
Failed Yandere (YKMRO)

Ayoshi Aishi is trying to find his senpai. And along the way he manages to steal the hearts of many without even realizing it. Story is also posted on Archive of Our Own and Wattpad. It's has the same name.

pandasandsleep · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Q&A Answers

Panda: "Ok everyone, sit down and get comfortable. I have an announcement."

"Why are we here?" Osoro asked.

"Can we make this quick? I have a play to work on?"

"Well, I have all the time in the world," Mido said.

"Of course, someone like you wouldn't have a life," Megamo judged.

"Taro, I'm hungry!"

"Hold on, I think I have a bag of chips in my bag." Taro quickly looked through his bag and took something out.

Hanako took the bag from Taro. "Thank you!"

"You guys are Ayoshi's friends?" Mujo asked. "He's always talking about you guys."

Aso smiled. "He talks about me?"

Midori walks towards Engeika and hugs her. "I'm so happy there's another girl in the group!"

Engeika gave Midori a soft smile. "Oh! It's nice to meet you."

"I hope my cake doesn't burn before I can get back."

"Can you answer the question already!? Why are we here?" Osano demanded.

Panda: "You don't need to be so rude! You're all here to answer some questions. Now, before you all start yapping again, let's get on with the first question."

For Mido: how did you gain your flirty persona?

Mido smirked. "What do you mean, flirty persona? This is just the way I am."

"Yeah, it's a perverted persona," Megamo added.

"You little! I'm not a pervert!"

"So you claim."

For Ayoshi: what if your senpai hates strawberries? What would you do?

Some people were confused and questioned. "Senpai?" 

"That is a difficult question. My mother always said that my senpai is my future. However, strawberries are my very favorite, so I think I would have to give up my senpai if they didn't like them."

"I better start liking those damn things," Osoro whispered.

"I love strawberries as well. We have so much in common, my prince."

"Aishi-kun, I have this stuffed strawberry plushie, I can give it to you if you want," Hanako said.

Ayoshi takes out his wallet. "How much for this strawberry plushie?"

"You can have it for free!"

"Hanako, I gave you that plushy for your birthday. You can't give it away!" Taro exclaimed.


Panda: "Everyone, I have a surprise."

"Your surprises are never good," Osoro said.

Panda: "Hey! As to what I was saying. I have a surprise, let me show you. Please come on!"

"Oh my god!" Budo exclaimed.

"Oh my! They have the exact same face."

Kizano felt so shocked his gum fell out of his mouth.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Osano said, covering his mouth with his hand.

"I can't be that bad," Ayano said.

"Who is she!?" Aso asked.

"She is Ayoshi's female counterpart."

"Like a sister?" Hanako asked, not quite understanding.

"How fascinating," Info-kun stated as he tried to get a better look at Ayano.

Oko's heart raced from anxiety. "De-demon?"

"I don't fucking like it," Osoro spat out.

"And I don't fucking care," Ayano said, rolling her eyes.

"Wow~!" Midori let out in amazement as she poked Ayano's cheek.

"Gurinishi-chan, I don't think you should be touching her," Engeika warned, her heart filling with worry.

Midori waved her hand at the other. "Hehe, I'll be fine."

Megamo had a deep frown on his face. "Explain."

"She's giving me the creeps," Mido said, giving Ayano a strange look.

Panda: "All of you calm down. She won't be here for long."

Ayoshi walks up to Ayano. She looks down at him. "Hello there."

"You're very pretty."

Ayano smiles as she rubs the top of his head. "Of course, you think so. It's your face."

Deep creases formed between Megamo's eyebrows. "I advise you to take your hands off him."

Ayano smirks, hugging Ayoshi close. "Or what?"


"I know you don't get many of those." Ayoshi hugs her back. "From now on, you'll be my little brother." The two then get lost in their own little world as they start having a conversation.

"Don't ignore us!"


Panda: "Ayoshi, please go wait in the other room for a bit. I made sure to leave you some strawberry milk."

"Mm, as long as there is strawberry milk," Ayoshi says as he walks out of the room.

"Now, let's get on with the next question."

For all love interests: what do you absolutely love about Ayoshi?

"Lo-love!?" Taro stuttered out.

"Oh! Oh! Me! Me first!" Hanako said as he started jumping up and down with his hand raised.

Osano looked to the side with his arms crossed. "Hmph! Like I could ever like that dummy," he said with a blush.

"That wasn't the question, dumbass," Osoro said.

"I'm not a dumbass!"

"Well, you look like one with that tomato face," Osoro insulted with a smirk.

The two started bickering nonstop until they felt something smack them in the back of the head.

Panda: "Stop arguing before I smack you again."


"Tsk, fine."

Panda: "Good, now please answer the question."

Hanako's eyes sparkled as he loudly said, "His personality is super cool! He's super strong and handsome."

"I guess I'll go next." Taro could feel himself grow nervous. "The thing I lo-love the most about Ayoshi-kun is his willingness to always listen to me. He never grows tired of my rambling."

Osoro let out an awkward cough and crossed his arms. "I guess I kinda like his cheeky mouth, but he can be bratty. He's always demanding things from me."

Osano sighed. "I guess I like how he isn't judgmental, but he can be dumb sometimes."

"I like how Ayoshi-kun's cheeks bulge out when he eats sweets. It makes me feel like he really enjoys my baking," Amao said with a blush.

"I-I like how Ayoshi-kun makes me feel safe. He's a very comforting presence." After answering, Oko felt ashamed and hid in a corner.

"I love Ayoshi-kun's sweet black eyes," Budo answered.

"Aishi-kun is just so cool. I love how he's always so calm and collected. He's so motivating," Aso said.

"I love how much Ayoshi-kun makes me feel like a princess. He's so charming!"

"Ayoshi-kun is so fascinating. I love how much of a mystery he is," Megamo said.

"Aishi-kun is a good child. I like how he's always doing the right thing," Mujo said with a proud smile.

"I love the way he looks at the world," Mido said, his eyes spilling with warmth.

Info-kun smirk. "I love how cute he is. I could just eat him up."

Everyone let out a surprised gasp.

"Perverted bastard," Osoro spat out.

"Hanako, don't listen!" Taro almost yelled as he covered Hanako's ears.

Hanako started to struggle in Taro's grip. "Big brother!"

Budo grew a dark look on his face as he cracked his knuckles. "Mind repeating that?"

Info-kun let out a chuckle. "Now. Now boys, don't be so dramatic."

Panda: "Uh-oh!" Twenty minutes later. "Damn, it took me twenty minutes to break you guys apart. Let's bring Ayoshi back." They all turned towards the door when they heard the creaking sound of it opening. "Welcome back Ayoshi."


Panda: "Now, on to the next question."

For Ayoshi: why are you so cute?

Ayoshi scrunched up his eyebrows, he let out a hum as he thought long and hard. His lips turned into a thin line, causing his dimples to show. The others couldn't help but let out an aww, looking at him with soft eyes. 

Panda: "It's ok, you don't have to answer Ayoshi."

Ayoshi tilted his head, asking. "Are you sure?" They gave him big nods.

Panda: "We don't want you to hurt yourself by thinking too hard."

Ayoshi's face relaxed. "Okay."


Sadly, I couldn't do @ChocolateLoverFav request to have everyone give Ayoshi a kiss. However, I put a twist on the request. I hope you think this is a good compromise.

Panda: "Everyone, we have an emergency! Ayoshi has fallen into a coma and will only be woken by true love's kiss." 

"Yes!" Midori yelled in excitement.

"Oh no, will he be ok?" Engeika asked, her voice filled with worry.

"My time has finally come! Don't worry Ayoshi, my prince, I'll save you!"

Osoro snorts. "You think you're going to be his true love?"

"Of course I do. He is my prince and I am his princess, why wouldn't it work?" Kizano said, filled with confidence.

"Oh no, have my rituals backfired. I'm so sorry, Ayoshi-kun!"

"I've known him the longest, so I should go first," Mido said.

"I won't allow that," Megamo said, blocking Mido's way.

"You're always getting in my way, you damn brat!"

"I'm the youngest, so it's only right that I only go first."

"No Hanako, I'm your older brother, so I should go before you," Taro said with a blush.

"That isn't fair. You can't use your age against me!"

While no one was looking, Info-kun walked up to Ayoshi and started caressing his hair. "Ayoshi, don't worry. I'll wake you up." When everyone noticed him, Aso and Budo ran up to him. 

"I already warned you!" Budo said, reaching out to grab Info-kun's arm.

Panda: "All of you step away from Ayoshi this instant!" The three boys quickly stepped away from Ayoshi's bed. "Now, as to what I was saying. You all will kiss Ayoshi, either on the cheek or lips, even on the forehead if you so wish. However, ladies, if you guys wish to give it a try, you can."

"To give my sweet Ayoshi a kiss, of course!" Midori exclaimed.

A blush spread across Engeika's face. "I'm not sure if it'll work, but if it's for Aishi-kun, I'll try."

"They can't!" The boys yelled, but they were completely ignored.

Panda: "Girls, you're so kind. You two can go first."

"You can go first, Uekiya-chan," Midori said.

Engeika nodded before walking up to Ayoshi. "I'm sorry, Aishi," she said, giving Ayoshi a gentle kiss on the forehead.


"I'm sorry it didn't work, but I expected as much."

"My turn!" Midori said before rushing up to Ayoshi, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Oops, forgot I had lipstick on. However, red looks good on you, Aishi-kun."


"Guess it isn't meant to be with us, Aishi-kun. So who's going next?"

"I believe you should choose who's next, author. If you don't, we'll never come to a conclusion." 

Panda: "Good idea Megamo. Hmm? Who shall it be?"

"I wonder who she's going to choose," Hanako mumbled.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, Hanako. Where did you even get the pocky?"

Panda: "I've come to a conclusion! I chose-"


Panda: "He's waking up! Are you ok, Ayoshi?"

Ayoshi's eyes started to open up as he mumbled something.

"What?" They asked.

"... strawberry pocky…"

"He woke up because of strawberry pocky?" Mido asked, confused.

"It's not very surprising he woke up for something strawberry-related," Amao said with a chuckle.


For everyone: what are your pronouns and sexuality?

Kizano tucked a hair behind his ear. "I'm bi, and I go by he/him. However, for a play, I can go by whatever is required. I'm quite flexible."

Aso tilted his head. "For sexuality… hmm? I never really thought about it. I've always been too focused on my sports. However, I go by he/him."

Amao fiddles with his fingers shyly. "Gender doesn't matter to me, so I'm pan. I'm also demisexual. I go by he/him pronouns."

"I go by he/they, however, I prefer being addressed by he/him." Oko then paused for a second, growing nervous. "For sexuality… I'm not very comfortable sharing that yet."

"I go by he/him, for sexuality I'm gay," Osoro said, keeping his answer short.

"I prefer he/him pronouns. I have liked both girls," Taro hesitates, then looks over to Ayoshi, "and boys. So I think I'm bisexual."

"I go by he/him, I find girls pretty, but I've only ever liked guys," Budo answered.

"I don't mind using any specific pronouns, but people usually address me by she/her. I'm aromantic and asexual. My love and life only lie in dramas," Midori says with a fond smile.

Engeika grew a little shy. "I go by she/her and I'm straight."

"A real loss for all the women loving women out there," Midori said with a sigh.

Engeika scrunched up her eyebrows as she tilted her head. "Huh?"

Midori gave Engeika a smile as she shook her head. "Nothing."

Megamo raised an eyebrow. "Mm, I'm bisexual with a preference for women. However, currently, I am in love with a man. My pronouns are he/him."

Info-kun smirked. "My-my, you guys are quite nosy. However, I'm quite generous, so I'll share. I'm gay and demisexual. I go by he/him."

Osano let out a sigh, "I'm pansexual and go by he/him."

Mujo smiled softly. "I don't really know my sexuality. I've never really had a crush until now, but maybe I could be attracted to women. Still trying to figure myself out. And I go by he/him."

Mido squinted his eyes in amusement. "I love whoever I love, so I guess I'm pan. I go by he/they."

Hanako let out a soft giggle. "I go by he/him and I like boys! They're just so cute!" Taro let out a helpless sigh and gave him a doting smile.

Nemesis-kun let out a deep breath. "I like both men and women. I go by both he/him and they/them."

Yakuza-kun crossed his arms. "I like men. People can use whatever pronouns they want for me."

For the love interest: is it true you are madly in love with Ayoshi?

The boys looked nervously at Ayoshi as a microphone was being held up to them. They all looked towards the author with begging looks.

Panda: "Sorry boys. Your I don't want Ayoshi to listen to my answer pass has already been used up."

Osano grew an angry frown. "You didn't give us the option to use it or not!"

Panda: "Nothing I can do."

Osoro never wanted to strangle someone more.

"Why are you guys worrying so much? Aishi-kun isn't even listening, he won't notice if you answer or not," Midori said while shaking her head.

They all looked over toward Ayoshi to see that he was squinting at his phone, tapping at it. The sound of shooting could be heard from the speakers. After confirming that Ayoshi was too absorbed in playing his game, they let out a sigh, and with an intense blush, they nodded yes. "It's true."

Panda: "See, that wasn't so hard."


Engeika and Ayoshi were sitting down at a beautiful table decorated with flowers and covered in a lacy cloth. They were sipping their tea as they ate fancy strawberry cake.

A waiter came up to the two with his hands clasped behind his back. "Madam and sir, we have a guest who wants to meet you. May we let them in?" After getting a confirmation from the two, the server walked to the door, allowing @avocadogecko to enter.

Avocadogecko smiled at the two. "Can I give you a hug?"

Engeika gave them a sweet smile. "Of course."

Ayoshi nodded along. "Mm."

They got up, and the three embraced in a warm hug. "Thank you!"


For Ayoshi: have you ever had the feeling that you want to stab someone twenty times in the heart but also don't want to hurt them? Or is it just me?

"Yes, it's not just you."

Everyone let out loud gasps with flabbergasted expressions. 

Megamo grew a concerned look. "Why?"

Ayoshi looked to the side, away from the others. "I had left my strawberry-flavored lollipop on my desk one day. When I came back after walking off to do something, it was missing. I looked on the floor when I saw one of my classmates walk in eating my lollypop. It was a difficult time for me."

With a sigh of relief, they allowed themselves to relax.

"Ayoshi, you big dummy! Don't scare us like that!" Osano said in a high-pitched tone.


For Ayoshi: between Megamo and Osoro, who would you prefer to be partners in crime with?

Ayoshi tilted his head and asked, "What do they mean by partners in crime?"

Osano crossed his arms and said, "Do they mean illegal activities?"

"Oh my, Ayoshi would never do such things," Mujo said.

Hanako rubbed his chin and let out a hum. "Maybe they mean who would he get into mischief with."

Osoro crossed his arms. "Obviously, it would be me. If something dangerous happens, I can protect him."

Megamo raised his eyebrow, asking, "You think I can't?"

Osoro gave Megamo a once over. "You look like you haven't needed to lift a finger your entire life."

Megamo frowned. "I have taken many martial arts and self-defense classes."

Osoro scoffed. "Have you ever been in an actual fight?"

Megamo took off his uniform jacket and pulled up his sleeves. "I can show you."

Osoro cracked his knuckles. "I dare you to try me."

Megamo and Osoro gave each other scary looks. The atmosphere between the two was so intense, the others awkwardly stepped back.

Oko hid behind Ayoshi, almost begging as he said, "Ayoshi, you need to do something! Please!"

Ayoshi caressed the top of Oko's head, trying to calm him down. "The two of you need to stop. Right now."

Ayoshi's voice echoed through the room, shocking Megamo and Osoro. The two looked down at their feet in shame. "We're sorry."

"I don't see why I have to choose. I think you both would be good partners in crime."

In the end, the two reluctantly accepted Ayoshi's answer.

For Ayoshi: do you realize that you have a lot of simps?

"What are simps?" Ayoshi turned his head towards Mujo, asking, "Is it a disease? Is it fatal?"

Mujo let out a laugh and gave Ayoshi a doting smile. "It's not a disease."

"Then what is it?"

The boys became flustered and they didn't know how to respond. They were scared of revealing themselves.

Seeing this, Midori rubbed her hands together as she let out a conniving laugh. "Aishi-kun, a simp is someone who shows a lot of attention and sympathy towards you. They will always side with you. They do this because they want you to reciprocate their fee–"

Before Midori could finish, the boys made a large commotion to distract Ayoshi. "Ayoshi-kun! Look over here! We have strawberries for you!"

In the end, Ayoshi never fully learned what a simp meant.

For the love interests: if you saw some random dude who was way stronger than Ayoshi sexually harassing him and he looked mighty uncomfortable, what would you do?

Amao grew an unrecognizable expression. "I've never been in that type of situation before, so I'm not entirely sure how I would react. However, I do know I would do my best to save Ayoshi-kun. And after a few days of planning, I would simply give him food poisoning."

Aso grew a small frown, "I would challenge him to a simple game of baseball, and in the process, I would simply accidentally smash a baseball into his crotch."

Oko took out a book from his school bag. "I would do everything in my power to curse him, so he would live miserably for the rest of his life for doing such a thing to Ayoshi."

Osoro let out a snort, "Those types of guys are easy to deal with. All I have to do is give him a look and he'll be pissing his pants. Then I'll beat the shit out of him."

Taro bit his lip, "It may not look like it, but as a child I did kyūdō. I'm a little rusty, but I would simply shoot the guy in the back. I would prefer to shoot him in the head, but he isn't worth prison."

Budo cracked his knuckles, "It would be very shocking to see Ayoshi in that position with his strength, but if Ayoshi really needed help, I would simply shatter the guy's kneecaps."

Megamo rested his head against his hand. "After separating the two, I would find all possible information on his family and ruin their life. Get them fired from their jobs and make it so they can never work again."

Info-kun let out a dark chuckle, "I would dig up all his dirty little secrets and expose him. Ruining his reputation so he can never show his face. Every place he goes, he'll receive awful stares and have horrid words thrown at him until he can't take it anymore."

Kizano smirked, "I'm very beautiful, so I would make him fall in love with me. To the point where he can't live without me. I would make it so he follows my every command. And when he's at his happiest, I would break his heart and drag him down into the abyss of darkness and unbearable pain."

Osano turned his head to the side. "I really like horror, so I would haunt him. So he lives in fear and paranoia every day. I would make it so the people around him would start to think something is seriously wrong with him, make everyone think he's gone crazy."

Mujo tucked a small strand of hair behind his ear. "You know how clumsy I am, so it wouldn't be surprising if I tripped and accidentally stabbed him with a syringe of unknown liquids."

Mido crossed his legs, "I know some very important figures, including people working for the police. I would make it so he never has a day of peace. I would make it so every day he has to look over his shoulder and walk on eggshells in fear of breaking the law and being thrown in jail again."

Hanako scratched his head and gave an innocent smile. "I'm very popular with the dogs in the neighborhood and I've taught them a lot of tricks. One word from me and that guy will be rushed to the hospital clutching his crotch." 

Nemesis-kun crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed into a glare. "Death."

Yakuza-kun inhaled some smoke from his cigarette. "He would simply disappear, never to be heard from again." He then exhaled, causing smoke to spread all over.


We have some messages for you guys and a bunch of questions that are going to be grouped together.

Aso: Your name is dog in Tagalog

"Wow! That's so cool! Ayoshi, did you see my name means dog?"

Ayoshi looked at the imaginary tail that wagged behind Aso. "I can see why."

Amao: Teach me how to cook please, I need food

"You poor thing, you can come by the Cooking Club anytime."

Oko: I want your clothes, they look absolutely adorable

Oko grew a small blush as he fiddled with his fingers. "Thank you, we can go shopping together sometime. I can show you all my favorite stores."

Osoro: Why'd you have to be blonde?

Osoro scowled. "I simply wanted to."

Taro: Fuck you

Hanako looked at Taro, shocked. "What did you do?!"

Taro frowned as his head drooped down. "I have no idea."

Budo: Bro stop asking people to join your club it's creepy

Budo looked away in sadness. "I just want people to see the greatness of martial arts."

Ayoshi patted his shoulder. "It's ok. They will one day."

Midori: Did yandev reply yet?

Midori let out an awkward laugh as she tried to hide her panic. "Haha, guys, I have no idea what this crazy person is talking about!"

Engeika: Mommy? Sorry, Mommy? Sorry Mommy? Sorry, Engeika, will you be my girlfriend?

Engeika's eyebrows slightly squinted in confusion.

"Ohh, looks like you have a big fan," Midori teased.

"I don't quite understand what they mean, but I have to apologize. I am not interested in girls."

Midori shook her head as she let out a big sigh. "Forever a loss."


Megamo let out a helpless sigh. "I've tried many, many times. I've even tried cutting it, but it always grows back like this. There's no fixing it."

Info-kun: *whispers* Can you like send me the address of this one girl in class? *Slides a picture and a 20*

Info-Kun let out a chuckle and took the money. "No. My services are worth significantly more than $20."

Kizano: Dramatic bitch

Kizano lifted his head arrogantly. "It is the way of the actor." 

Osano: Tsundere motherfucker

Osano's head turned bright red. "I am not!" He turned his head towards Taro for assistance, but all Taro could do was avoid eye contact as he awkwardly rubbed his neck.

Mujo: You are a cute mf

Mujo grew a soft smile. "Why thank you."

Mido: Ew stay the fuck away

Megamo started clapping loudly. 

"You be quiet," Mido said in a loud voice.

Megamo looked back at him. "Make me."

Amao let out a small breath. "Not this again."


Hanako looked at Taro with big, bright eyes. "Can I be their child, Taro?"

Taro shook his head. "You already have parents, Hanako."

Hanako's head dropped down as he pouted. "Aww…"

Taro ruffled Hanako's hair. "I'm sorry."

Nemesis-kun: Don't you dare lay a hand on Ayoshi

"I wouldn't dare."

Yakuza-kun: Who tf are you even?

"I am who I am."

All love interests: Y'all are simps, you know that?

The boys nodded their heads in shame.

Ayoshi: Is it true you have a crush? 🤫🎤

"Has someone said I have a crush? No, I do not have a crush."

The boys felt a mixture of emotions. Happy that Ayoshi didn't like someone, so they had a chance, but sad that Ayoshi hadn't noticed them.

Taro: What's your favorite book?

"This is a little embarrassing, but my favorite book that I carry around with me is about this fairytale romance, but with a twist. In this book, the princess is the knight in shining armor and the prince is the damsel in distress. The story is about this princess saving the love of her life and her kingdom from her evil twin sister."

Osano let out a snort. "Of course, you would love something so cheesy."

Budo: Would you fight me if I said I want to date Ayoshi?

"If you treated Ayoshi right, and if he wanted to be with you, I would accept it. However, if you ever hurt him and Ayoshi wished for it, I would."

Osano: Be who you aree for your prideeee

"I don't understand. Is it a reference to something?" As he scratched his head in confusion, the others giggled to themselves.

Hanko: How tall are you?

Hanako put his hand on his hips and proudly said, "I'm 5'5!"

Mujo clapped his hands, saying some words of encouragement. "Wow, so tall. You'll be such a handsome young man in the future."

Hanako grew a little shy. "Thank you."

Amao: Would you spend the whole day baking with Ayoshi if you could?

"Of course, I would make all of Ayoshi's favorites with him."

Kizano: Would you spend the whole day rehearsing a kiss scene with Ayoshi? 👀

Kizano's lips formed into a smirk. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Aso: Do you want to compete against Ayoshi again? 

Aso's eyes started to sparkle with excitement. "Competing with Ayoshi is so fun! I would love to do it again."

Oko: Do you have a crush? 😏

"I-I… umm, I thought we already established this! I'm not going to repeat myself!"

Mujo: Want a cookie? 

"I would love a cookie. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. I hope there is enough to share."

Mido: So…. how you doin?

"My life is going great!"

Osoro: Are you a softie for Ayoshi?

"Tsk, a softie for Ayoshi? Never!"

Megamo: Be honest, we all know you aren't trying to hurt Ayoshi, you tryna date him.

"Where did you get such an absurd idea that I wanted to hurt Ayoshi? I merely want to observe him to make sure he does not turn into a danger for the students. And if things happen between us along the way, then so be it!"

Info-kun: Idk lmao

Info-kun let out a soft chuckle. "Most people never know with me."

Nemesis-kun: Hurt Ayoshi, I'll hurt you.

"Why do people keep threatening me?"

Engeika: Do you have a crush on Ayoshi?

A big blush spread across Engeika's face. "Aishi-kun is a sweet guy, but I have no romantic interest in him. I just wish to be his friend."


For the love interests: if you were able to spend an entire day with Ayoshi, what would you do with him?

"There is this big library in the city that has thousands of old books from famous authors. I've always wanted to go. I think it would be nice to go there with him."

Osano tried to hide his blush. "I have this cat that I like to nap with and I would like Ayoshi to join us."

"Ayoshi seemed to really enjoy going to the animal shelter with me, so I would take him there again."

"I have a large collection of costumes I've kept over the years from plays and I think it would be so fun to have a fashion show to display all of them to Ayoshi. I would love to see him try some on himself."

Megamo crossed his legs. "I think it would be nice to simply spend the day chatting with Ayoshi as we drank tea."

Hanako took out a bunny headband from his bag and put it on his head. "I think it would be so fun to go to the amusement park. It's my favorite place to go to. I buy a headband every time I go."

Oko looked down at his feet. "I recently bought this scary movie and I would like to spend the day with Ayoshi watching the movie."

"I've been practicing my tap dancing and have been taking classes. I would enjoy it if Ayoshi joined me one day."

Aso started shaking with excitement. "I love going to the beach to make sand castles and I would want to spend the day with Ayoshi doing that."

"I like to coupon. It takes up a lot of time and I think it would be nice to have Ayoshi there with me," Amao said.

"Outside of school, I'm a part of a dojo. I would love to show Ayoshi around the dojo."

Mujo grew a small blush from embarrassment. "I like to do yoga to help with my balance. I would enjoy it if Ayoshi joined me."

Info-kun let out a small hum. "I find it very entertaining watching my clients fumble around as they plot against me. I would want Ayoshi to join me."

For Mujo: if you weren't a nurse/teacher in the school, would you have pursued Ayoshi? Or would you wait until Ayoshi graduates from school to pursue him?

Mujo tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. "Yes, I would pursue Ayoshi and I would wait for him as long as needed."

For Ayoshi: Hey Ayoshi, do you know that you are a senpai to many different people? Hehe, I won't tell who though.

Ayoshi's eyes slightly widened and then they slowly relaxed. "That is understandable. I am an upperclassman."

Midori became slightly confused, and asked, "Aishi-kun, doesn't senpai mean something different to you?"

"Senpai means something different to other people, it does not match the definition my family and I have for it. So it is not surprising I am someone else's senpai."


What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you?

Panda: "Ohh, some questions for me!"

"Why would anyone want to get to know you?" Osano asked.

Panda: "I would like to think of myself as a lovely person."

Osoro raised his eyebrow. "Lovely?"

"I think they're lovely," Ayoshi said.

"Thank you, my darling. Now back to me answering my questions. My name is Katie. I'm from Florida and I'm 16. And if you're wondering, I go by she/her, and for sexuality, I like both boys and girls, but I haven't really put a label on it. However, I do have a boyfriend. Are you guys surprised by any of my answers?"

When will Nemesis and Yakuza appear in the original story?

There are already too many love interests in the story, so they will only appear in requests or extras like this Q&A.

Do you plan to do lemon scenes between Ayoshi and the different boys? Or a few kisses or touches?

I'm not too sure if I want to do smut, I'm still thinking about it. However, all the boys will get to kiss Ayoshi.

Does Info-kun love Ayoshi? It was just that there were few moments with him and it wasn't so directly stated that he loved him and it wasn't shown where he was jealous or fighting for Ayoshi's love and attention.

Info-kun is a love interest and he does like Ayoshi romantically. He's pretty carefree, so he finds the boys fighting for Ayoshi entertaining. He can get jealous, but it would take something big.

Will the rivals show signs of obsession and yandere towards Ayoshi? Will the rivals learn about his sad past?

The rivals will not show any obsession towards Ayoshi like a yandere. I don't really want my story to take that type of direction. Whether they learn about Ayoshi's past, I'm not too sure. I'm trying to figure out how to write that in.

Will people die in this too or like get eliminated?

No one is going to die. There will be some drama, but there won't be any real violence.

Who is endgame? One of the rivals, Budo or Nemesis-kun? Or is that gonna be a secret?

It's kinda hard to explain, not one person is endgame. They will all have their moment to end up with Ayoshi. Who will be the first to end up with him is a secret.