
Yandere Sword Master's Servant

Earl Deckard, I congratulate you on becoming your lordship's servant....then I had to slap the old butler on the cheek and run away." [Sweet Thrill Romance]. #yandere #fantasy #MiddleAges #harem #romance

Kinzinho · Fantasy
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72 Chs

〈 Episode 6 〉 Yandere Youngae 6

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She moans in excitement. With an uncontrollable gasp, she kisses my neck.

"If you do this..."

"Hold still."

Whispering softly, she slowly strokes her brown hair along my scalp.


She calls my name. She slowly begins to remove her slip, her eyes glistening with a desire that seems unstoppable along with the conquest she has for me. The moon shone down on her like an illumination, and the lantern next to the drawer highlighted how beautiful she was in her underwear.



She wanted to run away, it was a beautiful sight, but like a prey caught in Arachne's web, like a succubus that would drain her of all her energy and turn her into a mummy, her indulgence seemed to be pleasure, not affection, another desperation.


I whimpered, miserably tricked by her pure white hair as it began to rise beneath me.


Slowly, as if sensing it, she climbs on top of me, her hands moving over my pants in a caressing way.

"I-I know I'm yours, but you're precious!"

I urgently call out that this moment is wrong.

"I'm precious?"

She strokes her finger down my chin, as if caressing a pretty toy.

"Yes, yes, you are precious, and you need to take more care of yourself!"


She looked confused, as if she didn't know why.

"Because you, Noelle, are the darling of the Earl of Deckard...and you are too high up to be associated with a lowly pickpocket and servant like me."

"You know."

Her breath is in his ear again.

"I've been saving this...for you."

Goosebumps rise all over my body. What the hell is she doing with me?

"What does that mean..."

"You don't have to remember."

Slowly, she unbuttons the black vest of my servant's uniform, and then the button-down collar of my white shirt.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this moment?"

I don't know, and that's why I'm afraid, and...primal, I'm so afraid of her. A silver beast trying to eat a small herbivore. She was like a venomous snake in front of my eyes that I didn't understand.

"Noel, I-I need time, too!"


She paused.

"Yes. I know you're beautiful, but by my standards, we've only known each other for two days!"


I hastily make up an excuse. Thankfully, Noelle stops unbuttoning me. She places her hand on my chest, which rises and falls steeply. Her silver hair brushes against my chest hair.



I don't understand her question.

"I've waited, I've held out for this moment to become my reality, why do you say you need time?"

"Oh, no..."

I don't know her in the first place, and yet she says she waited. The dissonance between us lingers in my chest, a frustration that seems to last forever.

"Tir, 18 years old. Parents killed by monsters at a young age, lives in the slums, pickpockets from job to job, and has five partners. Butson, Ellie, Hanson, Oatmealer, and Jeffers."

I started to get goosebumps.

"Butson was beaten to death while pickpocketing, and Ellie's magical talents led her to the Ashen Tower with a wizard. Hanson and Oatmealer got greedy in the rogues' guild's shop and were stabbed to death, so they quit. Jeffers..."

He was my partner, still alive.

"How do you think he's living now?"

I wondered, but I didn't feel like I could ask her now. A goosebumpy sensation, like a blade at my throat.

"Sophia...my first love since I was ten years old, she went off to be an adventurer. I wanted to join her, but I wasn't good enough, so I joined the Rogue's Guild and set my sights on adventuring with her."

"Uh, how..."

"I'm so glad that filthy eared shaft is gone... and Ellie is living in the Ashen Tower... and the next girl I had a crush on... It's okay, you're mine now, and I'm a generous master, so I can understand."


I feel her grip tighten on my wrist.

"By the way, is it because it's your first love...are you going to that bakery where that Sofia bitch used to work, are you waiting for her?"

Sophia's mother's bakery. I finally had to admit that she knew everything about me.

"Do you think you'll ever come back from being an adventurer? Adventurers are always rolling with the punches. You're probably serving under other fellows by now, but do you remember her?"


"I am your master, and only you can have her."

Slowly, she unhooked her own bra.

"Now, does that satisfy your curiosity?"

If anything, my curiosity was piqued even more. How does she know me so well, how does she remember the names of Ellie and the other pickpocketing partners, even if I'm so forgetful? Who is she, and why did she wait for me?

"A witch..."

I thought to myself, maybe she is a witch.


She bursts out laughing, and at the same time, her bra comes off, revealing her white, fleshy breasts. I wonder if this is what Seiren looks like, the woman sailors must be most wary of.

"I'm not a witch, Sophia, and you said you'd come back as the best swordsman you could be?"

I had to stop my pounding heart. But she had me in such a grip that she wouldn't let go, and I felt her nose close to mine.

"Then...you said yes. So Tir...your ideal is a strong swordsman?"

The blade of her hand. With one sweep of it, the Bastards, the terror of the slums, were decapitated simultaneously.

"What about me?"

The worst, no...by my standards, the most horrifying test of all. Murderers, witches, and...


On my first day, I broke my wrist with my fingers for talking to another woman. And those unreadable, dark, glittering eyes. Her hand slides lower and lower, trying to reach the bottom of my pants.

"I-I don't know you, Noelle."

She reacts to that.

"Shouldn't I be getting to know you, too?"

I made up an excuse as best I could. The same excuses I used to give people when I got caught pickpocketing. I had to make the best of it.

"Do you want to get to know me?"

"Yes, very much. I'd like to get to know you, Noel, and then be happy that we know each other."

"Ah...Tir. My dear child. How many more times are you going to touch me with your lovely words?"

She kisses him on the cheek. Her breasts pressed against his chest and he felt himself rising, but his mind was filled with fear.

"No, Noel, I would be honored to spend the day...with you...but I would like to spend it with you in a moment like that...wow, perfect!"

"Aaah! Tir!!!"

She hugged him with all her might, barely able to calm her startled heart.

"Is he alive?

Together, together, forever. It could be one night of subjugation to the moment. No, my restless senses told me she was a monster that would never let me go.

"Let's go for the night."


Laughing, she kisses my cheek.

"If you want to get to know me, we should sleep together, right?"

Today...I feel like I'm done sleeping.



I jerk awake and close my sleepy eyes, realizing it's barely dawn. When I opened my eyes, the sun had already risen in the middle of the sky.

'This is the second time in a row I've been late...'

Ever since I came to the Count's house, I seem to be eating lateness. I don't feel like I'm presenting a good image to the butler.

"Are you up?"

Noel had already disappeared, and in front of him stood the butler, a tray in his hand, a glass of water on it.

"This, this..."

I hastily tried to make an excuse for sleeping in Noel's room. But the butler's face remained expressionless as he set the tray on the table and continued.

"I hope you're dressed neatly and ready to go. The young lady has a schedule for today."

"Where did the young lady go?"

The butler shakes his head at my question.

"The lady wishes to be addressed by name no matter who you speak to, so please address me as Noel."

The other servants must have realized that I was addressing Noel by name.


"The young lady has already come out this morning and is ready to go out. Today you will be having afternoon tea with your master's wife, so please be ready."

"My lord, if it is the master's wife, is she Noel's mother?"

After a slight pause, the butler spoke again.

"She is not the one who gave birth to the young lady."


I felt like I'd made a mistake. An earl of a noble family might have more than one wife.

"Well, I think you should know," the butler continued, "that the lady you are meeting is the one who originally took you in after Noel's mother died. Her son is Kirtle Deckard, and her mistress's name is Eliza Deckard. You should memorize her name."


"Normally, I would prefer you not to intrude on the conversation between them, but today's conversation...well, you may inevitably find yourself in the middle of it, so please take care of yourself."

With the butler's words, I hastily gathered my gear and ran toward the front door where Noel was waiting for me.


"I didn't have lunch, are you okay?"

A worried Noel's first words.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You must be hungry though."

I can feel the stares from the others. I could only hope that Noel's concern for me at this moment wasn't so excessive that it would start a weird rumor, because even now he was stroking my chin like he was worried about me.

"Let's go."

I take her outstretched hand in a familiar gesture, and we climb into the carriage. This is one of the earl's inner castles, the outer castle where only Noel Deckard, or she, lives.

"Why does she live apart from the rest of her family?

The castle was originally a cottage within the estate that the Earl's father, the former Earl, kept for his own leisure, but eventually Noelle took it over.

[Oh, and by the way, it's better not to ask questions about that].

Note from the butler. I decided to let it slide, in case there was some sort of power struggle that even the earl couldn't figure out.




"Mr. Noel. You may speak."

"Hoohoo, Tir."

Noel continues to say his name.

"...Yes. Noel."


She hugs his neck again.

"Noel-sama. Are you not out at the moment, if you are a lady..."

"So it's okay to go back, then?"


I finally shook my head. Noel's cheeks puffed out in frustration. It was cute, but I felt a little creeped out when I remembered those terrifying eyes from yesterday.

"No, Noel. As long as it's a hug...it's okay."


"Yes, but...beyond that..."

"Not until you get to know me?"

I wondered if I was the reason she was going to the inner castle with her family now. It would be more truthful to talk to her family than to hear it from Noelle herself.

"Does she know I'm suspicious?

No matter what she says about the past, it's only her opinion. Of course, not everything they say can be true, but if it comes from more than one mouth, it's more credible. I glance over and see Noelle looking at me, a flush rising to her white cheeks, and I cough.

"No, Noelle, it's not..."


"It's too close, I was...taught...that servants and masters should keep their distance, but..."

"Hmph, but I'm cold, and I want Tir to keep me warm."

Noelle slipped her arm through mine as she said that, and whether she was conscious of it or not, I felt the touch of her breast. There was a tingling sensation, and the vision from last night came flooding back.


"Ah...Tir. You're so cute."

Her expression was adorable. Her eyes had that...look you get when you look at a baby puppy.

"Oh my...

If a common girl from the slums or even the city had pounced on me like this, I might have been tempted. The problem was, with her position, the chances of my neck being intact were diminished. In the first place...even if she had been a commoner, there was a greater chance that I would have run away when I saw her terrifying abilities.

"This is my home."

The inner castle was much larger than when she first saw it. If the magical castle built on a huge lake had been Noelle's home, what she saw now was.


The castle was enormous. Soldiers surrounded it, knights stood guard, and the famous Earl of Deckard's castle, which I had only seen from afar, stretched out before me.

"Noel Deckard enters!"

The coachman shouted. The knight reaches out his hand to stop the carriage, and gives a loud salute.


The knight's salute as seen by the Earl's family. The carriage drives through the wide entrance of the castle, receiving a salute from the guardian knight at the gate.


The gates open, and when you step inside...


The castle is a sprawling complex of buildings that you'd never expect to be home to a family of counts. Soldiers and knights moving about. And the footsteps of servants and servants busy with their work. Noel Deckard's entrance is announced, and the servants and soldiers who have been busy salute.

"This is...the Earl..."

An unbelievable other world unfolded before my eyes.

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