
Yandere's Love

"You are mine, only mine." "You belong to me." Yandere looks so cool in animes and mangas. Ofcourse who doesn't want their love ones to be possessive but.. What if you really met a Yandere in real life. What will happen? Will you be able to accept his crazy love and possessiveness?

sparkles_7 · Teen
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4 Chs


Two weeks passed. Sia is getting ready for school just like any other day, but something is different. The girl who go to school without makeup is dolled up today, looking all pretty. A light touch of makeup and juicy pink plump lips. Well, her crush who was ill is coming back after three weeks. She always say dating and all is waste of time but has a strong crush on someone. She never expressed her feelings because she didn't have the confidence to do so, but now Sia is trying, maybe to get his attention. One last time she looked in the mirror and after being satisfied with her looks, she left for school.

"Oh my, who is this pretty girl? hmm" Stella said teasing her in the hallway.

Dylan came from other side and was stunned looking at Sia. She is pretty but today she is looking beautiful, so beautiful that i can't take my eyes off her. I don't want anyone else to see her like this. He was thinking in his mind.

"hey, Dylan" both girls said.

"Hi girls." He said with his famous smile.

"She is gorgeous today, right Dylan." Stella said.

"Oh, yeah. Is there any special occasion today?" He replied hiding his excitement.

"Yup, someone special is coming today."

"who?" His eyes darkened but he tried to maintain his smile.

"Roy, our Sia's one and only crush, but this is a top secret so don't tell anyone okay."

She laughed and Sia blushed. But his eyes grew more dark.

"Okay, I'll get going. See you in the class." and he went away.

Dylan POV

Crush?? wow. Always pushing away guys, I thought she really must be not in dating but this was the reason. Who the heck is this Roy?

"Its break time finally. Let's go to cafeteria." Sia said and a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Patience girl. He is not running away somewhere. It would have been nice if he was in our class. Anyways, Let's go." Stella said teasing her again.

In the cafeteria, a handsome, tall guy with green eyes is standing with some people around him. His friends must be asking if he is alright now. And then his eyes found Sia, looking at him while eating lunch. He walked and sat on the chair next to Sia.

"Hey girls. Howz you both?"

"I am fine Roy." said stella. "I am fine too, what about you? are you alright.? Sia said hiding her blush.

"Yeah. I am perfectly fine." and the chat continued. The three were laughing and giggling together.

I entered the cafeteria in hope to eat with her but what is this? Sitting and chatting with someone else. Huhh, he is that piece of shit, Roy.

Dylan kept staring at her.

Sia's POV

I am happy having Roy by my side and talking to him after such a long time. I am satisfied with being a friend to him. As we were chatting, it felt like someone was staring at me. When I looked around, a dark pair of eyes were staring at me. It was Dylan. When our eyes met, his expression was scary. And then he left. I don't want to leave Roy's side but it felt like Dylan wants to say something. I also left the cafeteria following him. But where is he? I have searched for him everywhere. Rooftop is the only place left. And I found him there with a cigarette in his hand.

"It's wrong. You should not smoke specially in school."

He turned around.

"Ohh really, and what you are doing is not wrong?"

"Wha--a-tt did I do?" Sia said stammering. She was scared of his expression. His sweet smile was not there and he looked like a completely different person.

Throwing the cigarette aside. He said,"You really don't know or are you acting innocent again."

He walked towards her taking slow steps. Looking scary. He was not the Dylan she knew from two weeks. She was freezed in her position because of the cold wall behind her.

Coming close to her, he said "What do you like in that fucking Roy"

She was stunned and tried to move but he pressed her shoulders tightly against the wall.

"Where do you think you are going? Answer me first."

"I don't know what you are saying. Please let me go."

"Answer me." He said in a commanding voice.

"I just like him. That's it."

"Ok, then stop liking him from this moment on. You are supposed to like me Sia."

He said with a smile. But his sweet smile was not sweet anymore, it was scary.