
Yamoshi Peverell (H.P. Fanfic)

A boy who just could not escape finally succumbs to truck-kun and the R.O.B. appears with an offer he can't refuse. That's right, three wishes and the chance to be reborn in any world. Our main character chooses the new name Yamoshi Peverell after making his wishes and is transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter. Read of his adventure of turning the world on its head while seeking what he has always wanted; action, friendship, and romance. He may or may not find the secret to multiverse travel. Stay tuned. ;)

The_Square_Squad · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Ch 8 - New Skills and Practice

With my foundation completed I can now start my real training.

I suddenly remember that my bloodline is unlocked and I run outside to stand in the sun.

All of a sudden I feel warm and then a strong feeling rising in my heart.

[For absorbing solar energy, STR+3,VIT+3,INT+3,WIS+3]

['Skill: Solar Absorption' has leveled up to Lv. 2]

[For absorbing solar energy, STR+3,VIT+3,INT+3,WIS+3]

[For absorbing solar energy, STR+1,VIT+1,INT+1,WIS+1]

['Skill: Solar Absorption' has leveled up to Lv. 3]

I then stopped gaining stats and realized that after this I would need longer exposure to gain more.

I walk towards my tree and I make an indent in the ground.

I realize that I'm going to have to make a skill for body control.

I take some more steps and try not to make any indents in the ground.

['Skill: Body Control Lv. 1' has been learned]

I should check the library for a method to increase it.

Other than that I should create try to learn the basics of a versatile martial arts that can be used in any scenario and then a long and short range martial art that works best with magic.

[For a wise decision WIS+1]

I will spend the next year and a half trying to learn these and then I should learn a type of Rune Art that would allow me to make something for me and Harry to protect our minds and something to get Harry out his Uncle's house.

Then when I turn 11 I will have to leave the island when the wards are lifted and manipulate a few muggle people to show that I grew up in an orphanage.

That will be the first step. I will have to worry about the rest later.

Before continuing lets check my status.

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

Perks: Pure Body, Open Mind, Free Soul, The Triforce Wielder

HP: 2100

MP: 3600

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan


STR: 33 VIT: 28 DEX: 26 INT: 43 WIS: 38 LUK: 25

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. Max

Acting Lv. 71

Meditation Lv. Max

Boundless Foundations Lv. Max

Cooking Lv. Max

Physical Conditioning Lv. 19

General Knowledge Lv. 54

Willpower Lv. Max

Emotion Control Lv. Max

Solar Absorption Lv. 3

Saiyan Physiology Lv. 1

{NEW} Body Control Lv. 1]

I then entered the library and said hello to Alfred.

I wished for books on the most versatile martial arts that I could use with any energy system and willed them to combine.

The book in front of me is 'The Way of the Chameleon'.

It seems it focuses on increasing my dexterity which is important since my race skills do not boost that stat.

For now I'm only going to learn this martial art and try to add other ones later depending on the time I have.

I also thought about all of the body control methods and especially the Life Return from One Piece and combined them.

The book I have now is called 'Life Control' which sounds pretty ominous.

I took the two books and asked Alfred to help me with them after I was done reading which only takes an instant now.

We went into a room behind his desk and there is a room that looks a lot like the Room of Requirements and Hogwarts.

The room changed and there was poles and spires as well as a tight walk.

There were a few other obstacles littered around the room and I could guess that this would train me in both the martial art and body control.

For the next year I stayed in this room with Alfred and got to a decent level with my new skills.

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

Perks: Pure Body, Open Mind, Free Soul, The Triforce Wielder

HP: 2900

MP: 4300

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan


STR: 45 VIT: 39 DEX: 52 INT: 43 WIS: 38 LUK: 26

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. Max

Acting Lv. Max

Meditation Lv. Max

Boundless Foundations Lv. Max

Cooking Lv. Max

Physical Conditioning Lv. 62

General Knowledge Lv. Max

Willpower Lv. Max

Emotion Control Lv. Max

Solar Absorption Lv. 3

Saiyan Physiology Lv. 8

Body Control Lv. Max

{NEW} The Way of the Chameleon Lv. 30: A unique martial art that focuses on extreme dexterity and fast response to a changing environment]

By working on my body control and the new martial art I was able to increase the level of my stats, my Saiyan Physiology, and the physical conditioning skill.

In addition, I continued my other studies with Alfred and managed to reach max level with all of them.

I am now ten years old so I have one year to get a basic understanding of magic as well as complete the rest of my plans.

I have decided to learn a rune art mostly based on fuinjutsu from Naruto because I would rather learn Harry Potter Magic at Hogwarts with the rest of the kids my age.

Fuinjutsu is very versatile and no one else knows about it in this universe so I can use this to trick the rest of the people in this world to get some of my plans in motion.

Time skip (9 months have passed)

I was practicing my new Rune Art when suddenly I felt a ward come down.

It seems the ward keeping me on the island has come down a few months early.

This means I have a chance to insert myself into the muggle world to trick the wizards into thinking I'm a muggle born as well as set my plans in motion for my lordship and Harry.

I call Winney and tell her to find an orphanage near Number 4 Privet Drive.

Then I call Ronney and hand him a letter I've had prepared for the goblins to get an appointment right on my 11th birthday.

Then I call Dipsey over and tell her to check on my Potter cousin to see what he looks and acts like so she can replace him for a while when the time comes.

With everything in order I plop myself onto my bed which I haven't slept on in a while and check my status right before I drift to sleep.

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

Perks: Pure Body, Open Mind, Free Soul, The Triforce Wielder

{NEW}Black Heart 1: When INT exceeds 50 increases the quality of energy in the body so that any skill that uses MP costs less

{NEW}Backup Battery: When WIS exceeds 50 increases energy recovery speed

HP: 2900

MP: 4300

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan


STR: 48 VIT: 44 DEX: 59 INT: 57 WIS: 61 LUK: 26

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. Max

Acting Lv. Max

Meditation Lv. Max

Boundless Foundations Lv. Max

Cooking Lv. Max

Physical Conditioning Lv. 71

General Knowledge Lv. Max

Willpower Lv. Max

Emotion Control Lv. Max

Solar Absorption Lv. 6

Saiyan Physiology Lv. 9

Body Control Lv. Max

The Way of the Chameleon Lv. 36

{NEW}Mana Control Lv. 35: Controls magic within and outside the gamer

{NEW}Runejutsu Lv. 68: Runes that can be drawn via energy emission from the body that provide a designed effect based on the specific rune used]

I focused mostly on my new runejutsu skill but I also leveled up my mana control and continued with my martial arts practice.

I managed to earn a luck stat when I was practicing and almost fell from a spire but my Saiyan tail which I forgot I even had caught me before falling.

Since then I have designed several runes that will help me with my problem.

My Triforce tattoo can be hidden with my will so I don't have to worry about that but the tail would be a problem so I created a runejutsu and the base of my tail to hide it.

I also created a space ring from cultivation novels to hold all of my things.

Right now I can't have it hold something like the expanded trunks as it would destabilize but I think I can figure it out eventually.

I also created a rune on my back that will trick the admission book from Hogwarts.

My new name that I will use during school will be Yamoshi Uzumaki who was recently abandoned at a British orphanage but was born in Japan.

Lastly I put a necklace with a rune on it that dipsy can wear after a drop of Harry's blood is put on it to take his place for a while.

With everything set I'm going to try and make contact with Harry and let him know that I will get him of that house soon.