made a smile blossom on his face, spraypainted across the building opposite him in red glowing spray paint was a giant love heart with some words inside it

Get well soon Darling/Dear xoxoxo!

Lots and lots and lots and heaps and tons of love!

Ps look at your email, we got him!


After letting out a gentle laugh at the girl's shows of affection, and admittedly feeling happy he checked his email

Messaged to him under from an unnamed user was a bundle of images, in all honesty, he had no idea how they were able to get his personal email, but all he could do was hope they didn't cause any permanent harm to any of his associates

The photos consisted of main selfies of the two girls, a few peace signs and teasing cleavage shots here, and blood splatters marking their cheeks (on their faces) but the final photo was the one that drew the most attention

It was a photo of both the girls smiling at the camera while kneeling over a surgical desk, on it a bloody corpse. No bloody could barely describe it, its skin had been peeled back, eyes and tongue gouged out and an expression of such immense agony on its face that it made even him feel disturbed

That was eyeopening

Not the corpse mind you, despite its ridiculous amount of damage, reminding him of the photos of Mary Jane Kelly, the final victim of jack the ripper and his most gruesome murder


It was the fact that the girls had done it for HIM, don't get him wrong, Cane didn't find the girls any less attractive nor was he now repulsed by them or anything like that, hell he was from the Barlow family! His heritage was built on the blood and suffering of the innocent, but it was eye-opening in the fact that he now realized the scope of their affections

There was a very large defense between killing someone out of passion and torturing someone to death for hurting that someone, and judging from the level of damage he could say they had likely been working on him for hours on end

He continued thinking this over for multiple days and had not stopped even now as the cab pulled up at the catacombs

All he could come down to was one simple thought process

He couldn't escape them without either his own death or theirs, he didn't really want to anyway, he found them attractive, they obviously wanted him so… why resist?

The only issues with this were that they were his patients and as such were supposedly "forbidden" and that both Jasmin and Alice wanted to rip out each other's throats out

Pushing aside the thoughts for now he stepped out of the cab, passing the driver a fifty dollar note and walking away, not caring for change, and began to walk towards the giant metal dome

When he arrived at the gate he removed his sunglasses, about to do the usual retina scan when suddenly the gate buzzed open on its own, revealing the familiar face of Mr. Wilson the overseer walking towards him waving. Stepping through the now ajar metal door and walking meeting him he put on his best smile and gave a greeting

"Mr. Wilson!" he exclaimed, taking a fake tone of surprise and joy at his arrival, that he wouldn't normally take had he not been in debt to him for not firing him due to the whole fiasco of the girl's rampage "good to see you!" he finished offering his hand

Taking his hand happily the man smiled up to him "even better to see you, Mr. Barlow! I have so much to thank you for!"

"Really?" Cane asked doubtfully

"Yes, my boy!" the overseer exclaimed spreading his arms "thanks to that little tantrum the girls had, we were finally able to get a number of fundings and permissions granted that I have been applying for years now"

"What policies?" Cane asked both doubtful of the situation and surprised at the overseer not caring for the number of guards and civilians that were slaughtered by his girls

His girls? When did that happen? How odd

"Mostly minor problems with infrastructure and security" Mr. Wilson answered waving his hand nonchalantly "however we have finally been given permission to hire ex-military and mercenary personnel!" he exclaimed "…speaking of which"

"Pardon?" Cane asked not hearing that last part

He wasn't answered as suddenly he walked headfirst into the chest of probably the biggest woman he had ever seen

(sorry I haven't updated as much, just been busy with my assessments and the like, should make up for it this weekend or the following week)

also, people have been telling me I could make a legitimate living off of my writing and these novels if I make try to make some actual money off it and refined my work some more

what do you guys think?

Lord_Sadnesscreators' thoughts