
Yandere One Shot

Yandere senarios??? Anyways, this is Yandere male x READER And also some Mafia boss stories (one shot)

Roth_Raven · Teen
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27 Chs

Yandere snake prince x Reader

               Thousands of years ago in a village more like a town, there were heavy droughts and the worst natural disasters. The village head and the elders decided in making everyone leave the cursed land, but everytime they tried to leave something bad would always happen making everybody stay.

                This happened for months and more people were dying. The elders couldn't take it anymore, so they consulted a powerful mage to figure out what the problem was. At the end, the mage told the elders about a powerful snake prince who lived within the mountains, he was the one responsible for all the problems in the land and to solve all the problems a beautiful maiden was to be sacrificed to him

               The elders weren't supportive of the price to be paid but they agreed at the end. They were the only ones who knew about the sacrifices and they kept it as a secret among themselves.

            Every end of each year, a beauty pageant would be held to determine the most beautiful girl, and the winner would be prepared for the sacrifice, that will be after she knows everything that is going on.

           The village head will accompany her to the mountain by night time and leave her there till the snake prince take her, either for his bride or for food or for anything else that he likes

          And at the end of the day, droughts and any other disasters would be no more. The villagers worshipped the snake prince in fear, and this continued for years upon years.....

        PRESENT DAY~~~

                 The village has become a center for tourism attraction now, not only because of their delicious delicacy or the beautiful inner forest sites, but because of the yearly beauty pageant and the wonderful legends and myths

                  So many tourist do come into the village and they all were welcomed warmly, you and your parents were among the tourist and luckily had the best reserved room. It was closer to the forest but much more quiet, well not that quiet but okay.

                It was around the last month of the year when you and your parents decided to go on vacation, during the last week before a new year. That means the beauty pageant would soon take place and anyone can participate, ANYONE.

                  Your parents were always forcing you to participate, but it all fell on deaf ears. You weren't someone who likes public attention neither pageants, so you gave them a No as an answer

                Every contestants would be worn pretty dresses and beautiful make-up, but none knew the real horror behind this so called beauty pageant.

          ~Day skip to New year's Eve~

              You were feeling weird during the evening, so decided to go for a walk in the calm forest...

           "Mom I'm going for a walk outside" you told her

           "Okay dear, be back before seven so you won't miss the pageant" she said drinking a chilled orange juice

             "Okay" you said knowing she was fully listening, as long her phone isn't in her hands, she always listens. Your father was in the village square helping out with the upcoming festival, so that means you will be walking alone with nobody as a guard

                 You didn't know when you went deeper into the forest but at least it was relaxing. Coming closer to a beautiful waterfall which was coming out from the highest mountain in the entire forest, you dipped your legs in the cold waters

         "Oh I could stay here forever" you mumbled the world softly...

           "What are you doing here?" A calm male's voice said making you jump up in fear, he was actually not that far from you. With his lower part in the water, so no big deal....

               "I was talking a walk and suddenly stumbled into this place" you looked around until you realized he was staring at you intensely

         "Why are you staring at me like that" you asked with an inquietude face

           He smiled at your face expression. Getting out of the water, your face lost blood. His lower body was actually a tail, more like a snake in place of legs, he came closer and it was then you could actually see his beauty

              He's long wonderful white hair, light orange snake eyes and pure white fangs, he looked like a god even with the snakelike features. 

        "You have an ineffable beauty" he said in a dreamy manner and before you knew it, his lips were already on yours. That was when you did something unreasonable

             Your hands went on auto raise and auto slap. You slapped him hard across the face, it was a hot stinging slap that immediately stopped the kiss

            "I haven't been slapped by a maiden in all my years!" He was annoyed and you could see it clearly.

              He went backwards into the water, you were curious about what's going on but when you saw thick clouds of steam, your brain and common sense quickly knew the water was boiling hot.

             The water Immediately turned into a hot twirl which changed into a water tornado. From there he emerged not as his usual form, but in his full giant snake form. He was a totally white snake with pure thin pupil that shows pure anger and wrath 

          "Who's a good snake... You're" you said frightened by his size but soon noticed that was making him more mad in anger

           "I see this isn't working so I'll run away" your legs went into full speed away, but he chased after you destroying every tree in his way

         "I'm sorry for slapping you" as you were saying this, you tripped over a small stone twisting your ankle and falling down face flat

                You were already preparing for the worst, when you felt a force. It was kind of a force field that couldn't allow him cross to the other side

           He hissed angrily before changing back to his initial form...

          "Oh! The curse" he scratched the force field with his sharp nails but nothing happened. His face was literally frustrated so he layed there looking at the now night sky

            "What do you mean by the curse" you ask coming closer but not crossing the force field

              "I'm cursed okay" he was still looking at the sky as he spoke, "many years ago, my father wanted to share where we would rule for enternity, one was the skies and the other was the underworld. It was just me and my brother, I was the eldest so that means I would rule the skies, but my brother was choosed because his heart was more pure than mine. I was so furious that I led him to a place that would be his death trap, I watched him die with satisfaction in my heart but I made everyone angry, so I was cast down to rule earth and the underworld, but I couldn't leave a certain place on Earth" 

                 "So the way lucifer was cast down because of his pride, you were cast down because of your hate and pure hatred" you said with pure saddness

            "Escuse me?" He raised a brow in total confusion

             "Oh it's nothing special" you got up trying to move but fell due to your twisted ankle


         "Oh, I can help you" he offered with a slight smile

          "How can I trust someone who tried to attack me?" You said with a narrow eye

          "Look, I don't even know your name but I'm willing to help you even though you are my love at first sight and I'm trying not to let you go, but I can't just watch you in pain" there was totally sincerity in his eyes

           "... Trust me"

            You knew he was saying this out from his heart, so you trusted him and went to him

          His face was pleased as you came closer, he placed his fingers softly on your ankle and before you knew it, a bright white light emitted from his hands and your ankle was totally healed

        "Whoa, is this some sort of magic" you examined your ankle with a smile

           "Something like that... What's your name" he asked with trace of redness on his face

            "It's Y/N, what about yours?" 

          "I'm Leslie" he replied 

        "Oh my God!" You screamed looking at the time in your phone

          "What?" He was totally confused

      "It's 11:58pm" you were already moving away, "I'm sorry but I got to go"

         "I'm still sorry" he said with a sad smile

         "For what?" You asked, but soon realized what he meant by that when he wrapped you up in his thick white tail


      "Look Y/N, I didn't tell you something again, anyone who enters here before 12am in a new year can't leave"

            "What!, Why are you doing this to me?" Tears of anger and total betrayal from him was pouring out of your eyes

          "Because if you leave, you won't come back here again, and you are the only person I've loved deeply like this even though it's just today I meet you, I don't want to let you go at all!" he said wiping your tears

           "But I trusted you Leslie, I trusted you!" More tears fell

          "Oh Y/N another thing, I'm a good lier and a perfect actor..... Don't ever trust a snake!" He smirked

         "What!, you lied to me" immediately you said that, you heard fire works signifying a new year


          "Don't worry, as long as you are stuck with me here no one will remember you, not even your parents..... No one and that means no maiden would be coming here again" he was very happy saying that

           "Why me Leslie?, There has been other maiden" you told him

           "Let's not talk about that now!" He face showed signs of guilt

             "What did you do to them!" 

       "Nothing okay..... Let me show you around. And to make things clear, I will never tell you what I did to them!" He gestured you to take hold hand

            You took a deep breath and took his hand as he led you deeper into places you haven't seen, deep places where you were not planning to go to


            Everyone has totally forgotten about your existence, there was no one who remembered you were ever born

             Everyone except your mother.


               Have a great day/night

        More are coming\(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬