
Yandere Sword Master's Servant

Earl Deckard, I congratulate you on becoming your lordship's servant....then I had to slap the old butler on the cheek and run away." [Sweet Thrill Romance]. #yandere #fantasy #MiddleAges #harem #romance

Kinzinho · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

〈 Episode 60 〉The East Targets the West 6

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Things start to get ugly.

"The fire that was supposed to be a signal is starting to burn everywhere!"

The situation is awkward for the raiding party. The sudden flare-ups seem to give away the enemy's location, but after a while, there are many fires all over the area.

"It's beginning."

I slowly approached Sergen.

"What do you mean, the beginning?"

"I think they're going to use the chaos meter."

"So you're saying you expected this?"

"I was told that if they were to use fire to catch the signal system, they would use it to create confusion. Now, let's get started."

The soldiers nodded, and pulled firestones from their pockets.

"You...you can't be serious."


I understood that Sergen had read my intentions.

"This is the lush, green Hammel Great Forest, isn't it, and that means that pyrotechnics will have the greatest effect."

I have a history of using large-scale chemical attacks against monsters in the Hammel Great Forest. However, they don't use it much for a simple reason.

"The monsters go crazy.

Many of the monsters in the Great Forest of Hammel will rush to the flames and slaughter those who set them on fire, as if they were arsonists setting fire to their own homes...

"We don't need to fight an army that isn't even properly lined up, do we?"

The bandits, who are distracted by the fire and smoke in front of them, and the hounds, who don't seem to understand the ecology of the area... they've been drawn into a game of meet the enemy where they are.

"If we set the fire ahead of them, they won't be able to get close enough."

The entrance area was lined with oil. We're going to use the same gunpowder they're using and give it back to them.


Three distant horn blasts began to appear.

"Looks like the vanguard has retreated safely."

By the time everyone was assembled, there were three horn blasts, two indicating that it was safe to proceed, and one indicating that they weren't sure yet. Ideally, the three horn blasts would indicate that everyone had made it safely to the fire and escaped.


The rapid flames began to rush toward the bandits.

"They may run for their lives, but they're no match for fire.

The smoke enveloped their every nerve, and they couldn't tell if they were going forward or backward. And with burning trees everywhere, it's hard to see straight ahead.

"Now we're moving."

As a defensive camp on a hill, they had a good view of the approaching troops, and could see the movement of the others.


The monsters lurking for prey in the great forests of Hammel begin to lunge at the bandits, weapons and teeth drawn.

"Even with our fire, they'll see them moving and hunt them down.

The bandits are more suspicious of us than they are of the defended, huddled masses. Plus, they're moving through the flames, so the monsters must think they're vicious fire-breathing humans.


The orcs shouted as they smashed through the burning wood and charged at the bandits.

"Oh, it's orcs!"

"Orcs! Orcs!"

All around them, blinding orcs, goblins, gnolls, and the many other monsters that inhabit the Great Forest of Hammel were charging through the flames, unperturbed by the fire.

"Did you...expect this all along?"

Sergen asked, looking at me.

"If the bandits hadn't started the fire and just rushed in, I would have used the location to position the Hunters to hold them off with crossbows. It was just an idea I came up with when I saw that the bandits had set several fires to confuse them, and it seemed like a good opportunity."

"How did you know that setting fires would attract monsters?"

"The marshals told us, and we were concerned that if we made a signal with fire, the monsters might come running."

"What about the danger to us?"

Joffin asked, and I shook my head.

"Even if they are monsters, they're pretty physiological. They'll move toward the ones moving in the flames and the ones camped beyond the fire, whichever are easier to catch, because they'll never know we're fighting each other."

I'm not ignoring the monsters. If I saw an orc and a goblin fighting, I'd just say they'd go after the weaker ones first, and I'd never think we'd be caught up in their strategy.


"If you think about it, there's no reason why we shouldn't fight and wipe them out, whether they're bandits or monsters, they're there to be destroyed, and it's good for them to fight and do damage to each other."

The armorer shouts, and we watch as orcs, goblins, and bandits tangle in the flames, creating an inferno.

"Hunters and Soldiers, I want you to start where the flames end and turn to ash, slowly approaching the enemies and taking out the bandits with your ranged weapons."

"Do you think the bandits have the advantage?"

Even if they outnumbered us by more than five hundred, the monsters were stubborn creatures who would not back down from this place. Even if you organize a fireteam or a raiding party, they're tougher than the worms that have overrun the area, and there's no telling who would win in a fight between the two factions.

"Our purpose is not to kill monsters, but bandits, isn't it?"

"...Explain it properly."

Zhao Feng asks from the side in frustration.

"Monsters flee without looking back when their damage is done. Orcs, of course, will fight to the death...but most goblins and gnolls get scared and flee when their numbers dwindle."

"Same goes for bandits..."

He realized without me having to explain that this was a little different.

"The bandits aren't bandits now, they're Deckard's soldiers. Or, more accurately, they're prisoners whose lives are in Deckard's hands, and they'll fight to the death because they have no way to escape."

"Then why the ranged attacks..."

"Because it's likely to be a battle between the orcs and the bandits anyway, so we're empowering the orcs, who are outnumbered."

At my words, which sound like I'm already predicting victory or defeat, Sergen places a large hand on my shoulder.

"We'll talk about the merits later, but are you sure you don't want to be my chamberlain?"

"...We'll talk about it later..."

"What are you doing?! Hunters and soldiers, center around where those fires are going out, approach with bows and crossbows!"

"Ah, we must be stealthy, and if they seem to have spotted us, I want you to run away without looking back."

We're doing this purely to reduce the enemy's strength, but if we take too many casualties, it's a slippery slope.

"Do you hear me?!"



Sergen shouts excitedly, sword drawn. Add to that a major purge of the monsters of the Great Forest of Hammel, and you've got yourself a pretty impressive list of accomplishments when you get back to Sirtus. I cannot announce it there, but the bandits are Deckard's men, and if you tell the Earl, his position will be enormous.

'You're excited.'

With a wry smile, I watch the slowly shifting tide of forces.

"Looks like we're in trouble with monsters coming at us from all directions.

Aside from the orcs, none of the monsters were too strong, but there were others charging at us from all directions, and a group of bandits who seemed to be having a hard time holding themselves together in the thick smoke of the fire.

"Paint, paint, paint!"

The soldiers have realized the importance of camouflage and have covered themselves in ash, dirt, and leaves, along with grass juice, and they aim their bows and crossbows at the monsters, indistinguishable from a distance. Even the monsters are hard to recognize.

'The noses and eyes that would be their weapons are already blinded by the smoke of the fire.

Even if the soldiers do approach, they'll be distracted by bandits wielding swords and shields rather than recognizing their camouflage. And since they weren't targeting monsters, they were even harder to recognize.

"Ping! Ping!

Soldiers and Hunters hiding in the blackened trees take aim at the bandits with crossbows and bows.



"Arrow! Arrows!"

One shouts loudly.


The monsters are just excited by the arrows flying toward the bandits from their side, and they don't notice the soldiers and marauders. Perhaps among themselves.

'A strange weapon charges toward the enemy.

'I wonder if any of our own wield such weapons!

"Push harder!

The goblins and gnolls, timiddened by the loss of power, rush back with excitement. True to their nature to push the weaker ones harder, they rush back in and begin to encamp among the unyielding orcs.

"Horde! If we hold the orcs back, the gnolls and goblins are getting through and losing power!"

One bandit shouted.


A hound yells.

"What the hell are you doing here, now!"


A crossbow bolt slammed into the hound's head. A hollow death. Lost in the smoke, unseen, was the position of the enemy and the sound of the arrow. With that, a hound died in vain.

"I want you to take down the one who gives the orders first.

I recounted the details to the soldiers and Hunters. Not just any bandits, but the ones who seem to be in charge, or the ones who seem to be taking down the most monsters.

"It seems a bit cheesy.

It can be dirty, despicable. However, if it's a good fight, the raiding party will suffer a significant loss of power, and possibly a loss of Sergen. The difference between those who can't use their surroundings and those who can is this.

"Kill! Kill!"

A hound shouted, swinging his greatsword.


An arrow lodged in his arm.

"Fucking bastards!"

Realizing that the raiding party was close to where the monsters were swarming, he pulled the arrow from his own arm and took off.

"This shadowy bastard!!!!"

A thorough joke. And the smoke makes it hard to see the position of the marauders. The bandits are dwindling in numbers, and it's doubtful that they'll even be able to get close enough to the slayers, let alone kill them. The monsters' concerted attack, which seemed to have no end in sight in a cloud of black smoke, had already been enough to halt their general assault.


One of the Hounds shouts, sheathing his sword.

"Hounds, we've got the enemy boss!!!"

Their ears were sharp, and they had already heard one of the hounds shout.

"If we defeat the enemy's leader, their plans will fall apart!"

If they were to rush in now, the lives of many hounds would be lost. But if they left things as they were now, they would be wiped out. They must choose.

"Shadow, you've tricked us! Take her head, and we win!"

The Hound, his eyes bloodshot and an arrow in his arm, leaps from the bandits. The bandits have already abandoned him.


One of the orcs swings his axe wildly, trying to stop the charging hound.


Swinging his free right arm, he takes the orc by the throat and pushes him back with his foot, the hounds weaving through.

"Break through!"

The hounds, disguised as bandits, leaping from all directions, and the hounds who command them. With their disappearance, the medicine bandits will try to flee this place somehow, and they will be easily overwhelmed. But it was not time to consider that.

"We've been tricked this far by a bastardized shadow?

It had been thoroughly exploited. Then, like a hound, the moment it realizes it's been tricked, it's going to tear its throat out for its life.


Through the blindness of a horde of monsters, they form up and charge. One man holds the center, flanked by hounds to ward off invisible swords and arrows.

"Here they come.

Eventually, like a cornered mouse pouncing on a cat, the men come running, their faces hidden by their black cloaks.

"Soldiers and hunters, please stand down."

The horn was already being used as a signal, and after two blasts, they scrambled from their hiding places in the tree stumps and shadows.

"Knights. Sergen."

The battle was about to begin. The soldiers had been told that there was something stronger than them.

"They're already preparing."

With a dozen knights at his side, Sergen steeled himself.

"Do you trust me?"

They say when you see it, you believe it, but the trust in their eyes, in the midst of a war that has cost them their lives three times over, is palpable.

"There's not enough time to explain, so just give the order."

Joffin, already treating me as his chamberlain, bowed his head as he directed the other knights, perhaps to impress me.

"There are at least twenty of them, and their strength must be the highest among the hermits."

"If we count the remaining Hunters and soldiers, we're upwards of fifty."

"Not enough."

Their power was enough to command over five hundred bandits. Enough monsters to command the bandits of the Great Forest of Hammel, over twenty to a man. It was quite a paddle that Million had bred.

"So we'll have to borrow their strength again."

Orcs. They came out of nowhere, grinding their teeth at the sight of the hounds that had broken through the camp. Torn between dealing with the outnumbered bandits or the hounds that had broken through.

"So you guys can buy some time while I get here."

A command that sounds more like a call to flee.

"I believe you."

Joffin and Sergen nodded, and the other knights nodded as well.

"I want you to form a circle around the shield. Hermits are always, always, always powerless against the best defenses."

Young knights and knights-in-training. That's what pride demands of knights.

"Of course."

Head bowed, I spun around the side and began to run. My arms are filled with my short sword and the many other weapons Sergen has given me for my efforts in capturing the hermits.

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