
Yandere Sword Master's Servant

Earl Deckard, I congratulate you on becoming your lordship's servant....then I had to slap the old butler on the cheek and run away." [Sweet Thrill Romance]. #yandere #fantasy #MiddleAges #harem #romance

Kinzinho · Fantasy
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72 Chs

〈 Episode 48 〉Wild West 12

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[Hammel Forest Road Village.]

[Logging Shelter.]

[Flower Tea.]

A place where strange things happen and don't seem to fit in. The most human, homely, or vulnerable people in the place have disappeared. Most importantly, the people who were associated with them also disappeared, or were found dead, and they all had the same characteristics.

"All stabbed to death in one room."

"Could it be a kidnapping?"

"A normal kidnapping doesn't kill women like this. Kidnappers usually have a purpose."

"If it's not money, what is it? They're ordinary people."

"I don't know, but this is going to end up being a normal case, too."

Deckard's investigator stroked his scraggly beard for a moment, then spoke up. His rum-soaked, gravelly voice had a hint of age to it, but the rookie investigator frowned at Two's comment that he shouldn't care.

"Is that what an investigator is supposed to say?"

"We're a bunch of vigilantes, barely backed by Deckard, and if this isn't the work of the kidnappers, which it most likely is, it means they have a purpose, and there are bodies all over the place, killed by daggers, what does that mean?"

He ran a hand through his tangled hair and spoke again.

"This wasn't a kidnapping in the first place. They went out on their own."

"Of their own accord? Killing themselves, their lovers, their children, or people they were known to be close to?"

The rookie investigator seemed to believe in the rhetoric he'd been taught.

"Look, purposeful movement doesn't relate to ordinary crimes. This is... Didn't I tell you, the ones that relate to the higher-ups are answered by a stamp with a candle stick, or a stamp and a stamp."

"Is this the work of the higher-ups?"

"Of course, look closely. Most of these people died looking relieved or asleep. It's not like some hermit showed up and killed them."

Shaking his head, he closed the corpse's eyes, then slowly opened the carved wooden door and stepped outside.

"They killed him. Their way of cutting off those who think for themselves."

Lighting a cigarette, he slowly inhales the smoke and searches his pockets. When he realizes there's nothing left in the small bottle of rum, he slams it to the ground in frustration.

"Then you shouldn't be going after them, shouldn't you?"

"You...you're not going to live long."


"We lost a man up there. Deckard and Sirtus have been on a rampage lately, haven't they? Sirtus...he made a big deal about it. That they've wiped out a whole bunch of criminals, restored justice to Sirtus."

"What does that have to do with this?"

"Deckard's people must have brought in the Hermitage, and they're using it as a punch line against Sirtus."

"Our Deckard's put Amza in charge?!"

The rookie investigator's expression is that of a child trying to make a point, irritation rising with every word.

"Here's my advice, when these things happen. Close your eyes and cover your ears."

"That's your advice?"

The newcomer calls out to the investigator as he walks away.

"When do you think Deckard was at the seat of the mightiest sword?"

The rookie paused. The story is almost 30 years old. That is, before Northwell Deckard died.

"All that remains is not their glorious swords, but the hammers and brass that forged them. The hammer and the brass move, and who can stop them?"

"The Earl of Deckard is the mightiest sword in the Empire!"

He shook his head with a rueful laugh, not a sneer, as the newcomer's exclamation sounded like one of those fanciful dream fairy tales he'd heard as a child.


"Deckard will surely send for the hermit, are you sure you want to stay here?"

Elisha asked, and I sat still, staring at the sky.


"What's next?"

"First, Elisa, I think it's time for you to report to the Witches' Council and be recognized, but for now, we're just waiting."

"Well, if we've taken out the hermits, we've taken out their eyes and ears, and we need a next move."

Elisha had a point; if their eyes were gone, it would be important to have another trick up their sleeve.

"I'm sure Count Sirtus will come up with something. Sergen will call me if he thinks of anything else."

"You're not telling me that waiting is the greatest trick in the book, are you? Have you heard that even graceful swans work their legs hard in the water?"

"I've never heard that..."

I merely stared at the sky, savoring the tea Elisa served me.

"But what did you and Sergen talk about like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think I don't know? You've been lost in thought ever since you returned from Count Sirtus?"

Elisa must be a witch after all.


I told Elisa that I had been offered a position as Sergen's chamberlain knight.

"Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"Because Sergen asked me to think about it alone."


Elisa frowned slightly.

"Are you thinking about it?"

"Considering it. But I think it might do more harm than good... but..."


"I mean, if I'm going to give Deckard a run for his money, I might as well make a move."

"I find it charming that my lover is driven by ambition."

Elisha said, climbing onto my thigh in the chair.

"But are you sure you want to be a chamberlain?"

The softness of her skin and the scent of dandelions in her hair tickled the tip of my nose. Her soft flesh and the scent of dandelions in her hair tickle the tip of my nose.


"It is, but I don't want you to do it anyway."


"Sergen, I think something is out to get you."

He gave me a look that said, "If it's a chauffeur, it's targeting me as a subordinate.

"Why are you being so obtuse?"


Elisa hugged me tightly.



Elisa says, hugging me tightly.


"I won't understand until you explain why."

"Tyr, do you think it's possible to have multiple people in your mind?"

"How can I have multiple people in my mind?"

"It's a metaphor."

I was never much of a literary person, to be honest. I paused to consider the implications of his words, then slowly answered.

"I guess it's possible, because people have different minds."


Elisha stood up from my body.

"What? Where are you going?"

"Going to report to the Witches' Association like you said!"

"Oh, you're going to work?"

"Don't follow me!"

Elisa stormed out, slamming the door behind her. A thought flashed through my mind.

[When a woman yells, "Don't follow me," she means follow me.]

[That's not what she means, you're supposed to listen to her.]

[Haha...you're a real one, will you do that when you meet Sofia later?]

I remember Jeffers smiling at me. It was a memory that reminded me of two people I didn't like, but Jeffers' words stuck with me.

"If it sticks in your head like that, it's dangerous.

Hurriedly, I threw on my coat and headed out the door to find her.

"Why are you standing there?

Elisa stood wordlessly in her front yard. It felt like she was waiting for me.

"Come with me."

"...You're crazy. Really."

She doesn't look me in the face, seeming to feign an expressionlessness. She slowly raises her hand.

"Is she asking me to hold her hand? Why don't you just tell her to hold my hand?

I slowly and casually take Elisa's raised hand in mine.

"You look angry...

Her expression is puzzled.

'She's angry that I said you can have more than one person in your heart... and all she wanted to hear was that there can only be one person...'

The literary interpretation doesn't make any sense to me, but I try my best to think of it.

'But doesn't Elisha know that I can't help but think of Noel because of my constant companionship... That would mean that I think of Elisha as having multiple people... Why is he acting like this...'

I don't know if this will work on the intelligent Elisha...but I give it a try.

"Elisa, you are the biggest in my heart."


I glanced at her, nervously wondering if I'd hit the wrong note, and then tried again.

"We all have people on our minds, don't we? Our parents, our friends, people we've dated in the past."

Reminding her with a hint of Noel, I say.

"Most importantly, the only person I have on my mind right now is you, Elisa."

"You're a liar."

A liar, she says, even though it's true. But I feel her grip loosen. Hmm...this is...


Elisa's cheeks turn slightly red.

"Phew... I guess it worked somehow.

Her ruddy red eyes matched her flushed cheeks.

"How about we grab a bite to eat at the stall and do some shopping on the way?"

To be honest, it was an early night and all I wanted to do was lie down, so her suggestion didn't sound too appealing.


"I know you used to do best with chicken stew, but why don't you try some chicken drumsticks?"

I smiled and nodded, knowing that if I mentioned that I'd had chicken stew with Sergen before, my hands would stiffen again. I was relieved that Elisa seemed to be back to her normal self again...but I didn't realize at the time that her seemingly relieved mood would lead to hours of shopping and exhaustion.

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