
Yandere Sword Master's Servant

Earl Deckard, I congratulate you on becoming your lordship's servant....then I had to slap the old butler on the cheek and run away." [Sweet Thrill Romance]. #yandere #fantasy #MiddleAges #harem #romance

Kinzinho · Fantasy
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72 Chs

〈 Episode 66 〉The East Targets the West 12

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Whatever her intentions, I wanted to get out of here.

"I wouldn't say you're not beautiful, Sergen, but...

She seemed to be a different kind of person than Noel or Elisa, who I had seen before. If Noel is like a white doll... Elisa is like a statue of a goddess... she's like a statue of a goddess. And Sergen's figure.

"It's like here.

They all had the same thing in common: they were thin, but her body was healthy and full of life, and her hair was like a flame of fire. It was as if she were an incarnation of the legendary fire elemental king Ifrit.

"Beautiful, but dangerous.

Like fire, her eyes sparkled with talent, and I knew she would hire me by any means necessary. But.

"I didn't think she'd come at me like this.

She's using her body to intimidate me, preying on my weakness for women.


He inhaled deeply, trying not to be intoxicated by her scent as she drew closer.

"What's wrong?"


I slowly walked toward the inn's door, but her hand on my shoulder refused to let go.


She said as my hand caught the doorknob.

"If I open this door and there's anyone else in here, I'm going to get the word out that you're a prostitute or something, aren't I?"

I didn't expect her to use her situation to threaten me. I couldn't help but laugh and open the door.

"If there really is someone out there...

She doesn't know what rumors she'll hear in Sirtus in the future.

"And I won't be safe, either.

I don't feel like there's anyone out there, but... that nagging feeling of what if is what drives me.

"Haven't you had breakfast yet? Join me for breakfast."

On the table, I see a bowl covered with a round case.

"...Like this?"

"Is there a problem?"

Lots of problems. Speechless at her brazenness, I slowly made my way to the table.

"Wouldn't it be easier to eat if you let go of my shoulder first?"

"Because I know you'll be running for the door the moment I let go."


She's already made me an outsider. I shake my head slightly at the look on her face, a look of triumph that says checkmate is in sight, and open the round case.


"Fried potatoes, like fried fish. I enjoy them sometimes, with a hint of fishy flavor."

It's an interesting change of pace for her fairly commoner tastes, but she doesn't forget that right now she has to think about getting out of here safely.

"I wonder how we'll convince Sergen."

He sat back on the bed, accepting the plate and picking up a fork to dip into the fried fish, as if he had finally given up.

"I have my doubts, too. How I can convince you."

"I'm Serghen's escort, after all, and I don't suppose there's much time to negotiate other than this?"

"In case you don't know you, you're not the kind of person who can be persuaded over time. You're the kind of person who responds to a jolt of stimulus and gets results."

The implication was that I'm a crisis person. But that means that people only respond to a crisis if you give them a crisis...

"I'm saying that I put Sergen in a crisis situation.

Her aggressive behavior... I wondered if Noelle's provocation was because she knew me so well.

"I suppose so.

If I hadn't risked my life picking her pockets when I was making a living as a pickpocket...I wouldn't have become her servant.


The way Serghen looked at me was that of a superior, an analyst interpreting a person's orientation.

"Noel's possession, Elissa's favoritism.

I think to myself as I slowly slide a slightly flaky fried fish into my mouth. They all looked at me differently.

"There is favoritism because there is recognition.

Elisa's behavior made me feel both empowered and sorry for myself, so I said to myself.

"At least in this situation, all I can do is refuse.

At least as far as Sergen is concerned. She's trying to get me to become a servant knight by making me feel helpless. So, if you get close to her...

'This is how I can come out when I need to in the future.

The woman before him was dizzyingly beautiful. Sober and sober, she was someone who shouldn't be messed with, but if she was drunk, or if she came out like this when she wasn't in her right mind...

it could be disastrous.

Of course, it's not as if Sergen can't subdue me... but attempted rape of her would be a sufficient death sentence.



"Too close."

My personality had the advantage of being able to move calmly as reason when it came down to it. I look at her with a small sigh.

"I see."

Sergen seemed to understand the conclusion I meant. Panic won't get me an answer, so I play it cool. Sergen adjusts his posture slightly and looks at me.

"Let's see how long you can hold out.

She has the same look on her face as she slowly sits down on the bed next to me, crosses her legs, and tilts her head. I wonder if it's a gesture for me to move over.

"I don't think this is right, even for an escort, even for someone of the opposite sex. Elisha would be saddened."

"Elisha...Tyr, were you engaged to be married to her?"

I couldn't answer easily. Maybe it was because of what we talked about last night. I can't help but look at Noelle, and looking at Noelle doesn't mean I can claim her. I'm cursed to never be able to look at Elisha.


And she knows it. Besides...witches.

"Marriage is impossible.

Even if romantic relationships were allowed, witches were unmarriageable in the first place. She can't say it out loud, and Sergen is using that to pressure her into it.

'Then I have the wrong man.

Sirtus said it was a free manor. 'But if she says she can't marry Elisha because she can't bear children, then I've got her wrong.

"Is there any reason not to arrange the marriage?"

"I've heard that witches can have relationships, but not marriages, if they join the coven."

If that's the case... I have no comment, as this is the first I've heard of it. Just because Sirtus claimed freedom, it didn't mean the rules extended to the Libra of Condemnation.

"It is not proper behavior to look at another woman while you are in a relationship."

Just because you can't marry doesn't mean it's okay to interact with other women while you're in a relationship.

"I talked to Elisa yesterday."


I hadn't heard that before.

"I told her, Tir, that I would try to win you over, any way I could, and she laughed."

Shaking my head, she recounted last night. Was it true? That was the important thing.

"She said something puzzling, can you explain it to me?"

"What did she say?"

"She said that you are, after all, unredeemable, even to yourself, and that you support me in whatever I do, except for violent acts."

My mind raced with confusion. Why would Elisha...

"Did...did Elisha really say that?"

"It sounds like he doesn't trust me."

"Oh, no, but think of it this way. The person I have as my lover...and she's a witch, isn't it possible that she wouldn't be able to interpret Sergen's intentions?"

"That's why I was skeptical. I asked her, and she said she was not worthy."

Serghen's eyes looked truthful.

"Did something happen between you two?"

"No...no, not in the first place..."

To say it would take her to Noel, and she wasn't sure she could bring herself to tell Sergen.

"I...I think it had something to do with being a witch and not being able to marry."

I finally convinced Sergen with a crude reason.

"That's possible...certainly...witches can't have children, so she could feel guilty about that."

"So, I suppose I should meet with her to try to remove any guilt she might have."

"No, on the contrary, she said she was busy and asked me to take care of you."

"You don't know why, do you?"

"She seemed in a hurry, but I didn't ask her why. Maybe there's a problem on their end."

Something was wrong with the Libra of Condemnation.

"Anyway, Tir, it seems you have a choice after all."

"I'd like to decline the option of using my love life to make a choice."

I cut her off, rejecting her interpretation. It's my choice, after all, and I have a big Noel stake in it, not the demands of anyone but Elisa...


If what Serghen is doing now is...


Couldn't her intentions be considered... courtship after all?

'No. What the hell...'

I thought I'd gotten to this point in my life to recruit talent to be my chamberlain in my underwear, but the fact that Cersei has come to me with the thesis of 'marrying Elisha' means that she's courting me after all.



"What's happening is that..."

I couldn't help but fact-check.

"You weren't trying to recruit me as a chamberlain?"

"No matter how greedy I am for talent, do you think I'm going to try to recruit everyone who's weak on women in their underwear?"

She smirks.

"You're pretty clueless about this stuff."

I still had her by the shoulders. The fried fish was halfway done, and I put it away and started to walk away...when she grabbed my shoulder with her other hand and tumbled me onto the bed.

"Looks like you're being greedy in a different sense than talent."

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