
Yandere Novel :- Secret Magical Lovers

In the entire history of novels , there wasn't any novel like [ Secret Magical Lovers ] the worst yandere novel of all time . It had a bad story line , the written was also poorly done same goes for the characters . Even the author dropped the novel conserding how bad it was , however when the novel got 100k views which motivated the to write another book . The author tried attemps to make a better version of [ Secret Magical Lovers ] however each attemp was a failure . The author got depressed that forall the hardwork he had done he was unable make a better book and one day he committed suicide to end his life . But his life didn't ended as he got transmigrated in his own novel which was unfinished . -------------------------------------- This is the remake of [ Secret Magical Lovers ]

UnsealingEmptiness · Urban
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2 Chs

Episode 2 :- The Bullied Boy

The door opened , a woman entered the classroom , the woman was beautiful , she had long purple hair which covered some of her back and beautiful blue eyes which ,she was wearing a long blue dress which covered her entire body .

The dress she wore had exquisite flower designs which were of darker shade , she aslo wore matching blue glasses to fit with her attire .

All the students immediately got up from their seats to greet her .This woman was Kayaka Hoda, the class teacher of class 1D .

" Class, I have an announcement to make ",Kayaka informed the class as she stood infront of the students.

" What kind of announcement miss ? ", one of the student asked who looked extremely depressed .

" Just wait for it , Mr Kiharu ", Kayaka said .

Kiharu Kimito , the class rep of class of 1D, a boy who looked like a girl , he was what some people called femboy .

Short green hair, slim body with perfect curves , green eyes and a cute look on his face . His features were so girly , that some considered him a girl .

Unfortunately, due to his looks , he's always being builled by girls from other classes who were jealous cause their boyfriends were more intrested in him .

The girls builled him in different ways such peeing on his mouth , made him eat shit , screw him up with dildos .

They did this everyday to him , this constant bulling had deteriorated his mental condition and also black mailing him so that he can't tell anyone about this .

" Hm..may I come in ? "

The entire class room looked at the direction from where the voice came , they saw a handsome male standing infront of the door.

" Ah! Mr Saito, pls come in ",Kayaka continued," Class meet your new transfer student , Saito Oharu "

"Oh my ! he's so hot ! ", the girls mentally screamed and why would they not , cause they finally have a hot guy in there class as well , these girls were now happy that now even they can brag to other classes that they had a hot guy , all the boys in their class were kinda....average .

" Damn! why he's so handsome !?! ", all the boys mentally cursed Saito , all this boys were average boys who had no luck with girls .

" Hi my name is Saito Oharu , a rich guy who likes to read " , Saito introduced himself , " Nice to meet ya all ".

"Thanks Saito , now let's see where you can sit ", Kayaka said ," Hm..you can sit alone in that right corner sit near the window or you sit near Kiharu, who's seating at the last second row ". She pointed her fingers at Kiharu who smiling .

"There's no way ! I am sitting with the antagonist of the second season ", Saito mentally said , " I will take the corner sit "

" Miss Kayaka , I will take the right corner sit neat the near the widown ",Saito said .

He then walked towards his seat while also giving a glance on Kiharu , who just looked quite depressed .

" He looks extremely depressed ", Saito thought ," It's gotta be the effects of serious bulling , his mental state is not good at this point of the story ".

" Ok class, now open your maths textbook chapter 6 " , Kayaka said .

" Maths .....I really hate that subject , I barely passed math test last time ", Saito murmured.


Currently it was lunch break , Saito was on the field , sitting on under a large oak tree to take some rest and fresh air . After four periods back to back studying he was exhausted mentally .

" Man ! I never knew that classes would be this tiring ", Saito sighed ," I did not understood most of the things that were taught "

" Come here , we gonna show you your place "

" Pls don't !!"

"Haaa...? " ,Saito looked at the direction from the where the voices came , he saw that few girls where dragging Kiharu to the shed .

" I guess they are going to bulling him again ", Saito mutter himself .

Kiharu saw Saito looking at him , " Pls help! they are bulling me ! ", he begged him .

The girls looked here and there to see whom Kiharu begged for help . They saw a handsome guy sitting under the large oak tree looking at them .

" Do you have a problem ?", one of the girls asked .

" No, I don't have any problem ?", Saito repilied back quickly .

" Wait you seriously don't have any problem ?", another bully asked .

" Yeap , don't have any problem "

" You seem new , I haven't seen you before ", this time the leader of group asked .

" Hm..I am new , just transferred today. ", Saito said , he wanted to get out from there as quickly he could ." I don't care whatever you do with him, I just meet him today "

Hearing , his answer the girls left Saito , they started to drag Kiharu again.

" Pls, help me !!!! I don't wanna go there ", Kiharu cried before the door of the shed was closed .

" I am sorry man ... I can't help "

Saito, wasn't worry much about him cause when he wrote about Kiharus's bullig he only wrote small bully acts such as dipping his acts in the toilet or cross dressing him and making me stream naked as a girl .

Saito then looked at the school building of Summer Fall High , " This school really has dark secrets "

" If I remeber there's way that I can also gain magic power despite being a guy , tomorrow is Saturday so I have time for that "

Then, the school bell rings indicating that lunch break was over .

" Shit ! ", Saito cursed as he realised he for forgot to eat his lunch .


After lunch break , all the students went back to their respective classes . For class 1D it was time for mortal studies .

A thin bald oldman entered the classroom, he was wearing a grey coat , with borm tip ,and grey matching pants and black shoes , this man was Haruto Sako , a 60 year old man who always have a creepy look on his face .

" Good afternoon student—what happended to Kiharu ? where is he ? ", Haruto said as he notice that Kiharu's seat was empty.

" Don't know ", one of the students said.

" Hm...these days he missing my class a lot , I think him a heart to heart talk , Haruto said , then he saw a Saito ," Oh ... we have a new student "

" Sir,his name is Saito ", one boy said.

" Nice to me you , hope you enjoy my class ", Haruto said , he gave smile which creeped almost everyone .

" Haruto Sako, an old man who despite having a creepy look on his face is actually a nice guy, it's just most people feels creep out by his smile ," Saito said in his mind as he looks at Haruto .


The school was finally over, all the students had gone home apart from Saito , he was walking towards the shed .

He decided to check Kiharu as he was in the class from the second half , he knew Kiharu was alive , he just wanted to check at him cause he believes it's his fault that Kiharu suffers that everyday.

He was a little hesitant to open the door , he wasn't really ready to see what was inside ," Here...it comes "

He opened the door , his eyes were widen when he saw Kiharu's condition .It was horrifying , there were cuts on his body, he saliva was dripping from his mouth , his body was also smell like pee and a dildo in his buthole which too big to fit as blood was comming .

" The hell ! I never wrote this in my novel ! I only wrote the the girls builed him like giving beating him small beatings or dripping his head inside the toilet , Not this ! . This isn't right ! "

"What to do now I should ? It's all my fault , but why did this happened ? was he always bullied like that ?"

This story is dark like the original but this time with more deatils .

Kayaka's photo is in the cover .

Now , comes the harder part — I have two drafts for chapter 3 .

1) One where Saito takes him to a doctor .

2) One he does not .

Which one should I put.

UnsealingEmptinesscreators' thoughts